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Everything posted by fistmebaby

  1. wow, intense and beutiful!
  2. Yeah agreed, when this happened to me, when I started to take loads little by little, I never thought much about it, if a guy used a condom fine, if he didn't even better. But I never considered myself a bug-chaser since that was never my idea. But I do remember the thrill I got every time I was bred. It was like something totally forbidden [banned word] dangerous, and it was like I was HIV negative just thumbing my nose at the danger so to speak. Like many have said, once I started doing that, that was all I wanted to do, it was how I got off, regular sex was insufficient, I needed my thrill. So eventually I was converted. I vaguely remember chit chat around me that I later recognized as guys trying to convert me: guys asking me if I wanted their babies, if they could use a tooth brush on my ass, all that stuff, so that's how it happened. I thought I was unique, so I'm glad to know I wasn't, that others had the same experience I did.
  3. I totally remember my first time in a sling. I was at Cuffs Bar in LA back in the 90's, and a friend and I decided we would cross the street over to the sex club across the street. We get there and start exploring the rooms. He showed me the room with the sling and I was giddy with curiosity, he said "try sitting in it", so I got in the sling fully clothed and the magic started to happen, I was like a kid playing in a swing, only more fun. So one thing led to another, and gradually I lost all my clothes and my friend started fucking me, and I fell in love with the sling, and that room became my favorite room in the sex club. From then on I knew every sling in LA! That first time was at the Extreeme club on Hyperion.
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