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Posts posted by bareall77

  1. People are getting waaaaay to personal on here. Let's all stop and fucking relax. Think for a minute. 

    It's someone's CHOICE if they want to get sick from whatever. Whether we agree with one anothers' choices or not, it's a site of fantasy. 

    If we choose to fuck or get fucked without a condom is it not our own fault for getting whatever we get? Whether or not we want it is IRRELEVANT once we choose to fuck strangers without protection. 

    Remember these are all our fantasies guys. Sometimes they come true. And remember this...forced condom use is fascist. What's next? Sex with another man is illegal? 

    Plus condoms don't protect us from all stds. So before we say stupid things, on both sides, let's calm the fuck down and admit that one man's fantasy may not be every man's fantasy. 

    Think about this the next time you fuck or get fucked without a condom. With a man you don't really know. Save the judging for the condom Nazis and the far religious right. 

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