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Posts posted by HMR89

  1. I occasionally get approached by twink bottoms, being a rather heavy-set daddy, I tend to turn them down, especially as so many of the offers are rather gauche. A couple of classics over the last year being

    "I don't normally go for guys like you, but I fancy being crushed under you, but I could never be seen with you and you musn't tell any one"

    "I'm hot, you're not, but I want your load"

    "Well, you are a bit marginal for me, but I'm horny"

    After delights like this, I tend to just reply with "Sorry, only chatting"

    What assholes. But does that kinda turn you on or no?

  2. Hey guys,

    I'm a rape victim. I was raped once at 6, then 9 and then 11. I'm against rape and rapists and would actually murder anyone who would even lay a hand on me without my consent. But I'm coming across many stories that people here actually enjoy- rape stories.

    Does the idea of having no control and being tortured and scarred for life actually turn you on? Or does it sicken you (like it does me) to the point that you'd actually cringe at how much people here some to enjoy it?

    • Upvote 2
  3. So, lately I have been fortunate to have a small stable of amazingly hot twink bottoms - all very vanilla - but two will take me raw. You know these boys. They are like underwear models who spend every minute of the day in the gym making everyone steam clean the carpets with their tongues... Well, I met all on either CL or A4A and just recently one was telling me how much of a double life he leads. I was confused by this statement so I took the bait and asked, "what do you mean?" He then told me that he only saw men like me (older, stocky and sometimes fat tops) in secret. He then proceeded to tell me that he has the best sex with us but will not be public with his wants. He recognizes his friends would not approve. He then told me that when he is out with his friends clubbing or at the local bar he will sacrifice good sex for another twink/jock; just so his friends won't look down on him.

    To all of you twink/jock bottoms: Do you find this scenario to be true? Do you enjoy many older stocky or fat daddy tops more in private than what your friends suspect? Is it a hidden fetish? Are you out publicly with being 'chubby chaser?'

    To all of you older stocky or fat daddy tops: Do you find this scenario to be true as well? Are you that hidden secret who fulfills that twinks/jocks needs? Is there a steady stream of these young men in your life? Or are these experiences rare and far between?

    I am beginning to think this scenario is more wide-spread than I thought. I would love to hear everyone's perspective on this...

    No I'm that kinda jwink (somewhere between a twink and a jock). I've dated 4 guys so far. A lot of people knew about us and all 4 of them have had average bodies. I don't really care what others say or think about me but if they say anything about my partner in a mean way I'd literally burn them to the ground. i loved my partner of 9 months now and he's kinda let himself go but I love him and the sex with him regardless.

  4. I like every one of them but I've recently started liking the ones that requires me to stand or curl in positions that make me feel even more submissive to my boyfriend. This one position that I loved was getting fucked while standing and then, wrapping my legs around him while he's fucking my brains out with me against the wall on his bed and him fucking me. I just kept saying "yeah, oh that's so good, fuck me harder harder harder". I SO WANT TO FUCK NOW

  5. Lol I just shaved mine yesterday after two week. I prefer shaved ass lips on myself and on other guys. That way I'm fully able to feel his cock against my skin as he fucks the living hell out of me or when he grazes it or runs his tongue over it.

  6. I like all positions but one of my favorites is the one in which he's on his knees with his cock in your ass and the bottom's legs are around the top's waist. I love pulling the top in and rubbing my chest lightly against his. Kissing him and asking him to go harder and faster and deeper. In that case I don't moan out very loudly in pain but I do say, yeah yeah oh wow, this is amazing and I run outta breath too. If you're gonna fuck me, make it wild and hard. After that I like for the top to leave his cock in me, even after he's done, so I can whack off with his cock in my ass and as he touches my body while his cock is still in

  7. Sounds pretty shitty, But my feeling on all what is written above is that most likely he was pozzed at least 6 months ago but in retrospect of hosting a bare gangbang it could have happened to him if he was the bttm getting fucked by multiple tops while using TINA - I don't think YOU should be feeling bad, There are always things when having a relationship that we don't want to share with our partners. i think he has actively chosen to seek out the bug with or without your participation - It may be more liberating for him, I know when i was pozzed & by whom & when i got the results it was dread at first but my second thought was now i have the freedom to get fucked by anyone anywhere. With the right support for each other you guys can have an amazing relationship together.

    Yeah I'm with him on this one. Plus, even IF there is a possibility that he got it from you, don't forget that he consented to it. He had sex before you were in a relationship, WHILE you guys were in a relationship and (considering the breakup) AFTER it too. So, there's no way that you could have been the only one who infected him. Also, I've been reading forum posts here and many botts haven't got the virus despite the fact that they have BBd with so many pozzs. Then, there are those who've had sex with just a couple of pozzs and got the disease. Your load MAY have contributed to it but I have a strong feeling that you're not the pozzer and that someone else had already pozzd him.

    Also remember that HIV isn't ALWAYS detectable so its possible that he had it but it was detected. As for your gut feeling, there's a chance that it may be right. A high chance actually.

  8. I don't like to kill who he is nor do I like to say vicious and hurtful things because I still love and respect him. I just push him to piss him off but never to hurt him. I just want him to tell me he loves me and won't go anywhere no matter how much I may push him (reasonably) because his love is stronger than my doubt.

  9. Mine's much darker than some I've read here.

    I wish to ride my boyfriend with my back towards him, my hands and feet tied and my mouth gagged and getting my hair pulled and barbed wire around my neck and for the fucker to tug the wire as he fucks my brain out. I also want to get fucked extremely hard and use a small knife to cut open my wrists and make out with him with my mouth full of my blood. And I want to be pushed against the wall, lifted and get fucked against it and for him to bite my neck and lips hard so he sucks on them for more pleasure

  10. Hey guys!

    Personally, I LOVE getting fucked to the extent that I'd scream moan and groan in extreme pain and pleasure. My guy bites me hard and I've begged him to bite my shoulder to the point its blue. I love the feeling of cock in my ass and getting hair pulled and back arched.

    Just wondering how hard you'd like to fuck your botts? And if you're a bott, how hard do you like to get fucked? ;)

  11. Lol @needless drama. I'll admit that the needless drama can be quite annoying really. But once things settle, they settle for a long time. Fights are just part of getting to know one another. Would YOU rather be with someone who didn't care much and was always cold or would you prefer to be with someone who showed you he cared? IMO jealousy shows that the other person cares and the needless drama paves the path for a more stable relationship.

  12. I think u make a lot of sense.... I know right guy is out there.... And u r right.... I should give guys a chance....in the end it's all about connection and feeling good next to someone instead of insecure for whatever reason...think it's important that u know how to bring the best in each other instead of the worst... Think I will try to go for the stable and emotionally grounded ones...

    Yeah do that. Sometimes fights will happen but instability helps bring about stability later on. That's what i've experienced. My boyfriend and I have had THE WORST and most apocalyptic fights EVER. It's because I have the tendency to test people unintentionally (moon scorpio here :) ) but we passed through all of that and we haven't had a serious fight in a LONG time. Insecurity is just going to ruin things but I think to some extent everyone's insecure. You know what they say- the opposite of love is indifference and if someone doesn't care about you hooking up with other people, that COULD (not would) mean that he doesn't really care. But on the other hand my ex and I loved each other and we were in an open relationship- that was my first gay relationship ever.

    With my current, I've told him he can do whatever he wants with whomever cuz i'm open minded like that- but he'd have to tell me the truth every time. He has never cheated on me to date. The idea, IMO, is to give the other person space so that they always find their way back to you and do not want to betray you.

  13. I'm 23 and no, age does not matter at all. I think confidence does. I get really turned on by confident guys. I'm committed right now but initially, when I'd hook up some of things that I'd do (even with straight guys) was too peek at them over my shoulder, touch my arms and look at them in the eyes and then, look away to ensure that they were attracted to me, smiling at them and I'd also slightly swing my hips as I'd walk. I'm not at all effeminate so I think they could tell that I knew what they wanted. IF you are looking to attract someone, these tips may help you.

  14. Hey :) I'm new to the forum here. In any case, I think finding "the one" is very possible. I used to be someone who would have sex whenever I could (since I live with my family that wasn't too often unless the other guy was free) but now that I've found someone who I truly love and who loves me back I know that I'm happy with him sexually, emotionally, physically and romantically. I don't think you need to 'give sex a rest' but I do think you need to give guys a chance. If they bore you, that's different. I thought my relationships would be that way but I'm CRAZY and my boyfriend is too and he knows how to handle me. So, at the end of the day you need to decide whether your "the one" should be a whackjob who could keep things exciting and unstable or if he should be someone stable and emotionally grounded.

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