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Everything posted by anonfuck28

  1. Just got my recent labs back, and my viral load has 'blipped' to about 200 from being UD. Got me thinking, how common is this? I've had about 4 blips over a 15 year history since being on meds, curious if other guys have this happen occassionally. Upon retest it's always been back to UD. Appreciate it's sometimes called a 'lab error' but just got me thinking, if other guys have seen this too On a slightly separate note, i did wonder if it had 'blipped' due to being reinfected with HIV, but as far as I can tell, this hasn't been documented before
  2. Just been diagnosed with Hep C - I'm still feeling a little bit shell shocked at the moment, I know I've caught it from playing raw. Had some of the symptoms of being infected so went to a clinic and surely enough, got the result. Of all the things I didnt want to catch, Hep C was my biggest fear. My heads not stopped spinning since finding out
  3. Nah he was cool, said he was disappointed the weekend didnt go to plan for me but wasnt ass'd about the bites, they faded within a few days
  4. When you guys meet someone new who you have the hots for, and it looks like its got potential to turn into something more serious than just fuck sessions, do you set out rules from the beginning of it being totally monogamous or youre still free to play around For me it'd be a tricky situation, its nice to have that one to one closeness with my partner and not share him but at the same time I think i'd struggle with not having the different variety of cock. I try to justify it to myself as noone eats the same breakfast for XX amount of years .....
  5. Something I've been curious about for a while, once a guy is Poz and on successful undetectable treatment can they expect any health 'bumps in the road' as it were? be is 10 / 20 or even 30 years down the road? Dont mean like the odd seasonal cold / flu etc but longer term. Only reason I'm curious is; I understand the drugs now a days can keep the virus in check, but does that come at a lost long term with the toxcicity of the drugs one would need to take? Would be really interested to hear any poz guys thoughts / expereinces health wise of being long term poz.
  6. The whole phone thing aside, I dont think I'd head back to Paris anytime soon. Few reasons really, the cruise bars (3 main ones) are spread across paris so it's a bit of a treck to get to any of them. There was only 1 bar I got a liking for, well laid out etc with private cubicles if you wanted them, the others downstairs cruising was really quite small and it was all open, nowhere to go for some privacy if you hooked up with anyone. There was 2 French guys who were REALLY into each other, like totally lost in each other and really getting it on, it was obvious they didnt want to play in a group, just those 2, was actually really sweet to see just how much they were into each other, but of course there was a swarm of guys around them trying to get in on the action but they clearly didnt want that, just each other. It got to the point guys were on their knees on the floor trying to grab their cocks, i did feel sorry for these 2 guys cos they just wanted to enjoy each other. Sex bit aside, Paris isnt what I imaged it would be. I always thought of Paris as this quaint little cute place but in reality it was teaming with people up to no good on the streets, some of it qas quite rough, hustlers and there was alot of dirty streets with graffiti.
  7. I toyed with the idea of going to that, but what puts me off is going to a raw event whih is my home town. Didnt want to become known as 'the guy who goes to raw parties' kinda thing - sure you know how Newcastle gossip scene is already
  8. Hey guys, some of you may have seen as I posted on here looking for suggesitons of where to go for a 'Load Weekend' - My lad gave me a free weekend pass to go away, have some 'me' time and I thought, awesome opportunity to go away somewhere I've not been before, see some sights and also throw in 3 nights of hitting cruise bars to take as many loads as I could. Just what the doctor ordered! Settled on Paris, looked on various websites and there was a few selection of cruise sex bars and it was easy to get to. Hotel, flights booked on Wednesday night. Flew out of Thursday morning. Mini adventure begins, my ass was almost twitching with excitment as we touched down in Paris. Quick hop on the train from the airport to the hotel, I was here! 1030PM - First night in Paris. I booked a hotel within walking distance to the cruise bars, closest one being literally 5 minutes away. Super quick douche at the hotel (Thanks Chia seeds, youre a god send!) and Im off ...... I head to Bunker. Got there, friendly guy on reception explained it was naked night. BONUS! Get in, undress, skip straight past the bar, no time for drinks, I'm headed straight for the cellar where the cruising happens. Few guys kicking about. I wander round for about 45 minutes, sucking various cocks, but it was pretty quiet, probably 10 people in or so. After 90 minutes, I'm starting to flag fromt he travel so head back to the hotel. Tomorrow sight seeings and general touristy things Friday spend the day wandering round Paris (getting hasstle by the hustlers on the street) which I dont usually mind but in Paris for some reason it's constant. Ever corner, every street always someone wanting to scam you in one form or another. Sight seeing done, my ass is twitching in anticipation of tonight. Its already feeling open and ready for every load it'll take. Back to the hotel, quick nap then I'm out. Friday night in Paris, here I come baby.... I hot a bar up called Le'Depot - Loved the lay out but it was quiet, it was 1030PM when I got there, but downstairs, lots of gloryholes (which I love) with 4/5 holes for each cubicle that guys walking past can stick their cocks through, also conncts to the other glory holes. Then there was a dark room which was kind of in a circle like shape you you did a lap through the room. Loved the place, although it was quiet, maybe still too early and there was a big Paris football match on. I decide to hit the next bar, La'Impact, naked only cruising bar. Get there, undress, downstairs I go. Really small (Almost closterphobic) downstairs. Play there for about 90 minutes and get bored and they had no glory holes so I decide to head back to Le'Depot - surely it must have picked up by then. So my trust iPhone guides me straight back to the bar with the gloryholes. Pay at the door, straight downstairs. As I'm walking down the stairs, theres a fit guy stood at the bottom, winks at me as I walk down, he's clearly interested. Theres my first load still sitting in his ball sack which needs to be in my ass I thought. He follows me to the cubicles, I stand at the door, he walks in. I follow. Door closes. Within seconds he bites my neck REALLY hard. Fuck thats gonna mark is what ran through my head. (Although my lad knows what I was up to on my 'me time weekend' I still didnt want to roll into work with a bite mark on my neck on Monday AM), I pull away mean time his hand is round my ass, jeans undone but not totally down, hes really going for my ass, slapping it, pulling it etc. Hes clearly a top I thought. He bites my neck super hard again. I think no, I've had enough of of this. I pull my jeans up and go to open the door. He pushed it closed again and insists on getting to my ass (or so I thought), I fight back a little and push him off, open the door and walk out. He stays in the room. I instantly check my pockets to make sure everything is in order. BOOM, my Iphone is gone. SHIT. I start to panic, hes still in the room sitting down, I go back in and ask if he has my phone, he ignores me, I ask again, he said something in French. I reply I dont speak french. I go to feel his pockets and also looking on the door and feeling my hands on the leather box seat in the cubicle. I say to him show me your phone. He pulls his phone out but doesnt stand up, which I found odd. I'm panicing at this point as I'm totally screwed without it. I panic and leave the room, he doesnt speak english, isnt helpful, i instantly start retracing my steps in the cruise bar from walking in to the cubicle, praying to god I spinply just dropped it (I knew I didnt cos I'm always so careful and concious of my phone) I go and find the bouncer and explain I think some guy has stolen my phone. He asks if I know who did it, I said yes, he asks me to show him. We walk down stairs, I'm searching and searching but hes gone. No where to be seen. The bouncer explains if I see him to go find him. By this point I'm assuing the guy is long gone. I panic, guys are showing interest but I've totally lost my mo-jo at this point thinking, how the fuck do I get back to the hotel, I know it's about 20 minutes away but I was relying on my phone for google maps directions, uber bookings, my plane ticket was on there along with all my credit cards (Apple Pay etc) I head out to the street, completey lost with no sense of direction, I start walking in what I think is the general direction of the hotel. Paris streets are all very similar and I get lost. I end up asking people on the street for help, if they have a phone with maps on it so I can head in the right direction, but of course they are immediately suspicious of me. Was I trying to steal their phone I'm sure they were thinking. Almost 2 1/2 hours later I eventually make it back to my hotel. Open my iPad and use Find my Iphone, I can see it's about 11 mile from where the bar was, I enable 'Lost mode' which pings the phone to say its lost and starts playing a noise. They must notice as the phone then goes offline. Its clear they have no intention of returning it. I should point out at this point, without my phone, I'm stuck, stranded, isolated, lost. I didnt even have a phone in the hotel to call my cell provider to block the SIM etc. I decide at this point I just need to get home to sort things out. I log onto airline website (by this time it's 4AM on Saturday morning) and book the next flight home. Its' in 5 hours. Throw stuff in a case and get reception to call me a cab to the airport. Get home, strsight to Apple shop to buy new phone and SIM card. So all in all its been a total disaster of a weekend, the pickpocket, got a iPhone which has been locked and blocked so it's of absolutely no use to them - even if the factory reset it wont work as it's still registerd to my account, but I'm not sure they appreciate just how much distress, panic, loss it causes someone. Not only did they ruin my night, but my entire Load Weekend. Bastards, utter theifing scamming bastards. I hope they get hit by a bus pn the way home with my iphone.
  9. Thanks guys - Berlin is a little akward to get to from where I am in the UK and involved connecting flights. Paris is just one fligth away which takes an hour or so and then I'm there. Is there much BB cck to be had in paris? Is it worth considering there or should I be looking for someplace else?
  10. Hi guys, My fella has given me a free weekend pass to have a weekend away to myself someplace in Europe to go away and just have some me time. I'm looking for a 3 day Weekend break but want to visit some place which has lots of BB bars / clubs on offer where I can go and get loaded up and well used by as many guys as possible. Looking for recommendations that is a short flight from the UK. Thinking Paris sounds full of BB bars and sex shops and from reading some threads of here looks like theres alot of BB goes on there but wondered if you guys had any other suggestions as I'm wanting to make the most of this weekend free pass and get loaded as much as poss Thanks guys, appreciate any help
  11. I guess you must have a double-ganger then from the same area - same profile and pics but hey - not to worry, my reputation is still intact fella.
  12. Tell me more - we're always game!
  13. I tried to hit you up on Grindr one night. You were game for doing an anon dark walk in fuck. All was going well until the point you blocked me. The chat went along the lines of, you were wanting to be used as a cum dump and wanted to be waiting ass in the air etc etc etc - me and my buddy we're ready to come round. You'd seen our pics - then you blocked with a closing message of ''This is too much hard work'' I said to my buddy, if he was a proper cumdump he wouldn't have been that much hard work - you missed out on being bred by 2 hung raw tops that night. I guess some people have an ideology of what they want, yet when t's offered to them on a platter - reality kicks in and they actually want something else. Or - their just their to waste their time (and others!)
  14. Thinking about doing a 4 night stay in GC to get bred in the clubs, possibly Zoo etc. Just looking for a few nights break to bend over in a dark room and get bred by some hung guys - would end of April (3 weeks time) be high / low season, think it would be busy, or would it be worth looking at somewhere like Berlin? Thanks
  15. What did he do to your arm?
  16. Thanks, Berlin is looking like the most probable, and the flights are fairly cheap too. Any recommendations for places to go on a evening to get bred? Been looking at some gay hotels, anyone know if any of the hotels are also cruisy on a night?
  17. Was thinking about heading to GC for a week in July until someone said it was low season. Instead I've decided to do a long weekend some place to fit in as much cock as possible. Where would be best for say Friday through to a Tuesday. My fav kinda places are cruise clubs / dark rooms and sauna's. Was thinking either Berlin, Barcelona or Benidorm, any ideas of where I'm more likley to get BB cock. Love the idea of going to a naked night in a cruise bar, and just bending over in a dark room and getting bred or sitting my ass in a sling and just letting anyone use it.
  18. Hey, Appreciate this is probably a bit of a long shot and google hasn't turned up any websites specifically for what I was looking for. I've just come out of a fairly lengthy relationship and was looking to get a break away in the sun to Gran Canaria in July, looking to pretty much chill out through the day in the sun and have a relaxed wander round through the day and the by night time, going out any getting bred in the bars / clubs by as much raw cock as possible. Being in a lengthy relationship, I've only just realised having come out of it, that over the years friends and moved on / drifted away. Would be awesome if there was another filthy minded gay guy also looking for a travel companion for the week looking to chill through the day and be sexual predators at night serving all the men
  19. Anyone got any recent experiences of Zoo bar they could share? Looking to go to GC in the next few months and really wanna check this place out. I like the idea of going on naked / mask night, and just setting my staff out for all to use (by that I just mean bending over on a bed and letting anyone fill me!) If it mostly Spanish guys or more guys holidaying who go there?
  20. Was browsing the web and came across this video (I wasnt searching for makeup! ) and in the video he has a huge biohazard tattoo on his chest, i know he's famous for having every inch of his body tattoo'd, sure i've seen him before on TV but dont remember seeing the biohazard tattoo and it looks like it's been tattoo'd over his exsisting, wondered if this was a fairly clear indication he's recent been poz'd? http://knue.com/you-would-never-guess-this-guy-is-the-most-tattooed-man-in-the-world-video/?trackback=fbshare_mobile_top If you dont want to watch the whole vid although it's only 3 mins long in total, jump to 2:11
  21. Have been wondering this on and off for a few weeks now. We all love to BB and personally cant beat the feeling of a raw cock in me, Hep C is always at the back of my mind after a good breeding but wondered if other guys actually worry about Hep C? I had a friend who caught Hep C from a sex party once and although he got cured, it was a pretty rough ride for him as the treatment can have some nasty side effects Does anyone actually worry about Hep C now-a-days?
  22. I’m often wondering what my fantasy really says about me as a person I’ve acted out a fantasy many times with complete strangers but I often find myself wondering what it really means at a psychological level. What does it really say about me and my personality? My fancy is I arrange a meet with a top(pref hung!) I unlock the front door, turn off all of the lights and wait naked doggie style on the bed sometimes wearing a hood and sometimes not, sniffing poppers in complete darkness. Darkness is probably one of the mandatory things I’d look for any meet. Partly because I think theres no awkward glances and it’s anonymous. Over the last few weeks I've often found myself wondering what this really says about me as a person I don't consider myself to be a cumdump or a pig, I'm really not that fussed if a guy loads inside me or not, it’s more the getting fucked (but I don’t feel the need to feel like I’m being controlled by a top) but would be interested to see what other people's opinions would be someone regularly looking to act out that scenario When I'm looking for a meet this is always the scenario that I try and set up I often wonder is it because I'm not great at socialising with strangers or maybe because I know we’re only meeting for sex and any conversation would be pointless and only made out of politeness Would be interested to hear any thoughts.
  23. Please don't judge me but wanted to know if other guys actually do this. Visited a bath house and took a few raw loads but Sphyllis keeps playing on my mind and obviously don't want to catch is as don't want to pass it onto bf. Although I'm not actually showing any symptoms it's better to be safe than sorry right? There is various reputable websites on the net where you can buy sphyllis treatment in tablet form so if I think I've caught something I just start taking a weeks treatment for it. It's a very general antibiotic which deals with a range of STI's as well as other general stuff - wondered if anyone else actually does this or is it just me?
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