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Everything posted by blokeinbrighton

  1. I find the idea of it happening to other people hot, especially when I'm horned up. Could never imagine it happening in my family though.
  2. Just to let you know, it is possible to buy prep reliably off the internet now, you can get a months supply for just over £50. Also you can take it only when you need to in order to make your supply last longer. There was a French Prep study where participants were asked to take two tablets of truvada the day before they fuck and then 1/day a couple days afterwards. This was found to be an effective way to prevent HIV transmission.
  3. Yeah... reliable being the key word there
  4. Other stuff is more widely available. You'd probably get a more detailed answer asking in the enhancements section.
  5. Grindr is your best shout during the day, or one of the saunas. I'm not sure which is best for bb.
  6. That's an ambitious list for your first time.
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