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Posts posted by HMR89

  1. I think it depends on the bottom you're hooking up with. Tell them that you're purely interested in the sex and NOTHING else. Take the power of determining the kind of fuck you're getting into in your own hands. Fuck them and leave and if they ask you anything say "i was just looking for a fuck".

  2. Don't ASK the bottom. TELL him that he better be clean or else you won't fuck him. Asking him could be insulting because some bottoms do take offense to such questions. Also you'd just give him the opportunity to lie. OR you could penetrate him and take your cock out and smell it after entering his anus once. Don't 'do the deed' fully. Just smell your cock so that you're sure of his shit status.

    P.S- it's the bottom's job to be clean

  3. Something like 40% of gay guys have HPV. You get them burned or frozen off and that's usually the end of it - at least for a while. I know I had some years ago, had one or two treatments at that time and they've never returned.

    AFAIK the sex doesn't have to be unprotected to transmit HPV. You could get HPV from frottage which is completely safe.

    The other issue is that once you have HPV you always have it - it's inside you. Which means sex with other HPV+ guys isn't really a big deal. And HPV- guys can get vaccinated - there's no reason for anyone to get HPV these days.

    So I'd say, relax. Who really cares how you got it? Unless it's causing a continuing problem (like a friend of mine who has it in his urethra) then don't worry about it.

    The warts were burned off but I've never had any other symptoms so far. What could that mean? The reason I'm asking how I may have got it is because I'm not sure if it is HPV. Does it sound like HPV to you?

  4. Hey guys,

    Most of you here have barebacked and I need your help in figuring some shit out. Here goes:

    Last year, in December, my ex-boyfriend and I had sex without a condom but once. We only had sex thrice in 2 months before he broke up with me. Anyway, he was a virgin before me and trust me, from the way he was doing me, I know he was a virgin. This ex of mine had a wart on his right middle finger. I asked him about it once or twice and he said when he was younger the wart would be on his left finger but now it was on his right middle finger. He said initially it started as small water-filled bubble-like pimples. He'd pop them with a pen . These pimples or whatever would go away and then, they'd come back until they completely stopped coming that way. That was when this wart popped up on his left finger. After a few years it came on his right finger.

    1.5 months after we had sex that one time without a condom I got, what the doctor called, anal wart on my anus- 3 of them. They were cauliflower like in shape and color. The doctor said this was due to unprotected sex. He zapped the warts on my anus and after I recovered I started dating another guy who I still am with. So my current boyfriend and I used condoms initially and then we agreed upon bb sex after we got our tests done too. A few weeks ago, he discovered 2 tiny, brown, warts on his penis. He thought it may have been a skin tag.

    Between that time and now, I involuntarily got my blood tested because my father needed blood for an operation. The drs took some of my blood and carried out some tests and said I was in the clear and that I could donate blood. Today, my boyfriend (current bf) visited his dermatologist who told him that he had WARTS NOT SKIN TAGS AND THAT IT WAS DUE TO UNPROTECTED SEX. My boyfriend is very careful and swears he has never bbed with anyone else. So, eliminating this possibility, do you guys think that I am an HPV carrier? Please do help pronto.

    P.S- The warts were treated on February 17th and went away by the last week of March completely. Before and after this we used condoms but we barebacked in June/July and from then on we only had bb sex.

  5. I've got leaner legs now than before. I found it a lot easier to control my body when I was chubbier as opposed to now but I love it because my boyfriend fucks me till I'm bouncing on his cock and I just try to sit on the cock so that he can tap my ass hard

  6. Being a geek and everything I always used apps. I never could understand cruising or anything like that until I got a little more experienced. I could tell when a man was cruising me but harder to cruise in public. Cruising in sex clubs or bath houses is rather easy. Eye contact, a certain look, if submissive or dominant show your role or nature and a nice smile or as you know body language. To be honest cruising probably will become somewhat of a loss art as apps, websites, and online takes over. Yes it's easy just to go online and say "Wanna fuck" or bullshit or chit chat to get them to come over or to go over to them. But I think it's more rewarding and more of a challenge to cruise at a bar, club, bath house, or even more tricky and rewarding in person.

    That being said I did find my past partners online and current partners on growlr. That is something that cruising in person can't do. Help you find others outside your area. Well not completely true but you know what I mean. I think I prefer cruising without apps or the internet but I'll admit it was much easier going online or using an app.

    Easier, yes. I just think the mystery and all, in cruising or getting cruised is a lot more erotic :D

  7. Hey guys!

    Okay, so the other day I was having a conversation with my friends and my boyfriend. Some of them thought using apps like Grindr was a good idea when it comes to finding other guys. I tend to prefer body language and using my sexual aura (which I do believe in) in order to attract men. I've never used these apps or websites and the guys that I have slept with, by choice- 4 of them were straight and the rest I found on Facebook or in public places- like restaurants or cafes. I didn't make a fake profile or anything of the sort.

    What do you prefer?

  8. You may be overthinking it. Okay, so you HAVE 'been bred' before, right? Instead of going for multiple tops right away, try going for 2 and then, 3 and then more? That may work? What you could do is that you could ask a trusted friend to fuck you and tell him to tell the second top to come a few minutes later so that when you're all horned up you'd be more willing to take more cock?

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