For me the desire(..and 'need') to bareback overrides the fear of HIV.
After seroconverting, my physician told me to get on with my life as I wish, that I will not die from HIV.
I freely bb and got more and more wild enjoying rough anon sex, not caring for others and have no fear for myself knowing I am already this the freedom you want?
Several years later, I contracted Hep C....obviously thro rough sex.
This hit me like a bombshell as hep c treatment is expensive, difficult and not always effective. I truly feel 'dirty' and 'unclean' ending up rather depressed...knowing I am now in the league of not horny lads but league of the depraved. I now can end up very ill with few readily available treatment.
Fortunately, I was able to get on a trial of new oral medication which in a free market, meds and fees can cost $150 to 200K....! The side-effects can be quite severe. During the 6 months treatment, I experienced anaemia resulting in extreme tiredness, skin rash, depression and total impotence, even viagra did not help. Also alcohol which relaxes me is forbidden. I am still not sure if this new med had cured me of hep c yet.