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Status Replies posted by ChaserBtm84

  1. The person who first uttered the words "bitches be crazy" spoke wisdom. Female chaser/psycho turned out to be even more fucked up than I am. Sometimes you walk away and sometimes, like last night, YOUR FUCKING RUN.

    Reminds me why I like being a queer and why I love cock.

    1. ChaserBtm84


      It's true..."bitches be crazy". Then again as a GWM I can also say there's no one more fickle than a fag...we know that to be too damn true sometimes. Sorry for your shitty time. On to better...maybe bigger...things! Sending some good vibes your way. We can all use a lil good juju now and again...

  2. Well, there goes my "record" all to hell. After a 100% conversion rate (via a point) over 8 guys, number 9 (ninth to be tested...was #7 to take my crimson scourge) has tested negative---twice. Once was a home test and kind of on the line of being too early. The second time was at clinic and well withing the "window". So much for being a "guaranteed" process. Number 10 is still too early....but within a couple more weeks, he should know as well.

    Sadly, number nine has declined my offer to try again. Perhaps he got all the thrill he wanted.......

    1. ChaserBtm84


      But you do realize that those rapid HIV tests are kinda fucked up right? They only measure the antibodies created by the virus fighting the body and despite certain statistics there are tons of people who's bodies will not produce antibodies for up to 90 days and in some cases I've heard of even 6months, a year or longer. It does happen! Just depends on the immune system of the person infected. Now if they had blood drawn and tested in a lab where they check antibodies and antigens(the actual virus in the blood) no matter how far along or how great their immune system they will test positive bc in the lab they focus on looking for the virus in the blood...not the byproducts the virus creates as your body tries to fight it off. I think you could still have a perfect record. For the above reasons I never took it personally when a rapid test said Neg. I'd always follow with a blood draw that my Dr or clinic would send to a lab. If infected, the virus (the antigens) are present and you're Poz no it's ands or buts about it. But if someone's looking to convert and only using rapid testing for their stamp of approval they may be disappointed. I've actually known Poz guys who've gone with me to do a rapid test for the kink factor of it and tested themselves and tested Neg on a rapid test...simply bc at that point their VL could be low or UD and they may not be producing enough antibodies at that point in time to show on the rapid test. The human body is an enigma...from person to person we're all so different that we have to remember the statistics we hear from the gov't regarding the testing and accuracy was all done in a controlled study under the best of circumstances. Don't get discouraged. You have a gift to share. I wish we lived closer bc you know I'd GLADLY take a slam of your strain!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Just had a good fuck from an old friend.  Always nice to feel a familiar cock.  As he started pumping, so many memories came to me.

    1. ChaserBtm84


      You lucky bitch! Sometimes I hate you...lol ? Seriously tho good for you! Keep it up!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Thanks for the follow xx

    1. ChaserBtm84


      No prob. Liked your profile and the comments I've read here and there...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Two syringes of my Eunuch Essence are now coursing through my third blood slam partner.   His last two loads of negative cum are well deposited in my ass.   Hopefully my record holds and he is converting as I type this.   I am really getting turned on by doing slams.   Perhaps it is time to start sharing my fluid more freely

  6. Been over a month since my nuts were eliminated.  Still having some temperature control issues...but pain is all gone.  Must guys have enjoyed knowing they were fucking a eunuch.  No doubt, I have not had anything close to a hard cock since then...and even with effort no cum.   I do seem to leak much more pre-cum than before.   No doubt, it is all still kind of new....but I like it....A LOT.

    1. ChaserBtm84


      I'm genuinely curious Successful, and while I've read your writings and know it's not your main concern but, do you think you'll still get erections in the future? I don't think that testicles Alone cause or don't cause hard on's but I could be wrong. Do you expect to at some point or is it different for everyone? 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Been away for a while..serving out my punishment for inappropriate posting.  But had a lot of fun...even if I could not right about it.   Got confirmation of a second conversion from a blood slam...2 for 2 in toxic blood donations.  And my brother and his husband both tested poz at year end.

  8. Sometime later today, I will take my last cock of the year.  A short time later, I will get filled with the first cum of 2017.  Lets make 2017 the most CUM and BUG filled year we can.

  9. Just starting to get horned up thinking that someone is going to top me for the first time since I was castrated.   I think it is gonna be so hot getting fucked while I still have a constant reminder from my crotch of what destruction has been completed.   I wonder who the lucky guy is who will win my transgender virginity.   

    1. ChaserBtm84


      Are you still able to get hard and have orgasms? Obviously not cum but to be honest the best orgasms of my life have been when dabbling in Tantra where you have an orgasm with no ejaculation. Plus I remember as a young boy my orgasms were a lot stronger before i started to be able to cum. Hot! I'm talking full body drive you would orgasms.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. After two and a half days, the reality of my recent castration has started to come int focus.

    1. ChaserBtm84


      So you did go through with it? Like surgically?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. To anyone who wrote or messaged me over the last week, I want you to know that I could NOT respond to you as I was 'banned' from the site with a 7 point warning.   Still uninformed about what that all means, my 'ban' has apparently been lifted, and I will be answering your messages as soon as I am able.   In the meantime, I invite you to check out my profile.  Please remember, you can write to me at  PERVDOM666@yahoo.com -- where 'freedom of speech' is still practiced.  54.png

  12. favorite ass plug is now holding in hiv-tainted jizz driven into place by great Hispanic dude.   very, very nice fuck.....but damn I want MORE CUM.

    1. ChaserBtm84


      I want some Poz Cock bad!

  13. No cock all week...but it is Friday and I have some great fucking lined up.   A fresh stash of weed and T, no plans (other than to fuck as much as possible) for three days.  YEEHAW.

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