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Posts posted by melvin0095

  1. 14 hours ago, bbfarm said:

    About two years ago, my (now ex) husband and I had a dude over one Sunday morning. He was ~ 50 and in PERFECT condition.  

    Do you know the type I mean? Sometimes there are older ‘straight’ guys who seem like a classic car which has always been garaged. That is, they are perfectly well kept, but hardly used at all. I see guys like this every so often, and consider it a ‘type’ . . . a married dude in great shape but for no one but his wife, and as years pass that lack of use really seems really apparent (to me at least).  Still fresh. Still naive.   So wasted.  

    Anyway this dude comes over one Sunday morning because ”that’s when my wife is at church, and I can get away.” And he’s in amazing shape.  

    I fuck his ass. Cum there.  

    My husband fucks his full-of-my-cum ass and cums there too. 

    FUCK YES dirty bottom two raw loads in him!  Me (without my now ex) would have fucked him again. HOT HOT HOT cum loving married dude cheating on his wife while she is at church!!!

    The kicker?   (My stories often have a punch line) After we’ve fucked he points at me and my husband in succession.  . . .

    ”Four . . .Five” he says.

    We’re both like “?”

    He says “You are the fourth and fifth guys to ever fuck me.”

    !!!!!!!!!!!!And we’d both just shot our raw cum in his ‘straight’ married ass!!!!!
     Cheating on his wife while she prayed at church.  

    GOD yes.  

    Hot hot hot .

    • Like 2
  2. 12 hours ago, Close2MyBro said:

    My brother breeds me for hours when we hook up. He likes to tie me up, have me eat is ass for a while then turn me over and fuck me like an animal, pulling out now and then for me to taste my own ass on his dick, then when he's ready he'll pound the fuck out of me and shoot the family load in my ass, then pull out, have me suck him clean then go grab a beer and watch me finger his load out of my ass and eat it. Our fuck sessions usually last a couple of hours.

    hot hot hot

  3. On 6/12/2020 at 6:07 PM, ErosWired said:

    😬 Ouch. Sorry to hear that.

    I knew my situation wasn’t just a premature decision to go in after I woke up from the anesthesia they used to try to remove it non-surgically and was told they had failed. I had to wonder, though, how hard they had actually tried - If they can perform a colonoscopy, surely they could find the damn thing, and if they could find it, there have to be ways to attach something to a dildo so you could pull it out without having to cut open a guy’s abdomen. Think of it like rescuing someone who’s fallen into a well ot gotten trapped in a cave; people come up with all kinds of creative solutions for that.

    More of the story.  I went to the closest hospital in my insurance system.  The ER doctor was great. He said they delivered one or two a week.  He poked and probed with my legs up in stirrups.  Its a teaching hospital so he asked if I minded a student assisting.  Apparently I miss understood him.  Next time I looked up there was a room full of assorted people.  He spent a hour working at it.   With extra equipment from surgery.  Trying various suggestions and help from several different doctors.  I do not have a clue what things they put up my ass, but here was lots of cold steel things appearing in my line of vision.  He gave up and said the only other thing to try general anesthesia.   The on call surgeon was at their sister hospital across town.  Got there and in walked the surgeon.  Turns out he and I where  old friends of sorts.  At the time I was working at a country club.  He was one of my regular members.  After a howdy-do, very professional explaining putting me under to get it out.  He was sure that would work.  But if not he would do surgery.  I woke up the next day with 15 staples in my belly.  Lots of fun lol  Glad you had a better time.    My partner and I where treated with respect and kindness during my stay in the hospital.  We where sure some of them found it amusing.  Hell we did. 

  4. 16 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    Oh my... memories. Once upon a time I had a 12” double-headed dildo. I got quite practiced at taking it all the way up to the point that only the second head remained outside my hole. This was many years ago, when I was still very tight inside.

    One evening my ass got greedy. After I came hard from that cumming-while-impaled feeling, I reached down to pull on the second head only to find it not there. A finger inserted full-length up my cunt met nothing but cunt.

    Long story short, after trying minimal procedures and failing, the doctors told me I would have to have it surgically removed. With only one hour left before I was to be cut open, I went to the toilet, and by some miracle the thing suddenly dislodged and slithered out of me.

    Expensive lesson - A suitcase full of dignity I’ll never get back, plus $2,000 and change to the hospital. You can get 15-20 really good dildoes for that...

    I did exactly this same thing.  But I now have a 4 inch scar where it did not come out.  And they keep my toy.  We figured it was in the museum somewhere.  My surgeon was impressed.

    • Haha 1
  5. 3 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    To people who keep buying into the Trump campaign's bullshit that Biden is "incoherent" (when Trump himself can't make a single English sentence without assistance)  - or who pretend to, because they're secretly supporting the other side and want to sow division among Democrats - should look at the polls. Biden leads Trump not only nationally but in every swing state and in some states not traditionally regarded as swing states. Some on the left (and I'm a progressive, don't get me wrong) think the solution is to nominate someone far to the left, like Sanders, ignoring that while he'll excite a small portion of the Democratic base, it's the part of the base that turns out at the lowest rate, year in and year out. And meanwhile, that sort of candidate scares the pants off moderates in the suburbs - the people who swung the House back to the Democrats in 2018.

    Did none of you notice that of the 41 seats that flipped from Republican to Democrat, not a single one was in the AOC/Sanders mold? Those candidates and representatives are great, don't get me wrong, but they're great for districts that have wide margins of progressive/liberal voters. Not so much for suburbs that for the last two decades have been trending Republican; those people DO turn out to vote, year after year, and the more of them we can keep on our side, the better our chances of winning not only the White House but the Senate.

    Because without the Senate, NONE of Sanders' progressive ideas will ever see the light of day on that side of the Capitol. Nor would most of his judicial nominations. Think McConnell was cheeky for holding onto a Supreme Court seat for a year so Trump could fill it? Wait till he does that for four years with a Democratic president, for every single federal judgeship.

    I get it - politics, for some people, is like sex, and they only like the very specific kind of sex (and politics) that get them off. The problem is that the choice here is going to be similar to sex that's OK, occasionally pretty good, but sometimes mediocre, for four years - or no sex at all. Moreover, if we have another four years of a Republican president and senate, god forbid, the federal judiciary will be so thoroughly hollowed out of liberal or even moderate voices in favor of young, long-lived extremists who'll see to it that Democratic presidents and Congresses are stymied for the next 30 years.

    Biden is the best shot we have for avoiding that. Maybe that's a bad reflection on the Democratic party, I don't know - but anyone who thinks Trump is awful needs to vote for Biden and every other Democrat running for federal office in his area. Period. 

    Well said.

    • Like 1
  6. On 3/12/2020 at 4:41 AM, colletonguy72 said:

    I'm spending the night in Atlanta just to get my slut on. It's been years since I did this so break me back in by some no talking necessary, anonymous style, tell me what position to get in and use my hole like your personal fleshlight, unload and let yourself out. 


    Hot ass  I hope you get lots of takers.

    • Like 1
  7. On 2/19/2020 at 9:00 AM, Spunkinmyarse said:

    I hate facials.  For a start, it seems like a waste.  But mostly I just hate getting cum in my eyes.  Maybe that’s because I wear contacts, I dunno.  Tbh, if you’re not going to plant it deep in one of my two holes, then wank off into a cup and I’ll decide what to do with it later.

    Love the way this guy thinks.

  8. On 3/18/2020 at 1:56 PM, twoguyssssss4fun said:

    Just had some fun with neighbor boy of mine.. Been watching and wanting him for years.  He's 18 , senior in HS and has known I'm gay for a while.  Even mows my lawn for me.  But with the corona virus having everyone off from school,  we've been chatting more and more on a daily basis. Parents were at work,  so we ended up in my bedroom today.  Got a load in my mouth from him, and also gave him one in his tight beautiful ass.  Took it real easy with him,  slowly making love to him.

    I need to find a new guy to mow my lawn lol

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