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About jizzmboy

  • Birthday 07/19/1966

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    mahwah nj
  • Interests
    being a servile pig bottom for any man who has a load to give.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Background
    barebacking all my life..hate condoms and love cum. I only bottom. I believe I am here to give my holes to ANY man ...
  • Porn Experience
    I would love to be strung out and whored on film... made to take all loads, and be fucked by anyone anywhere. film me and put it on line, share with friends.. I don't care
  • Looking For
    tops, cum, loads... a husband who will use me and share me...also taboo sex is always on the table

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  1. its been awhile since I've written... just this past week I had a great fucking time at my fathers job.... my dad is an over the road truck driver... he has lots of friends. one in particular owns a construction company.  as a small gift for his best tradies , he set up a little party for them.  dad took me to the  contractor friends warehouse  where a couple of mattresses were tossed in the middle of one of the bays.  dad  stripped me and got me started by fucking a fat load into me.  as we were fucking his buddy showed up with the electrical contractor, the plumbing job boss, the crane operator, and a couple of other men.  ive never seen men undress so fast. once dad blew, the buddy took over, reaming me a new asshole. before he could cum, the crane operator tapped in, fucked me hard, and dumped a load, next up the plumber, then the strangers.  my son showed up with a few of dads trucking buddies and completed the party.  we fucked most of the night with me taking 18 loads in my ass and mouth. my son feltched out most of the loads. I love being a slut. I try to spend most of my time nude, and ready to be fucked. my family tries to supply as much cock as possible.

    1. Read1


      Wow! You are in a pretty unique bb arrangement -- cum on arrival from family and friends! Congrats!

    2. jizzmboy


      all the men in my family fuck.  my grand dad, my dad and uncle his son, and now mine... my son looks like he may take after me, he's a huge slut and still in his teens. some day I hope to have a grandson to fuck me as well... 

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