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Jim Sien

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Everything posted by Jim Sien

  1. My favorite from those days was the Everard . I was there the morning of the fire. Yeah , i'm an old fuck , i know .
  2. Love the initial shock of sharp pain when a rough Top first enters me and if he's really good he can make it last .
  3. Yes , i'm a total bottom . But a generous bottom . jim4unj@gmail.com

  4. Eager to get together with a Wasted Total Top in the n.y.c. / n.j. metro area. Retired , available 24/7 . jim4unj@gmail.com .

    1. apophis


      We have one thing in common for sure, we both love Total Tops

  5. We seem to share a love of the dark side. 60yobottom4u on Xtube. Hope we can become good friends. Jim .

  6. I've been barebacking for over 4 decades . I've been very lucky not to catch any thing too serious. That said. Stealthing is just wrong . No excuse for it. No one has the right to do that to any one else.
  7. Jim here in Monmouth County / jim4unj@gmail.com
  8. I like RT's attitude. If the bottom is in to it , why not ?
  9. I have zero interest in straight guys. Who needs the drama ? Bi can be interesting at times , depends on the attitude.
  10. Congratulations on your new status , neighbor.

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