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Posts posted by BearOKC69_Poz

  1. Orlando used to have some but then the city council got involved in wanting to clean up Orange Blossom Trail and suddenly all of them disappeared.

    Damn, sad to hear that ....lived in the Disney area during my high school/college days and the ABS/arcades along OBT were some of my favorite places to get anon cock & loads and sometimes get mine sucked too...along with the malls kmart and Sears bathrooms...always a guaranteed cock or 10 under the stall and many had glory holes too

    • Upvote 1
  2. same story here...according to my doc, not only was I Poz but my VL was so high, I had AIDS (iirc, 2 millipn+) started bactrum, Isentress & Atripla immediately and within 3 months was undetectable (4 years now) with each blood test VL lower than the time before and other good numbers higher). Thats even with them lowering what undetectable was.


    Been off bactrum for about a year now


    only recently met 1 guy that isnt undetectable (but was) and thats because he went off his meds a few months ago. The others that are toxic poz arent on meds either. Everyone that I know that is undetectable is on meds

  3. read somewhere (but dont recall where) that US banks are refusing credit card charges for ALL adult sites, esp those that process outside of the U.S. UNLESS you contact your card issue and specifically inform them that it is a legitimate charge. Supposedly, something to do with fraud crackdown


    I buddy of mine who orders mine used to get ours thru Jenray but there was some issue with them. Think he used Aromaboy? this time

  4. i drove myself nuts trying to figure out why my ads would get flagged....of course someone doesnt have to have a valid reason....would see ads that were much more explicit that would go untouched..went over them word by word against the TOS and I couldn't see violations...would post a "why flagged" but no response other than it usually getting flagged too. Finally decided it wasnt worth it and kept posting anyway


    those folks eventually got tired or bored with flagging and it would stop

    • Upvote 1
  5. as the gambling saying goes..."you can't win if you don't play"...


    instead of fearing the possible rejection be up ftont about it in the ad...dont have to state the reason if you dont want to, can simply list "bareback only" "absolutely NO condoms" ...if they ask why, then it is up to you to answer...you dont even have to answer the "why", just say you don't do it...


    as someone else said, those that would reject you at the door/in the bed aren't even going to respond if it is stated up front so it weeds out the rejection factor as you never know about it..it has been my experience that most guys that have "safe sex only" in their profiles are very flexible on it when it cums down to it...in the heat of the moment, they often will let you go bb...for that matter most that say "neg" are poz and they know it...because of the rejection they fear of never having sex again, they lie about it and MAYBE will tell the guy when they meet..but it is like guys that use pics from deades ago and they look nothing like that now...somehow thinking the decption at the door is going to go better than being honest upfront...I know which I would prefer.

  6. would love to have an "utter asshole" do that to me...not only the repeated forced insertion but catching the semimelted liquid from the whole and being made to drink it


    for a bttm slut loose hole like mine, can see how it would tighten things up down there...making it pleasurable for both


    have inserted ice on my own and enjoyed it...admittedly the cylinder type of ice inserts easier than the cube...think I have seen very long cylinder trays for easy insertion in water bottles etc. Love the numbing effect and often will use ice cold veggies (cucs and butternut squash or other LARGE/THICK phallic gords for self-fucking when a live cock cant be had.

  7. While he may have been gone for 4 years, you just found out...so from your perspective, he did just die...it will take time...as suggested find somesort of support group or individual you can talk freely about it...it does help to verbalize and get things out...maybe visit his grave...right a letter to him...then burn it and throw the ashes to the wind..just some thoughts...no answers as processing it is a different journey for everyone...peace

    • Upvote 1
  8. Not exactly the same thing but had a co-worker answer an ad once, showing up on my door step...I had just started the job after being unemployed for 6 months and was scarred shitless that I would get fired. Nothing happened either sexually or at the job and while awkward at first I asked him if we were ok and he said yes and it was never spoken of after that. Was there for 10 years.


    As mentioned, once I got over my fear, quickly realized he had just as much at stake as I did. So risk is minimized. He answered your ad. Now maybe he was baiting you but unlikely. If you arent interested in a sexual relationship with him, I would just reply no thanks (if at all). Of course you will know, you cant "unsee" his response, but right now only you know.

  9. WARNING from the owner of Nasty Kink Pigs...


    Be careful guys... The hotel has a "security force" roaming the hallways here at IML and is checking doors and I've personally seen them kicking and just about dragging people out of their rooms last night on different floors. For whatever reason, IML has decided to neuter their weekend/events.
    We are all trying to get through this last weekend at IML and NEVER look back. We hope you will do the same. I've spoken to Steamworks Chicago and they are welcoming us as always with open arms, we will be there tomorrow night with all our staff and every man here that was planning to come to all the parties. See you all Sat Night at 10pm till 8am at Steamworks Chicago.
  10. Am type 2 diabetic and my Dr. approved the following as it seems to be keeping my sugar levels in an acceptable range (they were off the charts)...my daily NutriBullet breakfast smoothie (you can use fresh fruits but frozen are available year round at much less cost per serving esp when purchased at a Sams or Costco type store:


    1 cup frozen strawberries

    1/2 cup frozen blueberries

    1/2 cup frozen cranberries

    6 capsules of cinnamon

    Some fresh raw baby kale/chard/spinach prepackaged salad mix (or other super greens mix)

    1 tablespoon of chia seeds

    2 tablespoons of cold pressed milled golden flax seed

    Enough liquid (water, almond milk, etc) to the fill line of the large container


    NOTE: for less of a frozen smoothie consistency, let the frozen fruits thaw in the fridge the night before. I cant stand most green veggies either raw or cooked but liquified only adds an "earthy" taste, while not horrible, can mask with a single serve water bottle packet of a sugar free drink mix for flavor (orange, fruit punch etc). Sometimes instead of water will use a low carb chocolate or vanilla flavored protein/weight loss drink (about 8 oz). 


    Avoid fruit juices since they are almost as bad as drinking sugar sweetened sodas, nothing but liquid sugar without the nutrients and fiber contained in the complete fruit.


    The chia and flax seeds have nearly zero effect on taste...even the cinnamon is barely noticeable due to all the fruit. 

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