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Everything posted by naughtycute82

  1. Hey, don't know whether I really get your question on my profile. Though, for urinal licking, I once read this fictional story where a sadistic top fucks a boy and makes the boy clean out a urinal with cold piss with his tongue as he's slamming his hole. Let's just say that was an inspiring story hehe, who know's I might turn that into reality one day.

  2. A pup friend is known to steal jockstraps from men he dates. At his home there is this whole wall of jockstraps from every man he played with. I remember when I was 16 I got this bikerman over for a night when the parents were out, and afterwards when he wasn't looking I took his underwear and hid it in one of my drawers. I still have that one hehe. So I was wondering, do you ever keep a 'souvenir' from your dates? If so, what type of item and did you ask for it or did you secretly steal it?
  3. Hmm, I must have been skipping those warnings hehe. On a serious note though, I don't often see those warnings. I used to work in a store where they used to place stickers on DVD boxes themselves. Maybe the placing of such warnings could be a regional difference? As for the article, I don't have any english language sources unfortunately. It got covered by a few mainstream papers but not my a lot of gay media. I got the article myself by contacting the researcher. Some sources I googled: Press release about this research on the website of the University of Amsterdam (Google Translate?): http://www.uva.nl/nieuws-agenda/nieuws/uva-nieuws/content/persberichten/2014/05/%E2%80%98bareback%E2%80%99-porno-van-invloed-op-intentie-tot-veilige-seks.html Abstract/summary through Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261610328_Bareback_Pornography_Consumption_and_Safe-Sex_Intentions_of_Men_Having_Sex_with_Men
  4. I'd be very grateful if you could change my username to loadhunterxxx or, if that's taken, loadhunter82.
  5. Tops I asked to film me so far all said yes. Usually when I ask whether they'd film me "for an internet profile", "because I want to see what you see when you fuck me/when I blow you" or just "because it turns me on" they are a little hesitant and want to make sure their face isn't shown in it. Which is fine to me. (Though I met one top last night who said he wouldn't mind hehe) I've only done it a couple of times but every time they get so turned on by the filming! I usually send them some of the footage afterwards which always leads to great reactions. So, yeah, just ask! And if they're hesitant at first, just wait until they get warmed up a bit. Chances are they'll only think it's hot to film what they're/you're doing. The only rule I apply to this is that they use my phone, not theirs. Just to make sure the footage doesn't end up in the wrong hands.
  6. I'm quite surprised...I thought everyone got it in high school these days. Or maybe this is a difference between US and (Western) EU? Interesting... Oh yes, definitely agree with the fact that bareback cty has become more vocal. Also more visible I think, based on what I see in darkrooms and at leather/sex parties.
  7. Trending, that's the word I was looking for! Though I think this trend is here to stay...
  8. I agree, Bareback sex is the new norm. Over the past few years barebacking has been on the up, condom-use is on the down. That said, I do also think gay men have become much more educated and conscious about the risks involved in bareback sex, which makes them consciously choose bareback sex - which I think is totally fine. Personally, I'm not as condom-nazi anymore as I used to be. It's weird, I once stood in front of an IML jury proclaiming it was a good decision to ban bareback porn at that IML market. Now I'm totally the opposite. Barebacking is here to stay. People should just deal with that.
  9. I'm reading an academic article this morning by Kai J. Jonas, a researcher from the University of Amsterdam, who did research on the impact of bareback porn on it's viewers. Results indicate that watching bareback porn lowers the threshold for viewers to engage in bareback sex. This new study didn't make many headlines, assumably because Jonas and his team mention clearly in their article that further research is needed and that the conclusion is not 'Watching bareback porn will make you a barebacker' but rather 'Viewers will more easily consider engaging in sex without a condom after watching bareback porn'. But there were some voices on social media which were quite surprised at the outcome. Though the loudest comments attacked the research method rather than the conclusion. Note: From an academic viewpoint, the research method is solid. Jonas even notes why they chose this approach. So it is irrelevant to criticize the method, I'd much rather like to debate the conclusion. Study 1 Jonas and his team conducted two studies. In Study 1 focused on the theory that watching bareback porn lowers the threshold to engage in bareback sex. 220 gay men watched DVD covers after which they reported about their sexual behavior. The results indicate the theory to be correct: those who are confronted with bareback sex images will more easily engage in bareback sex. Jonas does mention a lot of factors that influence such a choice (e.g. HIV-status) but overall the result supports the theory Study 2 This study focused on the practice of bareback sex. 34 men were given a bag with condoms etc. to go out in a local bar where sex videos were shown and sex parties were hosted. (Cruise Club Church if I'm not mistaken.) The men reported afterwards on their sexual behavior. The results of this study indicate that viewers of bareback porn video footage will more easily engage in bareback sex. Again Jonas mentions factors that influence such a choice, but this time too the results support the theory. Discussion Jonas and his team conclude that watching bareback porn will have viewers engage more easily in bareback sex. These studies are limited, more research is definitely needed, Jonas and his team state. But their research could be of importance to sex health workers and organisations, sex locations as well as porn producers. One option the researchers mention is analogue to the way society currently deals with tobacco and alcohol: warning viewers about the risks of bareback sex on DVD-boxes, through banners on bareback porn websites or on locations where bareback porn is shown. As an 'educated viewer' is expected to be more aware of risks and to make a more conscious decision about whether or not to engage in bareback sex. What do you think? Are you more likely to engage in bareback sex after watching bareback porn? And do you think putting warnings about risks on DVD-covers, sex sites and sex locations could prevent men from barebacking? Note/Personal Opinion: I will be the last one on earth to say people should not have bareback sex, but I personally think it could do no harm to add such a warning to bareback pornography. If we do it with smoking and alcohol consumption, why not with porn? Also, people that want to bareback will bareback, but it is better when someone makes a conscious choice to do so instead of it (having bareback sex) happening accidentally. If you would like a copy of this research article, send me a message or get in the comments. (It is 300kb, breedingzone's limit for .pdf is 200kb.)
  10. That moment where you gag, your mouth is filled with saliva and your eyes get all watery, that's just part of the fun, no? I once got the tip to practice with my hand and try and swallow that. That way you can also feel what is inside of your throat, like the division where air gets separated from food. It maybe sounds weird or nasty but it did the trick for me. Also practice, practice, practice! It just gets better every time.
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