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Status Updates posted by barecubtop

  1. Haven't been on for awhile...only 327 notifications to scroll through! 

  2. I'll be down in the Fort Lauderdale area June 11-14.  Unfortunately I may be with family (sister and nephew) for most of the time, and I won't have a rental car (I plan on using Uber if needed).  We're staying sort of near the airport by the convention center.  Questions for those that live there or have visited there:

    1) We don't have many plans other than my nephew's competition at the convention center on one of the days.  What are some things (touristy, child-friendly) to do around the area?  I've heard there are good boat tours/swamp tours?

    2) If I get an afternoon/evening away from family (I know I will need it), where are the nearest places to find some adult fun? 

    Thanks in advance, guys!

  3. Ugh, my year of GI issues continues, just got home from spending a few hours in the emergency room getting re-hydrated and having some scans done. 

  4. Ever get down to Indiana?

  5. Getting ready for Chicago this weekend...anyone else going to be there and looking for fun?

  6. MMM fuck you're a hot cub!

  7. Anyone else having issues with Grindr?  I'm using it on an iPhone and it is just incredibly slow to type any messages, load messages, scroll through the guys, etc...and it seems to be draining my phone's battery at an alarming rate.  Other apps are working just fine...it's just Grindr. I'm not seeing anything else online about people complaining right now...there was a recent update I think. 

  8. Were you at the bears, baths, beyond last Saturday (pride weekend)?  I think we might've chatted on bbrts before I came up that day.  Wonder if you were one of the holes I fucked that afternoon...

  9. Been away for awhile, but finally got some action during the downtime between Christmas and New Year's.  I hope all of you fuckers are doing well.  Here's to a better year ahead than the last couple!

  10. The local GrindR boys are really irritating me, to the point where I wonder if it would be better to only use GrindR when I'm out of town.  Just so much attitude and "holier than thou" shit along with being uneducated about sexual health and sex positivity.

  11. Still in the midwest? coming over to Indiana at all?

  12. Happy Thanksgiving in advance to those of you who are observing the holiday, whether it's with family (blood/adopted or chosen), friends, pets, or Netflix and your couch/bed.  ?

  13. How does one make a luge track?  It's gotta be long, and made of ice in waterslide forms.  #OlympicEngineeringQuestions

  14. Heading down to Indy today for a Christmas concert and then the bathhouse!  Hoping to get something to write a last load story about...

  15. Hey bud, have a great time in Chicago.  Doesn't look like I'll make it up tonight, but I hope you'll fill me in after or post a "last load" entry or two.

  16. In Chicago for another whore weekend.  :-)

  17. I'm back in the land of the living.  Last 2 weeks have had me out of commission with stomach and GI issues and generally just feeling "out of it" due to lack of eating and dehydration.  I can't say for sure that I got it from sex or a trip to the bathhouse, but it's certainly possible that this most recent sickness and some stomach parasites I had in the spring were from rimming and general uncleanliness of people and places.  Just throwing that out there as food for thought.  I will be having scope procedures (both from the top and from the bottom) soon to see if there's anything else going on inside me that's causing me to be more susceptible to these kinds of things.  Again, I apologize for the TMI, but these are health issues that really got me down for the count that may have been from the kinds of sexual behaviors we talk about on this site - something to think about.

  18. Just booked train and hotel for a weekend in Chicago 9/22-9/23.  Plan on going to Steamworks for the bear party on Saturday afternoon, and probably the symphony that night if I can get a student ticket.  Otherwise open to hookups and dinner/drink companions the rest of the time.  Anyone wanna join me?

  19. Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to everyone.  If you're not spending time with friends/family, I hope you're staying safe and having some great sex! :-)

  20. Has anyone read the short novel called, "In Their Arms"?  Seems like it was written by a member of this site!

  21. Anyone have any non-sexual New Year's resolutions or goals for 2018? 

    1) As a PhD student, I want/need to focus more on my research and treat it as a job (like I should've been doing all along) so I can make progress towards graduation.

    2) Like everyone else, I want to be healthier physically - which means being more aware of what I'm eating and trying to get more exercise than just walking to and from my car on campus.

    3) As much as I enjoy being on the apps and this website, I want to nurture more in-person friendships and relationships. 

    How about you?

  22. Hey, I'll be in Chicago next week (Thursday and Friday for sure, maybe Saturday also).  Let me know if you want to chat.

  23. Look who it is. LOL.  I guess I haven't asked you on BBRT whether you were on here or not. 

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