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Everything posted by setacinrof

  1. I hope for a shorter wait for the next chapters. May this story go on and on. Thank you for posting.
  2. More, more please. An instant classic in the making!
  3. Simply the best!
  4. One of my favorite stories here. My go to chem clouds reading material to get off. It deserves to be back up front from the rear pages. Back to page 1 to be discovered many others.
  5. It’s almost Christmas. OP pls post 5 more chapters as your Christmas present to you fans.
  6. An early Christmas gift from OP would be 10 more chapters.
  7. I was really really looking forward to more of Drew in Part 5 but got Kevin and Ryan. The way Drew corrupted Justin and their clouding / shotgun sessions were really hot and his character was nicely developed. Maybe introduce other characters in Part 12. LoL. You are one of the best story writers here. I really shouldn't complain. Please keep the chapters coming!
  8. This storynhas the wrong title. There should be MORE CHAPTERS - a least once a day until Gary dies.
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