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About PupYiff

  • Birthday 01/02/1984

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  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Just joined! Still alive!!
  2. Quite large community of furs now.... Be cool to get to know more though... Furries, pups, dogs.... Organise some breeding parties at cons...
  3. Hey pup, how's it going?

  4. I'm currently on the 'Proud' trial in the UK for PReP.. Anyone else here on it? How/has it changed your behavior? I know they have had real issues getting people to hear about the study and most don't even know about it. PReP _IS_ available in UK for free from about 7 clinics ATM i believe but more can be found here: http://www.proud.mrc.ac.uk/ Its a UK based trial for only 500 people and the closing date to get on trial is mid-January 2014. Be quick! For me, I don't want HIV but know my behavior will end up with me catching it. Someone rubs a bare dick against my hole in a darkroom or club and my brain goes "Oh HAI! don't push back ... but OK then push back and be the slut you are!". PReP hopefully reduces this risk a lot when I'm in these situations.
  5. Just to mention as i seen it mention a few times here.... PReP _IS_ available in UK for free from about 7 clinics ATM. They are having a major issue recruiting people on to it so would be great to let anyone you know about it. You can get info about it here: http://www.proud.mrc.ac.uk/ Its a UK based trial for only 500 people and the closing date to get on trial is mid January. Be quick! Im on it 'cos whilst i don't really want HIV - i know I'm going to get it with my addiction to hard raw dick up my butt. xD
  6. A Rapid Instant test is only accurate (more than 90%) after about 2 months, An Antigen HIV test is about 60% at two weeks and close to 95% at 5 weeks.
  7. Wondering how many other furs happen to be dirty cum dumps? >: ) Created a group for us to hang out on so furs should join up...... https://www.breedingzone.com/group.php?groupid=242
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