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Posts posted by jeff238

  1. A top guy picked me out of a crowd at a campground party, and said to meet him at his camp after things died down. He was hot as fuck, and turned out to be a porn star. We met up later and got down to business. Definetly the biggest cock i had ever had. Since it was a campground situation, there was no place or good water to clean out, so, yeah, shit happened. He was done, but told me to hang around while he cleaned up. I was so mad at not being able to clean out. He was a really nice guy too, but the shit ruined everything. I left before he got done cleaning up and never saw him again.

    I didnt mind the shit, but felt bad for not giving him the fun he wanted. A friend told me later that the top guy might have thought i was mad at him. That made me feel even worse.

    One of the few regrets in my life is not being able to let him know how frustrated i was to not being able to give him what he wanted.

    From then on, i never got into a sexual situation without knowing i was thoroughly clean and as a result, passed up a lot of spontanious sex.

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  2. Ah, yes. The hookup app paradox.

    Where the number of viable hookups is inversely proportional to the number of apps used.


    If you use 1 app or more, people will only want the opposite of what you have to offer.

    If you use zero apps, ie the baths, you will hook up.

    There is also, schrodinger's bath house, where you don't know if you will hook up or not till you open the box...

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    • Haha 3
  3. In my humble experience, large capable cocks are great, but how about the rest of the man?

    Black guys, especially the younger leaner guys, have so much more to offer.

    Their skin is so smooth.

    I also love looking into those big bottomless eyes.

    I love big soft lips on anyone, but black guys really make me crazy.

    Their shoulders are wide and strong, making that sexy V down to a small sexy waist.

    Their muscular bubble butts, I could spend all day just licking and squeezing my way to that delicious hole.

    Of course, there are the big loads of tasty cum that I will take anywhere on my body, shot out of a magnificent, regardless of size, black cock.

    Unfortunately, I live in an area that is virtually devoid of these sex gods. I still have my memories, that are hot enough to last a lifetime...

    • Like 3
  4. First of all, 5.5 to 6 is exactly average. I'm in that average range, and have never been turned down due to size. I'm vers, and have had cocks from 3ish to porn star big, and they all have their pluses and minuses.

    It's been said here many times that small to average cocks often get and stay harder than the larger variety. It's also a lot more work/technique to take a big cock.

    I think you are being too "cock centric". There are a whole host of erogenous zones on a body that crave attention, as well as everything that comes out of a cock, regardless of size.

    One of the best, most intense, and long lasting sessions I have ever had was with a guy that was quite small. That didn't stop us from having 7 intense, non stop hours of flip flop fun.

    Like they say in the used car business... There's an ass for every seat...

    Lastly, I would bet that you have passed on some great sex because of a percieved problem that only exists in your own mind. In fact it's not your choice, but your potential partner that decides if you are desirable to them. When you make those choices for them you both lose.

    Just relax. This shit is supposed to be fun, not a job.


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  5. Nope. The smoother the better. Some body hair is ok, but facial hair is instant turn off for me.

    Short/small smooth guys, and girls really, are my kryptonite. Skin color, cock size, all are secondary.

    Saw a profile on another site from a black guy, 5'5" 110lb, with a 9" poz dick, and a few other attributes....my ideal guy incarnate ;)

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  6. 3 hours ago, etha said:

    Sounds interesting. The test is only reliable for one strain of HIV but still it is a useful information. I checked on the site and there are different packages available. Which one did you take?

    There was only one available when I did it.

    The FDA messed with them at one time, just as I was about to get my results back, so it was a pain to get info from the raw data.

    I think now they have begun making more info available on third site. In any event, regardless of what package you choose, you should have your full genome available as raw data. It is a big file, but everything is there. Just keep in mind that the raw data is just what your genome is, and not what it means.

    I managed to figure out what all I wanted to know. Since there are alot more people in the database now,  it will be all the more informative.

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  7. If you get your DNA tested at 23 And Me, the results will tell you.

    It will tell you if you are immune, as in no receptors for the HIV virus, but if you are not, it will tell you what rate of progression you can expect if you do get infected.

    I took the test years ago.

    I am not immune, and could expect a standard rate of progression if I did not take meds.

    One caveat. The information is only an estimate based on input from the people that have had their DNA sequenced AND answered questions about their medical history.

    Oh, and as it turns out I'm 0.27% Neanderthal :)

    Good luck

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  8. There is nothing "wrong" with you. You like what you like.

    I use this analogy when explaining it to the less open minded people.

    I ask them if they like corn, usually the answer is yes. I ask them why they like corn. Most say "I don't know, I just do". I'm like ok, do you like eggplant or asparagus, often the answer is no. I ask why they don't like it, it usually the same answer..."I just don't".

    I explain, it not a choice. It's just the way you are wired.

    Society wants to label you, so they can judge you. Don't give them that satisfaction.

    You like what you like. Find someone that will let you do that.

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  9. Since this law is all about trafficking, any site that someone posts an ad for a "generous" partner will have the same issue. Say goodbye to pretty much all hookup sites that don't want to fight this in court.

    Thanks to the sexually repressed republicans.

    Oh, before you flame me about republicans....the bill was sponsored by a republican.

    AND, if you think this is bad, wait till pence is sworn in.

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