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Everything posted by 1slut

  1. Thanks for the responses, guys! I luv bb. I bb because I feel I am not complete otherwise. I like lots of different anon men and cocks loading me swapping cum like wild animals - that's me, can't change that. I had never done drugs in any form, so for me, I got hep c thro sex. I know a friend (not sexual buddy) who also caught hep c and his treatment failed. My trial involved the new sofosbovir and ribavirin. Sofosbovir alone costs $90,000 for 24 weeks. My physician told me although it is now approved, the use is limited due to cost. So I have been fortunate to go on the trial for free. But treatment is not always successful and you can catch even the same strain again. In the absence of PrEP for hep c, I am scared shit to catch it again. Condom helps but sex with condom is meaningless to me. Anyway I posted this thread because I am amazed that guys are only concerned about hiv when they bb. Just want to say there is HEP C too and it is NASTY !! Now I have simply abstained from sex but not sure how to go forward. If offered a juicy cock in a gloryhole, I am not sure what my response'll be...... Trying to focus my interest and energy in other areas of life. Take care, guys!
  2. For me the desire(..and 'need') to bareback overrides the fear of HIV. After seroconverting, my physician told me to get on with my life as I wish, that I will not die from HIV. I freely bb and got more and more wild enjoying rough anon sex, not caring for others and have no fear for myself knowing I am already poz.....is this the freedom you want? Several years later, I contracted Hep C....obviously thro rough sex. This hit me like a bombshell as hep c treatment is expensive, difficult and not always effective. I truly feel 'dirty' and 'unclean' ending up rather depressed...knowing I am now in the league of not horny lads but league of the depraved. I now can end up very ill with few readily available treatment. Fortunately, I was able to get on a trial of new oral medication which in a free market, meds and fees can cost $150 to 200K....! The side-effects can be quite severe. During the 6 months treatment, I experienced anaemia resulting in extreme tiredness, skin rash, depression and total impotence, even viagra did not help. Also alcohol which relaxes me is forbidden. I am still not sure if this new med had cured me of hep c yet.
  3. I like to take several loads in saunas and never expel the cum. Luv walking around feeling the cums drooling down my legs...makes me feel a right slut. A couple of times I then fuck a guy using the cum in my arse as lube. They were on their tummy, so did not know what lube went in their arse. This drives me wild. Other times after taking a few loads, my hole is real loose, guys like to fist me using the cum only as lube...sexy.
  4. I agree we bottoms should prepare ourselves so the top can fuck and maybe us without any hint of embarrassment. 1. I limit too much high fibre food so my stool is easy to clear. Also no nuts, curry, eggs or any strong smelling food. 2. There is a very good french stomach medication call 'Smecta' which solidifies any loose stool as I find loose stool cause the most embarrassment. Smecta does not have side-effects of Imodium. I take this the day before I play. 3. Douche several times till you are very sure. I prefer shower head without the spray which shoots right up my arse.
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