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Posts posted by bareall77

  1. On 20/12/2016 at 6:31 PM, fisterm8 said:

    Pay attention dear  - tut tut - LOL....... Adam is the cum & fist slut - Paul loves huge holes as he is xxl endowed and Brandon well he is swinging both ways and will be a daddy before we know it LOL.

    Will write more when i have the time too - hopefully soon ;) 

    I hope we get to read about ADAM, who is the cum and fist slut, and the 2 studs (Paul and Brandon) that are wrecking his hole!! ? 

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, Cali@2012 said:

    Yea it's hot.

    You can see the regret in his eyes, he thought he was going to get easy money by sucking some dick- ha ha

    Naive lad ended up getting cock rammed down his throat, practically puking up as he isn't used to swallow big cock. Silly straight lad even had to lick the guys ass. 

    Fucking loved seeing him used though :D

    My sentiments exactly! What I enjoy is the genuine screaming and moaning from the pain and new pleasure of taking cock in the ass. Whether it's the first time...or a young twink taking on 2 black dicks! 

    You can't fake pain...that look in their eyes...the expression on their face...yet they continue to take it. Either they want to...or have to. With "Blake's Ordeal," the extended version is 20min or so, the bottom is clearly in pain...and is hot to watch. 

  3. Rawfuckclub, Sketchy, Dark Alley, and any studio that pushes the boundaries. TIM "can" still be good...but need to continue with new guys and hot scenes. 

    As far as cum shots. I love watching a top cum inside the bottom and then pull out. However, I also like cum shots...so I get why they are there. Plus @NLbear explained it well why, in non amateur porn, the top cums outside of the hole. 

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  4. Well said @RBinWeHo and @mjkuhl. It is ironic that the "party for the people," the little guy, gays, minorities, etc...the Democratic Party is actually going extreme...in the farthest of left ideology in recent memory. The proof couldn't be more clear then the Presidential election of 2016, where Donald Trump won, not because of conservative evangelicals, fiscal conservatives, etc...but "the little guy" got pissed off. This includes many crossovers like minority groups, and the LGBT community. How many of those people said fuck this and voted Donald Trump in? 

    Also, other than the two coasts, namely California and New York, Democrats have been losing elections for years. Except in 08 and 12, when Obama won, Democrats have been losing House seats, Senate seats both Nationally and state-wide. Also better than 60% (?) of the Governors are Republican. Is this a coincidence? 

    I also am a fiscal conservative believing in equal rights for all.

    Furthermore, with every violent protest, shooting of cops, rant by the Hollywood elite, I believe that Americans  (as a whole) get more fed up. I go to concerts, watch movies (including porn) and TV shows, sporting events for ENTERTAINMENT. Part of that is to escape from everyday life, even if only temporary. So when politics is brought in more and more than before, how's that escape? I don't need nor care what someone making millions and/or having personal body guards telling me what I "should and should not do or say." That's where I tune out. It's also why the further the Democratic party pushes left...there is a push back from those Americans who just have had enough.

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  5. Fuck this is getting more interesting and strangely hot with each chapter! 

    I have one request/question. Is there a way to find out what this new "cunt" looks like? What does a total removal of his dick and balls do for his new pleasure? How is he able to take any size cock in his new cunt? Where does it bottom out inside? Are there porn vids? 

    Curiosity killed the cat...pun intended ?

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  6. 11 hours ago, asslikker said:

    Whereas sometimes life is random, a story should have some sense of coherence. Do parties like this exist? Yes. (If you ask a former Master of mine, one who’d been a Jesuit and his other ex-Jesuit friends he’d bring by, he’d tell you definitely—in fact, much worse/better occurred, depending on how you see things.)

    For me, this party is a mixture of elements of your generic Black Party with one of several private fisting parties I’ve attended. For example, the simple walk-through of the “wide, dark tunnel” from the bottom of the stairs where Ash stumbles, to the main dance floor, that corridor is a direct lift from one such fisting party—one from a couple of weeks ago that’s still vivid. Here’s what really occurred: There’s about eleven of us. At one point I’m fisting a very advanced fistee going in very deep, and I see that the Crisco is turning pink. I ask him if he wants me to stop. He says go on. I’m turned on and start punching him, and the pink is starting to turn to red. I warn him and his response is “harder.” Meanwhile, in the next sling over a young Filipino kid, boy really, small, short, has a stool he’s jumping up on, climbing down from, trying every angle on this older guy he’s working on, fucking, fisting, both. I’m a little out of it, but his small frame definitely looks to me like a spider monkey. The sling on the other side of me has this seventy-year-old guy slowly punching a young twenty-year-old (who a few hours earlier had been fisting me). The guy in the sling’s very quiet for a very long time, simply taking each of the slow punches, then randomly he lets out an enormous wail. So combine this party, smash it together then edited it to a single paragraph, letting it play out as a prelude to the main dance space, gives you the sense of what it's like for Ash. Is it real? Yes. Is it true? I punt: sort of. 

    Ash's financial fuck ups and payback, among other things, returns in The Phoenix. 

    I just know I want to attend one of these parties, if only once, so I can take all of it in. Experience some of these things MYSELF. 

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  7. Very hot. I wonder though...how much, if any, this has to do with Ash dealing? And the vague conversation at the bar about owing and banks opening on Tuesday. Money was even discussed. Did Ash screw one of these guys over? Or is it all coincidence?

    Personally, based on everything up to this point, there are no coincidences in this story. Everything has happened for a reason. Everyone chosen-carefully selected. As with anything human, there have been some unforseen things. Vinnie falling for JT comes to mind. 

    However, those are the exception. This night with Ash was planned out. Now I want to experience the mangina they create...but also see where this all goes. 

    Also, I need to point out that a large portion of this story - according to the author - actually happened. Which brings up a whole bevy of questions in of themselves. Most recent, do parties like this actually exist? These extreme cases of pure sexuality, drugs, experimentation, abuse, bliss, and corruption of the worst kind? Humans are certainly capable of these and far worse. Though, we are getting a glimpse (perhaps) of the Looking Glass into the heights of sexual perversion and depths of depravity. Both beyond anything most experience in their lifetime. 

    Kudos for keeping me equal parts turned on, disturbed, and craving more and more! 

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  8. If the hetero sex is necessary to the "truth" part of the story, treat it as a medical part. Or just state that it happened. Don't go into details but stick to "it happened." 

    If you treat it like the age issue, where the moderators say state what happened...not the details that make up the fact. That should work for the "truth" part. Yet not going into exactly what happened would keep it safe here.

    @drscorpioam I correct?

  9. Thank you for those kind words @asslikker.

    Although it may not be everyone's cup of tea, American Mangina will certainly have me wanting more. Just like a cup of coffee on a caffeine-less morning. 

    One of the reasons why this is very good writing is your knowledge of the characters. A good writer has to think like the character. What would David do? Not what you would do. How is Duncan going to react to the individuals who stood their ground? What is it like going through such extremes (pleasures and pain or a combination of the two)? Not for you...but them. 

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  10. Yet another example of the best and worst combined to give what is absolute pleasure. Turning the unnatural feelings combined with past memories into a visual. A photograph. One where nothing before and everything after doesn't fit. Only that moment, filled with fear, pleasure, and agony. The kind that sends your consciousness into lucid darkness. A contradiction in of itself. Aware of what is going on, unable to stop it. Like an addiction to the weakest coffee or most potent meth, reading this story is like a living breathing page of words. Each one having their own importance in order to feed the reader. 

    I'll have another cup, with sugar. Or another slam, a tad more potent. Either way...the first step is admitting. I admit that I want, no need more, regardless of what happens next.

    What an awesome story. And regardless of how obscenely horrible the tale gets, the want for more grows with each chapter. The small spots of brightness may be short-lived. Though it's their impact that I remember. 

    Like a photograph, capturing a single moment in time. 

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