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  1. PozSlime When a North Carolina state Republican senator took the floor of the North Carolina Senate and proclaimed that he will fight "to keep North Carolina STRAIGHT" which pretty much describes the anti-gay mood of Republicans. The 1st Amendment is there I guess because unpopular, probably extreme views of tday might be mainstream thinking, say 20,30 or even 50 years from when they are pronounced. In the 1920s, gay rights were probably unpopular, and talking about them was considered improbable and extreme. However, lots of countries don't have the 1st Amendment and still manage to have a free exchange of ideas. 7 - the nazi coded number given to gays before they were executed for being gay at a concentration camp - mind you, the Americans who were supposed to be liberators rearrested the gay men who were in the concentration camps, as gay sex was still very much illegal in 1945. Many of the men committed suicide after being arrested, among other injustices. (http://www.hardenet.com/homocaust/liberationforothers.htm#cont) . ....................................... Islam is just another right-wing man-made religion of hatred and oppression of women and gay people. Islam is doing its all out best to rival Christianity in the realm of gay oppression and violence against gay people ALL OVER THE GLOBE. In many Muslim countries it is common for them to throw gay people off the tops of tall buildings to kill them Shocking as it might be, the most populous Muslim country is not Iraq, nor is it Saudi Arabia. it is Indonesia, and although there is sharia law in Acheh province, and yes, there are public canings to enforce sharia law, but in Jakarta, it is possible to be gay, and openly so in Indonesia. Yes, it is difficult to be transsexual, but it is also difficult in Canada and the USA. (http://jakartaglobe.beritasatu.com/news/indonesia-still-far-from-a-rainbow-nation/) The fact that LGBT issues are openly discussed is encouraging.
  2. Bottomhole I met a guy on BBRT who I had been talking to for months and thought had made friends. He introduced me to my first and only chemsex session, which was fantastic. Actually really liked him and thought he liked me. Just today I found out he was poz when he claimed to be neg(i believe he was the guy who infected me) and in addition to this he still advertises that he's negative. I feel really hurt and let down right now, I really thought he liked me and I could trust him. Anyway, for that reason my answer would be that you absolutely can't trust anyone, even if you think you know them. And while I know it's a hot fantasy for a lot of guys here, being deceived in that way really hurts. I wouldnt wish that pain on anyone. So you should probably just assume everyone is a liar. Not blaming you, because in a near-perfect world such as the one we live in, nobody makes mistakes and everyone lives on clouds, eating dew, sunshine and gum-drops!!! (snark fully employed here) If you want someone to be TOTALLY honest with you, you have to invest the time to get to know the person. If there is to be an investment in the relationship, then people are more likely to be honest, but even that isn't guaranteed. There is nothing wrong with being a slut, because we all are, or were at some point, otherwise we wouldn't be here on this site. But it sucks to be lied to. On the other coin flip, would you have fucked him raw if you know he was poz? From your reaction, I don't think you would have. If all you were expecting from this person was a dick then don't be surprised when he does act like one. If you like someone, then invest time in that person, and get to know the good, the bad and in most cases, the ugly. Then make your judgement. But - move on, you have the rest of your life to live, and that is the important thing.
  3. Additionally, I am sure that every man wants to be thought of solely as a piece of meat to stick a dick in, or just a penis.
  4. I would take this report with a commonsense approach. The people who single out one medication in the article have never taken tritherapy in their lives. It is exactly as stated: TRI-therapy. it is a series of three medicationsused daily ofr the rest of the patient's life. Many of the doctors who work on HIV/AIDS research are really knowledgeable about the meds, and know which ones work, and which don't. Part of the reason why it took so long to come up with the protocol of three medications is that researchers were depending on one medication to do the job, and when it failed, they abandoned it, and looked for the next miracle cure. Later, it was found that using two medications offered up some hope, but this approach failed as well. Triple therapy has worked so far, if taken consistently.
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