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Posts posted by barecubtop

  1. The response is pretty overwhelming that verbal tops are better...

    However, as an introverted (mostly) top myself, give us quiet ones a chance. lol

    I try to be verbal sometimes, but it can be awkward - like some of you have said, I don't want to do the "porn talk".  I always try to grunt or somehow let the guy know I'm blasting inside of him, for sure. 

    As a suggestion, if you're with a top that's sorta quiet, initiate some talk...ask him how that hole feels, etc...that sometimes "breaks the ice" enough to get me a little more vocal with someone.

    Just my two cents.

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  2. I always laugh at the ones that go something like this:

    Them: You looking?

    Me: Yes

    Them: You host?

    Me: Yes

    Them: Address?

    Mind you, at this point they don't have any stats or pics in their profiles, nor have they expressed anything about what they're into or looking for...do they really expect me to give them my address?

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  3. I live in Indianapolis and (somehow) we have two bathhouses that are still open.  Club Indy is downtown and The Works is out by the fairgrounds. 

    I went to Club Indy this week after several months without going (no particular reason other than scheduling and convenience).  Over the last couple years they've replace the hot tub with a larger dry sauna, and they rearranged the dark room to be a little more maze-like with a sling and some gloryhole booths.  When I was there this week, it was pretty dead in terms of a crowd, but I fucked one of the employees. 

    I agree with others who have said Steamworks in Chicago is pretty amazing.  I was up there in December and it was just as great as before the pandemic.  I need to get up there more often.

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  4. Went up to Chicago last Friday to meet a friend who flew in from the west coast.  We caught up, had some deep dish pizza, and went to Steamworks bathhouse for a few hours. It was technically a bear night, but of course there's always a mix of all different body types, ethnicities, etc...refreshing to see so many hot men all in one place since I hadn't been up there since before the pandemic began.

    Several guys came into my room to suck me when I had my door open.  I ended up getting one of the daddy types off before he left the room - nice load down my throat.  Another muscle daddy came in and we sucked each other - easily the biggest cock I've ever seen; people talk about "beer can" size, this guy was more like those energy drink cans that are a good 2 inches in diameter and 10-12 inches long - I could barely get my mouth around his head.  Turns out I was the first guy he played with, so neither of us got off since we wanted to hold off for others. 

    Ended up doing a lot of mutual oral, making out, etc...with a fellow cub type guy who i'm guessing was around my age.  I let him fuck and breed me right before I had to go meet my friend to leave.  He bred me, got his towel back on, and left pretty quick. 

    Surprisingly, I didn't stick my dick in any ass that whole night...it used to be that I'd fuck and breed at least 2-3 guys when I was there for a few hours.  Funny how things can change over time....but of course, I have been looking for a nice ass to unload in all weekend since.

    Hoping to get up there again soon..was nice to get back up there after so long (for both the sex and the city in general).

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  5. Been a long time since I had anything to post here...

    I've been craving some dick lately, and it's been a good week for it. 

    Last Sunday afternoon/evening, I finally got two daddy types that I've been chatting with for over a year to stop by.  First one was late afternoon...did the usual where I had him come in, drop his pants, sit in my chair, and I got on my knees in front of him.  He was a kisser too, so did some of that before I got to work.  Didn't take long before he unloaded down my throat. 

    Second guy was someone I always see online pretty late (around midnight), and I should have been in bed for work the next day, but I was still horny.  Same situation, he came over, got naked, sat in the chair, and I started sucking...he had some trouble getting hard but said I was doing a great job.  I let him finger me a little - I had been playing with a butt plug all evening - and that got him going a little.  Then, he said he wanted to jack to get himself close...so I got on the couch with my ass in the air and within 15-20 seconds he stood up and came over and shot his load all over my hole.  I told him to rub it into me and he did.

    Fast-forward to tonight (Friday)...I hit up this guy that I had chatted with last weekend, an older daddy type in a hotel.  Did the usual chatting about what we were looking for and into.  Asked him if he wanted me to come over to his hotel and he said "sure".  So I got my lube and poppers and started driving the 15 minutes to the hotel....had not heard from him during the drive, and he didn't respond when I said I was in the parking lot.  Hit him up on another app and asked if he was ghosting me, and he claimed internet was being spotty (not sure if I believe this or not)...but when I asked whether he wanted me to come up or not, he said yes.  Got up to the room, and we went at it...body contact, kissing, sucking...and he was like "Daddy wants to fuck that ass".  He lubed me up, I took a hit of poppers, and he slid in...hurt a little, since I hadn't been fucked in months...so we slowed down a bit, but then he got inside again and it felt great.  He got into a pretty intense rhythm, I told him to breed me deep, and he did.  Kissed a little more and I asked if he could get hard again and he sorta laughed...but we might get together again tomorrow before he leaves town.

    Of course, I'm still looking for more tonight....

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  6. Been a long time since I've posted here...

    I've had a long dry spell lately, other than sucking some daddy dick occasionally.  Chatted with a younger (early 20s) guy a week or two ago, but it didn't go anywhere at the time (of course).  Decided to "tap" him on the app a few days later and he messaged me back...went through the whole "what's up" back and forth but pretty much got to him saying "I want to suck your dick".  He asked me if I could host and when I told him I could but my housemate would be in another room, he said he was fine with it. 

    He actually showed up (sort of a shocker lately), and he was cute as fuck.  Got to my bedroom, made out, clothes came off, told each other how sexy we thought the other one was...I laid on the bed and he went to town sucking me, with occasional trips back up to make out some more.  At one point I flipped over on top of him, he spread his legs, and I was sort of dry humping him while we kissed.  We hadn't talked about fucking, so I didn't do any more than that...but after he got back on top of me and sucked me some more, he straddled me and (without lube, he must have either taken a load before coming over or pre-lubed before he drove over) lowered himself onto me. Damn his hole felt good.  Flipped over into doggy and we both hit the poppers a couple times before I started slamming myself hard into him for a few minutes and exploded. 

    I started heading into the bathroom to rinse off and he came in right behind me and started feeling me up again, sucking me a little, etc...while we chatted for a few minutes.  Pretty sure he would've wanted round 2 had I been up for it (and I should've).  Said he and his bf were going out of a town for a couple weeks but he wanted more when he came back.  Hope he keeps his word.

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  7. I'll echo others and say that I appreciate this post.  I skimmed most of the responses, but some things that stood out...

    * no longer being as interested in the cumdumps that already have loads in them

    * feeling like the weight I put on makes me less attractive and that's why I'm not getting any action

    * wanting more connection

    * getting older (milestone birthday today, actually) and re-evaluating what's important

    Nothing much more to add that other people haven't already said.  Good luck finding what you want/need everyone!

  8. Typically change daily, but there was a jock that wore for a few days awhile back and got it nice and musky to sniff while I was edging to porn...might do that again sometime. 

    I've never really been a commando type at all, but I suppose I'm envious that you guys don't have to buy new underwear occasionally, it can be $$ depending on the brand. 

  9. It's nice to hear that others are experiencing this too, so thanks for posting.

    I've drastically cut back on my app usage throughout the pandemic, but I've been getting back on a little more lately and I'm definitely experiencing the lack of interest as well. 

    I'm not photogenic, nor am I super attractive...but I used to be able to get plenty of play, or at least interest in play, prior to the pandemic from the apps/sites.  Someone mentioned earlier about being between "boy" and "daddy"...I am definitely there also.  My roommate/ex has a good 40-50 pounds on me, isn't very active, etc...but he has a few years on me and "looks" more like a daddy, so he gets all kinds of attention on the apps.  *sigh*

    I do well at bathhouses, but haven't returned to those yet.

  10. My medical provider switched me to Descovy this past summer.  In her opinion, there was no discussion to be had...she was planning on switching me to it whether I asked for it or not.  The first couple days I took it, I had a little bit of nausea, but since then no side effects.  The smaller pill size is nice.

    I remember reading about a possibility of weight gain on Descovy...has anyone experienced this that they can definitely attribute to Descovy?  My weight has been up and down this year because of the damn pandemic and stress eating and such...


  11. 1. I used to pay $20/month for Truvada, but with the Gilead co-pay card, I haven't paid anything in months.  Each doctor that I've seen has given me the card. 

    2. The current doctor I'm seeing switched me to Descovy a few months ago.  She mentioned that because there was a generic equivalent of Truvada available now, my insurance might force me to switch back to the generic Truvada unless there was proof that I needed to be on Descovy for liver problems.  That hasn't happened, yet...but something to look out for.

  12. As @Spunkinmyarse suggested, I would put myself in the camp that is more cautious.  I plan on holding out awhile more.  I heard this week that my company doesn't plan on asking us to return to the office until after July 4th at the earliest...if I'm not able to safely interact with my coworkers, should I really be having intimate sex with strangers?

    It's tempting, though. 

    I've talked to local guys on the apps that have already "given in" because they "were so horny..." 

    I've also talked to guys on the apps that think COVID-19 is all a big hoax and that the media is blowing it out of proportion.  I know some people put things in their profiles like "if you support <insert political party here>, don't bother messaging me"...I think a new sniff-test for me will be "how did you handle yourself during the pandemic?"

    • Like 5
  13. On 8/26/2019 at 11:51 PM, NLbear said:

    But.....if both you and your bf are on PrEP why does it matter what status your sex partners have? Why only guys on PrEP or UD? After all you protected yourselves? Just curious.

    Fair question.  My boyfriend was the one that suggested the rule.  I've since come to learn that he's been on PrEP a far shorter time than I have and he hasn't been with many (any?) undetectable guys.  It may be a comfort thing on his part.  Another way to think about it is in terms of responsibility.  (disclaimer, what I'm about to say isn't necessarily my own opinion, but it's just a thought) If someone is on PrEP, they are taking some responsibility for their health whereas someone not on PrEP or ignorant about PrEP could be construed as not showing responsibility for their health or their partners health. 

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  14. My bf and I are open and we both prefer raw fucking.  But, one of our rules is that we only go raw with guys that are either on PrEP like we are or guys that are taking meds and undetectable.  It wasn't until we made this rule that I realized how many guys in my area are NOT on PrEP....which has been somewhat disappointing.  In keeping with the rule, I've used some condoms lately with guys that were probably no risk at all but weren't on PrEP...and I haven't gotten off with any of them.  Ugh.  The condom just makes me immediately deflate.  I've had to turn down some hot ass lately because of it...because I know I won't enjoy it.  

  15. I appreciate what has been said on this thread. I started dating my boyfriend a few months ago after a hookup-turned-date.  We agreed to be open right from the start, and I believe it is the right thing for us (mostly because I know there are certain things he and I enjoy that we can’t provide for each other, so we might as well find those somewhere else).  

    I knew I wanted to try the open relationship, where the “open” part would just be sex - no romantic or emotional connections with others.  I’ve had some moments of jealousy when I found that he had hooked up with someone that I eventually talked myself down from.  My current worry...or more accurately insecurity...is that he’ll hookup with someone and click with them like when we first hooked up.  I don’t have any reason to believe he’s looking for that, and thus I feel my insecurity isn’t totally valid, but does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this kind of insecurity? (Private messages ok if you don’t want to respond here, thanks)

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  16. 12 hours ago, rawsatyr said:

    Well there is me, myself and I who might have to STEP UP and volunteer! lol

    Hit me up on BBRTS...will be easier for me to get on there from my phone while I'm traveling than to log in here.

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