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Everything posted by Scorpion

  1. He said he loved me… but he lied! (Part 1) First time, first love. It was an amazing feeling. Josh, the hottest bloke in town, had actually talked to me. I was stunned. It all started as another boring evening. My friends and I thought about going to the movies, but then someone suggested we could visit the new bath house in town, the ‘Toxic’. I argued against the idea as I knew that if I went I'd end-up sitting alone at the snack bar, drinking Coke Zero, while the other guys would get stuffed all around the place. And that was not a scene I wanted to revisit, but as usual I lost the argument as the majority thought a visit to the Toxic was a great idea, so that's where we found ourselves that night around 10:00 PM. Don’t get me wrong. It is not that I didn't enjoy sucking the seed out of a hard cock, or, for that matter, taking a long hard cock up my ass, but my experience was that most of the guys I'd find at the bath house would be queens who were masquerading as studs. And true studs would be few and far between. I guess you could say I didn't subscribe to the notion of flexible sexual roles. So there I was, true to form, sitting at the bar watching the scene as all kind of guys made out with each other. Some were eye-fucking me, but none were all that interesting, so I took the attitude 'Look, but don't touch'. Several guys offered me a drink, but I declined each, at least giving each guy a kindly smile. I knew I was the topic of gossip, and knowing as much I told everyone who hit at me that I wasn't interested in having anonymous bath house cock up my ass. No way, Jose. And then Josh entered the room and I got this tingling feeling in my guts. He was a hot hunk. He was 26 years old and had black hair. His eyes with were of the deepest blue I had ever seen, and as he spent time at the gym daily his body was stunning. He was not so pumped up, but rather had muscles in the right places. And talking about muscles in the right place, the bulge in his jeans was huge. Every other minute he grabbed his junk and adjusted himself, or uninhibitedly scratched his crotch. Every pussy in town was talking about Josh and not only the gay pussies. He was standing with a group of guys, several of whom had already approached me, but I had declined each of them. I found myself fuming at my foolishness, thinking had I known of Josh's connection with the guys, I could be standing over there, chatting with the cutest guy in the room. If only I had been less standoffish and had accepted a drink from one or another of the guys. Stupid….. Then I realized, they were staring in my direction even as they were chatting with each other. I turned around and looked behind myself but there was no one there. Turning back to the group of guys I saw they were still chatting, but for whatever reason were no longer staring in my direction. I found myself focused on Josh’s beautiful bulge. His jeans were so tight you could see clearly the outline of a thick and long piece of flesh. Everyone who lied about him ‘stuffing’ his jeans out should see him tonight. This was all real cock. I could clearly see it. I sighed deeply: I was totally in love with Josh. Being 18 it is not all about hormones and stuff. Of course I was a horny little brat, but I didn’t want to lose myself to some one night stand, like so many of my other friends had done. I wanted the real thing: the knight in shining armor. A romance, like in ‘Beauty and the Beast’, with me as the beauty and Josh as the…. well, the hot-stud-with-a-beast-within-his-pants. Admiringly, my gaze wandered up Josh's body, past his perfect chest, hoping to get a discrete look at his beautiful eyes, only to discover he was staring at me! And then he invitingly smiled at me. Did I see that right? My heart was pounding with excitement. But then Josh gazed around the room. I knew it. He was looking for some other willing prey. Again he adjusted his huge bulge again and my thoughts drifted away, even as I openly stared at his crotch, praying for another casual scratching or adjustment. Suddenly he left his pals and walked into my direction. My eyes grew wide and breathe grew shallow as I attempted to concentrated on my glass of coke. Now he was standing next to me. I could smell his overwhelming scent. Ordering a drink, he flashed me a casual smile, and then greeted me. "Hi, there. Having a good time?" I looked at his perfect white teeth, smiled, and apparently mumbled a vaguely appropriate response. “I’ve watched you from behind there,” he remarked, pointed at his friends, adding “Do I know you?” “No…. but it is nice to meet you. I’m Marc,” I replied, automatically extending a handshake. “I'm Josh,” he responded, taking and holding onto my hand. “Would you like a drink? Maybe we could find a quiet corner and sit down and chat a bit,” Josh suggested. I just nodded. Did he just ask me to talk to him? I felt like flying. He ordered another alcoholic drink for me and took a good grip at my nape and led me to a segregated area which was set-aside for VIPs. We took a bench and the waiter brought our drinks. We raised our glasses and took a huge sip. I didn’t dare to tell him I rarely drank alcohol as I didn’t want to spoil the moment, so I continued drinking the hard liquor. Josh, meanwhile, moved somewhat closer to me. I fought the urge to seek out his crotch. "I've gotta say, I find your shy ways beguiling," Josh quietly remarked, adding "and your beautiful eyes and sweet build are just what I like. Oh, and that you aren't completely fixated on my crotch. In all honesty that gets old. Just because I have ten inches in my jeans." I gulped. Ten inches? Mentally I was thankful he hadn't realized I had indeed been fixated on his cock, and that realization led me to mutter something inane like "...really, that huge…." I felt utterly stupid, but it apparently didn't matter. Josh draped his right arm across my my shoulder and started playing with my right nipple, softly pinching it through my t-shirt. Involuntarily I grunted in pleasure. Seemingly unknowingly Josh continued manipulating my tit. I, on the other hand, was fully aware of as much and shyly suggested “Would you like to go out for a walk?” Smiling, he replied "Sure I would, but I have a bit of a problem." “What's that?" He pointed at his crotch. It gave the impression the buttons were about to blow open. “Oh! I see what you mean," I managed. Ever so smoothly Josh continued "I'm hoping you would help me out - just so afterwards we can take a walk and enjoy the starry sky.” “You want me to jack you off?” “No, honestly, that would take too long and I really want to spend some time chatting with you. It would be better if you sucked me off.” There was no real decision to make. I was stunned by his attentions, by his cock, and by his desire to spend time with me. I nodded slowly as I considered the logistics. “Do you want me to do it here? Out in the open?” This was a bit public for my tastes. “Nah. Slip under the table, get on your knees, open my jeans and take my cock out and suck it,” he proposed, giving me an endearing nudge, adding "Don't worry, no one will ever know.” I slipped under the table and Josh opened his legs more, so I could actually kneel right in front of him. "This is the first time I've actually given a blow job," I remarked as I fumbled with his buttons. “Really?” he asked in perhaps some disbelief. But then he reasoned “That is great. It will be a memory we will share for years. It will be special to both of us. Now open my fuckin' jeans and blow me," he ordered. I obeyed and went to unhook his belt, but he told me "A few button will be enough." So I worked my way down from the second top button the last and without hesitation, licked his huge dickhead as soon as his cock was protruding from his fly. Josh crossed his arms behind his back and closed his eyes, enjoying the tongue lapping around at his glans penis, suggesting “Start sucking me with your mouth. I want your throat muscles massaging my cock.” I was concentrated on his dick and could see his crotch, but nothing else, so I didn't see Josh signal his buddies to come over to the VIP table, but I could see the table was suddenly surrounded by several pairs of legs and I could also hear Josh conversing with the guys. Then the guys squeezed into the chairs and onto the benches so I was surrounded by knees and shoes. Part of me wanted to panic and I paused in my efforts to pleasure Josh, but still I had keep his cock head in my mouth, not moving an inch, only to hear Josh announce "Guys, this isn't a great moment 'cause Marc, my new boyfriend, is sucking my dick." Immediately four pairs of eyes peered under the table and took in the sight of me kneeling there with Josh’s cock in my mouth. I was totally ashamed. They, on the other hand, seemed to find it normal. One or two extended a greeting, and all four guys then resumed chatting with Josh. He, on the other hand, was apparently enjoying my efforts as he murmured “Keep on sucking Mitch, good job, man." 'My name is Marc', I thought, but then he just knew me for 30 minutes. And he said I would be his boyfriend. It made me so happy and excited, and so I continued bopping my head up and down on his beautiful dong, only to hear him advise “Mitch, when I shoot my dick snot, swallow it all. Don’t make a mess under the table,” grabbing my hair and giving me a sharp, slightly painful tug. 'He clearly is accustomed to getting his way', I thought as I mumbled "Okay." “I am popular here. I don’t want to be banned just because you can’t swallow decently” he continued, as he then went on to describe my services to his friends, adding that for a newbie I wasn't half bad at giving head. His buddies chuckled, high-fiving him. He didn’t tell me he was about to cum. Instead I realized as much as I felt his dick twitching and his cock head swelled yet more. His load was imminent, but by no means was I prepared for the size of his load: it seemed like gallons of the salty, slimy fluid blew out of his cock. I kept swallowing, determined not to leave any tell-tale stains on the floor or his jeans. Nevertheless he felt compelled to mutter “Don’t lose a fucking drop, bitch.” I wanted to believe he was expressing a term of endearment. After Josh unloaded himself he started buttoning up. I was hesitant to crawl out from under the table, particularly as the etiquette for this situation wasn't within my purview. Besides I really didn't want to look at the faces of those four guys. I wanted to believe I had some dignity - somewhere. Then I heard a guy ask Josh "Do you mind if he sucks he off?" He added he had a four day load in his balls that needed to get released. “Sure,” Josh answered and, giving me a slight nudge with his foot, said "Hey Mitch, get to it. You did a great job, baby and I want to let my buddies experience your tongue action. Don’t embarrass me in front my friends,” he urged. I hesitated in complying as it felt wrong to blow one (or all) of these guys, but then I didn’t want to lose the chance to be Josh’s boyfriend. Josh, however, saw no issue as he announced “I am so disappointed. I really thought we had something special going on… and now you won’t even suck my best friends, even though this is not even considered as sex,” he sighed sadly. I turned to my right and stared directly at another crotch clothed with denim. I reached out, slowly felt the bulge, and opened the fly. The guy nodded at his friends and then told me to suck him good. “Remember to swallow my junk also, you slut” he snickered. They all laughed and I think I even heard even Josh’s join in. I found myself hoping none of my friends chanced to see me in this position.
  2. The Hitch-Hiker (Part 3 – Julian) We arrived at the parking lot, but no other car or truck was in sight. Julian looked at me with worried eyes. “Don’t worry” I told him. “As soon as the words spread, that a lot lizard gives his body away for fair prizes, you won’t get off the dirty stained mattress anymore. Guys will wait in a queue to use your holes.” I parked and we got off my car. Julian was told to open the trunk to retrieve his bags, since this was his new home. Before we went up to the latrines and the hut, I took a good look at the young twink. “Pull your jeans off” I ordered. “My… what? Why?” Julian sounded terrified. “Just pull it off” I said calmly and all of a sudden a knife appeared in my hand. Julian’s eyes widened in horror. Slowly he opened his belt. I ripped it off his pants, which made the boy yelp. He unbuttoned his jeans in a hurry and after he took them off he handed me the pair. I inspected the backside of his jeans. I opened them up a bit with my knife and then started to tear at the cut, to make the hole bigger The guy couldn’t believe it. “You need your jeans be ready for your new job. This is sort of a business clothing now. This way you don’t even have to open your pants to let your costumers into your body. Smart – eh?” I looked at Julian as if I tried to get his approval. He sniffed while looking sadly at his destroyed jeans. I opened his bags and searched them for other pants, which I found pretty fast. The guy didn’t have much valuable stuff, but I completed my mission anyway and cut holes into the backsides of all pants he possessed. “Of course you got to take off your underpants. NOW!” I yelled at him. Julian shivered as he took his underpants off. He stood there now with only his socks on and his shirt. “It wouldn’t make any sense if we do this stuff and then you block your entrance with another fabric. You won’t need the underpants anymore. Not at this place” I decided and then I started to shred, not only this underpants but all the ones that could be found in his bags. While throwing the worn jeans at him, it happened… his mobile phone, which was in a back pocket of his jeans, sort of fell out of the pocket and dropped to the ground. Julian tried to catch it, but nudged it into my direction. ‘Clumsy’ as I am, I did my very best to catch it, but somehow it smashed to the ground. You could hear the glass shatter. And if this was not enough, I ‘accidently’ stepped right on to the mobile phone, which destroyed it completely. Julian cried out loud, while grabbing the piece of junk. It was totally ruined and of course I looked a bit puzzled, by this misfortune that just happened. “It was a bad idea to keep it in your back pocket anyway” I accused Julian. “What…. what do I do now?” Julian looked totally devastated. “I tell you what…. I got an old mobile phone at home. I will pick it up and return that to you tomorrow evening. Then we can switch the cards and you can tell me about your first day… what do you say?” I asked him. Julian sobbed. “You promise to give me your old mobile?” he asked me. “Of course I do” I lied. “Why don’t you forget about this shit now and massage my cock through my jeans, while I am searching your stuff for other things you don’t need no more. Julian came to my side like a puppet. He cried silently while touching my bulge and squeezing it softly. It was a cute sight. The eighteen year old crying boy, with nothing but his socks and shirt on, stood at my side and giving me a good cock massage while I kept on shredding more of his stuff. After I had finished my job, I told Julian to get his bags and follow me to his new working place. We walked towards the hut, which was next to the latrine. There was a pungent odor, while we reached for Julian’s new home and found a totally messed up place, after we opened the wooden door and entered the shed. The hut was totally run down, like almost the whole place. I closed the door silently behind us. Julian looked stunned. The mattress was stained all over. There was not one single spot, which appeared to be clean. Lots of used rubbers were laying around. “This lacks your personal flair of course….” I told him. I suggested to Julian, it would be better to get more light and ‘fresh’ air in and so I kicked down the closed door behind us and it flew out of the door hinges instantly. “That’s much better – now your Johns won’t have the feeling to disturb you. They can simply enter and use your cunt to unload themselves, no matter what. This is the only way to keep your customers – believe me!” I explained all to Julian. Julian dropped his two bags in a corner of the room and picked up some condoms. He looked disgusted. “Look at it, as your business port folio. With all these condoms around it looks like this is a busy place. Guys will think you are the best whore in the world, because of the massive usage of your body.” I thought loudly. “Why don’t you just try out and lay yourself down on the mattress and get the right feeling?” I pushed Julian almost down. He looked concerned but got slowly on his back, trying to avoid the contact to any of the used condoms scattered around. “Spread your legs like a good whore” I ordered him. He looked so hot. He supported his upper body with his elbows, while being on his backside, spreading his legs. He had this lost and scared look in his eyes. You could see his jeans were also torn in his crotch. “Remember this pose bitch…. always try to welcome your Johns this way. Keep those legs spread. And if someone enters the door to check the merchandise open your legs even more, so the guy feels welcomed to your body. “Now turn around and lay on your belly. Yeah…. nice….. try again to spread the legs a little bit…. I can see your ass cheeks…. you are such a hot cunt…..” I felt my cock getting hard again. I opened my jeans again. I couldn’t wait to act as a John, like we had planned before. I needed to fuck him now. He felt the movement on the mattress and sighed anxiously. We had no lube, but hey…. most of the John’s wouldn’t even care about. So I spit on my cock and started entering his tight rectum. I forced myself into Julian in one long swift stroke. His made fists and groaned loudly. I could see, he was in pain, but for me it was like heaven. I could feel every sigh and shudder of Julian’s suffering down to my penis. I sped up. This was not a romantic fuck. I was here to breed this little faggot und to seed him with his poison. “Yeah whore, squeeze my dick. Massage me good with your cheap slut drain” I growled. I fucked Julian harder now. Placing my right arm around his neck in I started choking the lad. He had no chance escaping this headlock but he tried. He started moving his ass around, which was perfect, since they met my motions. I whispered I would love to drain his life out of him, and while his movements got more frantic I asked him, if he would love to get charged up by me. Julian hit me with his arms against my arms. I loosened the headlock for a couple of seconds to repeat my question and to make sure he actually heard it. “Listen slut, I am about to shoot my load. I want to charge you up with it you filthy cunt… tell me, tell me you want to get charged up….” I insisted. With that I put him back into the headlock and I heard again those beautiful choking sounds. “Well….. do you want to get charged up whore?” I asked one last time. I could hear a rasping noise. “Yes…. ye…. cha’g’ me uuuup” he whispered. I couldn’t see it, but Julian’s face had turned blue already. His answer did it for me. I shot my virus deep into him and made sure it would impregnate him. I power fucked him the at last like a rabbit. Shortly after that, I dissolved the headlock and just laid on Julian with my full body weight. I felt his convulsive breathing and I enjoyed the sounds he made. Slowly I undocked from his slut hole and patted him on his ass cheeks. “You did a very good job cunt hole – you sucked my whole charged cum out of my balls and into you system. Well done” I praised him. Suddenly a stranger’s voice echoed through the small room “Nice show you two…. really nice…..” I turned around and saw a huge trucker standing at the hole, that once was a door. “If he would be my fuck toy, I would have fucked him also here, just to show him his place” he continued. “He is not my boy” I replied. “He is a fucking money taking whore” “A whore? How much?” he wanted to know. The guy was quite big and a little bit heavy, if you know what I mean. “It’s up to you. Next costumer is waiting, Bitch” I grinned. Julian was scared by trucker’s looks. He was fat and not so good looking. “I asked you something you stupid cunt. How MUCH for assfucking?” he repeated his question. I closed my jeans slowly enjoying the scene. “20 dollars with a condom. 25 dollars without a condom” Julian answered shyly. “You got any condoms here?” the trucker wanted to know. Julian shook his head in astonishment. Why should he have the condoms with him? “You can’t fool me Bitch. If you got no condoms I am fucking you without a condom, but I will pay only 20 dollars. You got that” he sneered and started opening his jeans already without consent. He threw a twenty dollar note down to the dirty floor. Julian looked at me scared and I nodded slowly, so he said ‘alright’ to the guy. “Come here and suck me. Make my dick hard, so I can fuck you” the fat guy ordered. Julian crawled to the edge of the mattress and started licking the cock. He saw, the guy wore a ring. He was married….. I left the room to give the two lovebirds some privacy, but I waited nearby. So I could hear the sniffing and the crying of Julian and the grunting of his first John. “You are hurting me….” Julian whined. “Shut up whore and work for your money you fucking faggot” the John replied. There was a sound of a thump and then I heard Julian moaning out of pain. “Yeah….. whore….. ooooooh…. yeah….. milk my balls you dirty mattress…..” the John panted. Silence…… A couple of minutes later the trucker left the shack. He simply nodded at me and went back to his vehicle. I entered Julian’s new love nest and saw he was a mess. His face was red, like he hadn’t had enough oxygen for the last couple of minutes. He held his left shoulder and there were already visible marks of the punching on his back. “You did it. Another dick in your cunt and it is just early afternoon. You see what you can make? 15 minutes and you made this bloke happy.” I encouraged Julian to continue. “I…. I….. I…. do…. don’t….. I” he stuttered. Before he made a bad choice I pulled him up. “Let’s go to the urinals and the stalls” I told him. We went slowly into the toilets, which were just a few meters away from his new home. Like I said before, most urinals were overflowed with piss. Somehow the urinals were blocked and the piss couldn’t sink into the urinal. Some of the piss had already spilled all over the floor. We stood right in between this mess, when two truckers entered the toilets. They took a look at Julian’s torn jeans and exchanged a disapproving look. “Now look at this mess. This is fucking shit. Always the same shit. You can’t take a decent piss at those truck stops, if there ain’t a restaurant.” one of the guys complained. “Offer yourself as a urinal” I whispered at Julian and shoved him in between two urinals. He turned around and saw the mean expression on their faces. He sunk down onto his knees and asked them if they would care to pay, if he would drink their piss. “Nah – but I would care to beat you up” one trucker answered and made a fist already. “I…. I….. I don….” Julian stammered. “I…. I…. I WHAT?” both sneered dangerously. “Sorry…. it is his first day on this job.” I interfered. “You could beat him up for 15 dollars. No face punching, no broken bones – Rest is up to you” “Are you serious?” the one guy couldn’t believe his ears. I nodded. Both guys paid the fee and threw the money in front of the lad. “You hold him up first Miguel” one said to the other. I surveyed the scene. Julian was raised up and held in a neckholder. He had a frightened look in his eyes and said visibly ‘NOOOOO’ when the first thump hit him in the stomack. He wasn’t able to breathe anymore and the guy in front of him grinned into Julian’s face while using him as a punching ball. He was boxing like a pro. Moving around and beating the kid up badly. He even punched him onto his dick and into his balls. I went out after a while, although I enjoyed the scenery. A couple of minutes later both guys came out of the toilet area and high-fived each other. I could see, both of them got a huge boner in their jeans. They had fun beating Julian up. “Puta….. hey Pal - is this faggot staying here for a while?” Miguel asked me. “He plans to…. why?” I wanted to know. “We got a couple of friends, maybe 10 to 12 guys, who would like to meet him probably.” he grinned evilly. “Well , then I suggest, you visit him around 3 am. There won’t be any traffic around here at all, and he will be sleeping in the shack on his filthy mattress. There you can surprise him with your group; and who knows, maybe he will forget to ask for the fee, if you wake him up this way” I smirked. They nodded both and adjusted their junks before they left. I entered the toilet again and there was Julian sitting in an even greater pool of piss than before. The money was gone and he told me, that both guys had taken also the rest of all the money he owned, the 20 dollars included from his first anal job. “Man, shit happens. That was just bad luck. Come on, get up… let me help you” I lent him a helping hand. While I tried to get him back to the shed two new truckers approached us. “What happened” they asked concerned. “Nothing – he just had a job and got beaten up. He is a whore, trying to gain some paying friends around here” I answered. They both laughed loudly, but then they saw he shredded jeans and they looked at each other again. “Want to unload in a faggot again?” one asked the other guy. He looked at the young ho and nodded. Julian was not able to comprehend the talking. He was slowly led into the shack again and dropped down to the dirty mattress. “How much?” one guy asked me. I looked down at Julian and realized he was out of it, at this moment, so I replied 40 dollars for both. That was a bargain. They gave me the cash and started opening their pants looking down at Julian with horny eyes. When I turned to leave the small room, I heard Julian already cry out in pain. The pals tried to fuck him both into his ass and they made sure they would both punch fuck him to get the most out of the twink. I took the money and walked to my car slowly. I never returned to that lot again….
  3. The Hitch-Hiker (Part 2 – Julian) I tried to open a conversation with Julian, but since the blow job event he seemed to be stubborn. “I hope you don’t spoil everything later, when you meet the others….” I mentioned. “The others?” Julian asked scared. “You can believe it or not, I do care about your future and I am asking myself, how will you cope with it?” I asked him nicely. “That’s none of your business.” Julian sulked. The area we passed right now was desert like. We drove for a while already down a street, which was hardly used for normal traffic. This route got used by truckers only. Business guys….. I grinned evilly. My feeling was, that Julian may be 18 years old, but he seemed to be very inexperienced and easily to manipulate. “Well, I wanted to suggest something to you. It entered my mind, when you told me about your past and the gifts you have been giving by nature. Let’s look at the objective data: You didn’t finish your school – that’s a minus! You got not qualifications whatsoever in business… workmanship or such – also a no go. You got no connections – not good! And you got no money – which really is a problem. Now, let’s see if you got other stuff you could contribute: You are able to suck and swallow – which could be helpful. You suck dicks for let’s say 5 dollars. If you swallow the junk, you can charge more money on it, let’s say 5 dollars in additional. You could earn 10 dollars just for a blowjob with swallowing. You should always prefer that and advertise it, that you swallow every load offered. Hmm… I didn’t check your anal finesse yet, but since your father and his friends enjoyed using you for anal gangbangs, you might got some professional possibilities here also. Always offer anal sex, since you can charge at least 20 dollars for it. Advertise it, that you do it without a condom – which would again add 5 dollars to the normal price.” I explained my thoughts to Julian. He opened up by answering, if this wouldn’t be too low on the price scale, although he personally had no idea what a whore would claim for his offers. I agreed, but then I told him that many guys were already working as whores. There was simply too much competition and he should show his costumers from the beginning, that he would offer his body for fair prices. “You just have to suck more guys and let more costumers fuck you, this way you earn a lot more doe and the guys would rather choose you, because of the low charges.” Julian nodded understandingly. “If you allow several guys to gangbang you, it would be perfect to give them some discount. Since you are serving two or more people, you are earning fast money. But you need to encourage and advertise that over and over again, that gang-bangers are welcome into your body.” I told Julian. The discount should be a great offer to the guys to incite taking this special offer and show up with 3 or more guys. Julian didn’t get it…. so I calculated the stuff for him. Stupid whore… 25 dollars for one guy, let’s say…. 30 minutes duration. So Julian would collect 75 dollars in 90 minutes, if everything turns out fine. If he would discount gangbangers (10 dollars each guy) he would earn in 30 minutes with three guys banging the shit out of him 45 dollars. If he could repeat this 3 times (90 Minutes) it would sum up to 135 dollars. He would get, in the same amount of time, 60 extra dollars. “That would be awesome.” Julian cheered loudly. I smiled, nodded and thought… ‘Yeah bitch. Splendid - you stupid cunt.’ “And for the beginning I wanted to show you a place, which might be really a good location for a first timer like you, with no competition at all, but lots of possible customers” I said. Julian looked around but all he could see was only desert. “That’s the clue. We will drive to a parking lot, which is the only spot in this desert. No gas station or restaurant, which would only make it harder to whore around without getting in trouble. You can make yourself a name there. You could offer yourself to the truckers, right in their rigs or at the latrine of course. There is also a deserted hut close to the latrine. You could set up a room for you there and sleep on a mattress while waiting for costumers” I sounded cheerfully. This way the guys, who knew Julian was sleeping in the hut, could enter the place and simply use Julian’s body and give him the cash immediately. So Julian would not have to be at the latrine 24 hours offering his body. He could rest a bit from time to time and still be available with his holes. I knew there was already a mattress in the hut and it got used quite regularely. Julian would have an easy job there. I advised him to sleep on his belly. It would make the service so much easier for his customers. “But how can I get food or something to drink, if I got no transport….” he interjected. I thought about it and told him that he could lower the prices and instead of charging 25 Dollars for unprotected anal intercourse… he should ask for 15 Dollars and an old burger. The latrine would hold most of the time water, so he shouldn’t die of thirst and most of the time the urinals would be blocked. So there would be always enough to drink, directly out of the urinals or the latrine itself. Julian thought about it silently. “I don’t know…. I feel insecure about this” he answered. “You would be out of your step-dad’s radar and you could try this kind of job out, at least for a week. Who knows, maybe you will have earn enough money to buy yourself a brand new car by then” I lied. Julian’s eyes sparkled. “You think so?” he asked excited. “If you don’t deny any customer, then you should be rich in no time” I gave him a winning smile. You should not care about the looks so much or the age. It is only important that your customer-service is brilliant. Just offer your body to all the guys who are willing to pay for your holes and then let them in and milk their dicks. It’s an easy job. You simply keep your legs apart for strangers and welcome them if they shoot their junks in your body. With this gratitude you make sure, that those guys will come back to you again to abuse your body over and over again – and I think you might make it.” Of course there might be heterosexual men, who would deny his service and still then I told Julian he could sell other services to those possible customers. He could offer them, to drink their piss out of the latrine or they could pay for punching him or beating him up. Of course he should set rules for such a service, like no beating to the face or no bone crushing. Julian was scared of this idea, but I told him he should give it a try – at least he could earn a couple of dollars for this kind of stuff, if no other costumer is available for a fuck. To get the motor running I suggested I could ‘play’ his first costumer. I would ask him loudly at the latrine how much he would take for bareback assfuck and would hand him the money. Of course he would have to give me the money back later on. This was only part of the advertisement, so that people would know he is a professional and that I could shoot my toxic load into him. I told him I was sure, that some of the other guys, would take the opportunity and ask about the prices, and he would be in business. Julian nodded and agreed to do it that way. “Excellent….” I said with a smile....
  4. The Hitch-Hiker (Part 1 – Julian) On one of my trips I met Julian. It was a rainy summer afternoon and he approached me at a gas station. He asked me if he could get on board and drive with me for a while. He didn’t seem to care which way I would take, as long as he could leave this place. Since the guy was quite small, I asked him about his age. He told me he just turned 18 and I demanded to see his ID, which he showed me willingly. Nice, I thought….. he was also very skinny. I like that on my boys a lot, although I didn’t know if he could get the spot on the ‘Scorpion Gift Service’ at all. “You’re a runaway? Or do you have some other kind of problems? I don’t want to get involved with some kind of thug or so” I asked him. He denied to be a ‘no good’ and said he did run away from home, but since he was an adult it was his choice to leave anyway. I nodded and asked for his name. He answered it was Julian. “Okay – walk to the exit. I will pay my charges and then I will pick you up….” I motioned my head to the exit of the gas station’s lot. He thanked me quite a lot and took his bag and walked away. I watched his tiny little ass wiggle in the old and worn out jeans. After paying my gas I went to my car and turned to the exit. There he was. Standing close to the exit and smiling at me. I stopped the car and told him he could throw his bag into the trunk. After all was done, he took the passenger’s seat and buckled up. We drove for a while. Although I tried to open a conversation the little guy seemed to be shy. “What’s your problem at home? Do you have problems in your school or in your family?” I asked Julian. He gazed out of the window and did not reply. “Well, then maybe it is a girl? Are you dating girls?” I wanted to know. “Of course I date girls…. I am not a faggot” Julian snapped. “Okay….. then what is so terrible, that you chose to run away instead of finishing your school or find some work?” I insisted. “It is my step dad…… after my mother had died, he is….. doing things to me…..” Julian mumbled. “What kind of things?” I wanted to know. “Well he is doing things to me, he should actually do with another woman” he said. “You mean your dad tried to come on to you?” I played shocked. “Step-dad” Julian said. We drove for a while without saying a thing. “Why didn’t you go to the police…..” I wanted to know. “And then…. what?” he stared dreamingly at the surroundings outside the car. “I feel safe here, now that I found a way to get so far away as possible” he added. Julian sniffed from time to time but didn’t say a word for the next couple of miles. “The first time he touched me was, when I called him for dinner…. I remember him, standing behind me, touching my nape, watching at the dinner table, with his hand driving down my spine…. and then resting on my butt. Squeezing my ass cheeks” he continued talking. “Then he started touching me more often, being at home I got kissed on my mouth all of the sudden. Soon he asked me to french-kiss him and that started the whole thing I guess” Julian thought loudly. “Maybe, if I would have stopped him…. maybe I encouraged him. He knew I had a girl friend… he knew I was not gay, but still he said, now that my mom is gone, someone had to fulfill her duties. And I was doing the chores so well, so why not take his…. his…. dick and milk it also” Julian sighed. I didn’t ask him a thing. I let his heartbreaking stories just emerge. “I should have known…. but I was scared. I didn’t want to lose my step dad also. I just had lost my mom” Julian cried. “And one night he came into my room and I felt him entering my bed. I screamed and shouted out loud but he didn’t care. I tried to defend myself, but somehow he managed to rip my underpants away and he placed his hard cock up to my asshole and simply fucked away.” Julian’s voice got monotone. “It hurt so much…. he promised he would never ever do it again. And I believed him…. and the next night he forced me to suck him, since he was not allowed to fuck me anymore and since I protested against it, he raped my ass anyway.” Julian didn’t recognize, that after all the story I chose a route that would lead us into a little forest. I stopped the car and turned to him, but he was still gazing out of the window, like he was somewhere else. The day I told him I would involve the police, if he wouldn’t stop - he brought 6 guys home that evening. I thought I would die…. *sobs* I really thought that after the gang rape they would kill me, because they told me so.” “But they didn’t kill me, thnough they told me they could…. but if I would comply and please them however they needed me….. I was allowed to live and to work on their cocks” he looked sadly at me. “Do you understand, why I had to leave” he asked me and now he realized we were parking in an deserted part of a forest, he actually didn’t know. “What are we doing here?” he wanted to know. “Well it was such a heart-breaking story. I wanted some time out to listen to it and talk to you.” I told him. Julian nodded. “Don’t worry about me…. I will find my way” he smiled at me softly. “But why, did he chose you anyway? I asked Julian. He shrugged with his shoulders and guessed, that his stepdad would have been a homo all along. “Hmmmm…. possible but unlikely” I said. “Maybe you acted like a faggot? Maybe you stared at his bulge when he came home, tired from work and longing for just a hot meal? Maybe you stared at the crotches of his male friends and they thought – a hole is a hole and yours is an easy hole, because you invited them to use your body?” I looked Julian straight into his eyes. The guy was shocked and started almost to cry. “You know, when I saw you at the gas station my first thought was also, that you are a sleazy faggot. A guy who does everything to drain a nut. Who is simply just horny for dicks, to get his ass cunt fucked and to swallow cum as much as possible.” “No wonder your step dad groped you, since it was your fault to begin with. You are a dirty little slut Julian” I concluded. “So…. what are you waiting for” I asked him bluntly. He wanted to know what I mean. “You cum-bucket sit here… telling me like, for weeks you have been seduced your dad’s cock and his friends dicks to fuck you to pieces and now you got me rocking hard and you don’t want to finish your job. I mean…. are you serious?” I growled. “Please…. I don’t want to do a job here…. I just want to step out at the next gas station or town.” he demanded. “I can’t see a gas station here…. and I don’t see a town for miles and miles to come. But you are welcome to step out any time” I looked seriously at Julian. In order to appease me, he touched my junk and tried to squeeze it a little bit, to get some attention to his words. Of course touching me there…. didn’t help him much. “Open my fucking jeans and start blowing and you better start it now…. or you can get off the car, but believe me, before we part…. I will get you a good beating. Maybe your step-dad should have given you more of that. And I promise you, I am good in beating you to a pulp.” I grinned insanely at Julian who got really scared now. He started to cry and begged me again repeating the words ‘Please’ all over again. Slowly he opened my jeans and freed my rocking hard cock. He stroked it slowly up and down. “No teeth and remember to swallow my cum.” I reminded him and he got down swallowing my cock. I enjoyed the feeling of his tongue on my dickhead. After a while he started deep-throating me. He was really not bad at allin sucking. Not a single time he scraped against my dick with his teeth . My eyes were closed while he did his job. I didn’t even warn him, when my eyes started to tingle. His mouth went up and down my dick. He used his hands jacking me off also, while his lips massaged my cock nicely. I could hear him swallow and moan in distress from time to time. I enjoyed it when my first shot hit his throttle. He closed his mouth around my prick head and sucked in earnest to get all my sweet juice out of my balls. Gush after gush my piss-slit fired the cum out of my balls. “Man…. you blow like a professional whore” I sighed. “You are the best faggot cum sucking slut I ever laid my eyes on” I complimented him. “You did a great job fag” I thanked him politely for sucking and stuffed my cock back into my jeans and buttoned up. Julian cried silently and I ruffled his hair. “Sometimes it is the best to accept your fate” I told him softly. “Being a hole for other homo or hetero guys is not so bad at all. You have a task to fulfill and there will be always dicks wanting to unload in you. You should take your strength out of that, knowing you give other blokes a good orgasm” I explained to him. I started the engine and we entered the road again. Julian couldn’t stop his tears, and he felt degraded and abused. And this was just the beginning…..
  5. The Hitch-Hiker (Part 3 – Myles) Myles was so tired after the ordeal, that he actually fell asleep. But even in his sleep he was sobbing from time to time. I drove through the night and was thinking about my next stop. I needed to fuck this lad, before he would meet another ‘friend’ of mine. If someone had to describe myself, he would surely say… modest, nice, polite and friendly. This was my every day face. The face I showed, when I offered help to a neighbor for example. But I had another, a darker side in me and that side was not caring about anyone. Right now I saw this 19 year old lad and didn’t pity him. Instead I wanted to fuck the shit out of his ass. I wanted to shred his insides and really hurt him, while fucking my AIDS dick deep into his guts. The beast within… was ready to strike again. We would still have time. It was still another 5 hour drive to our destination. I listened to Myles’ breathing and sobbing. It was like music to my ears and made me hard again. Only a few other cars were on the road at this hour. It was almost midnight. I would have to find another parking lot or a track across the fields. It had to be abandoned. I wanted to fuck him on the backseat of the car. It would be uncomfortable for sure, but I liked the intimacy. We wouldn’t have much room and I would bang my cock into him and there was nowhere for him to go. He couldn’t escape me. Half an hour later Myles woke up. “Hey buddy…. feeling good after your nap?” I showed my nice face and tried to do some small talk. “How long will it take to arrive in Fresno?” Myles asked me straight away. “We should be there right now…. where are you taking me?” he wanted to know. “What do you know, you can’t see where we are and you can’t see how fast we are driving. You know shit, so shut up.” I replied and the mask crumbled already. The next couple of minutes there was silence between us. I could see a sign for a parking spot. I slowed the car down to check if we would be alone or if there would be other cars already. “Are we stopping?” Myles lamented. “I said shut up” No other car was parking here. I drove offside the lot and stopped the car, then I gazed at Myles. I unbuckled my belt. Myles heard the noise and panicked. He wanted to know, what I was doing. I opened my jeans again. Button after button was opened and I shuddered a bit. “Please don’t…” Myles begged. “The price for my time has been raised…” I mentioned to him. “I cannot suck you anymore. I still feel sick from the last time. Please don’t force me to.” he whined. “I don’t want another blow job, but there is another hole you can offer me.” You could ‘hear’ me grinning. “NO… Nononononoooooo… I am not letting you fuck me. No way – I told you I am straight, you can’t fuck me up my ass dude” he screamed hysterically. I snapped his throat, choked him a little bit and told him to listen. “I will fuck your ass and you will let me shred your guts with my big cock. Don’t fool me boy. I don’t care if you are gay or straight. Your hole doesn’t care if you are gay or straight. But your hole will be used in a couple of minutes and now get into the back-seats of the car and start undressing. I want you totally naked, bitch. I opened my door and so did the twink. While I walked towards to his side the fool actually tried to run away. I had to laugh loudly. Within seconds I reached him and punched him into his back. I dragged him back to the car, pulling him by his hair. He was screaming like a girl. I kicked him into the back of the car and yelled again, that he should undress at once. His whole body was shaking but he started taking off his clothes. I watched him opening his jeans jacket and fold it neatly. I tore it out of his hand and threw it to the ground next to me. Then he took off his shirt. For the first time I saw his white, almost milky skin. It made a beautiful contrast to the color of his hair. He held the shirt into my direction and I threw it also to the ground. “Pants” I said. He opened his belt and then he opened the only button. With trembling hands he pulled his zipper down. I pulled at the fabric down at his feet and so his jeans went off quite fast. “Enough” I said and entered the car. I closed the door behind me and so we ‘enjoyed’ this intimate atmosphere. Myles squeezed himself into one corner of the back-seat and I was coming over him, like a wild animal. I tore his underpants from his body and he squeaked loudly. I didn’t even care to look at his wrinkled little dick. “Stay on your back and part your legs you filthy whore” I muttered. He slid into my direction and I gave him some space. Then I took my place between his legs. “Condom… please…” he begged me. I was fishing one of the rubbers out of my pants and handed him the packet. “Open it and get it on my dick, filthy cunt…” I sneered at him. He was shuddering extremely, he almost couldn’t open the packet. Of course it was one I had already manipulated. The condom wouldn’t survive 10 strokes, but hey… the guy wanted a condom, and a condom he got. He unrolled it on my dick which took him some time. It helped, him being blind, so he couldn’t see the damaged condom. Then I told him to guide me to his hole. He was still begging me to spare him, but he knew already that I wanted to fuck him hard. I buried Myles under my body while I entered his system without any lube or spit. The bitch was so dry and narrow, only with an immense effort I was able to push my cock head into the lad’s cunt. “Let me fuck your cunt. Open up your straight ass for me” I moaned and with a grinding motion I started to push myself into Myles pussy. His legs were resting on my shoulders, so I could use the most power to attack his unprotected hole. After 6 inches of my junk had entered his body more or less painfully for both of us, I started to jab into him brutally. I knew if I wanted to impale him fully I needed all the strength I could summon and I was willing to give it to him. Myles had his underpants stuffed into his mouth for a while now. His screaming was just so loud, that I feared, the cops in Fresno could hear him. This way it was much better. He was still grunting very loud and his face was pained, but it didn’t help him much. After 10 minutes of powerfucking, I was finally fully embedded into him. I pulled my cock completely out of his hole and checked the condom, which was already broken and rolled up completely at the base cock. I was fucking him bareback now and since we didn’t use any lube, he was quite damaged already. The red streaks proved to me, that I did a great job. It was the time to enjoy the fucking. “You’re so hot and so tight. You will be the new star in the brothel” I moaned while fucking him violently. Myles eyes were staring into nothing and still I could see the shock in his face. “Hrrrmpffff Oooooh Noooooh Pleffffff” were the only noised he made. His ass was clenching my cock quite good, after I revealed his fate. He cramped fatally and I think this caused great pain into his arse. “In a couple of hours I will unload you and then you will meet quite a nice guy. He will help you to get over the border to Mexico… you will be soon getting assfucked and gangbanged all the time... 30, 40 dicks every night. Isn’t that great?” I asked him gleefully. “It’s a win-win for all of us” I giggled and while I was getting closer to my climax I started rabbit-fucking the 19 year old lad. I groaned so loudly when I had the best orgasm for a long time. Spurt after spurt I gave him the gift. After that I was totally worn out and collapsed on Myles. I just laid there between his legs and felt his heart beating like a drum. He tried to pull his underwear out of his mouth but I pushed it even further into his mouth. I could hear him asking ‘why’ but I didn’t answer him anymore. Finally I pulled my cock out slowly and saw Myles hole stayed open nicely. Then I dragged him out of the car and opened the trunk. Before pushing him into it, I retrieved his backpack and bag. It was too dangerous, in case he had a mobile phone in there. The backpack and the other stuff I threw on the back seat. Then I taped his mouth. His underwear was still crammed into his mouth, but I made sure he was able to breathe through his nose. I also decided to tape his hands by his wrists - onto his back. I didn’t want him hammering against the car from the inside all the time. He was twitching and jerking and I heard his muffled screaming; as the trunk lid closed the darkness surrounded him. Soon his voice was hoarse from all the screaming. Finally I arrived at our destination. It was a small town close to the Mexican border. I drove to a garage, which was actually just a fake. There were no mechanics working here. When I entered and parked my car within the garage, the door closed automatically. “Amigo, how are you” a mean looking guy was welcoming me. He was over 6 ft tall and full of muscles. His head was shaved and his cold blue eyes revealed, that he was no Mexican. “Hey man, I drove all night to reach you. I got some merchandise as promised. Caucasian. 19 years old, heterosexual, blind…. I told him about the circumstances. Myles was not disappeared long enough to be alarmed yet. But if he would be sold today, he wouldn’t stay long in this garage. He might be gone today already. A blind guy was something new. Guys could probably get horny, if they wouldn’t have to see into the accusing eyes of a forced whore. “So, let’s see him then…” The guy demanded. I opened the trunk and there he was. He tried to get up immediately. “Heffffffff, hefffff meeeee” he croaked. The bald guy was already rubbing his bulge. “Not bad…. not bad at all…. I see you hit him a bit?” he inquired. “Yeah – he whines a lot, but I think that’s normal, he likes getting manhandled. He enjoys the beating a lot and his body reacts the way it should.” I explained. “Nice cramping… we will see. You know we gotta test him first. You got 15 minutes? he asked me. “Of course” I answered. He called two other guys to the car. They were also looking like thugs and they lifted Myles out of the trunk. The three criminals dragged the boy to another room. I already knew, that there was only one mattress on the floor, to check the new merchandise for the Mexican market. Myles would get his first gangbang now, and I heard how roughly they used his body. He seemed to fight, because I could hear the beating sounds of fists meeting flesh and then the hoarse screaming of the lad. Around 30 minutes later the bald guy came out of the ‘test room’. His jeans was still opened and he proudly showed his bloody thick basher. I could see through the open door, that Myles was fucked at both ends right now. “I will give you 8000 dollars for him” he suggested. “No, I want 12000 – he is unique as far as I know.” “But we don’t know if the johns will use him as much, and I need to find a buyer for him also on the other side of the border” the bald one insisted. “Give me 10000 dollars and he is sold” We made a handshake and while the guy was getting the money, I unloaded all the stuff and threw it next to a desk in the garage. After I received the cash I counted it thoroughly. I got into my car and didn’t even try to take another look through the open door. After all… it was my lucky day.
  6. The Hitch-Hiker (Part 2 – Myles) Myles had never sucked a dick before. He felt so sick. Why did this happen to him. He was always a good guy. Always friendly to other people and now this misfortune happened. He missed his bus to Fresno and while hitch-hiking to his hometown he was now licking a dick at this very moment. “No stains on my jeans. Got that? I don’t want to run around outside with cum on my pants. If I cum, you gotta swallow it all. Do you understand that faggot?” I asked the boy, whose tongue was already exploring my piss slit. “Oh man… yeah… push your tongue into my piss slit, you fucking slut” I moaned. And the boy told me, he wouldn’t know how to suck. HA! I laid my right hand on the back of his head and stroked his hair softly. “You are talented in sucking dick, you know? Now swirl your tongue around my dick head. Make love to it. Imagine it is your girl friend. Do some french-kissing with it; I want to feel your lips around my cock. Let your tongue clean my pisser.” I ordered him. I heard him sobbing softly. “What’s the matter with you down there, aren’t you enjoying your job?” I asked him a bit moody. I grabbed his hair and pulled his head up. His mouth disengaged from my dick with a lout ‘Plop’. I looked down and saw several dark spots on my jeans. “You son of a bitch, is this your spit?” I freaked out. Myles didn’t reply. He had actually taken care, not to drool onto my cock or my jeans. While staring down at my pants I recognized those stains were only his teardrops. He was crying steadily. “Oh – just your tears. That’s okay bitch. Go on sucking me…. you are good, but start swallowing my cuntbasher. I want to feel your throat muscles give me a good massage and don’t drool on me, you cum addicted tart.” I told him and pressed his head down again using more force than before. He would regret it, if my jeans showed signs of his working. Myles swallowed his spit before talking my hard prick back into his mouth. He covered his teeth with his lips, like I had told him. The pressure on his lips was more painful for him, but for me it was quite a great blow job. He pushed his head deeper towards my crotch and started panting. He moaned things like ‘Oooooh’ or ‘Nooooo’. I couldn’t understand it, but I liked the way his throat vibrated with every tone. After a while I didn’t even had to push his head down anymore. I had both my hands at the steering wheel and enjoyed the sensation of this young guys tongue on my horny cock. We drove a while, when I stopped the car again. I pulled Myles from my cock and told him, he was giving good head, but I needed to fuck his face now to actually cum. He looked confused. “Don’t worry and open your door. Kneel next to the car” I commanded him. He started to cry even more. “Please, please don’t kill me. Pleaaaase…. I don’t want to…..” he whined. “Shut up, you idiot” I shouted out being extremely horny. “I told you, I will fuck your face now….. Open your gullet, you fucking whore and start kneeling there you stupid cuntface.” I went to the passenger’s side and used physical force to make him kneel before me. The view was shielded by my body and the open car door. Myles wailed loudly, but there was no one to help him. I slapped his face several times. I hit him so hard, that his head was flying from side to side. “Open your mouth!” I repeated myself loudly. Myles was still not convinced, but he tried to comply by parting his lips a little bit and I took the chance and pushed my hard member deep into his throat with one swift stroke. Of course he had no chance to keep my jeans clean this way. Soon he started coughing and spitting. I knew it and wasn’t actually mad, but I would still punish him, after shooting my dirty load into him. I showed no mercy and held his head by his ears while forcing myself into his mouth. I repeated myself quite often, that he should keep his mouth open. He knew he was supposed to accept my dick deep down in his throat but he had difficulties breathing and at least 4 times he even puked a little bit. I gave him some space to vomit and reminded him afterwards of his duties. After 15 minutes of hard face fucking I was moaning loudly. I didn’t tell him that I would unload soon. I simply drove my cock down to the hilt, buried it deep in his throat and let my balls fire the charged cum directly into his tummy. After my last shot I stepped aside and Myles fell on his arms and struggled heavily. I was satisfied with myself, but also with the lad. The moment he tried to get up I started punishing him for mucking up my pants. I slapped him on his face and on his ears. He tried to defend himself or at least hold his hands in front of his face, but he didn’t stand a chance. After two minutes of a good slapping I stopped the punishment. “Good job boy…. a very good job…..” I handed Myles a bottle of water and told him to drink and to wash his face a little bit. Then he had to get into the car again and we continued driving south – closer to the Mexican border…..
  7. The Hitch-Hiker (Part 1 – Myles) I met Myles near a bus station. He was stumbling around with his walking stick. This kind of stick blind people use, to find their way around. He was a good looking bloke. Young and masculine, but also lost and vulnerable. He asked constantly for some assistance, but no one seemed to care. The people rushed by, without even noticing the young guy, who was actually in need of help. So when I walked up to him, he heard my footsteps and addressed his question into my direction. “Excuse me. Do you have the time to help me please?” he asked in a wonderful boyish voice. “What’s the matter?” I answered him in a friendly tone. “Oh thank you Sir. I think I’m standing here for an hour at least asking for help. I lost my way. I need to get to the bus station. I got a ticket to Fresno and I fear I might be late already.” the guy explained. “When is the bus leaving?” I asked him. “At 8 pm” he answered. We should have a few minutes left. Are we far away?” he asked me. I massaged my dick openly through my jeans and grinned. “Well…. you wandered around a bit. I can try to get you there in time, but I am not so sure if we can make it. You got only 10 Minutes left and we need to make quite a distance.” I lied to him. In fact we were just one street away from the wanted station. “Oh I would be really grateful if you could lead me…..” the blind boy almost begged me. “Sure why not…..let’s see….” I answered and continued stroking my forming bulge in my jeans. “Are you still there…..?” the boy asked me. I stood there and enjoyed the helplessness of this blind guy. “Yeah…. I am just thinking which way would be the fastest” but I was not thinking about it at all. I was rubbing my bulge while feeling the tensed atmosphere. The guy needed to get his bus urgently. “Can you give me a hand?” the boy asked me. “Sure…. let’s go this way……. “ I chose a way, which would lead us to the station, but we would take the longest possible way. And instead of letting him take my arm to guide him, I actually laid my arm across his shoulders to steer him around. Sometimes I even dared to let my hand run down his back giving him some pressure in turning to obviously false directions. But he could not see. He was at the mercy of my hand. And I even dared to push him around with my hand resting on his fine ass. The twink was in such a hurry and a tensed state of mind; he obviously didn’t realize me groping at his ass, or he just didn’t mind. Finally we reached the big bus station and while staying a little bit further away I took a glance at my watch and sighed deeply. “We missed the bus I fear…. it is 8.05 pm” I told him with a disappointed tone. “Oh no….” the boy answered out of breath. “The bus to Fresno is gone?” he seemed to be devastated. I gazed at the station and there I could see, the bus to Fresno was actually still standing there, with open doors. “Yeah…. it is gone. I am so sorry. I tried my best…..” I answered him. “It was not your fault. I was not fast enough, it is always the same” he said sadly. Meanwhile the bus really left the station and passed us by. I took a good grip at the boy’s nape and asked him if I could help him in any other way. He shook his head and explained to me, that he was broke and this ticket should bring him back home to his parents and his girlfriend. “It is quite a distance you know. But I could offer you a ride, if you want to” I suggested to the stranger. “Are you serious? That would be awesome. You have been so helpful already and now this? Thank you so much! This must be my lucky day” the blind cutie smiled joyfully. “You’re welcome” I replied, knowing it would be MY lucky day. I led the happy guy to my car and since it worked so well before, I decided to steer him around with my hand on his butt. He accepted it without a word or a strange look at his face. He told me his name was Myles and he was 19 years old. He talked about his school, his family, his girlfriend. I believe he would have told me his kindergarten stories if I would have let him. I knew he was a tittle-tattler. Everything helped, if it would buy me time. After opening the trunk, I loaded it with Myle’s backpack. Of course I helped him getting on the car. I started the engine and opened my jeans from the second button on downwards. I wanked slowly and watched Myles happy face. “Are we ready?” I asked and laughed. “Ready….” Myles consented. We drove off… totally opposed to the city, we actually wanted to reach. The moment we got into the car, I knew I wouldn’t use drugs on Myles. He didn’t know the way I looked or the type of the car. “Listen Myles, I changed my mind. We should talk about the subject of payment” I started. Silence. “I mean, come on. This is my gas and my time, you have to admit” I laughed. “I know, but I told you I got no more money” he sniffled. “You could pay me, by sucking my dick” I offered him bluntly. “What? What the fuck are you talking about. I am not gay!” he shouted out. In this moment I grabbed Myles’ head and smashed it against the dashboard. After that, I slowed down the car and stopped it promptly. Of course I had checked before, that we were alone on this street. There was no other car in sight. “Listen bitch. I didn’t say you were gay. I simply said suck my dick faggot. And if you are not closing your lips around my dickhead in one minute, you will experience a new kind of pain. I swear to god” I threatened the boy. Myles was not bleeding. His head hit the dashboard at the right side. But I could see, that he was sort of dazed. “Now, what do you say bitch. A nice blow job, while I drive you home?” I asked in a more friendly way. Myles nodded but expressed, that he never had another dick in his mouth. “Just no teeth. Use your lipes to cover your teeth and then just take my cock inside your mouth and inside your throat” I advised him. “Come on boy” I said getting a tight grip on Myles’ nape and pulled him down to my rocking hard cock. With that I continued to drive and while we sped up, I could feel Myles soft tongue licking over my dickhead. I knew it would be my lucky day…..
  8. Predators and prey (Part 8) Michael was totally worn out. He was laying on his stomach, unable to move around. The leather daddy knelt next to his head and patted him in his right cheek, asking “Are you able to get on all fours? I want to do fuck you doggie style bitch,” as if his request was totally normal when asked of a twink who had been fucked nonstop for three hours. What else could he be? Only the sleaziest piece of shit on this whole wide world. Michael opened his eyes and tried to focus on the masculine guy next to him. He tried to get up, but just couldn’t do it. He was able to get on his knees, so his ass was sticking up, his arms, however, were too weak to support his weigh. “I…. I can’t Sir, please…. no more…..” he mumbled. The guy felt almost sorry for the lad, but he had waited too long now to reject: he wanted to fuck his ten inch cock mercilessly into the youthful slut. “It’s okay…. stay like this….. no….. keep your ass up bitch, keep it up” he insisted, adding “You can rest on your chest…. that’s a good boy,” he praised as he got to his feet, moving behind the boy, only to look down at Michael and spitting on his right cheek. Michael didn’t even try to wipe it away, but instead focused on breathing. Slowly the leather guy opened his pants and revealed the big snake in his pants, presenting ten inch of hard meat which was not only huge in length, it was also very wide. Removing his belt, the leather guy dropped it at his side. While getting on his knees behind Michael he leaned over the poor boy's body and reached for Michael’s arms. With a sharp 'click', handcuffs were securing Mike’s arms across his back. “You’re slick bitch. Too many dicks up your hole tonight, eh?” the leather macho whispered those words only. He had talked to some guys before entering the hut, and had arranged for their assistance in squeezing the last spark out of the young bloke. One of the men picked the belt up and wrapped it around Michael’s neck, who certainly didn't have any reason to anticipate the danger. The leather daddy gave them the sign to begin and both guys pulled at each ends. Michael coughed loudly, his eyes opened widely. His hands were tightly secured on his back, so he couldn’t pull them up to defend himself. As his lungs fought for air, his ass constricted, which was the precise moment rammed his beer can wide penis deep into Michael’s cunt, bottoming out in one swift stroke and freezing, immobile, his entire dick buried in Michael’s asshole, thoroughly enjoying the sensation of Mike's ass muscles giving his cock a great massage. “Start filming” one guy commanded and so the pal who still got Michael’s mobile phone started to move around the boy, filming the whole brutal scene of the two guys strangling Mike with the belt as the leather guy ploughed his prey's asshole with an unnatural intensity. “Let him breathe” the fucker ordered, whereupon the other two guys loosened the belt. Michael immediately collapsed on the stained mattress, struggling to get some oxygen into his lungs, gasping and completely winded. The opportunity to breath didn’t last for a long time. Soon the fellows tightened the belt again and again the coarse rasp of Mike's constricted throat filled the shack. It was such a pleasure to fuck this narrow tube. Without mercy Michael was choked and fucked hard. Several times the boy’s face turned blue already and every time, they gave him the time-out and let him gasp for air, before choking him again just for the pleasure to rip his ass to shreds. “Gllll gl gllllllll” The shack was filled with grunting and moaning. Michael's gasps and tears mingled with the horny groans of his attackers, and every time the belt men allowed Michael to breath, they would grab their crotches, massaging their hard cocks through the fabric of their jeans. This went on for almost half an hour. It was not ‘Daddies’ intention to kill Michael. He just enjoyed the twink’s bodily reaction to being strangled. Perhaps it was a bit rough but in the end Mike did a good job. While getting choked a final time, he got seeded for the last time in that night. Afterwards the belt men dropped the belt, standing at Michael's side, panting heavily. After pulling out his cock out of Mike’s wrecked hole the boy broke down and fell to his side, trying to regain his breath. The handcuffs were removed and the belt was picked up by the leather macho. “Good job” he told Michael and went to the guy with the mobile phone. “Give it to me” he demanded. “No way…. I am going to keep this. This is hot stuff” he replied. “Listen you fucking moron, if you believe you can keep the video, with me fucking this boy…..” he snarled dangerously. He clenched his fists and since the other one didn’t want a good beating, he handed the mobile phone to the leather top. “So what are you guys up to?” he asked while pushing the phone into his leather jacket. “I promised to fist fuck him….” one said. “And we will beat him up, just for the fun of it” another replied. “I see….. well, I’m outta here.” the last fucker said. One of the last agressors mentioned he had two baseball bats in his trunk. Michael was staring at the leather guy who turned to leave. Both guys went to the parking lot and the one with the bats got asked, if they wanted to snuff the kid. “Nah…. well, not now….. do you know how much it hurts if a bone breaks? It takes long for the body to recover. For the bone to heal up…. and then you break it again” he explained with a gleaming in his eyes. “And there are so many bones you can fracture…..so much pain, so much fun” he added. The leather motorcyclist watched the weirdo pick the two bats up out of his trunk and followed him with his eyes, while he went back to the shack. “Fuck….. god damn….. fuck….” he got off his bike and took his gun out of its holster. He followed the path up to the barrack. Michael had already a fist up his fuck canal and was crying desperately. Both guys with the bats started to take off their shirts. “This will get bloddy…..” one guy chuckled. The leather daddy entered the hut and fired the gun in the air. “Sorry to interrupt, but this party is over….. I am claiming this merchandise” he shouted out. “Hey buddy, what’s this all about? You raped the guy to pieces and now you deny us the right to have some fun with him too” one guy came closer with the bat swinging slowly. “One more step…..” the leather guy warned him. “And then what…..” the other guy wanted to know. He fired the gun and hit the baseball bat. “Next time I will aim at your hand…. and then your leg…. this won’t kill you, but it is very painful” he grinned at the guy. The two shirtless guys retreated to the back of the barrack. The one kneeling behind the boy withdrew his fist slowly. “Now you guys will go down on your knees. With your face against the wall. That’s nice. You will stay this way for 15 minutes and then you will burn down this hatch. In the end I got your faces on the video too…. mine I will erase, but I might forget to do the same with yours. Understood?” he inquired. The guys agreed. “Hey little one. Can you get up?” he asked Michael and lent him a helping hand. They looked for Michaels clothes. He couldn’t wear his t-shirt anymore but he slowly got his jeans on. The leather guy took off his jacket and gave it to Michael who was looking gratefully to his savior. Finally they took off and went to the parking lot. It was so tough to sit on the motorcycle, but the guy explained to Michael, there wasn’t any other way. Michael nodded understandingly. “I am a doctor, I will take care of you and your wounds. Don’t worry…. you will be safe with me” he told Michael. “Are you able to hold onto me?” the leather daddy wanted to know. Michael wrapped his arms around him. He wouldn’t let go…. They could see the fire from afar, while driving down the interstate. It was a long ride, but the night welcomed them. No one saw Michael’s rescue and his entry to a new life. There was so much more to come…..
  9. The Stables (Part 1) Gregory was a shy boy. At the age of 18 he was still living with his parents and they didn’t know Greg was gay. His dad tried several things to get his son into girls, once even hiring a whore to introduce his son to sex. While Greg was terrified, the prostitute, Mandy, was a nice lady, and, although she tried to stir his interest, she may very well have sensed his sexual preference that Greg was unable to perform. Or perhaps she was just glad, seeing that she had been paid and hadn't had to actually satisfy another John. Who knows? Perhaps she saw it as simply easy money. In any event when the time was up and she and Greg met Greg's father who was waiting in the 'salon' for his son, Mandy made a show of kissing Gregory on his mouth and giving his crotch a grope, thanking him for the hot ride. Greg’s dad was more than proud and for the moment was relaxed as it had crossed his mind that Greg might be a faggot. After all, while Greg had plenty of female friends, he had never had a girlfriend, and certainly (prior to Mandy), had apparently never messed around with a woman. No, he was a shy and sensitive boy and even at 18 was more into music and the arts than playing football or basketball. Although unspoken, Greg's father's greatest fear was that his son would turn into a dick-taking faggot. But after the session with Mandy, Greg's father was fairly sure everything would turn out all right: his son fucked a whore and he would soon find another hole into which to unload. Everything was running slowly but on the right course. Little did Greg's father know that Gregory had his own suspicions. Greg remembered experienced as early as the age of six when in swim class, he saw this other boy whose name was Alec. Gregory didn't, of course, have the vocabulary to put a name to it, but he always got excited when Alec accidentally brushed up against him when the two were standing in line waiting to jump from the one-meter board. Beyond and incidental physical contact nothing happened between Gregory and Alec, but a couple of years later, when Greg was around ten, he recognized the sensation when he found himself fascinated by Mickey, another ten year old in the same class. While Greg was perfectly happy to stare at Mickey, giving unconscious smiles, Mickey caught-on, and was none to keen for Greg's attentions, so Mickey purposefully and angrily shoved Gregory away, once even giving him a punch in the face. Although the punch was unexpected and quite painful, Greg nevertheless enjoyed being on the receiving end of Mickey's attention, even if there was a substantial degree of hostility. A few years later, now 14, Greg truly had a crush on Mr. Wilson, his English teacher. Mr. Wilson might have been in his late 20s, but he generally wore hot, tight jeans, and, as Mr. Wilson moved about the class room, Greg couldn’t stop but staring at Mr. Wilson's bulge. Of course Greg's obsession wouldn't end-up going anywhere: Mr. Wilson was married and had a baby daughter. He never even registered Greg's interest, but no matter: Greg utterly idolized his teacher. About this time rumors began circulating suggesting Gregory was a fag. His mates in class recognized the difference - when they associated erections with girls, Greg seemed to get an erection when Mr. Wilson passed down the corridor. Greg's schoolmates took their suspicions out on Greg, slapping him around, ostracizing him, and occasionally dumping him into the school dumpster. Naturally Greg wanted less and less to do with his schooling, and eventually dropped out early, getting a job at a gas station. The job didn't, of course, pay all that much, but Greg earned a couple to keep his car running. His parents didn’t ask him to contribute to rent or food, although his Dad urged Greg to join the Army, believing this would make him a ‘real’ man. Greg was quite innocent. He had never seen a gay porn and likewise had never heard about the dangers of unsafe sex. He thought of rubbers served solely to prevent pregnancies. He had, however, overheard some conversations about club a couple of counties away, some sort of bath house, where guys gathered for sexual encounters - with other guys. Although Greg didn't know quite what to expect, he decided to make a visit to the bath house on his next day off. The day arrived and Greg made the trip. It was a two hour drive, but Greg didn't begrudge the mileage, reasoning the distance reduced the likelihood he would encounter anyone from his home town. He wore his best clothing: a white shirt, with some expensive pair of jeans which he thought framed his ass perfectly. He even bought new sneakers just for this event - not realizing he would take all this clothing off within a few minutes of having entered the bar. Finally arriving at the town where the club was located, and having even located the club, he drove into the parking lot but couldn't find any vacancies, so he drove through the town looking for parking. The search was a bit harder than he expected, so when he eventually found a legal parking spot, he parked, climbed-out of the car, only to discover he had lost his bearings, so he approached a small group of guys standing at the corner and asked for directions to 'The Stable'. The guys glared at Greg, giving the unspoken message "Get lost, faggot." Anxiously Greg stepped back to the pavement and tried to get mixed with the crowd. He felt so stupid. He left his hometown thinking in a big town as this one, people would be differently, but the thugs reactions were more than just hostile. In fact Greg realized the thugs were following him. Naturally Greg was in panic. What if he wouldn’t find a safe place? What if he wouldn’t reach his car? What if they beat him up or kill him for being gay? What if their parents found out the reason for his death…. and while those ideas were spinning in his head ‘The Stables’ appeared before him. He couldn’t believe his luck. He hurriedly entered the premises. As he stepped through the door he glanced back and saw the guys disappearing into the crowd. Their victim had escaped. “Well, well…. aren’t we excited….. you are quite heavy breathing…. are you a mare, or a stallion?” the cashier asked. “I…. I am…. what?” Greg asked. “Oh dear…. your first time?” the employee asked. Greg simply nodded. The guy behind the counter inspected Greg, recognizing by Greg's walk, but his discrete glances, by his delicate mouth, that Greg would be on the receiving end that night. "Well, if you want to get fucked, then you are a mare…. if you fuck, then you are a stallion. It is not so difficult. We got this pink bracelet for mares…. and the blue bracelet is for studs,” the guy explained. Greg caught-on, and both he and the clerk simultaneously said the word 'Mare'. Paying the entrance fee and now wearing the pink bracelet, which was sealed along around his wrist, the clerk giggled as he explained “Without this wrist band the party will be over for you. So no switching. You are a mare!” The clerk gave Greg a key to a locker and a pink towel, as well as directions to the locker room where, the clerk instructed, Greg should strip and then move to the party in the basement. With a final “Enjoy the party,” the clerk got busy folding towels. As he walked down the staircase into the basement Greg's heart was almost jumping out of his throat. Arriving in the basement Greg found the space was quite dark, although he could see several corridors in which, he surmised, he stood a good chance of finally getting fucked. He also found a bar. "First timer?” the bartender asked. “Is it so obvious?” Greg answered shyly. “It won’t be in the darkroom…..” the bartender laughed. “Darkroom,” Greg repeated the word. The bartender watched at him, as if Greg just stepped out of a spaceship. “Yeah…. Darkroom. A dark room, where you can empty the dicks with your mouth or your ass….. are you for real?” he asked. “Sorry mate, but this is my first time ever in a big town. I have never ever seen a place like this. This is amazing. I can get filled up here,” Greg’s remarked, his eyes glittering with excitement. “Filled up….” the bartender repeated the words. This kid had no idea. Removing the bowl of condoms was on the counter the bartender recommended “You should not start with the darkroom. Were I you, I would start with the glory holes where you can concentrate on one or two cocks at a moment.” “Glory hole….” Greg said with awe in his voice. "What’s that?” The bartender looked around as if he was searching for the candid camera. He told him to sit and take a drink, he would explain it to him in a second, but before he paused to speak with Greg, the bartender stepped aside and spoke with the barback saying "We have some fresh meat, here. Go find the poz stud and let him know a negative mare is waiting for her fillings." The barback delivered the astonishing message, and promptly several blokes were checking the undamaged merchandise. Greg didn’t know which way to look, but he still wore his pink towel about his hips. The mass of blue bracelets made it clear the room was full of stallions. “Are you still willing to let dicks poz up your mare ass?" the bartender asked. “I 've never had a dick up there. Will it hurt bad…. ? Gregory replied in a whisper. “I will help you with that. Get this towel off then sit down again," the bartender advised, adding "Just slip a little bit back on your stool, so your ass is accessible.” One Greg was in position the bartender announced to the room that he would prep this new recruit for his deflowering, making it crystal clear he would lube this virgin ass for his first of many poz rides. With that he squatted behind the stool. his tongue delicately licking Greg's exquisite cleft. Greg thought he had died and gone to heaven. The bartender was lapping over his opening and pulled his ass cheeks further apart. He pressed his tongue inside this virgin’s ass and tongue-fucked him so hard. He smelt the overwhelming scent and sucked out the innocence of this first-timer. He loved the way the sweet ass tasted, and started use some lube on the twink. He turned back to the other studs and showed them his two sharpened fingernails, which would be quite helpful for the upcoming task. While lubing the guy up he started scratching the intestinal walls. The nice feeling Greg had felt gave way to the pain, while the man behind him tried to scrape and claw the intestinal walls for only one reason. Instead of telling Greg the truth, he explained it would hurt, because it is the first time he was prepared for some serious poz fucking. “Man, I can’t wait to get all your poz dicks up my ass,” Greg announced proudly. "You could use rubbers, of course," a voice called out. You could hear a pin dropping to the ground while the guy who had suggested using a rubber was immediately hustled out into another room. Fortunately Greg was oblivious to the commotion behind his back as he was struggling to endure the pain associated with the bartender's preparations. “I am your mare, but I won’t get pregnant, that’s for sure” Greg shouted out. "The boy's got it damn right," someone groaned. "Yeah, well, he's still gonna get our babies," another man added. A third suggested "Fuck the little brat. Pump him up with premium poz seed." Getting to his feet the bartender explained to Greg "I'm going to help you in the stall. You should concentrate on relaxing your hole so you enjoy getting pozzed," as he gave Greg some additional finger-action. After a couple of minutes of vigorous action he withdrew his fingers, showing his bloody digits to the othr stallions. The boy was already a mess. Then it all happened quite fast. While the barback led Greg into a stall, the stallions crowded into the adjoining stall, all intent of watching Greg take it up the ass. Greg, of course, was extremely excited, and noticed a television screen which showed a gay porn movie. For the first time Greg saw guys actually fuck each other in the ass. The barback, meanwhile, pointed to a hole in the wall of the stall through which the first hard dick was protruding. A thick and long dick which was ready to plumb the cunt into which it was ready to dump its toxic gift. “But I won’t see them this way,” Greg complained. “Believe me honey, most times you don’t want to see them in broad daylight. Besides, the anonymity is a big part of the fun. This way you concentrate on your work, which is draining dicks. It doesn’t matter how cool the guy in the other stall is, you just have to squeeze his dick with your cunt and accept his load. Then the next will deposit his load and so one and so on. This is your job!” the barback explained, adding “If you need more lube tell me. It doesn’t help anyone if you tolerate the pain for only one or two dicks. Your job is to empty the balls of every guy who wants to fuck you, no matter the pain. As a mare you are advised to accept and receive. And it's my job to lube you up whenever you need it. The guys have to wait then until you are ready to get your next poz load. That is all that matters." Gregory nodded, and presented his ass-cunt towards the dick protruding through the hole. The barback helpfully assisted the fuck stick to find its way home into the mare, as slowly, very slowly, Greg received one inch after another, even if he moaned in genuine discomfort. “Oh man…. this fucker is tight…. I can’t….. oh fucking god….. sweet jesus…. I think he pinches my dick off…..” the stallion panted loudly. “Baby….. push a little back. Try to relax and let this guy enter you completely,” the barback recommended, applying a bit more lube on the invading dick. Only half of the nine inches had entered the young one's body, but the barback could readily see the bloody streaks. He had done a great job and was proud of himself. While thinking of that, he decided he would help Gregory a bit more and so he squat in front of the twink and pushed against his hips and finally more inches entered the abused hole. Greg couldn’t help but to express his pain and groaned loudly. On the other side of the wall several guys cheering and even the bartender praised the good job Greg had demonstrated. Greg, of course, believed every word he was told.
  10. Predators and prey (Part 7) Michael was on his back. He stared at the ceiling breathing heavily. Slowly he turned to his left side and closed his eyes. His whole body ached, but the pain in his ass was unbearable. His “first time” had developed into a brutal gangbang. But it was him, who stared at the bulges of some guys and caused them to get horny for his ass. It was him, who answered softly ‘Yes’ when the question came up, if he would like to take some dicks up his ass. And it was him, who followed a stranger to this shack in the middle of the night. But he never thought of getting hurt so bad. His ass was bleeding, he could feel that, and his blood mixed with the semen of half a dozen guys already. He didn’t know, how many of them still lured into the darkness, for the chance to be his next fucker. A hand touched his shoulder soothingly and a voice whispered in his ear ‘Hey Buddy, are you okay’? Michael moaned simply. “Hey, I am talking to you. Are you still with us?” the voice asked again. “Yes…” Michael panted. “Good - you are awake” the voice almost sounded cheerfully. The hand on his shoulder pressed him towards the mattress. “Get down on your belly and relax” he got instructed. “My ass is hurting so much…” Michael moaned. “I know baby… it is supposed to hurt” the guy answered. He felt his legs being pushed apart by the male who knelt behind him and talked to him for a while now. “Spread your legs a bit wider. Give me better access to your slimy cunt” Michael couldn’t see the guy opening his jeans, but he understood that the next guy was ready to mount him. His ordeal was not over. “Ooooooh” he groaned. “Yeah I know boy. Just a second….. I am going to give you my junk” the guy replied, as if Mike’s groaning was an encouragement. Michael was too weak to fight back and so he felt his ass open up for yet another thick cock. His ass muscles, which tried desperately to close for the last couple of minutes were forced to swallow yet another brick again. “Calm down and enjoy my dick you, whore. You don’t have to do a thing, just stay on your belly and keep those legs spread, I will do the rest you, ok bitch?” the guy asked, but didn’t actually care about an answer. Michael felt his guts being ripped apart again. It seemed like his fucker was trying to hammer another hole into his body. “Do you like my cock? Hm… answer me bitch, do you like my big fat poz-stick?” the voice asked again and again. Mike grunted - not being able to form a clear thought. Instead he tried to open his asshole for the aggressive intruder. The guy used his full body weight on the boy’s skinny frame. Sometimes he supported himself on his arms to thrust more powerful blows into the abused and bleeding boysnatch. Then another time he almost crushed Michael under his weigh. “Feel me, bitch….. drain my nuts with your tight ass” the big dicked hunk shouted. While banging the 18 year olds ass brutally, a melody started to play. The stallion was looking around but didn’t seem to slow down in his fucking movements. “Who`s fucking mobile is it…. ?” he yelled. There was no response. Mike’s clothes were still scattered around on the dirty mattress and out of the corner of his eye the banger saw the visual signs of an incoming call. The ringtone was a recording, Michael did at his church, while singing one of his favorite songs. “The LORD is my shepherd I shall not want He maketh me to lie down in green pastures He leadeth me, beside the still waters….” … and then again with the choir…. “My LORD is my shepherd I shall not want He maketh me to lie down in green pastures He leadeth me, beside the still waters….” “Still waters…. “ The hunk fished the mobile phone out of Mike’s pocket and saw the incoming call flashing on the screen. He hissed at one of the waiting guys to hold the mobile in front of the twink’s face. “But don’t let him touch it” he made sure the other guy understood, who read the name on the screen and laughed out loudly. The guy in Michael’s ass sped up. “I think this one’s for you” he signaled the second guy to flash the screen to Michael’s face and he looked in disbelief. ‘Mom’ was written on the screen and a picture of his smiling mother was looking at him. Michael reached his hands towards the ringing phone, but it was still ouf of touch for him. “Where are you….” he shouted at Mike and continued to fuck him violently.. Mike didn’t know what to answer. “Where does she think you are?” the question was specified. “…. friends house….” “Friends name!” the fucker demanded. “….. never *urgs* mentioned a *ufff* name….” Michael replied while being fucked harder than before. “…. Oh Fuck…..” the pummeling guy yelled and then pulled his club out of the adolescent’s ass. “…. Give me the god damn phone and make sure our guest won’t spoil the show” he instructed some onlookers. Michael’s shirt got used a second time tonight and was stuffed into his mouth. Breathing became difficult but he tried to stay calm. The guy who stuffed his mouth knelt with his full weigh on his back to keep him down, but he was to weak anyways. The first guy answered the phone quite breathlessly (no wonder) and in a sleepy tone “Hello….?” He slowly stroked his dick while looking down at Michael. A woman’s voice could be heard on the other side of the line and she seemed to be quite upset or extremely worried. “No, this is the Bartholomew residence…. yes of course Michael is here” he mocked the preys name pointing at him. “No – he is at our house. He and my son Matthew are in the same science class. They had to work on some papers. I thought he asked for your allowance to stay overnight…..” he rolled his eyes. “Yes…. No…. he forgot the phone in the living room. He is upstairs sleeping. I came down myself, because I heard the ringing… a beautiful tune, that’s what my wife also said” he kept on stroking his hard tool knowing he was about to destroy this guys ass as soon as he would end this call. “No, you don’t have to worry. I will tell Michael in the morning to give you call, as soon as he is awake and able to speak.” The guy was leering at Michael, whose legs were still spread widely. Without a warning he kicked the boy into his nuts….. just so. *Bang* Michael made noises like a hurt animal. “Oh no…. I just hit my little toe at the dining table…. walking around in the darkness….. Yes, the same to you. Have a good night and God Bless you too…..” he quit the call and handed the mobile to the second pal. “Keep it, we might use it later on” he winked at him. Dropping to his knees he didn’t need to search long for the bloody entrance. It was easy to sink into Mike’s ass. As soon as he lowered himself completely into this toyboy he fucked Michael like a sledge hammer. He ripped the shirt out of Mike’s mouth and with enough oxygen he was able to response in a proper powerfucking way. He continued grunting, moaning and whining, which was music to the ears for the bunch of guys, who were still waiting for their turn. “Here I cum…. take my load you bitch; you’re a poz cumdump. You are such a sleazy fuck…. you enjoy being our project, huh? The fucker unloaded his personal virus collection into Michael’s mildly resisting body. But who would judge them, because in the end it was him, who stared at the bulges of some guys and caused them to get horny for his ass. It was him, who answered softly ‘Yes’ when the question came up, if he would like to take some dicks up his ass. And it was him, who followed a stranger to this shack in the middle of the night. The fucker couldn’t help but to give the boy another kick into his nuts and while Michael wailed in his distress he buttoned himself up and made room for the next guy who seemed to be a tough one. He was a leather daddy and obviously a motor cyclist, since he carried his helmet around. He had a pair und handcuffs at the ready. ‘Sex had to hurt’, he remembered the words well and so he tried not to worry about the pain…. but he was sure, a couple of more hard fucks and he would be dead. Or at least wishing he was....
  11. The Hunt – A New Destination (Part 2) Steven led Jason back to the stalls. He was steering the young lad with two fingers up his chute. Jason’s heart was beating fast. He was excited and scared. But he was also exhausted. So many things had happened tonight and now he got some fingers up his ass leading him back to his own ‘pozzing-room’. Steven pushed a door open to a vacant stall. He told Jason to kneel down and start cleaning the toilet with his tongue. Jason looked puzzled. “Put your face into the bowl and lick it clean faggot” Steven said seriously. The toilet was stained and filthy. There were visible streaks of shit on the white porcelain. ‘No turds’ Jason sighed relieved, but still a bowl full of piss. Why don’t guys flush the toilet, he grimaced. Slowly he went down to his knees and started licking the edge of the toilet. “Do you need something to cover my eyes again?” Jason asked sincerely. Steven opened his pants and snickered. “Nah – it is okay if your face is buried deep into the bowl. Don’t forget drinking the piss out of the toilet” “You are not a kitten – lap the piss up boy. Clean the edge properly. Make it spotless” he barked. Jason moaned but obeyed. He stopped using just the tip of his tongue. Now his whole tongue swirled around the edge, while several guys surveyed Jason’s work. Steven had his cock in his hand and was already stroking it. He didn’t need much encouragement. He was horny like the devil to abuse this eighteen year old boy. Since Jason was in a doggy position it was easy for Steven to gain access to the lad’s hot pussy. He grabbed two used condoms off the floor. “Do you mind…. ? Some lube won’t hurt….” Steven asked politely but had a mean look on his face. Jason looked up and nodded gingerly, what other choice did he have? He felt the condom brought up to his cunt and Steven finger fucked the content into his system. Steven lined his cock up the boy’s hole and rammed it back home. Although Jason had been fucked several times before, he was still a good and tight fuck. His ass was swallowing Steven’s dick in a smooth way and massaged his tool nicely Steven didn’t kneel on the dirty floor. He crouched behind Jason and fucked him that way. He was holding himself steady while pushing Jason’s back down steadily. He even pushed the boy’s head deeper into the bowl. Jason complained that he wasn’t finished with the edge yet. “Never mind the edge… clean the shit streaks now and slurp the piss up. I want you to be finished, when I am ready to give you another load. The next guy will fuck you in the next stall, so you can do your chores over there” Steven exclaimed. Jason had never tasted shit and it was so humiliating licking away shit streaks from totally strangers in a club’s toilet. His tongue experienced the bitter taste, but since he had no choice, he continued licking eagerly the toilet porcelain until no brown smear was visible anymore. Steven was satisfied with Jason’s work, but there was still this never ending lake of piss at the bottom of the toilet bowl. So he kept on pushing the lad’s face almost under the water line. You could hear the slurping sounds of the boy, who was actually in fear of drowning for a moment. Jason coughed violently but an iron grip held him in place and so he complied finally. He was encouraged by all the males to drink even more piss, but after a while he couldn’t reach the ‘piss-line’ anymore. “Can somebody get this bitch a straw?” Steven shouted. A minute later Steven fumbled the straw between Jason’s lips. “Don’t let it slip – now you can keep up the good work” and while Jason held the straw to his lips, he was now able to slurp more the piss out of the bowl than before. One of the guys felt a little bit compassion with the boy’s desperate attempts to satisfy Steven’s orders. So he walked up to the side of the toilet and opened his jeans. He looked at Jason’s back of the head and started pissing. Jason was in shock. He was almost finished and now somebody was aiming his piss at him and at his bowl. Tears formed in Jason’s eyes. He saw the piss level rising again and whined desperately. The most guys didn’t hear him, since they cheered loudly as Steven announced he would cum any moment. And although Jason could reduce his efforts now, he was starting to slurp the smelly hot piss through his straw, like there was no tomorrow…..
  12. The Hitch-Hiker (Part 2 – Daniel) Daniel was unconscious. His head leaned against the closed window and it appeared he was just sleeping on this trip. I left the Interstate and we drove for a while on a B road. After a few miles I took another exit and we reached a rural area. There were lots of opportunities for me to find a cosy spot in the woods. My dick was hard and ready and I wanted to fuck this heterosexual twink. While driving to a lonesome place I started groping Daniel already. His dick was also hard from the massage. From time to time he moaned. Maybe he thought of his girlfriend or another chick. I didn’t mind. As long as I could get my loaded cum into his hot ass. We reached the place I had in mind. We had to drive way into the forest and I had examined this spot before. Never had I met another person in this woodland. I stopped the car and turned down the engine. “Daniel….? Danny….?“ The guy did not reply. He was cold out. I opened my door and left the car. Slowly I walked around it and opened his side of the door carefully. A broad smile flashed across my face. It was almost too easy. I pushed a button and the seat was lowered automatically. In a couple of seconds Daniel was relaxing on his back. I opened his belt and the buttons of his jeans. Since Daniel was unconscious he was rather heavy. It took me a while to undress him from the waist down. His dick was quite thick, even in his semi hard status. For a second I thought about licking his dick head for a second. Just to get a taste of him, but rejected the idea. I pulled him to me and slowly turned him around, so soon he was lying on his front. In my glove compartment I had some lube. The idea to fuck him dry was exhilarating, but I was a bit tensed, that the boy would come back to senses because of the pain. On the other hand I wanted to enjoy the fuck also, so I decided to use a small amount of the lube, to make it comfortable for both of us. “Don’t tell me, I wouldn’t care…. “ I said and laughed. While working the lube into his ass, I was using my fingernails to scrape the inside of his asscunt. I wanted him bleed, so my gift would find no barriers raiding his body. I tried not to hurt him too much, since he moaned from time to time. Then I got up and looked around. It was dark already and the only noises I could hear were the sounds of nature. Swiftly I just opened some buttons of my jeans and pulled my cock out of the stall. Slowly I stroked my dick and looked down to the innocent guy I picked up some hours ago. I applied some lube on my cock also and entered the car again. Although the door was open, I had switched the light off before. So it was quite dark, surrounded by so many trees, but I didn’t’ care. I would find his snatch easily. I supported my body with my left hand, which rested on Daniel’s left shoulder. My knees were on the edge of the seat. With my right hand I found the twinks ass cheeks easily and rubbed three fingers again into his hole. He was so tight and hot inside. I knew the second my fingers touched his orifice, that it would be a hell of a ride – for both of us. Pulling one ass cheek apart I lowered myself onto Daniels behind. My hard and thick nine-incher had no problems to discover his opening. Without making a sound I went down on him in one slow stroke. Daniel groaned a little bit. Usually the GHB would make sure, that the guy would not wake up so easily. I used this so many times before. It took me a while to find the right kind of dose…. between making someone willing or receptive, or to knock someone out for a couple of hours. Daniel wouldn’t know what hit him, or what happened at all. Drinking the water would be the last reliable memory for him. I started fucking my cock in long strokes in and out of his pussy. Pulling my dick out of his virgin hole and ramming it back in one hard stroke. I repeated this for many, many times. For me, this whole thing was more than just a casual rape or an unwilling date. Daniel would have some pain in the ass tomorrow, but he wouldn’t remember me being the reason why his arse would ache. His pussy was so soft and receiving, it was almost a natural act. My cockhead was pushing deep into his body trying to gain the best of this totally relaxed butt. I would have loved to choke him a little bit. Since I tried this one before, I knew it was hard to explain the bruises the following day. So I decided I would simply do without his asscunt muscle spoiling my invading cock. “I would love to rape your mouth too, you little fuck, but I got bitten before” I told him, although I knew he was not capable of understanding. So I kept my steady pace to get a good feeling out of this puppet. Feeling my balls stir up already, I started to rabbit fuck Daniel. He was actually moaning a bit louder, but I doubt his eyes ever opened. And even if they did… it was pitch dark. He would just remember a bad dream in the morning, nothing more. “Here we go cunt…..” I spew my first cum injection into this cute young heterosexual guy, who just broke up with his girlfriend. But who needed women anyway. “Go and grab my gift you bitch. Absorb my load with your body…. and share it with lots of bitches” I smiled viciously. I was sure Daniel would make up with his girlfriend as soon as he would reach his hometown. And they would fuck like bunnies and so he would help me transmitting my legacy to the willing or unwilling. Who gives a shit. After finishing the ‘bad deed’, it was kind of hard to get this jock dressed up again. But with enough strength and a bit of dragging, Daniel was almost as good as new, when we started driving back to the civilization. I threw the kid out a couple of miles in front of his town. It was a service area with a closed diner and some trucks standing there for a rest. My wicked mind evolved a plan to share Daniel’s body around with other fellows. Maybe my plan would succeed, maybe not…. I would be too far away to know. Usually I write with my right hand, but for this a grabbed a piece of paper and wrote with my left hand a note. It read: 'Drug Addict in need of help. Will do anything for money’ It was a hassle to drag Daniel into a male toilet. There I pulled his jeans down a bit again and laid him on his side. All his stuff I dropped nearby and placed the note directly next to the sleeping beauty. I was on my way home, when two truckers entered the toilets and found this heartbreaking note on the floor. One of the guys fished ten dollars out of his pants and put it on one of Daniel’s bags. “You’re invited” he said to his pal and opened his belt. Enjoy…..
  13. Predators and prey (Part 6) Both hunks undressed and grinned at each other. “My name is Darren” said one. He was in his thirties and was quite athletic. “I am Tom” the other one replied. They were shaking hands and continued taking off their clothes. They tried to catch Michael’s attention by kicking him into his side, but the twink was somehow in a world of his own. Kneeling down Tom started slapping Mike’s face a bit, to force him back into reality. “Wake up cunt” he said. “It’s time to show you the joy of being double-fucked” Darren said and laughed evilly. Double fucked? The words lingered in his ears. His ass was on fire already and although he liked, being manhandled roughly, he felt exhausted already. “Can I go home now?” he asked instead with a tiny voice. No one replied, instead the guys started pinching his nipples. “Please…. ?” he sniffed. The guys didn’t seem to care. “You can’t go home now. We haven’t used your pussy yet and you need to be used…. you know that, right?” Michael had the feeling, he couldn’t take another cock. “What do you think? Should we sit him down onto your cock and I will force my entry from behind?” one stud asked his partner in crime. “The easiest way to go I guess. Let me lay down next to him and you help him lower himself down on my cunt basher.” the other replied. “Come on baby. Get up…. yeah…. give me your hand. We will help you…..” the blonde male told Michael who accepted the helping hand and was held up by the two fuckers. Michael stood up. It took a while, because he felt so wobbly. “Man. This guy is definitely not a virgin anymore” detected the black haired hunk. Michael was bleeding out of his cunt. The blood mixed with some cum he had already taken. Mike’s t-shirt was still nearby and so it was used to clean up his used hole. They wiped Mike’s ass with it. The student tried to step off the mattress but was held back by the two horny machos. “Where are you going Tinkerbell?” Tom chuckled. Michael was disoriented. They pulled him back while Darren was laying himself down and jacking his big cock to keep it nice and hard. He had a ten incher and he was looking forward to stick it into their little plaything. Tom turned Michael around and pushed him down onto Darren waiting spear. Michael bent his knees and straddled his legs above the raving guy. Tom continued jacking Darren’s cock and helped aiming it to the right angle to meet Mike’s well used snatch. Michael froze in place and let out a pathetic cry and his whole body shuddered. Both guys cheered while Darren entered the abused ass easily. Michael tried to defend himself and pushed away from the invading cock but Tom started increase the pressure on his shoulders and pushed him back down again. “No…. no no no no nooooo” he wailed, but both guys showed no mercy. “All the way down…. Don’t fight it cunt…. that is what you came for, now open your hole for us.” Tom whispered to Mike. The twink had not the strength to get up so fast and so his body accepted the next dick entering his ass cunt and he felt totally stuffed. Tom positioned himself behind the unaware twink. At first Michael felt only the fierce stabbing of Darren’s dick up is pussy but now it felt like something bigger was trying to gain access to his asshole. Tom’s dick was rocking hard but he had problems entering the twink’s body. He pushed his loins harder against Mike’s sphincter. Michael groaned pitfully as Tom’s cock was slowly digging into his rectum. “Relax boy…. relax your hole and let me in….” Tom demanded. But for Michael it was not possible to relax, while enduring such pain. It felt like his intestine would be ripped apart. Suddenly Mike’s head shot up and he let out a piercing scream. Tom’s cock had entered him. Holding is hands on his shoulders he pulled Mike’s body back and forced more of his cock in the 18 year old slut. “Gl glglgl gl…..” Mike blabbered unintelligible. “He is so tight” Tom moaned. Both guys started to find a steady rhythm. They did not seem to care, that Michael was probably damaged during the fuck. They simply enjoyed the tightness and the forceful act. Both guys fucked Michael as hard as they could. They wanted to double their pleasure and double his pain. While Tom was not the one who could hold back much longer, he signaled to his fuck buddy that he might shoot his load up Michael’s fuck tube. Since Darren did not complain he doubled his effort in pushing his cock almost all the way into Michael. While Tom reached his climax almost, Darren started working on Mike’s nipples. He began twisting the boy’s nipples around. He pulled and pinched them hard. Michael screamed loudly to the joy of the horny audience and cramped his ass cunt violently which gave Tom a great orgasm. Tom fired his seed into the bruised young hole. He groaned loudly and after shooting several times into Michael, he pulled his softening cock out of the violated hole. He patted softly on Michaels head, like he did a good job taking him to such a powerful climax. While getting dressed up, he high fived some guys on his way out of the booth. Darren was still enjoying the fuck while Michael still howled pitifully. Getting his nipples so bruised was extremely unpleasant for him. His body sent pain signals to his brain and while his ass was almost being ruptured, he felt like he couldn’t stand the tit torture any longer. “No more…. pleeeassseeee” he begged Darren. Darren started rabbit fuck Michael’s cunthole.. “Here it comes faggot. Take my seed…. take my toxic load you fucking whore.” He erupted into Michael’s ass and enjoyed the massage Michael’s hole was still giving him due to the tit torture, he was still receiving. Darren growled and pulled Mike down to him. The boy was glad the pinching had stopped but he felt still the slow fucking motions of the Darren’s cock, still buried inside his snatch. “You fucking whore…. stupid Bitch” he grumbled. “I'm going to see you in hell you dirty cumdump….” he whispered to Michael. Michael almost froze in place. Darren pushed the twink from his body and stood up. He snatched his pants and started dressing up while glaring at the young adolescent. Michael was almost paralyzed. He was on his back. On the dirty mattress. His legs were slightly spread and he stared at Darren with a lack of understanding. “You got what you deserved, you little punk” Darren hissed and spat onto Michael face. ‘See you in hell’, were the words that lingered in his mind…..
  14. Thx guys.... I started a new thread.... there I will continue the Hunt. Sadly enough I wrote it at 3 am and I was sort of tired already. This means, although the story is titled .... a new destination, I accidently named the thread .... a new direction. Oh well.... mistaked happen.... hope you enjoy it anyway and hit the 'like' button please - if you like it....
  15. Just the original first part of the story..... it will continue though.... The Hitch-Hiker (Part 1 – Daniel) It was in late fall. I was driving down the interstate without a route in my mind. Without any directions. I was looking for the right guy. He shouldn’t be too tall. I liked my toys around 170 cm. Not taller. He should be skinny. I want to be able to move his body around when we are in action. He should be young. A twink with no body hair at all. 18 years would be great, but not older than 21. It was around 6 pm and it was getting dark already and so I chose to close the books for today and head my way home, when I saw this blonde angel sitting on his huge backpack at the side of the road and holding a written sign up ‘Portland’. I slowed my car down and slid the window down on the passenger’s seat. “Hey there” the guy said politely. “Going north…. ?” he asked with a tired look. “Well, I can give you a ride for a while, though I won’t drive to Portland” I explained. “That’s rocking…. any distance will help me.” He answered, staying still at the passenger’s side. I got out of my car and told him he could hop in. I opened the trunk to stow his backpack in it. I watched him running to his property and felt my cock growing while he was bending down and trying to lift it from the ground. His tight blue jeans showed slipped down a bit and showed part of his ass. I wanted to rip his clothes off right then and there, but instead I helped him lift the stuff into my trunk . After we both got into the car and fastened our seatbelts I started the engine and we drove off. “What’s your name?” I asked him. “Daniel – and yours? “My friends call me Scorpion” I grinned. He laughed and told me that liked that. “Nice to meet you Scorpion and thanks for giving me a ride” he smiled openly at me and flashed his perfect set of teeth. “How long did you wait there, next to the street” I wanted to know. “Man, I had trouble with my girlfriend. We had a huge fight and then she kicked me out of the car, the stupid bitch….” he complained. “Yeah… I know what you mean. I am slightly older than you, but women can be bitches in all decades.” “I am thankful that you took me in, at least I am getting closer to my home now” he mentioned again. “Living still at home with your parents?” I asked. Daniel nodded. We kept on talking for a while. Daniel told me he was 18 years now. He just celebrated his birthday with the slut of his girlfriend and now he was heading home from this bad vacation. “Would you hand me the water bottle from the back seat?” I asked him suddenly. “Sure” he replied and unfastened his seatbelt trying to fetch my bottle from the seat behind. That way I could almost smell his ass cunt. Again his jeans lowered so much, that his cheeks were truly visible. He reappeared from this hot position and handed me the water. “You’re thirsty too?” I asked. He nodded but told me, that his bottle was in the backpack and that one was in the trunk. I suggested he took the other bottle from the back seat. I knew there was one left, since it was a bottle that was spiked with GHB. Again Daniel made his way to show me the moon and my cock was already bulging out dangerously. He opened the water bottle and didn’t seem to mind, that he didn’t hear the obvious ‘click’ from a sealed bottle. He swallowed a few sips and we continued talking casually. I started to drink from my water bottle again and animated Daniel to drink some more water too. After a while I realized, that Daniel was getting sleepy I slowed down the car speed. He had drunk half of the bottle probably. I wanted him to be conscious, but helpless. I hoped he didn’t drink too much. The open bottle in his hand dropped to his crotch and spilled on his jeans. I stopped the car. There was no other car in sight now. I grabbed the bottle out of the boys crotch and asked him if he was okay. He wasn’t barely even able to open his eyes, but he saw the mess he produced. “Oh no…. I am sorry mate….. I am just so tired. I don’t know what…..” he mumbled. “No big deal” I replied and added, that it was only water. Still I told him I needed to dry the mess, since the water was already reaching his seat. He nodded solemnly, but didn’t reply and so I took a cloth and started pressing and rubbing against Daniel’s crotch. While holding the cloth I was feeling the guys dick up very good. He moaned and tried to focus on me, but was not able to show great resistance. “Spread your legs, so I can reach the seat” I told him. He did, but I didn’t care about the seat I was just touching the boys crotch right now. The cloth went to the back seat and I massaged Daniel’s dick unashamedly through his jeans and started opening his buttons. He moaned softly, but didn’t open his eyes anymore. “Got you” I said and started the engine. I wanted to each the next possible abandoned place and since I knew the area very well, I already had a good spot in mind. I’ve looked at my new toy and thought…. ‘The Scorpion is about to sting again...’
  16. Hey guys.... I am back obviously. I posted this story already in The Hunt, but then I thought maybe it deserves title for itself. So, I hope you like the story... and I mean it.... 'Like' the story at the bottom, it's easier to continue the story line. The Hunt – A New Destination (Part 1) I helped Jason to his feet. He was shaking but kept on smiling at me. I ran my hand down his spine and after reaching his smooth butt I entered his hole with my fingers. He wasn’t exactly tight at this moment and I poked another finger deep into his opening. Slowly I withdrew them and led them to his mouth. “Lick them. Lap away the cum,” I instructed as I pushed my fingers into his mouth. For a second he seemed to be appalled, but then he looked into my eyes and he opened his mouth willingly sucking my fingers clean. I left the stall and Jason followed me back to the bar. Steven was still sitting there and watching the other cute guys talking to each other or french kissing openly. “Ah, finally back? From what I heard, you had a ball," he remarked, giving Jason an encouraging smile "Take a seat," I told Jason as I shoved him towards the floor. He looked confused but I kicked him in front of my seat and told him to rest his back against the bar and to face my crotch. “Give me a good massage, while I enjoy the evening with my pal,” I said. Jason didn’t hesitate and started kneading my jeans bulge. I spread my legs to give him a better opportunity to massage my poisonous spike. Steven was looking down at Jason and wished his would get the same treatment so I looked down to my puppy and ordered "Shift a little bit towards Steve's crotch." Jason looked at me but didn’t move his cunt closer to this good friend of mine and so I kicked him a bit to his side with my boots and told him to move his body more aggressively. He yelped a bit but understood the hint and so he was sitting merely between me and my mate massaging both of our crotches as Steven and I chatted. We were both getting hard again and I could read Steven’s mind, so I nodded at Jason, asking “You like the aftermath?” “Sure. I love how this insatiable slut works with his hands, although it would be hot if he would suck us here…. at the bar. No one is taking notice anyway, since we are at a dead end of the bar,” Steven remarked in an almost a chatty tone. “Yeah. Good idea. Jason, why don’t you suck on Steven’s cock again? Look how you made him hard with only with the magic of your hands,” I chuckled. Jason nodded and slithered right in front of Steven’s bulge and opened the buttons fast. I saw a slimy trail, leading to Jason’s new squatting position. He was still leaking toxic cum from his abused ass. I enjoyed watching Jason getting skull fucked while we were talking about the good old times. We ordered another round of drinks, but only for the two of us, of course. Jason certainly didn't mind as he was busy giving a blow job anyway, sucking Steven like a pro, manually jacking him off while his mouth engulfed first the head of his cock and swallowed the whole dick. He made cute choking sounds but no one was paying attention to the three of us. I opened my jeans again and pulled myself out, grunting "Here, Jason, give my cock a massage with your right hand while you blow Steven." Jason immediately complied, stroking my dick to full hardness, without pausing in sucking Steven’s cock, who commented “You were right. He truly is something special,” giving me an approving smile "Yeah, he truly is,” I replied and looked at Jason, who was sucking non-stop. Steven, meanwhile, appeared to be getting close to blowing his load as he had taken hold of Jason's head, and was now thrusting upwards into his mouth, his own eyes looking dazed and his breath ragged. “Let him finish the job. He is eager to learn. Right?,” I asked Jason who smiled at me, his mouth full of Steven's dick. I thought he looked absolutely adorable. Steven managed a laugh, with which I joined wholeheartedly as Jason worked his magic, intent of drawing Steven's load out of his balls. All the way he didn't neglect to stroke my dick, even if he was concentrated on giving a great blow job to Steven. He clearly knew his duty to satisfy me. Steven and I attempted a couple more comments, but I could tell his mind was elsewhere, particularly when Steven’s face finally froze, his mouth gaped wide in pleasure, and his eyes closed. Within seconds Jason began moaning, and simultaneously gulping Steven's seed. “Not a drop. Don’t waste any of my precious cum. Swallow it all,” Steven panted. "Clean off Steven's cock," I instructed Jason, "make sure you clean his head thoroughly. I want it every drop of cum cleaned off." Steven relaxed visibly as he praised Jason, saying “Good job, boy…. good job.“ Now, although Steven had emptied his balls into Jason’s gullet, he was still hard, mostly because Jason continued stroking his dick. “Sorry guys, that was great, but I really need to take a piss now,” and with that Steven reached to close his jeans. “Why don’t you take your piss here?” I asked. "What?" "We got Jason here. I am sure he wouldn’t mind being our toilet. Would you?” and with that the ball was in Jason’s court. Jason initially looked utterly shocked. I knew he had never before tasted piss, and that doing so wasn't high on his list. Steven gazed at me and I looked at Jason. “Listen punk,” I advised, “When I tell you to drink our piss, then your response should be to ask which hose you should emptly first. Now, get your fucking lips on my buddy's cock and start drinking." With that I gave him a punch to the chest which earned a yelp. "Oh, and don't spill any," I added. “Hey don’t worry pup...,” Steven began. Jason's face lit up, seeing a possible ray of hope that he would get out of a difficult position, but not so, as Steven continued "...I'll piss slowly so you'll be able to swallow it down without spilling choking. Just make sure to seal your lips around my cockhead and concentrate in swallowing, mouthful after mouthful." With that, Steven grinned and taking a good grip on Jason’s hair, pulled his face towards his crotch. In the next minute or so, Steven maintained an even conversation with me, and to be honest, I wouldn’t have known he was pissing into Jason, if the little one wasn't occasionally moaning and gulping down Steven's piss. In the meanwhile I quickly buttoned-up myself, and shifted my chair, taking care to shield the scene from prying eyes. I wanted to give my friend some privacy while he was emptying his piss slowly into Jason’s belly, and I had the feeling we might well be kicked out of the bar if management knew we were using Jason as a human toilet - in public, no less. From time to time Jason withdrew his mouth from the cock, but never lost a drop. He just needed time to breathe and to wipe away the tears from his face. Steven generously allowed him several seconds each time Jason gestured for a respite, but Steven never the less still had to piss, so it was perhaps as much as seven minutes before Jason swallowed the last of Steven's piss. I'd like to think Jason had swallowed at least a liter of dark, aromatic piss. “Now it is my turn. Shield me,” I asked of Steven. We switched places. Now I was in the seat of power over the young guy. “Without hands…. see?” I asked, crossing my arms behind my head, enjoying the action. Jason sighed sadly but wasn’t complaining anymore. He reopened my jeans again and got a grip of my still hard cock. His mouth engulfed my cock head and I almost started immediately to splash out my stinking piss into his unwilling mouth. I shot my piss into Jason's gullet, in waves of high speed. Jason still made the gulping sounds, but he didn’t moan desperately anymore. It occurred to me he was a quick learner and I resolved to help him learn his lessons, step by step. By the time I was finished, Steven was completely aroused by Jason’s humiliation, and the proof of the arousal was seen in the large bulge in his leather jeans. I looked at Steven and gestured to Jason, suggesting "Why not take him into the stalls - if you need to release another shot into this slut.” “No,” Jason squeaked, daring to disagree with my suggestion. “What?” It was almost like I wasn’t hearing right. “What’s the matter with you now, you dirty poz slut? I think you really want to make me mad, you cock ditch.” “No…. it is just” Jason signaled me to come closer and so I did. “It is because I don’t want to endanger him.” he said softly. “He said he was safe and since I accepted poz cum today I am scared I could infect you or Steven. But for that, I would gladly accept him.” he added and tried to sound enthusiastically. Steven and I laughed out loud. “Silly cumdump.” I explained lovingly. “That isn't possible. Don't you know, that only cunts get infected? Studs like Steven and me are not capable of catching the bug – that’s a fact!” Obviously I was lying to Jason. “Really?” Jason asked us quizzically. “Yeah,” Steven chimed in, groping his bulge, and hauling Jason to his feet. He clearly wanted to shoot another poz load desperately into Jason's hole. “Yeah,” I insisted, suggesting "I think we should encourage Jason to accept any stud without the fear of converting him." “So let’s go…. let’s go!” Steven urged. “Poz him up good,” I whispered to my mate and I told him he should repeat the trick with the used condoms again. "Well, anyway, I'm out of lube," Steven replied quietly, a grin crossing his face as he directed Jason into the stalls again. When he was out of hearing range, Steven announced to the bar, "Guys, there's another fuck event in the stalls for a newly bred poz cunt." The other twinks assembled gasped in astonishment as seven or so studs left their seats or tables to follow the doomed guy into the darkroom area, seeing a prime opportunity to shoot more of their toxic loads into the handsome young guy. This was just the beginning for Jason’s new destination.
  17. The Hunt – A New Destination (Part 1) I helped Jason to his feet. He was shaking but kept on smiling at me. My hand was running down his spine and after reaching his smooth butt I entered his hole with my fingers. He wasn’t exactly tight at this moment and I poked another finger deep into his opening. Slowly I withdrew them and led them to his mouth. “Lick them. Lap away the cum” I said while I pushed my fingers into his mouth. For a second he seemed to be appaled, but then he looked into my eyes and he opened his mouth willingly sucking my fingers clean. I left the stall and Jason followed me back to the bar. Steven was still sitting there and watching the other cute guys talking to each other or french kissing openly. “Ah – finally back? You had a ball as far as I heard” he winked at Jason. I told Jason to sit down but shoved him towards the floor. He looked confused but I kicked him in front of my seat and told him to rest his back against the bar and to face my crotch. “Give me a good massage, while I enjoy the evening with my pal” I said. Jason didn’t hesitate and started kneading my jeans bulge. I spread my legs to give him a better opportunity to massage my poisonous spike. Steven was looking down at Jason and wished his would get the same treatment so I looked down to my puppy and ordered him to move a bit to the side of Steven’s crotch. Jason looked at me but didn’t move his cunt closer to this good friend of mine and so I kicked him a bit to his side with my boots and told him to move his body more aggressively. He yelped a bit but understood the hint and so he was sitting merely between me and my mate massaging our crotches while we chatted along. Both of us were getting hard again and I could read Steven’s mind. “You like the aftermath?” I asked him and nodded to Jason. Steven approved. “Of course I love how this insatiable slut works with his hands, although it would be hot if he would suck us here…. at the bar. No one is taking notice anyway, since we are at a dead end of the bar” Steven talked to me in almost a chatty tone. “Yeah – Jason…. why don’t you suck on Steven’s cock again. Look how you made him hard, and only with the magic of your hands.” I chuckled. The cute guy nodded and slithered right in front of Steven’s bulge and opened the buttons fast. I saw a slimy trail, leading to Jason’s new squatting position. He was still leaking toxic cum from his abused ass. I enjoyed watching Jason getting skull fucked while we were talking about the good old times. We ordered another round of drinks – only for the two of us of course. Jason wouldn’t surely mind. He was busy giving a blow job anyway. He was sucking Steven like a pro. He used his hands jacking him off while his mouth engulfed first the head of his cock and then swallowing the whole dick. He made cute choking sounds but no one was paying attention to the three of us. I opened my jeans again and while my cock was finally free I said to Jason he should start giving my cock a massage with his right hand and while he sucked Steven’s cock greedily, he stroked my dick to full hardness. “You were right. He truly is something special” and Steven winked at me. “He truly is…..” I replied and looked down to Jason. Steven looked at me puzzled and put his hand down to Jason’s head. “Let him finish the job. He is eager to learn. Right?” I asked Jason. Jason smiled at me with the dick in his mouth and he looked cute that way. We laughed wholeheartedly while Jason kept on focusing to empty Steven’s balls. All the way he never forgot to stroke my dick. He concentrated on giving a great blow job to Steven but he also knew that he had to satisfy me. While we still talked to each other I saw Steven’s face finale froze and he closed his eyes. Jason started to moan a second later and then he started gulping. “Not a drop. Don’t waste any of my precious cum. Swallow it all” Steven panted. We told Jason to keep the cock in his mouth. He was supposed to use his tongue to clean Steven’s cock head nicely. We wanted the head clean and shiny. Steven relaxed visibly. “Good job, boy…. good job“, Jason was praised. Although Steven had emptied his balls into Jason’s gullet he was still hard, that was mostly because Jason was still stroking his dick. “Sorry guys, that was great, but I really need to take a piss now” and with that Steven wanted to close his jeans. “Why don’t you take your piss here?” I asked Steven. “We got Jason here. I am sure he wouldn’t mind being our toilet. Would you?” and with that the ball was in Jason’s court. Jason looked utterly shocked. He told us he never tasted piss before and that he wouldn’t rather like to be our toilet. Steven gazed at me and I looked at Jason. “Listen punk”. I lowered myself to him in my seating position. “ When I tell you to drink our piss, then you ask which hose you supposed to empty first and now get your fucking lips on my friends cock and start drinking”. I punched him to his chest and he yelped. “Don’t spill any” I warned him. “Hey don’t worry puppy” Steven said and Jason saw a ray of hope, that Steven would accept his plea and would go for the real toilets. “I will piss slowly into you. Just make sure to seal your lips around my cockhead and concentrate to swallow sip for sip.” he grinned and took a good grip of Jason’s hair and pulled his face towards his crotch. Steven talked to me and I wouldn’t have known that he actually started pissing into Jason, if the little one wouldn’t moan once in a while, followed by the sound of gulping. I moved around Steven’s seat, after buttoning up, to shield him from prying eyes. I wanted to give my friend some privacy while he was emptying his piss slowly into Jason’s belly. And I knew we could be kicked out of the bar by abusing a guy as a toilet in public. From time to time Jason withdrew his mouth from the cock, but he never lost a drop. He just needed time to breathe and to wipe away the tears from his face and we allowed him for 10 seconds this withdrawal, but Steven also made sure he had to finish this job also. After around 7 minutes Jason finally made it. He had swallowed at least one liter of dark and aromatic piss. “Now it is my turn. Shield me up” I said to Steven while we switched places. I enjoyed the feeling of power over the young guy. “Without hands…. see?” I said and crossed my arms behind my head, enjoying the action. Jason sighed sadly but wasn’t complaining anymore. He reopened my jeans again and got a grip of my still hard cock. His mouth engulfed my cock head and I almost started immediately to splash out my stinking piss into his unwilling mouth. I shot my piss into Jason's gullet, in waves of high speed. Jason still made the gulping sounds, but he didn’t moan desperately anymore. He was a quick learner and I would help him learn his lessons, step by step. Steven got so aroused by Jason’s humiliation. His leather jeans bulged out immensely again. I looked at him and nodded to Jason. “Get him to the stalls if you need to release another shot into this slut” I suggested. “No” Jason disputed this idea. “What?” It was almost like I wasn’t hearing right. “What’s the matter with you now, you dirty poz slut? I think you really want to make me mad, you cock ditch” “No…. it is just” Jason signaled me to come closer and so I did. “It is because I don’t want to endanger him.” he said softly. “He said he was safe and since I accepted poz cum today I am scared I could infect you or Steven, if it wasn’t for that, I would gladly accept him.” he added and tried to sound enthusiastically. Steven and I laughed out loud. “Silly cumdump.” I said caringly. “This is not possible… Didn’t you know, only cunts get infected? If you are a stud like we are, you are not capable of catching the bug – that’s a fact!” I lied to Jason. “Really?” Jason asked us quizzically. “Yeah” Steven said groping his bulge und hauling Jason upwards. He wanted to shoot another poz load into that twink badly. “Yeah” I insisted and encouraged him to accept any stud without the fear of converting him”. “So let’s go…. let’s go!” Steven barked. “Poz him up good” I whispered to my mate and I told him he should repeat the trick with the used condoms again. Steven grinned and answered he was out of lube anyway. Jason was directed to the stalls again and while they left the bar, Steven announced another fuck event for this newly bred poz cunt. The other twinks assembled gasped in astonishment and at least 7 studs left their seats or tables to follow the doomed guy into the darkroom area. They all saw the chance to shoot more of their toxic loads into the handsome young guy. This was just the beginning for Jason’s new destination.
  18. Hehe - thx mate. Well.... when I said I would retire.... I said it out of shock. I thought about continue in a new thread the same story (Part 1) again, the way it was written by me. But then again.... this could happen over and over again.... Rogue - you got a nice butt by the way.
  19. Nah - although it would be nice, if a editing would actually be forced to show who did it.... and probably should give a reason why he did it. But like I said on another post. I don't think the guy had something against the story itself. He just wanted to make it look more professional by using a wider range of words and connecting the different sentences. Which would be okay... if I acknowledged it. And I actually thought about it.... but it should work the other way.... I write it, send it to my editor *lol* and he sends it back. Then I agree or don't agree..... and if I agree.... I post it. And it just wasn't that way. So I feel like it is not okay how it happened. I know this is not art or something, but still - I made the effort and it shouldn't be valued less, just because the language or the grammar is not 100 % perfect In the end everybody got the drift and I think some of you guys got off while reading my stories.
  20. Well - before all this happened I recieved a message of a 'member' who offered me editing the Hitch hiker story. I didn't even got the chance to reply. The next time I got on he or someone else edited the story already. I think the guy didn't want to do any harm.... my english is not the best. I believe he wanted to make it better. The story line is sort of the same.... just the way I wrote it. That changed. And somehow I was annoyed. And I am not sure how to continue if my style of writing is limited, because english is not my mothers tongue and I hardly ever speak or write in english. Hmmmm..... not so easy now.
  21. Sorry guys.... someone edited my whole story (The Hitch-Hiker) I guess in order to help and make it more fun or give it a better style. It felt a bit odd reading my story, with totally different words. Pretty much the same idea, but still not the way it developed in my head. So I descided, I will retire from writing and posting stories at 'breeding.zone'. I will just enjoy to read, like so many others... Thanks for your support, before the editing started. It was encouraging, and I enjoyed to entertain you. S.
  22. Sorry guys.... someone edited my whole story (The Hitch-Hiker) I guess in order to help and make it more fun or give it a better style. It felt a bit odd reading my story, with totally different words. Pretty much the same idea, but still not the way it developed in my head. So I descided, I will retire from writing and posting stories at 'breeding.zone'. I will just enjoy to read, like so many others... Thanks for your support, before the editing started. It was encouraging, and I enjoyed to entertain you. S.
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