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  1. I guess it's true; you never know what darkness you are capable of until the beast within is provoked. Go ahead admit it 'chainedboy' you are PROUD of yourself for getting to show how vile and evil you are! "Everyone had seen this same little muscle boy at the baths dozens of times. Young, beautiful body, perfect bubble butt. ... You know the type: Teasing ... " You hated him because he was young ,healthy and took care of himself. " ... grabbed the boys wrist. He tried to get away. But another pair of hands took hold of him..to my surprise, they were my hands holding him in place. " you seriously expect anyone to believe you were surprised - you had been waiting for a chance to destroy him. ADMIT IT! The simple FACT that not ONLY did you willingly participate in the destruction of a human being but reveled in it " I almost felt sorry the the little shit...almost. " YOU committed a CRIME and are bragging about it! That place has to be a disgusting,vile,dirty hellhole that NOT ONE PERSON even bothered to try and stop you and your worthless, filthy and degenerate pieces of sh*t friends from DESTROYING THAT BOY'S LIFE!! " ... would enter and leave the darkroom. Each assuming it was a scene that had been arranged. Some watched and jacked off. It was theater ..." I'm not sure who was worse the ones who KNEW it was NOT arranged but did NOTHING to stop it or the lowlifes who wanked watching.[ I'm sure they knew it WAS arranged by you and your cowardly degenerate friends, knowing how much you all hated him for being young and healthy] " And when Six was done, we all stood around pretty boys limp body and observed this wreckage beneath us as it slipped down to the floor and in and out of consciousness. With that, it was done. " [was that when you all slapped each other on the back congratulating each other about how you showed that bitch to never say no to you] " ... nothing came of it. No police response. No ambulance. We played it cool ... " No ambulance came because they most likely didn't find his body until later and just called the hearse. Even if he did live then [as you so callously put it] " ... pretty boy peeled himself off the floor, cleaned up and left . " he DIED that night because YOU KILLED HIM!!! I don't even have to ask if you are proud of yourself because you already bragged about how much fun you had killing him. Do you seriously think anyone believes you are surprised that you didn't know the evil within you? " ... you never know what darkness you are capable of until the beast within is provoked." PROVOKED???? SERIOUSLY???? I see you are trying to put the blame on the VICTIM of your CRIME instead of admitting it was YOUR fault. The worst thing about the crime of male-on-male rape is that the CRIMINAL committing it KNOWS he can get away with it due mostly to the social stigma attached to it.That fact alone keeps most all VICTIMS from every reporting it and just 'dealing with it' knowing even if they file a report the A-hole cops will just add insult to injury by treating THEM like it was somehow THEIR fault {case in point: read about the CHILD who wandered bleeding and dazed in a hallway being given back to a SERIAL KILLER by 2 useless cops who " thought it was just a 'gay dispute' and didn't want to get involved."] Now for the ones who thought this was a 'hot' story and " I wouldn't mind being raped like that " ... NO, YOU WOULD NOT LIKE IT and YES you would mind!!! This was NOT a 'pretend' scene but an actual CRIME! Even if you are already infected with a deadly disease [and HE was NOT infected with a debilitating DEADLY DISEASE until that CRIME]. The PAIN and SUFFERING brought upon you by the BLOOD LOSS and TRAUMA of your INTERNAL INJURIES as well as the infection[peritonitis - seeming NOW like the least one] , severe bruising and injury to your body and the torn muscles from the rough handling of the VICTIM by the COLD, COWARDLY, UNFEELING, DESPICABLE and DEGENERATE RAPISTS acting LOWER than ANIMALS. You still have to deal with MENTAL TRAUMA of the CRIMINAL ACT and try to 'get though' the guilt that maybe somehow it was your fault[as the criminals tell you while THEY are committing a CRIME] but it NEVER leaves you. Trust me when I tell that even when you DO manage to track them down castrate,torture and kill the pieces of filth you will never fully recover. Point of fact: every 'straight' guys I have asked have admitted that it is your kind that makes them hate "faggots", but none of them hate 'gays' [less competition for the females] they hate the attitude of you and your kind that believe if everyone doesn't bend over 'when,where and how' you want it just because YOU want it. You then get angry and say they are 'teasing' you and you should be able to 'show them' that YOU are the only ones who matter and how dare they deny you your 'right' to 'breed' them. btw - if the BOY you and your friends raped was related to any of the guys aforementioned it wouldn't be " ... And no, nothing came of it. " because even if you and your jack*ss buddies always kept 'one eye over your shoulder' they would still get you and you all would die a slow, agonising and painful death just like you condemned your VICTIM to just because he was young, good looking and healthy.[and let's not forget his 'crime' of not presenting himself like a proper bitch to be bred by the 'alpha' studs just because THEY wanted it']. Did it ever even occur to you in your 'how dare he' state of mind that he might have been a 'top' or was insecure and seeking 'reassurance' that his HARD WORK KEEPING HIMSELF FIT was 'worth it', OR that by having you and your b*st*rd friends fawn over him he gained confidence to interact with others and see himself as someone desired? OF COURSE NOT!!!! You and your worthless friends only knew he denied your 'little brain' what it wanted and HOW DARE HE not give you what you wanted when , where and how YOU wanted just because YOU wanted it! So you pieces of filth had to SHOW HIM that nobody has the right to say NO to your kind and get away with it' I'm not going to apologise for my lengthy post since this was not presented as 'fantasy' but as FACT! On that note I'll just say that it is stories like this[and others even worse{which is ... disturbing}] that reinforces my belief that humanity is doomed, that there is nothing good left in the hearts and minds of humans and that the 'end of time' might not be as bad as it's made out to be . btw[or PS] Before you jump on your soapbox and start in with the "you wanted to read ..." be it known that I don't know what got me to this 'story' as I WAS reading one of the two story pages that are moderated and keep this kind of self indulgent bull off those forums. By the time I realized what I was reading the 'red flag' had been waved[not as a warning, but as in front of a bull] and I couldn't believe my eyes. Also [before someone starts "with medication and...blah,blah] EVERYONE I have known who started with hiv+ ,got aids[some more quickly than others] and DIED!! It is NOT curable PERIOD!!! I will say that had I had the misfortune of being in that cesspool that night [yes a presumption, but as I know most all demons work under the cover of darkness ...] and had walked in on the crime while it was being committed, I would have put a stop to it. I may be older and smaller but rest assured that I would have done some damage and raised such a ruckus that it would have been heard over the din of crappy music and an ambulance WOULD have been called as well as the [most likely useless] police and I would have made as many of those sick pervert 'watchers' be called to testify at the trials and seen to it YOUR face and the other 5 criminals faces would be all over the news as well as the faces of the lowlifes who just stood around jacking INSTEAD of beating the crap out of you and your worthless, arrogant , degenerate and cowardly friends!!! If they didn't close that sewer down in shame they would at least make sure there were security measures in place to prevent that kind of evil crime from ever occurring again. [sigh] time to go split a cord of wood and put the perceived faces of you and your evil friends on each piece.[ wish they DID make 'brainbleach']
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