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Posts posted by jeff238

  1. Absolutely not. I will never cruise parks or whatever, so there is no chance I will have to interact with a cop. Same goes for religious types in positions of power. All.a super.hard no.

  2. Look up piriformis syndrome.

    Less likely for @fitlad, more likely for @WRV.

    It's super easy to self treat and no down side if it doesn't help. I had those sciatica issues for years. Found out about the piriformis <sp> muscle issues, and it was life changing.

    Good luck.

  3. I have witnessed this at a couple places I worked at. IT NEVER WORKS, PERIOD. If you work at any kind of medium or large company, there will be an HR department in the mix. Then things are out of your control. It's a dumpster fire at best.

    There is an old adage. Don't shit where you eat.

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  4. I'm whatever the situation calls for at the time. Versatile and bi. I want lots of body contact. I tend to go after younger guys in the twink to Jock range, just because they are more likely to be Versatile and can go a few rounds. Anonymous, as in glory hole, head down ass up, blindfolded, and the like is of no interest to me. That said, I'm 5'4", so if I happen to connect with a tall guy, I usually just bottom, but it's rare.

  5. 13 hours ago, NWUSHorny said:

    Neither of those scenarios sound that strange to me after living in the PNW for 16 years. I've learned that not mentioning fucking in their profile or in the initial communication usually means they don't. The salad scenario not only doesn't involve penetration, it doesn't even require a dick, which is another problem I run into frequently.

    Interestingly, I AM in the PNW lol

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  6. This didn't happen to me, but I saw it on a Craigslist ad one night.

    The guy wanted you to come to his house, door unlocked, come in and go to the kitchen and find a little wooden toy airplane sitting on the counter, then jack off and cum on the airplane, while he remained upstairs and not seen, then let yourself out. To sweeten the deal, he offered 3 hard boiled eggs in the fridge, as compensation. He also had a picture of the cute little airplane in the ad. I laughed so hard, I was useless for the rest of the night.

    Another one. My friend, a top, had a guy that wanted to come over, get naked, lay face down on my friend's dining room table, while my friend made a tossed salad with specifically Italian dressing on the small of his back, and eat it. No sex, just salad.

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Kayne said:

    This is the downside of progress my friend. 

    Before, Cruising had stakes. whether it was covertly checking out a potential playmate and clicking in a space -Whether public or private-,   or stumbling on a group of guys gettingbit on, Getting caught did something to heat the situation. The exposure could be addictive. and it didn't matter where you did it, in a bar, on a pier, beach, between two cars, in a sauna, in your own apartment. it didn't matter. 

    Before there were potrable super computer phones in our pockets with nstant nudes, internet porn at a moment's notice and literal electronic bulletin boards of the next nearest cock or community cum dumpster, or PrEP, one has to be fully present to hunt.

    Whether Predator or Prey "Man2Man" interactions had chemistry, not easily subverted by fantasy. But when you can literally See the guy at a gym, bar, grocery store on some random hook up site and never talk to  him, but yet you know all that you need to know to get you off, interpersonal interaction becomes redundant. Why, because you have the best version of them already at your disposal.  where the real you might not like deep anal, and much preferre being hot dogged, the you in his fantasies can't get enough cock in his hole. Maybe you're a Dominant guy, in his mind you're either a needy submussive, or Dom that He can turn the tables on. That fantasybtskes way less effort with way less risk of rejection than the you that he's built in his fantasies; even if you're right there in front of him within breathing distance.

    Normally, I'm Just A Big Dumb Jock, but I'm gonna get nerdy for a tick, because this illustrates what I mean better than I can explain it.

    There are 2 Episodes of Star Trek TNG Where LaForge comes into contact with a Physicist,  Dr Brahams.  in the first episode the problem of the week lead Laforge to make a  holodeck simulation of the doctor. he had her statistical info, but made up a personality out of whole cloth, and the computer played the simulation. its implied that  over the next year he fired up that holder doctor many times. A year Later, when he has a chance to meet the real lady, she shatters the fantasy he built, which only got worse when she found out about the holodeck program. They ultimately were able to get past this issue. he saw the real person, she stopped being a stuck up bitch. but the point still stands, and is especially accurate, because in most situations,  people never get past the destruction of their fantasies.  so no, its not you.


    Its not you. We as a whole have moved to a place where the lower stakes approach is preferable to actual effort, sadly. 

    I like this. My experience is that society is just getting more punitive. I came of age when feminists were just starting to gain momentum. Being a more reserved type with nerdy inclinations, it was extremely confusing to me, to such an extent that I just avoided female interaction period. Physically, not being what women were classically attracted to, made that easy.

    I remember, one time being at a table with a couple other guys at the company cafeteria, a woman sat down with us and started chatting. At some point she made the statement that she often, when getting home from work, just had to get out of what ever she was wearing and just be naked. Not one guy said a word, no doubt afraid to engage, for fear of saying the wrong thing, and being in a work setting to boot.

    Being a flexible, problem solver type, I just gravitated to being with guys, in no small part because guys are/were more likely to put themselves in a situation that gives the green light to engage in physical activity.

  8. I have never run into this. In fact, I have found it more likely the top guy would get pissed if you don't swallow their load.

    It can't be that they are afraid of some std or something, because you already had their cock in your mouth. Maybe they just want to see it shoot? Idk. Baffling.

  9. On 6/14/2021 at 11:44 PM, billy said:

    A couple of years ago while on grnder, a guy popped up showing him like 50' away.  A big surprise to me considering that I live a in a small, racist, homophobic town. Ended up being the guy next door, of course he was a bottom too. Long story short, we fooled around a couple of times, but the guy did absolutely nothing for me, so I never showed any interest again. But that didn't stop him from bugging the shit out of me for the next 2 years. Thankfully he moved last month.

    And today I get a reply from a doublelist add that I always have up.  Guy says he's a bi top and in his late 30's. Also sends a very nice dick pic. First thing I do is google his email address (dunno why for sure, but I do it with most add replies). I get 5 or 6 returns back, all saying he's 2 doors down from my place, along with his name. And it all lines up with the guy that lives there, An ex-preacher/Ex cop who is in his late 50's! Wow!  Not sure what I'm going to do with that. 
    To fuck or not fuck....   shit, Who am I kidding, I'm a slut, of course I'll fuck him.

    But I got a question.. If I hook up with this guy, do I tell him that I fucked his son a couple of yrs ago? (Actually he fucked me and was quite good, But said he Was only 'gay curious')

    I think we are dealing with 3 different people here.

    1. The guy next door, who "did nothing for me".

    2. The doublelist guy, ex cop, ex preacher.

    3. The bi guy that fucked the OP, who was pretty good, and was ex cop's son.

    That aside, I would never fuck a cop, ex cop, preacher, ex preacher, if I knew that ahead of time. They are probably ass holes with control issues, but that's just me.

  10. I only did it once, but it wasn't through noise much, maybe a little moaning, but I made my cock pulse, just like a real orgasm. When I was in my 20's I could stroke to the point the cum would "flow", I guess into the tube between the cum storage and, I think, the PC muscle, and I could let it sit there for a bit, and shoot it on command. Some time in my 40's I lost that ability.

    Anyway, the cute Asian boy thought he got my load, but I just wasn't ready to cum yet.

  11. 3 hours ago, MusclePup said:

    I got one,  I loved this story its about this kid just turned 18 that day and went to a bath house this latino guy comes in and is tipped off about the virgin ... ends up converting him then they fall in love .   thought I had it book marked but no such luck.

    Possibly "gifted virgin" by losolent

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  12. Just my two cents, but it doesn't sound like the flue at all. Sounds more like a sinus infection. A damp hot place will set off a sinus infection. It Will also manifest in the sore throat and upper respiratory irritation. I used to get sinus a lot when I was younger, up to the point of excruciating headaches. After some investigation, it seemed logical that my sinus infection was always there, and only showed symptoms under the right conditions. The virus is very delicate, and so, can only live in the stable environment of the sinuses. I ended up stumbling on a cure, and have been free of sinus infections for 40+ years. I won't go into my cure, because I'm not a doctor. I will only say, try putting yourself in a similar environment without the personal contact aspect, and see if you get the same symptoms.

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  13. I had this size problem years ago when bz started. Never got resolved. Also why I don't have an avatar. One thing that might be a clue, no matter how small I made a pic, got down to 2 x 2 pixels, it was still too big. I saw a post once that suggested that it was too big because there was no place to put the file. As in no directory to put it in. That may explain why some people can upload hundreds of pics, and some can't do any. I never experimented with that theory tho, and just gave up.

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