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Everything posted by Fistcumslut

  1. sorry I 've made a mistake: instead of "All other are now futiles" I would say "All other words are now futiles" but I hope the general meaning was already comprehensible. If I was in you, @shoreboy, I will take in consideration what Arcaner wrote... Hugs...
  2. Thanks! All other are now futiles, I can only repeat what others and I have always wrote you. The story is great, human and so real, I loved it... but your stile is above the average. FFuntastic, you touched my heart passing through my anus , sorry for the FF joke .
  3. Well, this time I've waited a while before to post my comment, indeed this time I haven't found what I am usually looking for in this site; unfortunately pure SM and whipping isn't my stuff BUT, as always, @shoreboy hasn't disappointed me. This new chapter is another masterpiece, well done dude and thanks ... of course I'm waiting for more.
  4. I totally understand your point of view, we all will miss his cock but Manetti isn't just a cock... He has already demonstrate how he does sex with all his body, not really a fuck 'n go. His life is mainly made by sex & lust, love is an option, indeed a possibility but still a non necessary option and even if it will happen I suppose he will never been engaged in a 1:1 relationship. So why should he matter about his cock when he can have his beloved ones, his partners, his victims fucked by someone else or many others else?
  5. Sorry, it was my intention to write " is for someone disturbing". We now live in a Pangender, Pan ethnic and multicultural society and all those things doesn't disturb me at all.
  6. It was late night when I 've read it so I hadn't the time nor the mood for longer comments. Wow, Shoreboy always leave me wordless, nice story ... maybe the final could be a little weird but IMHO it's a valid and plausible alternative to a death sentence by Drax. I know maybe a term like mangina or vagina is disturbing even more than the devil's names, if so please consider it as another fuck hole and maybe soon another FFuck hole, name it frontal anus or whatever you like. Manetti is still a man, he think, act and cry like a man, nothing has been created, nothing has been destroyed but simply transformed.
  7. Awesome... and I 'm sure his mangina will not stay virgin for long
  8. Amazing!
  9. Probably it is... But you have style, easy to read, realistic descriptions, you take care of every detail and you was worried to gave to the story a logical event flow. It's really uncommon to find all those qualities in a single story...
  10. I think so too, usually we forgot this site is composed by four categories: authors, readers, moderators and sponsors. If all those groups are satisfied the story survive.
  11. from Greek Mythology, the disorder before the creation of the universe ?, doomed by the total absence of rules...
  12. Well, maybe probably Berlin, London, Barcelona could offer you more sex opportunities, I agree... but at the moment the continental Europe is having an average temperature around -15 C°. From yesterday up to the 11 of march, here in GC, we are having the Carnival Celebrations with temperatures always above the 20 C°.
  13. @Tallallman well I know you could now be a little pissed off, no one likes censorship, but you should agree that everything, even the Chaos, has its own rules to keep itself as it is.
  14. In any case I agree with you hotcoldgayslut, there are limits to be respected. I hope that shoreboy would be disponible to edit his story according those rules...
  15. First Amendment: freedom of speech. Those are stories and fantasies just to spend some time with a bit of adrenaline in your system, teasing your dark souls and desires... I think that should be valid in all democratic countries, don't you?
  16. drscorpio should be one of the moderators, you could ask him everything...
  17. well, even if the owner of this site has always kept it free of charge for us we don't have to forget that this is a commercial site and the sponsor's condition forced the moderators to follow some strict guidelines. It's not my intention to debate about what is or isn't permitted here but that are the facts. Shoreboy should be really pissed of but I hope to read soon his news...
  18. ... and about the animal nothing has been done but a not appropriate request by Drax... Nothing that a simple warning couldn't resolve...
  19. I really hope that Shoreboy hasn't been banned because is really a good writer. With his well described sex sessions he was near to give you the real FFeeling of the situation... Indeed the intro of the last chapter, a story in a story, has been a little too hard but IMHO it was a warning to his readers: Fisting IS dangerous no one can go from virgin to shoulder deep in a session no matter how much chem you have taken before. Fisting is a cooperative task, both have to be aware, trust each other, the two become one, one lissen your muscles, your breath, your heartbeat exploring you with his hand feeling how deep, how width and how fast he can go; the other have to relax himself, letting his muscles loose for you, letting you in, normalising his breath, trusting you... It's the heaven.
  20. Tallallman, please, let me publicly hug you, IMHO you haven't done nothing of wrong. I 'm sure you like this story as I do and it is natural that a supporter would post his contribute (and your second pic was very hot, thanks).
  21. I really would know Shoreboy, his fisting sessions descriptions are beyond the simple fantasy... few people knows that only a bottom whose know what a fist means, what a fist felts inside its own ass, its own body, the movements, the feeling... only that bottom can be a even better FF top. Into Fisting sessions experience FF versatile guys are the best partners for hours of FFun. Pity Shoreboy we are so far because, I suppose, you should be one of them...
  22. Does he remind you Chris? I thought he was eighteen and with a younger look while whole shaved.... Oh well, maybe in the "opening" and his astonished expression...
  23. Great! That's why I LOVE FF.
  24. Nothing is more pervers than normality: A lottery or an auction could be fine. A virgin hot bottom has more than one cherry to be taken: the first man, the first fuck, the first breeding, the first slm, the first double penetration, the first dildo and many many more. Everything can be auctioned, more money and more happy men, more happy men and more money....
  25. I always thought that bareback sex doesn't only means degradation or destruction. Bareback isn't a perversion but the only natural way to have sex.
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