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About sindiktas

  • Birthday 02/14/1994

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  • Gender
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom

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  1. I've been on sexual holiday, took Doxy PEP daily, but now I still have yellow discharge (possibly chlamydia).
  2. Has anyone of you tried using Doxy PEP every day when you went away for a slutty holiday week?
  3. Hello, everyone. On Sep 10-16 I'll be visiting Berlin, and I'd like to get my hair loose and collect as many loads as possible. I know there will be naked night on Laboratory on Thursday. Is this party also good for the experience? [think before following links] https://pigberlin.de/ Any other recommendations? Much appreciated!
  4. Just for an update, the doctor called me today and said that the swab from the previous week did not show that I was sick so maybe the treatment did work after all. And now I'm gradually feeling better daily.
  5. Yes, you're right. It's Lithuania.
  6. Hello, thanks for the word of confidence. It was rectal gonorrhea. 3 weeks after finishing treatment I started feeling increased itchiness and I saw discharge again. I live in Europe. In a small country. We don't have clinics/organizations for gay men. We have some checkpoints which offer blood tests but nothing else. And generally DoxyPEP program is not taking place in Europe as far as I know.
  7. To clarify myself, I'm not asking for medical advice, but rather reassurance. The doctor prescribed me another antibiotic now (ofloxacinum). We'll see how that works. I just feel very alone in this, that I got such a rare thing and anxious that it's going to take forever to heal. Both set of antibiotics were taken orally.
  8. Hello. Has anyone ever got antibiotic resistant gonorrhea? How did you treat it? How long did you take to cure it? I believe I've got one. And it was azithromycin treatment that failed.
  9. Thank you for your answers. A couple of more questions. Will I able to continue barebacking? Will I have to disclose my status every time?
  10. The clinic told me
  11. Hello, everyone. I've decided to do a test for HPV and it came back positive for type 18. What does this mean to me? The doctor's appointment is not soon. I'd just like to know how this will affect my sex life and the future generally.
  12. So is there any knowledge whether the vaccinated can spread the disease? I can't get the vaccine in my country but I wonder if it's safe for e to have sex with those who have been vaccinated and exposed later.
  13. Hi, everyone. In the beginning of June I was diagnosed with early latent syphilis, and was treated with 2 injections of penicillin. The second one was on June 15th. The doctor told me to abstain from sex and alcohol for a month after the second shot. But isn't this piece of advice a bit too conservative? Especially regarding the alcohol? I have failed to find any data which would suggest to abstain for that long. Anybody with experience regarding the matter?
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