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Everything posted by justabitnastycub

  1. I am in San Francisco, I have the same issue with many sites, many say its cause Im a younger guy, others cause I like to bareback, I wish just honestly it wouldn't equal either flakes or being ignored
  2. I am a graphic designer and have designed tats before what are u looking for?
  3. Hello also in sf I'd like toconnect with you
  4. neg cub here, im intrested, I have a poz bear roomate
  5. I am a cub from Califorina and I wanna throw my name in too. I have served as a pup and been slave trained and served for short periods of time.
  6. well, Id say the Best Western on 9th, I've seen and heard of a lot of slutty action there since its so close to many of the SOMA area bars
  7. Mack is hit and miss, its hard to say when a crowd will be there but when they are, you will get loads
  8. woof! would love to meet you daddy

  9. well Tom, I have issues finding any no matter what day it is in this city and im 25
  10. Mostly a graphic designer but I love writing too, prob be best at father/son, bears, and manly men types of stories
  11. hey bud in SF? wanna meet?

  12. hey there, not in SF are u?

  13. So found out I have chlamydia, took the pill but still should be infectious for a day or so, would love to seed an ass with it if someone wants it, message me
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