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Everything posted by SFRubberLeather

  1. Alpha bottom who's into extreme edge play but NEED to expand my currents limits & connect up with a no limits/no safeword/no mercy brutal edge play Top. Looking to expand into forced chems/partial sedation (want to be aware of what's going on & able to remember everything the next day) intubation/NG tubes, cutting/bloodsports, needle play, complete toilet training, seeding, and any other brutal edge play the Top can think of. I'm VERY serious about this so PLEASE serious responses only!
  2. Fantastic profile! Wish I was nearer to you so I could recieve all your toxic loads & fluids... It would be an honor.....

  3. Great profile, makes me wish I was in Berlin so you could give me ALL your toxic loads...

  4. Great profile, kinda makes me wish I was back in NYC to be force fed from your hole then get your toxic seed in me.

  5. Thanks for adding me as a friend. I REALLY have to admit you are one HUNK, wish I was nearer to you so you could give me all your fluids. It would be an honor receiving them....

  6. Thanks for adding me as a Friend...

  7. Thanks for adding me as a Friend. I gotta admit I wish we were nearer each other, I'd love to have you breed me, use me as your "total" toilet & feed me ALL of your "fluids"....

  8. I finally got the 4 bottles I ordered 2+ weeks ago from PowerPoppers in BC Canada. Seems this is the last on-line place with any. I will say however, they do not answer their emails & never send you a confirmation of shipping them. Until they arrived I was thinking they took my $$ and ran off with it.
  9. Really great story, makes me SERIOUSLY wish I was the guy in the story. In reality I am honestly looking to get into a session like this!!!
  10. Looking to connect up with BRUTAL edge play Tops in the SF Bay Area. Need to be taken to the edge & be given a shove over it. Looking to get into no limit/no mercy/no safe-word session(s). Need to expand into extreme breath control (including gassing, rebreathing, etc), seeding, forced chems (no tina, mostly looking for partial sedation), N/G tubes & intubation, toilet training, forced scat feeding, bastille, heavy needle play w/cock & balls , cutting, extreme sensory deprivation, consensual/non-consensual sessions, and more. Further very detailed info on me at www.recon.com/SFRubberLeather. This is a serious request so, PLEASE serious responses only!!
  11. Thanks for the friends request. It's good to see fellow longhairs on here...

  12. Thanks for the friends request

  13. There's alot of rumors floating around on the net about the popper situation: 1) The major supplier in the US has gone out of business. 2) The major supplier in the US was busted by the Fed's & who also sent letters out to a lot of the Internet re-sellers telling them to stop selling poppers. 3) The owner of one of the companys that made one brand commited suicide. Does anyone out there actually know what's the REAL true story is?? If so let us know.... I always bought them from Fort Troff. I just bought some today online from another company (I'm not going to supply their name as people might think I work for them) but when I did but I saw that 1/3 of the major brands (Amsterdam, Jungle Juice, etc) they didn't have. I'll have to see if they get back to me stating they either don't have the one's I ordered or can't sell poppers anymore....
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