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Blog Comments posted by delete222

  1. I like this guy and sounds like an ideal match!  Odd date - for sure!  Unique/memorable first date - for sure!  you passed his slut test for sure!  You might be expected to sit there and WATCH him fuck one of his bottom buddies on a future date or get taken to a sex club, but all that sounds great for a slut looking for a bf 🙂  Sounds like maybe he has a bit of a dom streak controlling who fucks you and seeing what you're open to.  He already wants to see you again soon so go with it - it's clearly some sort of slut test, and you're passing 🙂 nothing to lose and one or more fuckbuds to gain even if it doesn't work out 

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  2. Great story!  I definitely like Brian's dedication to raw sex even back in 2000, but he would have had way more raw fucks if he had just agreed to meet the "safe" guys too.  In the early 2000s I was using manhunt I think.  For quite a few years I had my "safer only" box checked, but I was ALWAYS barebacking.  Almost everyone I fucked with also had the "safe" box checked.  Sometimes we'd discuss it ahead of time, tell the other guy we "usually" were safe, but agree to bb "this time", or sometimes we'd meet up to play, condoms would be out on the nightstand but never get used, and sometimes we'd actually start out with them but then remove it mid-fuck :) There was another box called "pig play" (I think), and that one always lead me to the barebackers even if they had their "safe" box checked lol.  There was no such thing as Prep and UD wasn't a thing yet - just good old fashioned neg and poz, so the rush of barebacking was almost a "kink" back then - it used to make me cum SUPER fast when I first started barebacking - as top or bottom!  

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  3. What a HOT willing slut you are!!  Honestly not sure if I'd rather be you or your top bud in this scenario, but reliable fuck buds that know exactly what you want and NEED are absolutely the best - those that'll help you reach new levels of sleaze shouldn't be taken for granted :)  I've learned over the years NEVER to ruin a great fuckbud by attempting a date or FWB......keep it 100% sexual or risk the sex dying out if you change the dynamic. 

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  4. 9 hours ago, DanishAss said:

    I'm quite pleased that not all bottoms can take the truly huge cocks; it means there's less competition!

    But yeah, I guess 10" is impractical in many ways. Fortunately I have what I have and won't change it

    Don't change perfection! :)


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  5. Stud, your cock is as gorgeous as your gaping hole.  If I'm ever in the same city, I'm going to do everything I can to bring out that 5% vers and get you to flip breed with me once you've taken all the loads you want for the night (I'd do the same so I'm loose for you).  I always consider it a "bonus" fuck when I get a bottom to fuck/breed me.  I almost always reach back to grab the top's ass if I'm getting fucked in a sex club or bathhouse, and at my last trip I was surprised by how many "tops" had sloppy holes.  I guess it's call vers lol, but I loved those loads cumming from other sex club whores even better :)

    But about those true MONSTER cocks - In the past 6 months I've taken the 2 biggest cocks ever in my life - one black one white.  I took them both balls-deep.  As much as I LOVED it and was craving more, I don't think I'd want my cock THAT huge as a top.  Even though I get fucked a lot both of them had to go really slow at first and sort of fight their way in (as willing as I was).  I know it would be a source of "pride" to have a monster hole wrecking cock, but I think there's a lot of bottoms that would shy away or chicken out saying they can't take "that big"  and very few could take a good deep wet sloppy fuck.  options would be more limited.  Those huge ones I took were both easily 10+", but if I had the choice of my own cock size I'd take a "true" 8-9",  it's still enough to please a size queen bottom and they know for days they've been worked over - but not too big to scare guys off    

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  6. Very fucking hot!  I used to have a vers buddy, and we would both save our loads in a condom in the freezer, adding to make a bigger cumsicle.  We would make out with the melting cum ball then push it in one of our asses for lube.  He moved away and so I quit saving my JO loads, but I KNOW I have other buddies I know would be into it.  Thanks for reminding me to quit wasting loads - even jacked out loads :)  It's def the best lube, and so much hotter too!!

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