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Posts posted by shinelover

  1. I've got to go with anonymous, too. When I was younger, naïve and innocent and still insisting on condoms, then I felt the need to meet up with guys first. But I think that was more because society seems to dictate you get to know someone before fucking around with them.

    And then all it takes is that one load up your ass and all of the rules go out the window. Now, when a guy suggests meeting up first to talk or coffee or whatever, my interest disintegrates. I would rather just bend over, take whoever's dick and load, and get on with it. Don't need names or your life story -just your cock and seed.

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  2. Thank-you, guys, for all of the awesome feedback! I'm not sure if you all realize how important it is to a writer to know that our stories reach you in the way we hope. I greatly appreciate it, and will keep you posted about a continuation. I wasn't sure if I would continue it but after hearing from you guys, I will get right on it!

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  3. Hey, guys, I'm curious about something. Anyone who knows me on here knows that when it comes to oral, it's not my first choice of activities. Sure, I'll suck dick to get a guy hard, wet, and warmed up for a good pounding. But I'm, sadly, not one of those guys who enjoys sucking dick for hours on end. 

    However, if I was given the choice of oral between cock or ass, my mind instantly goes to rimming. Now, rimming I could get into for a long, long time -giving and receiving. And that's the other thing, while I'll suck another guys dick, having my own sucked does nothing more me. I'll get and stay hard but the urge to cum never arrives. Nope, first choice for me regarding oral is ass.

    Am I the only one who would rather chow down on a hot, beefy, juicy ass instead of sucking dick?


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  4. Hey, guys. Because of a minor injury, I've been out of circulation for a little while now. I should hopefully be getting fixed up soon, but in the mean time I'm thinking that I want to put my fat butt plugs to good use and really get to stretching my hole open.

    I've always loved my butt plugs, but rarely wear them outside of my play sessions. This is what I want to change. I want to be wearing them for hours on end, all day if possible, to really stretch and gape my hole. My question is -what lube do you find works best with toys that will last all day long?

    Years ago I would have gone with something like Vaseline or Elbow Grease, but I know that greasy things like that are bad for toys. Suggestions? Thanks, guys.

  5. ***This is a long chapter, and probably the last one. I might continue the story but will likely do that in The Backroom.***


    Reluctantly, we both took quick showers before heading out the door.  I really enjoy feeling the after effects of sex on me, and of course smelling them.  But given we were going to be in a crowd, it was only polite.  Mind you, in that crowd, no one would care.  We’d just get a lot of grins and stares maybe.  Not that I mind, but I don’t want to make Pat uncomfortable.  I just want him to see what everyone else sees.

    When we walked up to the patio at my favorite bistro, the place was packed.  But I spied one lone free table for two off to the side and made a beeline for it before anyone stole it out from under us.  I took a chance and grabbed Pat by the hand before I maneuvered through the crowd.  For one, so he didn’t think I was ignoring or ditching him.  And secondly, so all of the rest of these drooling bitches know that he was with me.

    Okay, that may sound more possessive than a trick should be.  I have no claim on Pat, but I was feeling like his bodyguard at the moment and he was my responsibility.

    I think he was a little surprised to feel my hand on his, and he seemed to want to pull away for a moment, but then he just . . . didn’t.  Instead, he followed me to the free table.

    As we both sat he leaned over the small table and whispered loudly, “Why is everyone staring at us?”

    I smiled and whispered loudly back, “Because you’re hot.”

    He blushed again and sat back looking a little stunned.  He was quiet for a few beats and then tried to casually glance around at the crowd.  Practically every man on the patio, and many who were just walking past, were checking him out.

    He leaned over and whispered again.  “How come I never noticed people staring at me before?  Why are they doing it now?”

    I shrugged my shoulders and told him, “You probably just didn’t notice.  It’s not like you were looking for anyone else.”  I paused a second and then added, “Until you were.  Luckily I was there when you did.”

    He smiled large at that and his handsome face was even more handsome.  “Lucky me,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

    As if he thinks he’s the lucky one!  Well, he is lucky that he’s so damned perfect.  And I suppose he’s lucky that he found a whore who was willing to do anything sexually to please him.  Hmmm, I thought I was the one who lucked out, but he definitely got the better end of the deal.

    We ordered drinks, a brunch cocktail for me and hair of the dog for him, and we just relaxed in the pleasant fall weather.  After a while guys stopped blatantly ogling Pat and returned to stealing more subtle glances, which left Pat somewhat more relaxed.

    The entire patio and inside of the restaurant was filled to capacity with gay men, so it was quite obvious when a woman showed up.  Suddenly all eyes were on her.

    The fuming, bitchy-looking bottle blonde who looked disgusted at what she saw around her.  My stomach turned to knots as I glared at her over Pat’s shoulder.  His back was to her so he hadn’t seen, but I just knew that this had to be his wife.  One look at her told me all that I needed to know, why Pat had ended up in that video booth with me, and then in my bed.  This is the type of woman who wanted a man to give everything to her.  It doesn’t matter that he works a blue-collar job.  She expects to be kept in the lap of luxury, with a nice car, trips to the salon weekly, shopping with her skanky friends, and all of the fancy trimmings to make their house look important.  And with all of that just handed to her, she can’t be bothered to show this man the gratitude he so obviously deserves for dealing with the likes of her.

    A very nasty, bitchy, vindictive part of me wanted to reach across the table and haul his face towards me and put a lip-lock on him to curl his toes.  Right in front of her, but this was his domestic situation.  I was already more involved than I should be.  I sighed and chose to do the right thing.  Well, who knows what the ‘right’ thing is in that situation, but it wasn’t what I really wanted to do, so I just assume it’s what the morality police would deem ‘right’.

    “Uh, um, Pat.  I don’t want to alarm you, but I think that’s your wife glaring daggers at us from your six o’clock.”

    Pat’s eyes flew wide.  He looked stunned and then angry.  His breathing intensified and he looked like he wanted to throw something - and that could include punches.  That Prodigy song, 'Smack my bitch up', suddenly came to mind. 

    “Fuck,” he hissed.  “She must have used one of those apps to track my phone.  I don’t want to make a big scene here.  She’ll start screaming bloody murder.  I know her.  What should I do?”

    Shaking my head, I sat back in my chair with my hands up in the ‘don’t shoot’ position.  “Hey, you don’t want to know what I would do.”

    His stare was solid as he told me, “Yes, tell me what you would do.”

    “I would kiss you.  That would certainly tell her.”

    In a flash Pat lunged across the table and kissing me to the point that my toes were curling.  Fuck, did he know how to kiss.  If he had kept up the kiss I would have likely blown a load in my pants - and I’m not even sure if the load he blew up my ass was still in place or making a puddle under me.

    After a minute maybe, he released me and we both slowly descended back into our seats.  The entire patio erupted in cheers and applause.  Everyone, that is, except the seething blonde who stood statue-like ten feet away.  She looked like she wanted to scratch the eyes out of every gay man within clawing distance of her press-on nails.

    Finally her top blew as she shrieked, “How could you!?!”

    Pat remained totally calm.  That kiss lingered on both of us, and he calmly swiveled around in his chair and looked her in the eyes.  “I’m right where I need to be.  You can go.  We’re done.”

    With that he turned back to me, picked up his glass of lager and ‘cheers-ed’ me.

    She clomped away in her teetering stilettos like that heifer Beyoncé in one of her stampedes, and the patio erupted in another round of cheers and applause.  I’d never seen Pat smile so large.  He had this deer-in-the-headlights look, probably wondering what the hell he’d just done.  But he also smiled and looked relieved -and then downed the rest of his beer.

    “I can’t believe I just did that,” he told, suddenly looking a little panicky.  “My whole life is going to flip upside-down.”

    I took a slow sip of my cocktail and then tried to give him the most reassuring expression I could muster.  “I’m not going to lie.  There’s probably no back-tracking from that, but, now you are free to live life the way you want to live.”

    He released a big sigh and sat back looking content again.  “I never would have planned it, and really never considered it.  But I’m happier with you than I have been with anyone else.  You’re just easy for me to be around.”

    “Nah, I’m just easy,” I teased, throwing him a smile.

    Returning with a large smile, he leaned forward and reached for my hand and pierced me with his intense gaze, the one that lured me in that very first time.  “As much as I like that side of you, because it does turn me on, I like you for the person you are, too.  You never did anything that I didn’t want to do, and just seemed to lead me down the right path.”

    I felt a little guilty that I had sort of manipulated things before, and it was time to clear my conscience.  I just hoped that he wouldn’t hate me for it.

    “Look, I have to tell you something.  I didn’t just go into this as a hole for you to use.”

    “Don’t talk about yourself like that,” he told me sternly.

    “After that first time, I hoped and tried to plan things to get you to this point.  None of it was by accident.”

    “So?” he asked, shrugging his wide shoulders.  “We’re here, aren’t we?  That’s all I care about.  You set me free.”

    After another round of drinks we decided to skip the brunch so we could get back to my place.  His dick had been throbbing painfully in his tight jeans almost the entire time we were sitting there and he said he needed in me again.

    As soon as we were in the front door he was all over me.  The straight man has left the building, gentlemen!  I did it -I corrupted him - permanently!

    He kissed me with a passion I had long forgotten.  That’s one thing about just being a glory-hole pig -dick goes in hole is what usually happens for me.  No complaints on that, but there is often a lack of this kind of connection, meaningful and passionate.

    His tongue snaked into my mouth and surrounded my own, our mouths becoming sloppy with our intense wet kisses.  I could feel Pat’s hardness pressing into my stomach while my own throbbed in my pants.  I could also feel my butt hole oozing his wetness from earlier and I just knew that I needed more.  As if he could sense what was going through my mind, Pat lifted me into his arms and carried me to the bed, stripped his clothing in record time, his cock throbbing and bobbing out in front of him.  And then he helped me strip out of mine, after which he tossed me over so that I was ass-up and ready to be penetrated.

    And that’s when he surprised me again.  Instead of feeling his cock urgently slamming into me, I felt his tongue licking the wetness around my used sloppy pig hole.  His tongue action was initially tentative, no doubt trying it out to see if it would gross him out, but I know in his mind he remembered how good it felt when I rimmed him, and soon he was delving in deeper, probing for his seed and opening me up even more.  He was even growling the deeper he went, which was an amazing turn-on!

    I found myself panting and moaning, thrusting my ass back towards him and he finally took mercy on me and moved up to his knees so he was between my legs and then teased my opening with his dick head.  After only a minute or so of this, with me trying desperately to thrust myself back onto him, he finally gave in and buried himself to the hilt.

    We both let out a growl and a roar, and Pat held still for a second, loving the feel of being fully engulfed by my ass.  His hands on my hips anchored me in position, and squeezed me in a way that made me feel possessed by this man.  And then he fucked.  And fucked.  Wow, did he fuck me.  Pat took to new activities like a pro, and he was fucking my ass like he’d fucked ass his entire life.  Nobody has ever used my hole like he did.

    Although not the largest cock, his size and shape was just right to fill me perfectly, hitting all of the right spots up inside me to have me sweating like a pig and moaning like a cheap whore.  It just shows that size does not always matter - it truly is a matter of how one uses it.  

    The sweat flying off of Pat’s magnificent body splattered my torso, which made the fuck that much hotter.  Our skin was smacking together so loudly that I’m sure the neighbors could hear every movement we made (in case they missed our moans and groans).

    After about fifteen minutes I knew he was getting close.  Pat gripped my hips tighter and began to piston fuck my ass, hard and deep.  It was heavenly.

    “Oh, fuck, breed me!” I begged.

    He growled behind me and then roared, “Here it fucking comes!  Take my load!”

    I could tell he was holding back.  No doubt he was a bit conflicted in that he couldn't reconcile labeling me with the degrading names that I love to hear when a man is balls-deep inside my ass with the fact that he liked me.  

    “Come on, don’t hold back,” I encouraged him.  “You know what I want to hear.”

    He growled again and then shouted, “Take it, take my load you fucking whore!  Fuck, you’re such a slutty cumdump, take my fucking cum!”

    With that his balls exploded into me, triggering my own orgasm.  My hole quaked and spasmed around his dick as my balls drained, milking every single drop of baby juice from him into me.

    We collapsed after a minute, his entire body resting on top of mine.  It was a little difficult to breathe but it felt so good at the same time.

    His cock remained hard up inside of me, and he didn’t pull out.  Our wet skin slipped against one another and felt so damn sexy, I couldn’t help but stay aroused. as apparently was also true of Pat, as his cock never softened in the slightest, and after catching his breath he raised up just onto his elbows so he wasn’t smothering me, and then again started to pump my cummy hole.

    He kissed the back of my neck, and then began to lick it, tasting my sweat.  Then, resting his head on my left shoulder next to my ear and murmured “I know you want more, and I’m going to give it to you.  I know just what you want.  You want me to use you like a whore, right?  You like me using you like that?”

    “Fuck yeah,” I grunted.

    “I’ll play along.  I like you that way, too.  As long as I get in you whenever I need.”  After saying that he went about slam-fucking me as hard and deep as he could, and eventually exploded another load of hot sticky cum into my guts.

    Afterwards we lay there panting, his dick finally softening slightly before finally exiting my hole.  Pat rolled over onto his back and stared up at the ceiling, a huge smile on his handsome face.  And then he rolled again and dug a butt plug out of the night stand and stuffed it up my sloppy hole.

    When it was in tight, he gave it a playful slap.  “There.  Keep my babies in there where they belong,” he said with a huge grin.

    Damn, he was learning very quick.  I felt my stomach flip as I thought how I could love this man.  Physically he was easy to love, but we also shared a very strong connection, and I knew there was more to us than just sex.

    “I don’t want this to ever end,” he told me, laying his head on the pillow next to mine.

    “It doesn’t have to.  I’ve told you before, I’ll do anything you want.”

    “I’ve gotten all kinds of dirty thoughts since we started fooling around, and they’re only getting more vivid the more things we do.  I want to do more with you.  I want us to really do more.”

    “How much more?” I asked eagerly.

    He grinned shyly but didn’t hold back.  “It felt really good sliding my dick into you with my cum already in there.  Would you be willing to let some other guys fuck you?  So I can see what it’s like sliding into their loads?”

    As if he even needed to ask!

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  6. On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 11:45 AM, kspozcum said:

    So many of you may be wondering why there is a delay. I'm in the process if buying a house, and as such, all my free time is going to that. Once everything is finalized, I will post a new chapter.


    Sorry for the delay.

    Sounds like you've got enough to worry about without putting all of us on that list. You will get to it when you can -don't stress yourself out about it. As much as I would love another part right now, I would rather you wrote when you want to write in order to get a better finished product. Sometimes when I tell myself that I have to write, it just isn't there. We will love it no matter when it comes. And good luck with the house!

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    The funny thing is that I got the feeling that he felt something too.  Maybe it was too soon to discuss it, so we didn’t.  We spent the entire day in bed that Saturday.

    After he’d gone in for his morning piss, I ducked in and as subtly as possible did a clean-out.  I knew that he was desperate to get off again, and also that he wanted to try some new things.  Now is the time to get that dick up my pig hole.

    When I returned to the bed, he was laying back, looking completely relaxed, but then frowned when he saw me. “You were in there a while.  Everything okay?  I heard a lot of splashing.”

    From the foot of the bed I slowly crawled up, in between his spread legs. “I just wanted to make sure that I was ready for you.”  I was really moving slowly, and I could tell that his mind had already gone there as his crotch began to fill out once again and was ridiculously tenting his underwear.

    I stopped and crouched between his knees, reached up and gripped his boxer briefs.  “Let’s get you out of these,” I told him, giving a sharp tug.

    He smiled down at me and raised his hips so I could slip the material away from his perfect body.  A man as beautiful as him should never have to wear clothes. Ever.

    I had intended to get him to fuck me right away, but seeing him laying there, I just did what my instincts told me.  I continued to move up closer to his crotch and buried my face in there.

    What real man doesn’t love the smell of a real man’s sweaty crotch?  I wish they could bottle that smell!!!  As soon as that musk hit my nose my own dick sprang to life, but as always, I just ignored it.

    I didn’t even go right for his dick, either.  Instead I slathered his big balls with my wet tongue, cleaning him good, before taking a risk and heading lower.

    He gasped loudly as I tongued below his balls and tickled his taint, but I could tell he was loving my attention.  The quiet moans of “Oh fuck, fuck yeah” said it all.

    Wedging myself underneath him, I succeeded in getting his knees hooked over my shoulders so that his ass was raised off of the bed.  From there I just knew what needed to be done.  My tongue zeroed in on his puckered hole and I licked.  He grunted, cursed, and gasped.  I licked more.  I licked, probed, and sucked that straight man’s hole for all I was worth.  I’ve only ever really rimmed other bottoms who had loads leaking out of their used holes, but I felt possessed.  I needed to really let him feel pleasure from his ass as much as his cock.

    He was really getting into it, and helped me by shifting his angle so that I could get at him as easily as possible.  His hands grabbed fists full of the bed sheets, his head tossing side to side, and he kept moaning, “Fuck, what are you doing to me?  Don’t fucking stop!  Please don't stop!”

    I didn’t just lick that man’s hole.  I made love to it.  I French kissed with his hole, my lips sealed around his opening while my tongue delved into his musky darkness.  I found a new sense of stimulation here, feeling the power that I held over this man.  I was his conduit to a new life and sexual liberty.

    I tongued him as relentlessly and deeply as physically possible and then I was stunned as his balls jumped as they rested on my forehead and his dick began to spew hot, creamy seed onto his stomach.

    He roared, “Fuck! Fuck, I’m cumming and you’re licking my ass!”

    I had to pull back because his hole was threatening to pinch my tongue clear off, so I sat back and enjoyed the view as he convulsed his way through a hands-free orgasm.

    When he finally came down he began to laugh.  “Holy hell, where did you learn to do those things?  I’ve never felt anything like it.  I really don’t want anything bigger up there, but your wet tongue felt amazing,” he gushed.  “I didn’t even touch my dick.  I can’t believe you made me cum like that.”

    “Glad you enjoyed it,” I replied, unable to contain my own happiness.  Then I leaned forward and hovered over him a moment, before going lower and slurping a taste of his load off of his stomach.

    “Aren’t you going to eat it all?” he asked when I didn’t dive down and clean him totally.

    “Nope,” I told him plainly.  Then I reached over and dipped a couple of fingers into the sticky mess, swirling then around, and held them up for him to see the glistening cum dripping on them.

    Maybe he thought I was toying with him and was going to suck them clean.  So the look of surprise on his face when I reached behind myself and shoved them up my ass . . . well, that look was priceless.

    I repeated this over and over again until he was finally clean of his load, and by now his dick and balls were more than ready for another round.  Our eyes remained locked much of the time we were playing, almost as if we were communicating telepathically, sharing in the intensity of the situation.

    “I think I need to fuck you,” he told me, his voice low and husky.

    I climbed higher on the bed until I was straddling his hips and smiled down at him.  “Good, because I need you to fuck me.”

    I didn’t waste time after that, taking hold of his throbbing meat and introducing the head to my yawning hole.  As soon as the head wedged inside, he hissed and cursed, and his hips shot up off of the bed, spearing me with almost his entire shaft.

    At this point it was my turn to gasp and cry out.  I’m not going to lie.  It really hurt, but more out of surprise, I think.  It’s not that I couldn’t take him, but my hole needed just a moment to adjust and suck him in.

    “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he was quick to freeze in place, holding my hips in his big strong hands so that I didn’t move and cause any further discomfort.

    Once that initial shock passed, I flashed him a wicked grin.  “No pain, no gain,” I told him, slamming myself down hard until his balls hit my ass.

    “Fuck!” he again roared.  His hands never left my hips, gripping me nice and tight, guiding me on his hard stalk.  The shape of that dick was just perfect inside of me, hitting me in all of the right places, which naturally had both of us moaning and groaning.

    With his head back against the pillow, his eyes clenched shut, Pat groaned, “Oh, fuck, I never felt anything so good.  Oh god, we shouldn’t be doing this, should we?  I mean, I wanted you to let those other guys fuck you at the book store.  I shouldn’t be doing this.”

    I continued to bounce, but looked down at the expression of total bliss on his face and had to ask, “Does that mean you want me to stop?”

    Pat’s eyes flew open in alarm.  “No! Don’t stop!  Don’t ever stop!” he roared, thrusting is hips harder up into me.

    It got to the point that I was literally slamming myself down onto him, hard and deep. We were nothing more than two rutting animals, sweating, panting, grunting and moaning.

    Ten more minutes and he announced, “I think . . . I’m gonna cum,” he managed to croak out.

    “Do it, breed me!” I begged.

    “You want me to cum in you?” 

    “Yes!  Cum in me!  Fill me up!” I almost yelled.

    “Fuck!  Take it!  Take my fucking cum!” he yelled, draining himself into me.

    It was heavenly.  I felt every volley, every splash of his stud juice as it flooded my insides.  It took a couple of minutes before I felt that his cock was no longer emptying anything into me, and I gently slid off of him, rolled over to lay at his side and reached over to the top drawer of the night stand, pulled out a medium sized butt plug and jammed it up my ass.  He looked stunned at the ease with which it went it.

    “Need to keep that baby juice where it belongs,” I told him with a wink.

    “You’re fucking crazy,” he laughed.

    We lay there panting, drenched in sweat, for a while as we caught our breath. By the time we were settled, I had begun to wonder if he would suddenly get a strong case of regret like many straight guys do after indulging in their urges, but instead Pat surprised me by rolling onto his side to face me, and he looked anything but conflicted.  After staring at me for a moment he said, “I’m

    sorry I called you all of those things at the book store.  After how good you just made me feel, I’m convinced you’re an angel.  Well, you’re still kind of a slut,” he added with a sly grin.

    I took a chance and reached over to touch his firm chest.  Tweaking his nipples each a couple of times and enjoying his reaction.  And I was thrilled to see he wasn’t feeling shy or wanting to pull away.

    “Don’t apologize for anything,” I told him firmly.  “It’s all part of the experience.  Plus, I was in a book store taking loads from strangers so that does kind of make me a slut and a whore,” I teased.  “Don’t worry, I’m not offended.  It actually gets me hotter when you go all Alpha on me like that.”

    His eyebrows shot up at that. “Alpha?  Seriously?”

    “Duh, yeah,” I replied sarcastically.  “Hunky construction worker built like a brick shithouse -the definition of an Alpha male.”

    And damn if he didn’t blush.  And avoid my eyes for a moment.  But when he looked back at me he asked quite bashfully, “You think I’m hunky?”

    I gave him my best baffled expression. “Are you kidding me? Have you ever used a mirror?” I teased.

    His smile was huge when he replied, “I think I like how you see me better than how I see myself.”

    “And just how do you see yourself?”

    “I don’t know, just a regular guy,” he said, shrugging his muscular shoulders.

    I reached up and cupped the side of his face.  “You’re anything but regular, I’m sorry to break it to you.  On a scale of 1 to 10, you’re like a 15 or 20.”

    He huffed and rolled over onto his back and burst out laughing. “I think you’re full of shit.”

    “Would you like for me to prove it to you?” I asked confidently. After all, it was the weekend and I knew a place nearby that had all-day brunch and the crowd was gay, gay, gay.  If any crowd was going to prove my point, it was going to be there.

    I just hope he doesn’t think I’m throwing him off the deep end.

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  8. On ‎10‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 6:19 PM, erik82 said:

    I did this scene with a pervy guy that was also a therapist. He'd get in my head and plant triggers and suggestions. We'd act out different scenes and he opened my mind up to things I hadn't done before. He told me one of his goals was to get me to the point where I'd give him the access code to my condo and he'd be able to send guys whenever he wanted to come in and fuck me at night and disrupt my sleep. He said his goal was to always keep me on edge -- to the point that I didn't ever know what to expect and so that I never felt safe. I'd never know when I was going to get fucked -- just always be on edge. Twisted, but hot, no?

    Twisted? Yeah, I guess. But also FUCKING HOT!!! I'd love to try something like this out.

  9. 3 hours ago, Ranger Rick said:

    Just a few minutes ago, I finished playing solo with an electro-stim kit from Fort Troff while watching the Popper Training Compilation video on xTube. After I finished and was cleaning up, I started thinking, "What if I had heart attack or something while doing that? Wouldn't that have been a tableau for whoever found my carcass?" 




    Haha, so true! I often wonder the same thing when I've got a big dildo or fat plug stuffed up my ass, or when I'm playing in some gear. Either way, I'm sure it would look totally freaky to an outsider.

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    Or maybe he’s got me right where he wants me?  Hmmm.

    We didn’t, however, do more that night.  It was incredibly late and no matter how much we both wanted it, he was still drunk and before long we were both fighting the yawns that overtook us.

    Not wanting to take things too far, I left him to sleep on the sofa instead of trying to get him into bed with me.  I still wanted him to feel at ease in my company, and rushing into anything while he’s a little tipsy could backfire on me come morning.

    I needn’t have worried.  I awoke to the sun streaming into my bedroom and noted the unmistakable feel of a man’s arms wrapped around me, holding me close, and the no-less, definitely unmistakable feel of a hard cock nestled in the crevice of my butt cheeks, which left me to wonder when exactly did he decide to sleep with me?  And how the hell didn’t I notice it sooner?

    I guess he’s getting past things a little faster than I gave him credit for.  Or maybe he just wandered in here by accident from his way to the bathroom in the dark, saw the bed and just assumed that’s where he was supposed to crash.

    Yeah, that’s got to be it.

    I had been trying to remain still but clearly I had moved enough to wake him, because I felt him stiffen behind me -in posture.  The rest of him was already stiff.

    I rolled away and turned over so that I could see him.  He gave me a sheepish grin.

    “Sorry, I shouldn’t have gotten into bed with you without checking first.  My mind was just spinning last night and I wanted to hold onto someone.  Is that stupid?”

    Good heavens, could he be any more adorable!?!

    Everything in me wanted to reach up and just touch the side of his face, give him a reassuring stroke down his cheek, but I was still worried that it would come across as too intimate.

    So I just replied, “Hey, you’re in charge here.  We go as fast or as slow as you want.  So if you felt better sleeping in bed with me, then sleep in bed with me.”

    “Why are you so accommodating with me?  You can’t seriously be this easy with all the guys,” he noted, though I don’t think he meant ‘easy’ the way I generally think of the word.

    “I told you before.  I felt something that first time that I saw you working that construction site.  We were drawn together and I feel comfortable with you.  Believe me, I’ve done a lot more with people I know a lot less than you.”

    “But you don’t really know me,” he pointed out quickly.  “I’ve never even told you my name,” he whispered, sounding almost ashamed of himself.

    I could tell what was going through his mind at this point.  He was asking himself what kind of man he was to let me suck his dick and sleep in his bed and not even give me the courtesy of a name.

    Are all straight guys this sensitive?

    He was staring down at the sheets between us, so I took a chance and nudged his chin up so he would see me.

    “Hey, I never told you my name either,” I told him.

    Cocking an eyebrow, he said, “You put it in my phone.”

    “Who says that’s my real name?” I asked playfully.

    Now he laughed out loud.  “Okay, so your name isn’t Christopher?”

    “Yes it is, but you didn’t know that.”

    “Patrick.  My name is Patrick.  Call me Pat,” he said softly.

    We lay in bed like that for hours, just talking and feeling shockingly comfortable in each other’s semi-nude company.  And we got to know a little more about each other.

    It was actually really nice.  That didn’t stop me from wanting to strip off what little clothing he had on, which consisted only of boxer briefs and a tank top that was molded to his beautiful body, looking like a second skin.

    Not to mention, every time I glanced down at his cock, it was tenting his underwear again.  I’m not sure I’ve ever met another man who is as horny as me, but I think I finally met my match.

    As the hours passed, and we got more comfortable, the sexual tension started buzzing in the air again. I was stealing glances at his beautiful bulge more and more, and I know he was watching me watching him.

    Finally he cleared his throat and said, “So, are you just going to keep looking at it, or are you going to put me out of my misery and help me drain my balls?”

    I growled in my throat and replied, “Well, I like a man who gets right to the point,” as I reached out and cupped his crotch in my hand.  He closed his eyes briefly and sighed.

    When I looked back up at his face he was staring intently into mine.  “I don’t know what’s happening here or what you seem to do to me, but for the first time in my life I feel alive.  I don’t want this to ever change.”

    And then he did it.  He did what I’d been wanting to do to him:  he reached out and held the side of my face in his left hand, gently cupping my cheek and holding my head in place to keep my eyes locked on his.

    Although it was a simple, innocent gesture, it said so much.  Or I hoped it did. This really wasn’t going where I had originally planned.  He was just supposed to be a trick, a fuck bud, someone to use me and be done with me.  And now it was looking more and more real.  I think I caught feelings.  Dammit all to hell.

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