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Status Replies posted by Scorpion

  1. Just saw your pictures and read about the things you allege to do.... It is such a pity, that you are on another continent. I would beat you up and rape your worthless ass. Choke you 'til the verge of death, while pumping my deadly seed into your faggot cunt.... You're such a nice young peace of fuck meat....

    1. Scorpion


      Of course!
      Although I would be harder on you I guess, for showing your balls and clit so shamelessly to the world.
      You don't know your place yet obviously.... you cunt.     😈

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hey…

    möchtest du schreiben?

    1. Scorpion


      Schreib mich an....

  3. Been  a fan of your stories for a long time and would love to know where I can reading all your work, hopefully in the original form.

  4. Hey man crazy hot stories, would love to read more where you publish

    1. Scorpion


      Thx mate - I am not writing or publishing stories at the moment....
      Don't know if I will continue any time soon. I doubt it actually.
      Took my site down for the moment, due to lack of interest.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. I enjoy so much your stories, is there any way to share them with me, like some page etc 😄 Would love to be treated like one of the sluts, and to read more 😄

  6. Man, I am new here but already read most of your stories.

    So often I wished to be the boy in them. Would love to know how that would be to feel your sting. Please do it.

    I also live in Germany

    PS: Just created a account so I could write this


    1. Scorpion


      Nice skinny body.... I will contact you via PM.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Hello everyone,

    Unfortunately, you don't get any answers from "breedingZone" support, just a link that doesn't help you any further:-( it's a shame, but the individual one is probably not important enough.

    so my question is why can't I write messages to other users and how does it work with the points - rank Newbie (2/14)???

    who can please write in German, because my English is very bad and I have to translate everything with Google. thanks in advance.


    1. Scorpion


      Ahoi Bruno,

      mit 'positiv' meinte ich - keine beleidigenden Posts oder so. Klar kannst Du schreiben was Du willst, aber es gibt halt auch hier eine Art der Netiquette.
      Ich hätte Dir gerne gesagt, ab welchem Rang es möglich ist, aber ich denke schon, dass es nicht allzu lange dauern wird. Die wollen ja, dass die Leute sich hier untereinander vernetzen können.

      PM soll sicherlich kein exklusives Merkmal sein. Wahrhscheinlich hat es eher praktische Gründe, wieso man das so eingestellt hat.

      Also - von Skorpion zu Skorpion.... 🙂 
      Probier einfach ab und an die mail Funktion aus. 
      Schau auch mal in Deine Settings, ob Du dort schon alles auf 'Go' eingestellt hast und wie aktiv Dein Profil ist.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hello everyone,

    Unfortunately, you don't get any answers from "breedingZone" support, just a link that doesn't help you any further:-( it's a shame, but the individual one is probably not important enough.

    so my question is why can't I write messages to other users and how does it work with the points - rank Newbie (2/14)???

    who can please write in German, because my English is very bad and I have to translate everything with Google. thanks in advance.


    1. Scorpion


      Servus Bruno.... 

      ich bin mir nicht sicher, ab welchem Rang Du tatsächlich anderen Usern eine private Nachricht schreiben kannst. 
      Als Newbie ist es eben nicht möglich (und das war schon so, bevor es dieses Rangsystem gab)

      Was Du allerdings machen kannst ist, auf den Profilen der User die Dich interessieren, einen Post zu hinterlassen, mit der Bitte zum Beispiel DICH mit einer privaten Nachricht zu kontaktieren. Dann kannst Du nämlich, zumindest dieser Person zurückschreiben, sobald sie  Dich eben angeschrieben hat.

      Ansonsten, beteilige Dich einfach in den Foren - sieh zu, dass Du positive Beiträge bringst, damit andere ein positives Ranking über Dich abgeben und dann bist Du mit Sicherheit auch schon bald komplett freigeschaltet. 



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hi can I have the link to your trainee story - only got so far and you said to message - thanks 

  10. Good day Scorpion! 

    I stumbled upon your stories here on this site and I would say that I'm really hooked on reading them. Keep on writing! Kudos to you! 

    PS. If it is possible, I would also like to know your site for me to be able to continue reading your other works. 

    1. Scorpion


      I've sent you a PM ... slut!    😏

  11. Hey Scorpion been trying to contact you for your site details would really like to continue enjoying your great writing.  😉



    1. Scorpion


      Greetings sexy little thing, I've sent you a PM.

  12. your stories are always great man 😉 keep writing

    1. Scorpion


      Thx mate.  😏😎

  13. May I have the pleasure to visit your website?

    1. Scorpion


      I've sent you a PM KC

  14. Nice to find an also-German follower of these pages *smile*


    1. Scorpion


      Oh I am sure, there are some german lads on BZ.    😎

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. From a story.... called "The Slut" although I am not sure which way it will lead....

    here is a short part of it.... just started it


    “Did you cry again?” his dad asked him with a growling voice.

    Mitch never knew, if his stepdad was also sad about his mom’s sudden death. He never showed a sign of mourning and never talked to him about this loss.

    “No!” Mitch replied in a whiny voice and his eyes showed instantly a wet shimmer.


    “Sit down” Paul ordered and pointed to one of the chairs. He rolled his eyes and took a deep breath.


    Paul leaned against the counter. Dressed in his tight jeans and wifebeater, he crossed his arms before his chest, showing off his muscled body.


    “We need to talk about some rules from now on. Since your mom died, this house looks like a pigsty.” his Dad said and Mitch followed the movement of his Dad’s hands and saw what he meant.


    “From now on – you will be responsible for our well-being at home. This means – you will clean the house, cook the meals, do the dishes, wash our clothes and simply be there for me, in case I need anything...”


    Mitch looked confused.


    “But DAD… that’s not fair! I’m going to school - I can’t study and keep the whole house clean” Mitch complained.


    His stepfather moved into his direction and stooped down a bit, to look his step-son directly into his eyes.

    “Don’t call me Dad! From now on, you call me Sir! Is that understood?” Paul said calmly.


    “Without me working, you wouldn’t have a roof over your head… be grateful and stop whining about your responsibilities…” his stepdad snarled dangerously.


    Mitch gulped hard and nodded his head in response.


    “You will get up early in the morning. You will prepare my breakfast and make sure I get everything I need. Then you will go to school. After that you will return immediately! Then you will do all your chores and cook something nice for us to eat – you got to maintain my penetrating power after all. And after that, if you have the time, you do your homework and then you will check on me, in case there is anything I might still need… and then you can go to sleep… Now – that your mother is gone, you have to adapt to fill her space” Paul ended his monologue.


    “Yes Sir.” he looked down at the table.


    Paul raised up again and looked down at the pathetic boy, who never made it into his heart.


    “So - what are you waiting for… do the dishes…” Paul ordered him and went to the living room, to watch a football match on the tele.


    Mitch got up from the chair and went to the sink. He started cleaning the plates and the cutlery.


    It didn’t bother him to do the house chores, it just didn’t feel right, that he should change his whole life now… and that his Dad didn’t pull on the same rope.

    Cleaning the dishes was one thing, but he never thought about doing the laundry.

    After doing the dishes he checked on google how to actually use a washing machine.


    The next morning Mitch got up early and started to prepare breakfast. He heard his stepdad singing in the shower. It was the first time, since his mother passed away, that he was actually singing in the bathroom.


    A few minutes later his dad entered the kitchen and without Greetings, he walked up to his son and put both hands at his outlining of his bulge.


    “Do you know, what this means?” he asked in a stern voice showing his thick tube, covered by his jeans.


    Mitch was speechless, as he recognized how very well equipped his Stepdad was at the lower compartment.


    “It means, that I don’t have any fucking clean underwear left in my drawer!” he growled.


    Mitch looked up at his father’s eyes and then down again to the massive bulge.


    “I thought, I made myself clear, when I said you are responsible for everything your mother did… what part of it, didn’t you understand?”


    “I… I… I wanted to do the laundry today after school… I checked google how to use the washer… you can check it on my mobile Dad…” Mitch mumbled.


    He saw the mad expression in his father’s eyes.


    “I mean Sir…!” Mitch added quickly.


    “You better start collecting all my dirty underwear at once, or else….” Paul said while eating his breakfast casually.


    Mitch rushed upstairs and threw every underwear he could find into the laundry basket.

    After a couple of minutes, he entered the kitchen again, while his father was making a telephone call.


    “No… it is nothing serious, he just doesn’t feel so well today. I guess he is still traumatized… yes… yes… That’s really sweet of you…. No – only for this week. I think he might be settled next week then. Thank you so much…. highly appreciated. Thank you again Mr. Ramirez… Bye-bye for now” and with that he ended the connection to Mitch’s school principal.


    The boy looked puzzled.


    “You are excused for this week from school… now you have plenty of time to bring some order into this house” his father said and continued with his breakfast.


    Mitch couldn’t do anything but stand there and stare at his dad with an open mouth.


    “Come here” Paul barked.


    Mitch moved closer to his stepfather, while Paul turned a bit around on his seat with his legs spread manly.


    “Down on your knees” his stepdad continued.


    The boy obeyed and had an exclusive look at his stepfather’s huge basket.


    “Last night I thought we two had an understanding….” Paul almost whispered.


    “There comes more responsibility with the title ‘Lady of the house’ than only doing the dishes. You will have to take care of all the things your mother did….” he continued.


    “ALL OF IT….” he emphasized it.


    Mitch understood, he made a mistake by not staying up all night and cleaning everything in the house and he felt sorry about it.


    “Do you get it…?” Paul asked agitated and a rain of his spittle met the boys face.


    A tear fell from his eyes and ran down his cheek as he nodded again.


    “I don’t think you do, but that’s okay. Your mom always said, you are such a bright kid… I can only see empty holes in you…” Paul said it in a spiteful way.


    Those words hurt the lad so much.

    Mitch didn’t dare to get up and so he just sat, between the spread legs of his stepfather, with his head hanging down.

    1. Scorpion


      Well let's put it that way... started it.... the first chapter is on my Homepage now

      Let's see how it will unfold... 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  16. From a story.... called "The Slut" although I am not sure which way it will lead....

    here is a short part of it.... just started it


    “Did you cry again?” his dad asked him with a growling voice.

    Mitch never knew, if his stepdad was also sad about his mom’s sudden death. He never showed a sign of mourning and never talked to him about this loss.

    “No!” Mitch replied in a whiny voice and his eyes showed instantly a wet shimmer.


    “Sit down” Paul ordered and pointed to one of the chairs. He rolled his eyes and took a deep breath.


    Paul leaned against the counter. Dressed in his tight jeans and wifebeater, he crossed his arms before his chest, showing off his muscled body.


    “We need to talk about some rules from now on. Since your mom died, this house looks like a pigsty.” his Dad said and Mitch followed the movement of his Dad’s hands and saw what he meant.


    “From now on – you will be responsible for our well-being at home. This means – you will clean the house, cook the meals, do the dishes, wash our clothes and simply be there for me, in case I need anything...”


    Mitch looked confused.


    “But DAD… that’s not fair! I’m going to school - I can’t study and keep the whole house clean” Mitch complained.


    His stepfather moved into his direction and stooped down a bit, to look his step-son directly into his eyes.

    “Don’t call me Dad! From now on, you call me Sir! Is that understood?” Paul said calmly.


    “Without me working, you wouldn’t have a roof over your head… be grateful and stop whining about your responsibilities…” his stepdad snarled dangerously.


    Mitch gulped hard and nodded his head in response.


    “You will get up early in the morning. You will prepare my breakfast and make sure I get everything I need. Then you will go to school. After that you will return immediately! Then you will do all your chores and cook something nice for us to eat – you got to maintain my penetrating power after all. And after that, if you have the time, you do your homework and then you will check on me, in case there is anything I might still need… and then you can go to sleep… Now – that your mother is gone, you have to adapt to fill her space” Paul ended his monologue.


    “Yes Sir.” he looked down at the table.


    Paul raised up again and looked down at the pathetic boy, who never made it into his heart.


    “So - what are you waiting for… do the dishes…” Paul ordered him and went to the living room, to watch a football match on the tele.


    Mitch got up from the chair and went to the sink. He started cleaning the plates and the cutlery.


    It didn’t bother him to do the house chores, it just didn’t feel right, that he should change his whole life now… and that his Dad didn’t pull on the same rope.

    Cleaning the dishes was one thing, but he never thought about doing the laundry.

    After doing the dishes he checked on google how to actually use a washing machine.


    The next morning Mitch got up early and started to prepare breakfast. He heard his stepdad singing in the shower. It was the first time, since his mother passed away, that he was actually singing in the bathroom.


    A few minutes later his dad entered the kitchen and without Greetings, he walked up to his son and put both hands at his outlining of his bulge.


    “Do you know, what this means?” he asked in a stern voice showing his thick tube, covered by his jeans.


    Mitch was speechless, as he recognized how very well equipped his Stepdad was at the lower compartment.


    “It means, that I don’t have any fucking clean underwear left in my drawer!” he growled.


    Mitch looked up at his father’s eyes and then down again to the massive bulge.


    “I thought, I made myself clear, when I said you are responsible for everything your mother did… what part of it, didn’t you understand?”


    “I… I… I wanted to do the laundry today after school… I checked google how to use the washer… you can check it on my mobile Dad…” Mitch mumbled.


    He saw the mad expression in his father’s eyes.


    “I mean Sir…!” Mitch added quickly.


    “You better start collecting all my dirty underwear at once, or else….” Paul said while eating his breakfast casually.


    Mitch rushed upstairs and threw every underwear he could find into the laundry basket.

    After a couple of minutes, he entered the kitchen again, while his father was making a telephone call.


    “No… it is nothing serious, he just doesn’t feel so well today. I guess he is still traumatized… yes… yes… That’s really sweet of you…. No – only for this week. I think he might be settled next week then. Thank you so much…. highly appreciated. Thank you again Mr. Ramirez… Bye-bye for now” and with that he ended the connection to Mitch’s school principal.


    The boy looked puzzled.


    “You are excused for this week from school… now you have plenty of time to bring some order into this house” his father said and continued with his breakfast.


    Mitch couldn’t do anything but stand there and stare at his dad with an open mouth.


    “Come here” Paul barked.


    Mitch moved closer to his stepfather, while Paul turned a bit around on his seat with his legs spread manly.


    “Down on your knees” his stepdad continued.


    The boy obeyed and had an exclusive look at his stepfather’s huge basket.


    “Last night I thought we two had an understanding….” Paul almost whispered.


    “There comes more responsibility with the title ‘Lady of the house’ than only doing the dishes. You will have to take care of all the things your mother did….” he continued.


    “ALL OF IT….” he emphasized it.


    Mitch understood, he made a mistake by not staying up all night and cleaning everything in the house and he felt sorry about it.


    “Do you get it…?” Paul asked agitated and a rain of his spittle met the boys face.


    A tear fell from his eyes and ran down his cheek as he nodded again.


    “I don’t think you do, but that’s okay. Your mom always said, you are such a bright kid… I can only see empty holes in you…” Paul said it in a spiteful way.


    Those words hurt the lad so much.

    Mitch didn’t dare to get up and so he just sat, between the spread legs of his stepfather, with his head hanging down.

    1. Scorpion


      @a6uldeve84u Good to hear from you.... I will send you a PM when I publish the first chapter on my site. Greetings from Germany.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hey guys.... Merry Christmas to all of you and a happy new 2019.

    This one is for you....


    A Little Christmas Poem


    Sitting lonely in your seat

    With your body trimmed and neat

    Looking for a cock to suck

    Maybe you let him even fuck


    Your boyfriend works to pay the bills

    To pay your rent and pay your thrills

    He buys your clothes, your food, your gear

    He is at work and you are here


    So tell me one more time you care

    To risk your love – you wouldn’t dare

    As long as no one knows the facts

    You know how like and like attracts


    I do respect you fag and all

    And so I fuck you in a stall

    But only raw since I want to breed

    You will accept the seed you need


    Your cunt gets fucked so hard and fast

    This fling is not a thing to last

    You fags are only good to fuck

    Now move your ass you stupid bug


    And while I shoot my toxic load

    I’m giving you a whole new code

    It’s Christmas Time: Don’t get the flu.

    And by the way – this gift’s for you.


    Scorpion 12-23-2018

    1. Scorpion


      It is just a Christmas poem. 

      And now:  SILENCE.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hey guys.... Merry Christmas to all of you and a happy new 2019.

    This one is for you....


    A Little Christmas Poem


    Sitting lonely in your seat

    With your body trimmed and neat

    Looking for a cock to suck

    Maybe you let him even fuck


    Your boyfriend works to pay the bills

    To pay your rent and pay your thrills

    He buys your clothes, your food, your gear

    He is at work and you are here


    So tell me one more time you care

    To risk your love – you wouldn’t dare

    As long as no one knows the facts

    You know how like and like attracts


    I do respect you fag and all

    And so I fuck you in a stall

    But only raw since I want to breed

    You will accept the seed you need


    Your cunt gets fucked so hard and fast

    This fling is not a thing to last

    You fags are only good to fuck

    Now move your ass you stupid bug


    And while I shoot my toxic load

    I’m giving you a whole new code

    It’s Christmas Time: Don’t get the flu.

    And by the way – this gift’s for you.


    Scorpion 12-23-2018

    1. Scorpion


      Huh? I don't even know, what you are talking about.

      Cheers. 😎

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  19. Today is my birthday. 

    Worship me!


    1. Scorpion


      @Bearscout05 But you are on PrEP.... what fun would that be? *grins*

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  20. Happy Birthday 

    1. Scorpion


      Next year stand in line to be the first one!  ... but thx anyway *grins*

  21. Today is my birthday. 

    Worship me!


    1. Scorpion


      Good little puppies.... Just the way I like it.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  22. Grrrrr... Wish you could sting me.

    1. Scorpion


      Now wouldn't that be a great way to send you on your road with no return. :) 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  23. First Chapter of 'Revenge' has been finished by me. :) 

    If you like this.... show me. ;)

    1. Scorpion


      Sneak Preview:

      "If you read the title, you probably think I would hold a grudge against faggots.

      But that’s not true.

      Faggots are great. I love to use and abuse them for my pleasure.

      They mostly know their place (at the end of my cock). They want their holes to be stuffed and are willing to take the risk of getting fucked bareback (not at once usually, but definitely after a short while).

      Being an AIDS bloke, it just reminds me of my duty to ram my raw cock in as many negative boy cunts as possible. I want to destroy them with my cock.

      Oh well… that sounds a bit like vengeance.

      But I am not wicked. There is no hatred in my actions. I simply never used a condom in my entire life. I like this natural feeling.

      Fucking around bareback holds always the risk to get some STD’s or HIV or other welcoming or not so welcoming guests. Faggots should consider this.

      I enjoy bareback sex and it is the only way I can actually cum. It is an exciting moment, when my cock launches millions of loyal soldiers into some unprotected faggot’s ass.

      Erm… okay… okay… Revenge it is!"

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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