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Posts posted by shinelover

  1. PART NINE (This may be the final chapter, haven't decided just yet. If something new comes to me, I will add to it)


    Drake told me to make sure I was extra clean for my visit to my old boss. They’d finalized the arrangements this morning, deciding the best place for a whore like me to get bred is the cheapest, sleaziest, dirtiest motel in the city.


    This was also in a horrible neighborhood, so on top of my nerves about seeing the old boss, I was concerned about the seedy element. Drakes old neighborhood looked like upper-middle class compared to this area.


    The worst part is because of the bad area, Drake wasn’t even hanging around. He told me when the time was up he’d swing by and pick me up. In the mean time, the old boss was my boss again -at least for the two hours he’d paid for.


    I watched Drake pull away from the motel and then quickly went and knocked on the door, taking a few tentative steps back. I did not want to be out in the open for long around here. I looked too damn clean, and that would bring me nothing but trouble.


    The door swung open quickly and there he stood. My asshole ex-boss, Mr. Waters. I couldn’t help but think that if he’d been fucking me while we worked together we probably would have gotten along better. Maybe that’s why he was so mean to me -because he wasn’t fucking me. Hmm.


    “Well, well, well, look who comes crawling back like a disgusting fucking whore. A real whore,” he laughed.


    I wanted to say something smart like, “And you’re doing well, obviously. Why else would you be hiring ass off of the internet? Not to mention you look like death warmed over!” But you can’t say shit like that to paying customers.


    But he did look like shit. I hadn’t been gone from work long, but he’d easily lost forty pounds, his cheeks sunken, his body looked skeletal underneath his clothes. And his skin tone -well that had that dusty pale look that says ‘death’.


    I almost laughed to myself when I thought, “That’s it! If he was wearing a black cloak with one of those long poles with the hook on the end, he’d look just like the grim reaper!!”. But luckily I didn’t laugh -what kind of person would laugh at this man’s pain?


    Instead, I grinned at him. He’s paying for it, I need to make it good. I took a step towards the room but he held a hand out as if to say, “Stop”.


    So I stopped, glancing quickly over both shoulders to be sure that I wasn’t about to get jumped or something.


    “On your knees. I want you to crawl to me,” he told me with far too much delight at my predicament. “You’re crawling back to me . . . I want it for real,” he added, his tone dark and sinister.


    Fucking asshole, I thought. The only way I’m going to get through this degradation is to pretend that I’m enjoying everything he’s putting me through. He won’t enjoy it so much if it’s not having the desired effect.


    So, I got down on hands and knees, painfully aware of how gross the ground was, covered in cigarette butts and ash, spit, probably urine and cum and lord only knows what else. Filth.


    I was also painfully aware of the hooting, hollering and laughing coming from the audience on the street around the hotel. They had a clear view of the show I was putting on.


    More fucking assholes, I thought, wagging my fine ass at them as if to say, “You can’t have it!”.


    Mr. Waters laughed louder at them, and stepped aside to allow me into the room. “So this is it? You’re a dirty whore now? Fuck, I should have knocked you up with my poison while I had the chance before. No matter -you’re getting something much stronger today,” he laughed.


    Maybe he thought he would scare me, but I wasn’t giving him any satisfaction. “Thank-you, Sir. I want it,” I told him.


    He stopped laughing and glared down at me. “Is that right? Are you ready to fucking die?” he asked, sounding quite ominous to be completely honest. “My cum will kill you. It’s in me, killing me. You want to die a whore’s death?”


    I gulped over a lump in my throat, steadied myself and looked at him. “Yes, Sir. That’s what I’m here for.” My body had that rush, that feeling of sudden dread, and yet I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited in my life. I just wished that Drake was here with me as a part of it all.


    “Damn fucking right,” he grumbled. “Now get on this dick,” he ordered, yanking his pants over and pulling out a rather choice piece of meat.


    Who the hell knew this is what was hiding underneath those ugly ass suits all of those years? I might have let him fuck me after all!


    Still on my knees, I crawled to him and took him into my mouth. First his cock head, which I licked and probed with my tongue. He dropped his head back and groaned, so I knew he was liking my work so far.


    And then I went down to lick is balls, eventually managing to get the entire low-hanging sack into my mouth where I slurped on them like they were candy.


    When my jaw began to get sore, I released his juice-makers and went back to his mighty cock, which I managed to take all the way down in one slow descent.


    Again he moaned his appreciation. “Fucking pig, I wish I knew how talented that fucking mouth was back when you worked for me. I’d have had you living under my desk sucking my dick all day long,” he chuckled.


    “That is, when I wasn’t pounding the fuck out of your sweet ass. Yeah, I checked that ass out plenty, but you strutted around that place like you were untouchable, like maybe no one would ever try anything on you? I should have fucked you up then just to teach you a lesson,” he growled.


    His mood had changed and he yanked his dick out of my mouth, my teeth scraping his rod with the sudden movement. He gasped momentarily, snarled down at me as if he was about to hit me, but then reeled it in and began to laugh.


    We both looked down at his cock and saw that where my teeth had scraped, there were fresh abrasions seeping blood from them. My stomach immediately did another flip.


    Fuck, there will be no escaping his virus now, I thought. And still my ass practically yawned open, so hungry for the stuffing only he would provide me.


    When I looked back up at his face, he was grinning an evil grin. “Get on the bed, hands and knees at the foot of the bed. Time to destroy that ass.”


    I assumed the position straight away, but he disappeared into the bathroom for a second, returning with a toothbrush in hand and I knew immediately what he was up to.


    Before I knew it, he had already jammed it up my ass and was viciously scrubbing away. “This is my toothbrush but I figure we’re going to be sharing a virus anyway, so what’s a few oral germs between friends,” he laughed.


    He was really scrubbing away and my ass was feeling quite raw. When he finally yanked the brush out of my hole, he thrust it into my face to show me how red it was. Not pink, as some other guys describe in these scenarios. It was saturated in blood fucking red.


    I don’t know what possessed me, but I reached out and took the brush from him and then stuck it into my mouth and began scrubbing my gums with it.


    He roared with laughter while he simultaneously jammed his cock into my pig hole about half-way in one thrust. Another couple of hard ruts and he was balls-deep in me.


    Despite what this would result in, it felt like heaven. Can’t lie. He was very sick in more ways than one, but his cock felt absolutely amazing sawing in and out of my fuckhole.


    For the next forty minutes we didn’t speak at all. It was a continuous and relentless pounding of my ass, the sounds of our skin smacking skin and our uncontrollable grunts and moans the only noises we made.


    After forty minutes (I know because these days I am very much on the clock) he pulled out, walked around to the edge of the bed and showed me his cock.


    It was huge and shiny, glistening in precum and extremely red from a mixture of his blood and mine. Just thinking that again made my dick jump several times beneath me.


    Again without thinking, I leaned forward and took his bloodied cock in my mouth and slurped him clean, knowing that his bleeding cock was oozing into my mouth with my roughed-up gums, too.


    Suddenly I felt the need more than ever before. When I pulled back, I looked up at him. “Come on, fuck me. Time to give me that load, Sir. I need it in me . . . please.”


    His face lit up at that. “Please? Well how can I deny you when you said the magic word?” he chucked, but not viciously as he was before.


    Mr. Waters went back around and entered me again, in one deep hard thrust, and resumed slam-fucking me.


    “How can I deny a whore the very thing that he needs more than anything? I still can’t believe you quit working for me to do this,” he snarled, slamming me extra hard.


    Okay, so Mr. Niceguy didn’t stick around for very long . . .


    “But I must admit, that fucking pig hole feels like it was made for this. Is that it, slut? You finally decided that this is what you were born to do?”


    I didn’t hesitate when I told him, “Absolutely.”


    “So what brought this on, hm? Just out of the blue you decided to throw your whole life away and become some diseased fuck whore?”


    I wasn’t sure how much I was meant to reveal, but I figured I’d keep it to basic facts that might turn him on more. “I got grabbed one night and . . . raped, I guess you could say.”


    “Raped?” he asked, stopping mid-stride. “And how exactly did that go down?”


    “Doesn’t matter. Just that it turned into multiple guys and I found out that they were all poz. And I enjoyed it. From there I just needed more,” I confessed.


    “I guess I should thank whoever it was that raped this fine ass,” he laughed.


    “You already are -he’s my boyfriend now . . . and my pimp.”


    For some reason that really did it for him and he slam-fucked me so hard I saw stars. After only another minute or two like this he roared at the top of his lungs as his balls erupted and flooded me with his poison swimmers.


    We remained locked like this for a few minutes while he continued to empty his balls into me, our breathing ragged and choppy, sweat covering both of our bodies.


    Finally he eased his softening cock from my hole and I instantly spun around and took him into my mouth again to lick clean. His dick tasted so good covered in our blood and my ass juices along with his toxic sperm.


    Luckily he’s not sensitive after blowing his wad, so he allowed me to remain on my knees worshiping his cock for several minutes until it began to come to life again.


    When he was fully hard he stepped away, though, and pulled on his pants, but didn’t bother to actually close them up. It was just enough to cover himself up before he walked out the door.


    I had no clue what he was up to, but I could hear him talking to some of the rough bunch that had been hanging around outside before. And when he returned, he wasn’t alone.


    Along with Mr. Waters was a black guy who, had be not been strung-out or messed up in any number of ways, might be considered attractive. He gave off a sexy-tough-guy vibe, and the growing bulge in his pants certainly spoke of a good time.


    “This here’s Anton,” Mr. Waters told me, once again dropping his pants to the floor and stepping out of them. “Everyone outside promises that he’s the most toxic fucker among them,” he continued as he strolled around the room. “I’ve just a little over an hour left on the clock, so we’re going to spend that time wrecking that whore-hole of yours.”


    I watched as Anton removed his tee-shirt and then stepped out of his pants, his big black cock flopping around in front of him. Damn did that thing make my mouth water and my butt-hole quiver.


    “Non-stop, my little whore,” Mr. Waters continued, walking back to the bed and laying down. Holding his cock upright, he waggled it at me. “Come and climb on. Anton will be sliding in along with me and trashing that fuck-hole until my time is up.”


    I didn’t hesitate, and climbed onto the bed, between his legs, and then lowered myself all the way down onto his hard cock. I leaned forward, hovering over him, and then felt the bed shift as Anton climbed up behind me.


    Seconds later I felt the enormous bulb of his cock head pushing at my entrance next to Mr. Waters. Man, did it hurt. My hole was stretching like never before, but finally I felt my hole open up and his cock rushed inside me. I’m also sure that I felt tearing, but I couldn’t do anything about that now.


    Anton made it all the way into me, balls-deep, before retreating and then sliding back in. After these few careful strokes, he began to pump and pound me, while Mr. Waters rocked his hips up into me from below.


    It was a bit of a strange sensation enduring a fuck like that. One man was slowly rocking up into me from underneath while the other was basically jack-hammering me from behind.


    After a while Anton slowed down and I felt him easing his cock back, not out entirely but just enough to hold only the head in.


    “Bitch is bleeding,” he commented.


    “I know, I did it to him. Make sure my bug gets in him good,” Mr. Waters told him. “My dick’s bleeding, too, so he’s gettin’ it good.”


    Anton’s grip on my hips tightened at this. “And he still wants it?” he huffed.


    “Begged me for my first load,” Mr. Waters chuckled. “And I bet he’ll be begging both of us for more. Won’t you, slut?”


    “Please, give it to me, Sir. I need it,” I begged. “Knock me up with your AIDS.”


    Both men laughed at my pleading, but their fucking became more intense and determined. Another ten minutes and they both flooded me, but neither removed his cock.


    Instead they just went back to pumping me. And this is how the rest of Mr. Water’s time went. Both men fucked the hell out of my tortured hole and released two more loads each before they were done with me.


    When time was up, Mr. Waters quickly dressed and was almost out the door when he turned back to me. “At least my virus will live on in you after I’m gone. I’ll see about getting another few doses in you before I’m gone,” he said before disappearing out the door.


    “Sick fuck,” Anton commented, pulling his clothes on. Then he grinned at me. “I can’t afford to pay you, but if you ever want this dick again, I’m usually in the area,” he told me before taking off.


    I got dressed but didn’t bother to try and clean myself up. These days I wore the signs of my profession like badges of honor. Every streak of cum was pride. Every knowing look from other sluts was pride. The telltale wet spot at the ass of my pants was serious pride.


    And not just for me. I knew that it would turn Drake the fuck on! He was waiting in the car outside, looking very concerned. Clearly he had seen both men leave and was beginning to worry what they’d done to me.


    “You okay?” he asked urgently, before pulling away and heading home. “What the fuck was that all about?”


    “I’m fine. Mr. Waters thought it would be fun to add another toxic dick to my hole along with his,” I sighed.


    “How long did they double-dick you?”


    “Over an hour.”


    I could see the muscles in his jaw flexing as he tried to control his temper. “They could have done some serious damage. Are you sure you’re okay?”


    “Well, the damage is done. He used his toothbrush on my ass, and his dick was bleeding, too. So there’s no escaping his AIDS now,” I told him, so matter-of-fact you’d think we were discussing tonight's dinner menu or something.


    I could see his temper ease. I knew talking about our diseases would shift his attention, and he removed one of his hands from the wheel and shoved it behind me, easing his hand down into my pants where he began to finger my gaping sloppy hole.


    When he pulled his fingers out, they were drenched in cum and pink -at least I knew that I wasn’t hemorrhaging. His fingers were mostly covered in cum, lots of cum.


    Drake grinned and returned his gaze to the road while I leaned over and sucked his fingers clean. He didn’t have to say anything or even thrust them in my direction. I just knew that it was what he wanted me to do.


    ** Having just finished this part, I may do one or two more posts because I've got a couple of ideas involving Anton, too.**



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  2. For most of my adult like I hid the urges that I had. I didn't begin to get barebacked until a couple of years ago, but the urges were always there. I've always been into various forms of kink. And I've always kept it all from my friends, worried that they wouldn't accept me for who I really am.

    Turns out that I was right. The first couple of friends that found out that I get fucked raw . . . well, we aren't friends anymore. It hurt for a while, but now I know it's for the best. Now I am free to be the biggest whore that I want to be. I don't care what they think of me. Plus, I'd rather be friends with guys who think like I do.

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  3. 2 hours ago, ProudPozPig said:

    My favorite sex pigs are guys like me who got the bug in the early 80s and continued collecting poz loads since then. I love collecting strains that have been mutating for more than 30 years. It connects me on a spiritual level with all those pigs who passed on after passing their strains to us to keep their DNA alive.

    Fuck, I can only imagine how many strains you have mixed in you -I would love to get some of that in me!

  4. I, unfortunately, spent most of my active sexual years using condoms, or I should say 'had them used on me' since I'm a bottom. And I can honestly tell you that there is absolutely a difference between a covered dick up the ass and a raw one. For me, dildos and butt plugs always felt great, but as soon as a condom covered cock went up my ass the pleasure just wasn't there, and sometimes it was uncomfortable, like my ass was trying to reject it. As soon as I took my first bareback cock up my ass, I knew there would be no going back. It felt so much better, the skin on skin, and knowing that he was planting his seed in me just made it that much hotter. More intimate, too. And it's always a thrill. No going back! Only bareback ;) 

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