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Posts posted by seekingversatility

  1. On 3/29/2024 at 7:57 AM, Niceroundass said:

    It is the duty of a Good Cum PIG to clean the walls; seats and especially the floors at the Bookstores; Men's Rooms and at the Bathhouse.

    I have had many Men make me do it in front of them and in front of others.  But even if a  Man didn't make me do it I still have do it!!!

    Bookstores I check every booth and dutifully clean the walls; screens; seats an then start on the floors....

    At the ABS and Baths will get down on all fours and clean the floor in the dark room and the open orgy/bed rooms...


    It is a duty for PIGS like me to do so!!!!

    you were brought up right

  2. it's not a matter of dislike. they disapprove of any sexual contact that isn't hetero and married. for them sins are sins drug use, apostasy, or fornication and divorce = same penalty

    non-binary LGBT orientation and id entity are labeled 1. temptation  or 2. willfull and deliberate carnal acts. tendencies and desires get counsel and soolo much more ministry chores sermons and homework. feeling persistently gay means prayer and celibacy and openly secret sistrens who target bachelors to marry the gay cum stains off with anatomy that sprays vagina juice and kidnaps your dna.

    sin is an inborn human condition, so unbelievers like you? pally mine you are tainted by evil worldly influences like online forums or commercial sports or gambling or viral dick lust and body glitter contamination from drag brunch orgies. no animosity or ill will but unJWs are unsuitable for anything but polite mannered acquaintance. friends catch the sprit and devotion from the full immersion of the baptism. bible study and conversion are wasted on the gay and out horny monkeys so it's unlikely he'll attempt it unless and until you seduce him or he lapses or disconnects on his own steam. his length of tenure, age at baptism, depth of any family ties, ministry schedule and monthly reported activity are good as to gage his commitment.

    me? i had no courage or support and full comprehension from age 7 the choice is my family i adored desperately or raunchy promiscuity. hair makeup wardrobe and performative arena sermons gave me latitude to fuck around until i got found out  cornered outed counseled counseled more publicly fired and shunned for unrepentance. 

    20 years of bareback muscle ass to slurp on? worth it. ask him out. maybe yes maybe no then you'll know. it could go either way. how devout is he? from my ultra devout formative origin story i became the most charmingest sleazy heathen. 

    and then i registered to join the zone with all you beautiful [banned word].

  3. 8 hours ago, viking8x6 said:

    Would you translate a bit for those of us who aren't familiar with "FFO" and "joho"? I searched on the internet and I'm still mystified.

    FFO = family & faith of origin (see also FOC = family and/or faith of choice)

    johos = jehovah's witnesses

    therapy shorthand is a handy way to gain distance from faces, names, trauma from public disfellowshipping and shunning

  4. @viking8x6 @ErosWired


    Pre-2016, as I slept, A/V cortex archive logged a network interview broadcast. the raw tympanic capture the processed masters record his statement that the goggles protect his vision from tanning bulbs so his eyes have a pale tan line. also he denies wearing makeup, asserting that men don't need it, with goggle it's safe so makeup is unneccessary.

    Ha imma riot. that face in closeup screams !! goggles !! hush mushroom money !! mushroom goggles !! 

    I hate this editor. fhe cursor is can't even. Curses!  imma rub out a knee wobbler *snore

    I 't oes look likle a patchy applicatio, Howan¹d definitely either underbaked but too hot at the same time. I'm  willing to guess his underbutler unerblended it or the sealant passed it shelf life.

  5. 6 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    You tell us that no one is allowed to speculate on a mental health diagnosis of another person, yet you do precisely that, declaring decisively that he is not on the Autism spectrum, and on the basis of a single diagnostic factor, that Autistic people find it difficult to lie. In fact, you are quite correct that Trump is plainly not Autistic, for many reasons, and that we Autistics are honest by default, often to our disadvantage.

    You are also correct that professionals in mental health do not offer diagnoses of persons who they have not formally examined and systematically diagnosed, and you are correct that mental health diagnoses are a private health matter.

    There are instances, however, where an individual’s condition becomes a public concern, not the least of which is when he is trying to obtain the office by which to wield power over the entire nation. We the people have a vested interest in knowing whether the man is mentally fit to be entrusted with such power over us. The fact that the oaths and rules of the mental health profession prohibit them from speaking to this is yet another example of how Trump has weaponized the norms and decencies of civil society against itself to further his perverse goals. It is therefore necessary that others who are knowledgeable but not bound by those oaths speak aloud the truth that is in plain sight - Donald Trump is mentally ill. His psyche is patently unbalanced by any conventional measure, speaking scientifically or philosophically. He is a pathological liar - irrefutably documented - and that fact alone sets him outside the range of normative human cognition. But it isn’t limited to that. His very public speech and actions provide ample evidence, not just to trained professionals, but to everyone, that something is very, very wrong with the man.

    On this site, men like to say, “Let us make up our own mind.” So I won’t ask you to listen to my view of it. Instead, I’ll give you the Hare Psychopathy Checklist, a widely accepted tool for screening individuals to determine whether they are psychopaths. The checklist has 20 items, and is scored by giving a 0 if the item does not apply to the individual, a 1 if it applies to a certain extent, or a 2 if it fully applies to the individual. A score of 30 or higher suggests clinical psychopathy in the individual. Apply it to Donald Trump, and make up your own mind. 

    *Note: The Hare Checklist is not determinatively diagnostic, but merely a tool for screening. Diagnosis can only be performed by a clinical professional.

    The Hare Psychopathy Checklist

    • Glibness/superficial charm

    • Grandiose sense of self-worth

    • Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom

    • Pathological lying

    • Conning/manipulative

    • Lack of remorse or guilt

    • Shallow affect (i.e., reduced emotional responses)

    • Callous/lack of empathy

    • Parasitic lifestyle

    • Poor behavioral controls

    • Promiscuous sexual behavior

    • Early behavioral problems

    • Lack of realistic, long-term goals

    • Impulsivity

    • Irresponsibility

    • Failure to accept responsibility for one's own actions

    • Many short-term marital relationships

    • Juvenile delinquency

    • Revocation of conditional release (from prison)

    • Criminal versatility (i.e., commits diverse types of crimes)

    Allow me to apologize for any lack of clarity. I tend toward fussy word choice. Up late puffing like a goon, slippery thumbs, mobile keyboard, edits were fraught. No excuse. Any error was all mine. Damaging feelings was not my intent at all. If you can forgive the prior offense, I'll be grateful

    First let's correct the record. I regulate speech and behavior for the number one star of my life. Me. I didn't set any rules for others. Everybody is allowed. No one is compelled. All are responsible. 1A protects the ability for citizens of equal stature to speak. 1A doesn't validate content, meaning or value. No guaranteed audience or distribution. No exemption from critique.

    Physicians are bound by more than a traditional oath. They make non-committal statements and non-binding observations. digestible bullet point science but with semantic loophole to evade the nuisance of litigation. It's a good not to overpromise. i'd opt for disclaimers that avoid harm like the map fold inserts I typeset decades ago. big cough syrup knows what they're doing. consult your personal pysician.

    10 days after the contentious exchange on 1/11 to 1/12. the other user's tone went from unenlghtened clumsy fallacy to aggressive defense of the right to say insults.

    User gets to post unsupported nonsense  and false comparisons all day. But the audacity. Defending the ability to say the insulting thing does not mitigate responsibility after the nature of the insulting thing was conveyed. Was there an apology?

    Amateurs CAN speak words clearly beyond their feeble understanding of medical science. But SHOULDN'T. Not polite. These bad manners are free speech that free people shouldn't speak. Online T&Cs, federal & state discrimination statutes and HIPAA regulations  acknowledge freedom and choice and rights and jobs have terms, conditions, and boundaries outside of which harming speech is not protected. stay inside the lane or choose to FAFO what are the consequences of the free choice to say nasty words or touch women or mock the abilities of others?

    I'll wrap up. You are right about: public servants holding elective office are subject to all scrutiny. And yeah I did picked a short terse punchy declarative.  on the reasons and observations in those  paragraph. So I believe it's a valid deduction from variables that rule out his a legit diagnosis on the spectrum.

    I hit harder on chronic lying because it's so blatant and hes not even trying to get close to credible. zero camouflage. the executive deception for profit costs American lives, so what hasn't come to light is worrying. 

    and fact check hot mike confrontations are my scooby snacks.  

    77 looks 87, fast living, alcohol,  declining health, overweight, poor diet, overdose on tanning radiation, congnitivr decline

    Social climber, Craves trends, values popularity, notoriety, film magazine daytime talk celebrity since the 80s, self-aggranding pride to cover low-confidence, creepy dynamic with Ivanka

    I don't offer any proof and am fully prepared to fall back on all hat no cattle bad grades no effort trust fund lettered in collegiate slumber, skims payola to make payroll, redline POCs, bigot

  6. mist gawt made trump. didn't make his behavior or choices. parents are responsible for deliberate damage or neglect to minor children. an adult is responsible for the recovery from that damage. 

    mister slumlord daddy trump did shady slumlord deeds for profit. what can i deduce or infer about the influence of daddy's job, or socialite mommy and the staggering level of deception their lifestyle required? i believe obvious answers to broad questions aren't worth a debate, so i stipulate yes. human behavior is often predictable, patterns often repeat. 

    diagnosis is not predictable. it's also private. it's not a valid topic IRL with polite company and not in an online forum. i'm no rocket surgeon, and even the professionals using APA diagnostic criteria and differentials are careful to suggest possibilities, not specifics when empaneled by pundits. maybe bipolar, maybe narcissistic, in combination with insomnia, maybe personality disorder... 

    the current science says babies are born on the spectrum. i don't believe any reputable quote or post from a medical expert has referenced behaviors on the spectrum. a senior who maintains a schedule of rally speeches, golf trips, fundraisers, crime, mcdonalds, and blatant hypocrisy seems likely to require mental care for job stress, physical declining physic

    he's not smart, can't spell, common eglish grammar, usage, and syntax are beyond his capacity, he often slurs and stutters. his limited vocabulary is juvenile. his stream of consciousness delivery is disconnected from logic and from reality. he lacks the ability to admit or regret error, he denys, bullies, and blame others. there is the cheated the public purse, failed to execute his sworn duty and violated his oath. is it possible 

    and he lies. he distorts and manipulates. on purpose. on the record. constantly.

    do i seem to recall a trait that patients on the spectrum typically do not display? i do. it's that. they avoid deliberate falsehood. he's not autistic, he's a grandiose chronic liar with abominable manners. If big bird and the muppets can mind their manners, so can us filthy breeders, cum dumps, and the cum hungry felchers (me) on cleanup. no more amateur evaluations, got it, got it? unless and except for myself discussing I, me, my, and mine personal lived connection to mental health of my cortex and lobes.

    it's not just crass and impolite, it's a hostile workplace/public accommodation, federal ADA discrimination violation. prejudice toward individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, orientation, identity, expression, nation/language of origin, religion, age, or ability is against the law. unsupported assertion, opinion, or speculation presented in declarative syntax is a bad faith argument. objection. facts not inevidence. sustained. *gavel

    observations, recordings, broadcasts, transcripts, FOIAs, social media posts, financial disclosures, motions, pleadings, contempt citations, fact checks, all fair game for supporting well-reasoned conclusions. mary trump is the first- and second-person source I'd choose to support or cite on the topic of nature/nurture. her twitter feed is richly detailed and well-writen. what portion of direct or peripheral influence did she experience? and why how and when did she not do crime while he got better at crime? can she say if he ever acknowleged responsibility, or was held accountable, or take any consequences? was he ever good? 

    parents are killed in the origin stories of unenlightened orange reality clowns who choose evil adulterous murdering super-villian 

    i like entitled adult millionaires who choose to save lives and combat crime.

    • Upvote 1
  7. add to the above a craving hunger to abase oneself to the point of degradation, shameless display of wanton lust for cum, cock, ass, as often as possible as much as possible as the pursuit of chemsex and multiple anonymous public partners take priority.

    then add the instant intimacy of strangers locke eye to eye frantically devouring each others faces and whispering all the filthy perverted extremes those willing to use and be used, gifting and collecting loads and piss esp committed partners watching and being watched taking turns passing each other around..

    • Like 2
  8. Ignorance disguised as opinion covering up entitled refusal to make any effort is... triggering.

    The sheer lack of awareness. So much human and scientific endeavor was at some point virtually impossible immediately prior to it's achievement and production and monetizing at scale for consumers.

    The century turned 21 so the interwebs turned out a new category called edging. Made possible by men with the fortitude to experience a bad trick, the capacity to adult and feel the feels without choosing an excuse not to act.

    Feelings aren't facts. Neither physiology, nor science, nor men cruising for a fuck are governed by static parameters. Muscle and sinew and flesh and brinkmanship can be trained and learned and taught.

    Some only learn to judge others and excuse their lack of participation.

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  9. They didn't stop at sexual physiology... Masters and Johnson subjected men to conversion therapy for four more years after the APA removed diagnosis for homosexuality from the DSM. Masters kept trying to solve homosexuality and fix gay men with (apparently imaginary and skewed) data.

    Three decades later, armchair analysis of contemporary gay roles behaviors and male physiology is like comparing apples to dishwashers.

    Those who lack emotional maturity and enlightenment will likely continue to ejaculate and evacuate.

    Some have the capacity to strap on their big boy underdrawers, embrace growth find deeper connections with others.

    Even if premature or unable to rebound the facts of physiology do not require or limit the available range of choices ir behaviors after slinging sperm.

    It takes ?10 ? minutes for digestive physiology to tell a brain the stomach is full.

    Keep eating or choose to alter a complacent habit? 

    Tops can choose to be better than the refractory period. And bottoms can choose to find better tops.

    But don't be the goon that fucking blames or excuses behavior over mid-century research.

  10. nothing hotter for me than a masculine muscle butt spread open to reveal fully cunted puffy used lips I can wrap my lips around.

    flexing open and glistening with loads for me to slurp. applying suction and feeling the unprompted response of juicy ass lips swelling in my mouth as my pig bears down and opens even more. 

    I can climax just sucking a willing cunted hole inside out pulling more ass flesh and tasting the mixed up loads. moaning pig holes that amazing are my kryptonite. aiming my cock to land coat his hole with seed and aiming a mouthful of asscum to swap is challenging to coordinate since used hole gets me crazed and blissed out in a really intense way.

    DMs open for any daddy pig eager to spread open and give that cunt up for this boy craving used hole to inhale and worship.

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  11. who craves wrapping your hole around my bare cock. be willing to take loads, deep sloppy intense face sucking, eye contact, swapping cum... filthy verbal, shameless exhibition, blatant display,

    let's get spun together when occasions are favorable for deviant perverted degraded acts of devotion to cum and cock and hole and debauchery.


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  12. 1 hour ago, DarkroomTaker said:

    Although  i have previously replied. I am actually wondering what is the purpose of this thread? Either use the functions or dont, block or dont block, react or dont react.

    TBH, who cares??

    Sometimes the purpose of a thread (strums ukelele)...  

    Is an avenue or outlet to simply be. To vomit the buffer and reclaim brain space for stmulants and toys and slings and long deep creamy slurping three-hour makeouts with fully cunted asslips. Repeatedly.

    Every blog, all the feels, common qualities, questions, obstacles, solutions unites this community of cum-craving party pigs whose diversity enriches our brotherhood. (crescendo, cue the chorus, cue pin spot)

    If those among us catch filthy loads, does the zone not rejoice in shared abundance of a juicy unread felching thread? Ave and woof! Woof and ave!

    Raise your neigbors cock if you have been personally victimized by Regina George.

    Spakest thou your truth, bend over, turn around, drop the pants so you can show off that hungry hole. Then trust fall into a hot tub full of lube. Then brunch.



  13. Within the bounds of T&Cs, each individual user is grangted access. A diverse body of equals may choose  to post, reply, engage, and interact with others in any number of equally unique modes of personal expression.

    Free expression isn't absolute. Not in the Bill of Rights and not online. All content is subject to admin and mod approval. Stay jn bounds to maintain the privilege of access. Go out of bounds to face consequences.

    Access for users does not include a any guarantee. No one is obligated to view,  respond, or like. The zone is a private forum. Parliamentary procedure, formal debate, and 1A rights are for citzens.

    We're users with limited privileges playing in a sandbox with boundaries. Nobody is obligated to play with us.

    Terms and conditions apply. Coupons expire. No return without receipt. An American's right to free speech does not include the right to a listening audience.




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  14. Hawt! I don't have any tips or techniues for you, but hmu when you're ready for a gang of us to spray load after juicy load all over your cunt meat, so I can bury my face in your hole and use my tongue to slurp it all up and feed you a mouthfull. Woof daddy!

  15. love to haveyou squat on my face in front of an audience watching me worship your pig hole. bookstore is ideal for used condoms i can pour jizz onto your hole. let it leak out on the tile and shove my face into the puddle then join me licking it up and let me spit back into your hole.

    need to let the staff know to come jack a load onto your hole for me. brazen and fucking blatant piggy behavior and then just take your leaking ass to the bar and let guys feel your wet hole. bend your over in the mens room and watch me tongue your hole while your getting dicked deep. love my face covered in your asscum and getting your hole sloppy with just my mouth. oink

    come to dallas and sit on my face anytime pig

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