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Everything posted by Grunt

  1. Click here to see Gruntraq's original blog post... Question via FormSpring: You write some really raunchy twisted stories. Are any of them true or based on your life? Are you a filth pig like the people in your stories? Yes I am as deviant and as twisted in my sexual appetite as these stories you read here would suggest. I would have to be wouldn’t you think? If it if comes out of my brain, it’s in there already. Writing these stories and tales is an outlet for the constant and churning storm of sexual energy in my head. If it wasn’t poured out into written words I would need Xanax to sleep at night (every night instead of just a couple times a week that is). And I would likely live at the local bath house or sex club like a troll in the darkness never getting my recommended dose of daily UV light. While living at the local dark room is not something I am putting down, I have to work and produce like a regular Joe. I got bills to pay, relationships to keep up, and a pretty active career that is in no way associated with my dirty filth pig side. If you met me on the street you would never likely guess I get down and dirty like this. Most of the people in my professional circle and even family don't have the first clue. I usually don't advertise it unless you do first and then well we might just get to talk more about it. To that end I do enjoy writing this stuff trashy as it may be to some because while the erotic stories are works of fiction there is a lot of truth in them. The truth is in my own flavor in the expression of affection, aggression, passion, love, dominance, submission, caring and violence that makes up the sexual experience between men. I love my fellow man in so many ways from the spiritual, the physical, and the visual. We are the better sex and two together makes a powerful combination. We are spiritual beings that have needs deep within us that sometimes we don't even truly understand until they are fed. There in lies the eternal search of man. Ok, sorry about getting off too deep in that direction. Do I enjoy sharing it with other people? Fuck yes. I would be lying if I said I didn’t get a thrill when people comment and email about the tales saying they got off huge or just got wet reading them. It validates in some ways my own desires and feelings, my passions when another man says, “Yeah I like that shit too”. Why that means something is because most of you reading this will agree that no matter how confident we are in our sexuality, there is always some place in us that knows we are twisted and nowhere near the mainstream of societal norms. Some more than others. Does that make it unnecessarily complex? Probably. Analyze if you wish. Are the stories true or based on true people or situations? First of all, within this blog are many true stories and written words of my daily life experiences or thoughts. They are usually titled and described as such. And when I am telling my personal word, I am honest and open. Erotic stories of fiction on the other hand are always noted as such. If you see the tag “stories” in the bottom footer, it is most likely vastly fictional in its context of events. What I will say is that most of the characters, places and situations in the erotic stories here are based on real life people, places and experiences. The locations and places in almost all cases are based on real ones past or present. The people likewise are almost always based on people I have met or known in my life. And the situations are often strung together with facets of both. Fact is I am not that good of a writer in the creative sense. I can’t make this shit up out of nothing at all. The only thing I got going for me in this hobby is the ability to re-paint a picture in your mind’s eye that I have seen before and lay a long winded story line through the middle of it. I have ZERO educational training in creative writing or communications. In fact I was a C, D, and F student in high school English. Therefore my grammar and punctuation is not at all up to industry publishing standards and yes I get many emails pointing that out. Save them….I know it already. In closing let me share that the twisted kinks depicted in many of these stories are right out of my playbook, right out of my bedroom. As I have gotten older and more traveled in man to man sex, the level of deviance has progressively gotten more wicked. At the age of 18 I would have never believed that at 40 I would crave sticking my tongue deep into the crack of a man’s hairy ass and licking him raw, getting off on his sweaty taste and his squirming cooing reactions to my advances. And then to be told I would follow that up by bull-fucking him senseless then water in the mouth to get back in there and eat my fuck juice out of him, I would have grossed out. It’s one of my favorite scenarios, a scene that comes to my brain most often when I scope a hot young tatted up guy in line at Taco Bell. That is unless I imagine him doing it to me instead. Either way I come home and write it out. More...
  2. Click here to see Gruntraq's original blog post... And erotic tale continued from JB Truck Service 7 The next day after my foray with trucker Chet in the back of his semi truck I was going about my duties at the shop, licking up the my regular servings of man seed left behind in the employee restroom. I had become pretty addicted to the rush of hitting the can 2-3 times a day to find that Ted, James and someone else had been making my job cleaning up freshly squeezed cum secure. I was really starting to feel like a little whore. My mom had told me about women to stay away from, women who fucked around with different guys every night. Stay away, she “Sleep with dogs, and you will catch fleas”, she would say. If she only knew her boy was turning into a filthy little slut that sucked cocks and fucked with men almost every day at 18. Damn I was horny. I had sucked the rough ex-con Jonny’s cock dry again this morning in his private corner of the basement oil change pit. Later in the afternoon I caught a glimpse of the haggard derelict smoking a cigarette behind the shop and went over to join him. I usually only smoked when I was partying, but wanted to be in his orbit for a few minutes. He gave me a sneering eye when I went up to him and bummed a smoke. “It’ll cost ya rookie”, he said with a sneer as he passed my his box of Camels. I lit up trying not to cough and look like an idiot. We just stood there for a couple minutes not saying anything, exchanging a look or two when he just came out and said. “You want to come to my place and party after work. I live just around the corner from here.” I looked the greasy, rough ex-con daddy over for a moment and felt a tinge of nervous taboo come over me but replied, “Sure”. He smiled and threw his cigarette on the ground, stamping it flat with his boot. “Meet me out here after work”, he said gruffly and walked off. He was rough and scary with that kind of twitch that makes you wonder if he is going to kill you or rob you. It made me that much more horny knowing I was gonna get raunchy with him. And though not a woman, still the kind of person mom told me never to trust. Closing time came and I got all my rounds done. I cleaned up another mess of warm wet juice in the employee restroom left behind just for me. Damn, I hardly needed to eat lunch anymore. I looked out back in the parking lot and saw greasy Jonny leaning against his truck and having a smoke. When I stepped out, he looked at me like a piece of meat and said, “You ready to go rookie?” I nodded and smiled back. “Follow me,” he said as he got into his ‘74 Chevy pickup and rumbled it to life. With a cloud of blue smoke he backed out and I followed him out the gate in my car. We went about a quarter mile down the road before he turned into an ratty old trailer park that sat between a shit-hole hooker motel on one side and an abandoned warehouse on the other. It was one of those small trailer parks that had been there from the 1940’s and 1950’s and hadn’t changed since then. It was densely packed with old faded metal trailers that looked like old cars in a junkyard. A jungle-like overgrowth of trees, shrubs, old appliances, and clotheslines filled the narrow gaps between the old mobile homes. The sight of a pregnant woman with a dirty baby hanging off her arm, shooing a couple of rat kids from the road as we drove through made the picture complete. He finally pulled into a narrow drive between two trailers, giving me just enough room to park behind. We got out and I followed him up to the faded metal door of his abode. The aluminum shack was about the size of a camp trailer, about 8’x30’ and looked like it was made to match a ’57 Chevy Belair. The glitz and glamour of the 1950’s was long faded though. Duct tape and cardboard covered a couple of the windows and a tattered blue tarp strung from the side made a hasty shade cover at the front door. He used a key to open a padlock and lifted it from a rusty metal bracket that was screwed to the door jamb. Twisting the knob and opening the door, he led me in. I looked around I took in the strong stench of a 50 year old trailer with rotting wood, the smell of cigarette and pot smoke, and a tinge of male musk. It was a rank shit hole. Dirty clothes, beer bottles, cigarette boxes, and various stacks of clutter littered the tight interior. Worst of all it was hot as fuck inside, having been locked up all day in the summer sun. As I stood taking all this in, Jonny made a quick round of cranking open some windows and setting a box fan up against one of them to help cool us off. “Come on back rookie”, he grunted. He motioned my to follow him down the narrow hall to the back bedroom. The filthy pig sty of a room was just large enough for a double bed. It was stacked with piles clutter and dirty clothes just giving room to crawl onto the unmade nest of dirty bedding. The sheets were white at one time but browned and yellowed with man stench. They had probably not been cleaned in a very long time. Somewhat turned on by the filth, I found a spot and pushed some pillows and clothes aside to have a seat, continuing to look around at where this rough daddy ex-con called home. “I got to take a leak”, he said and disappeared to the small bathroom. I could hear his piss hitting the water in the toilet as he let his cock drain. He then came out of the bathroom and rattled around in the kitchen area. He returned with a couple beers from the fridge and sat down next to me on the bed. “Have a beer,” he said handing me one. “Thanks”, I said as I cracked it open and took a swig. He then reached over and rubbed my thigh and grappled my package over my pants and said, “You like to get high rookie?” "Sure”, I replied as Jonny leaned over pulling a small box from the cabinet facing us and pulled a pipe. Packing a bowl and sparking it up, he took a deep long hit off it and handed it off to me. We spent the next couple of minutes smoking our heads off. As we passed the pipe and forth, he was rubbing his hardening cock through his blue coveralls. By the time we smoked down the mean green, I was completely blazed. He then stood up and said, “Take your clothes off and relax rookie”. He began pulling off his boots and then unzipping his one piece coveralls. I followed suit and got undressed, piling my shoes and clothes on a clear spot in the corner. He was ripe and grungy from a long day’s work in the pit, his hands and arms greasy and smelling of used diesel oil. The brute odor of his dirty tatted body filled the room, adding a new layer to the already pungent sweat saturated bed sheets and dirty clothes. “Get up on your hands and knees rookie. Let me see that little ass”, he said. Feeling the nervous onset that I was gonna get used by the rough daddy, I crawled up on all fours and pushed my ass out toward him. “Oh yeah, I'm gonna fuck that little faggot ass of yours good!” he grunted. Handing me a bottle of poppers he asked, “You want some Rush?”. I took the bottle and took a quick draw on it which just sent me into blaze orbit being stoned sideways already. I then grabbed a couple of the dingy pillows and wrapped my arms around them. They were ripe with his filthy smell and only turned me on more. "If mom could see me now", I though to myself. I felt his grubby hands on my butt cheeks squeezing and pulling them apart. “Oh yeah rookie, you got a sweet little cunt”, he grunted just before I felt the rough prickly hair of his mustache and face stubble in my nest and his warm wet tongue pressing into my hole. I clenched my gate in surprise as he began licking and sucking my hairy shitter. His rough bushy facial hair rubbed my tender skin like steel wool as he licked and slurped, grunting and digging. “Ohhhh, ohh that's good”, I murmured. He continued burying his tongue deep into my now itching hole. His rough hand reached under and began stroking my hanging cock while he turned my nest into a butter tart. My breaths had become shallow and fast as he had me going, my head spinning in the buzz of Humboldt green and poppers. Could it get any better? I was soon to find out. He finally stopped and took a moment to grab a couple of things. I stayed still hunkered down on my knees with my ass in the air and my face buried in his dirty pillows. When he got back on the bed, he reached around and stuffed a pair of stained up dirty briefs in my face, “Here little pig take a whiff of that while I butt fuck ya, you like that rookie”, he said with a sneering tone. “There’s even some good tire tracks on those if you’re into that”, he laughed. I then felt his rough fingers tabbing at my wet tender hole with a thick dab of Vasoline. “Hope you like good ‘ol fashioned greasing rookie”. He plugged and thrusted me a few times with the thick jelly and then I felt the weight of his body climbing onto the bed behind me. “I been thinking about buttfuckin you ever since I saw you the first day rookie”, he said as I felt his hands saddling up on my hips. “Your buddy Ted don’t come round here no more since he shacked up with James. He thinks his ass is too good for old Jonny these days”. He grunted and moaned briefly as his hands guided his dirty device up to my buttery fuck hole. I took a deep breath as he sunk his hard and hairy tool into me in one deft move. My hole stretched open so easily after is long wet tongue massage. “Uuhhhh, yeah rookie that is feels good. You ready for a good fuckin?” I grabbed the soiled underwear he gave me and buried my face into it, sniffing in the strong odor of crotch sweat, piss, and scum. “Go for it stud!” I replied as I wrapped my arms tighter around the pile of pillows below me. "Oh like to give Jonny orders huh?" he laughed. My cock throbbed as the stench from the dirty underwear filled my nose. He grabbed my hips tightly and began bitch fucking me hard and fast. He was not the largest cock I had been fucked with, but his fuck was deep and rough, making me gasp for breath and wince in pain. “Uuuhoh, easy man”, I mustered as I struggled to deal. “Son't be whining at me faggot!”, he grunted and started fucking even harder, slapping my ass so hard it was stinging, my greasy hole getting hot to the touch. “Yeah little faggot, you got a nice little ass!”, he grunted as he fucked me raw. In the middle of clenching my jaw and shutting my eyes as his cock began loosing its slippery lube, I looked up briefly to see the curtains over the open window swaying to his body slamming motions. “Uhh Uhhh Uhhh.” he grunted as he gave my back a stinging swat with his palm. “Ahhh, Uuu Uuuu, Uhhh, you a good little faggot bitch!” His violent fucking and backslapping continued for what seemed like forever. Sweat was dripping from my hair as he continued his assault on my chute. I was about to ask him if we was going to cum soon or put more Vaseline on his dick. He as getting me off but it was starting to burn. I finally could not take it anymore and said, “Dude I need more lube. It hurts” “Damn right it hurts faggot,” he grunted angrily. “You’re getting fucked in the ass faggot! You are gonna remember Jonny in the morning” He gave me another slap on the back, but finally pulled out and spit on his dick a couple of times and started back in. It was a welcome sloppiness of wet spit as his fuck stick continued shredding my shitter. He was getting tired and slowing a bit and finally started bucking like he was going to come. “Oohh, ohm yeah1”, he grunted deep and loud. I then felt warm sensation and his friction turn to a glide. He then stuck me hard some more, planting his ex-con daddy juice deep into my hole. He then pulled out and jacked off another couple of splurts out onto my asshole and smeared it around with the head of his dick. As my face remained buried in the dirty underwear and pillows I felt his hands spreading my butt cheeks apart. “Look at that nice faggot pussy all covered with cum. Damn you’re a nice little faggot”, he grunted. His hands still grasping my cheeks tightly I felt his tongue and rough facial hair once again in my nest. Like a hungry pig he licked up my cum drenched stink hole, sucking up the grime and gunk that had been smeared all over, “Hmmm, your fuck pie is so sweet”, he said as he continued to suck and slurp his fuck juice from my burning nest. I was feeling the high of getting used like a bitch. Little did I know it was not over. Suddenly a knock at the door broke the bliss and we awoke to reality. He jumped up and ran naked down the hall to the door, rubbing his mouth off with his greasy tattooed forearm. Laying there naked in the pile of filth, my asshole stretched and sloppy, I heard the door open and muted voices. The trailer rocked with the weight of another entering and the door closed. I heard Jonny talking to another man in excited but muted tones. Then I heard both of them walking back to the bedroom. To Be Continued More...
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  3. Click here to see Gruntraq's original blog post... An erotic story continued from JB Truck Service 6 A few days after I blew off Jonny in the basement my cell phone vibrated in my pocket at work. I didn’t recognize the number but picked up and answered anyway. “Hey it’s Chet, from the other day. Remember me?” It was the butch trucker that fucked my brains out in the van. “Yeah, I remember!”, I replied. “What’s up man?” I could hear the background noise of his rig rolling down the road. “Hey I'm coming through town later tonight and wanted to see if you wanted to get together again”. No need to think about it. I wanted to get with the redneck trucker again. “Sure man”, I said excitedly. “Where and when?” He said he was going to be stopping at the “Flying J” truck-stop on the west side of town for fuel and to layover for a while. “I have to get off the road for a while and rest”, he said. “I can only drive so many hours. I wouldn’t mind buying you some dinner and hanging out with you in my truck for a while”. Sounded good to me, a fuck and a meal. I agreed and we worked out the details. The truck-stop was only about 2 miles from the shop and I would head over there after work. I got out of the shop about six o’clock. James and Ted had invited me over to hang out and play, but I told them I had other plans. I was excited to see Chet again, and visualized his hairy body and remembered his strong smell. His mid ruff cowboy persona and scruffy appearance worked together in a way that so turned me on. I couldn't wait to see his butch mug contorting in pleasure as he pumped his load into me. I got to the Flying J a bit early and parked on the side of the restaurant to wait in my car. As I sat there I marveled at the steady stream of hot trucker meat that passed by in and out of the store and restaurant. About 20 minutes later my phone vibrated and I picked up. “Hey”, Chet said. “I’m here, where are ya?” I told him where I was parked and he said he would be up to see me. A couple of minutes later he walked up from the back lot where all the trucks were parked, idling in the evening air. In the dusky sunset light I could see his six foot frame bouncing along in his cowboy walk. I got out of my car and we shook hands. He looked around quickly to see if anyone was in earshot and said, “You want to come to my truck first?” I nodded affirmative and we headed off into the dusk toward the sea of trucks. We came up to his rig and he unlocked the doors with a key fob. Looking around again he said, “Get in on the passenger side”. We both stepped up and got into the cab and sat down. The engine was idling and the AC was on. It was warm night and it made it nice and cool inside. “It’s good to see you again. Thanks for coming out”. He said. “Thanks for calling, I was hoping you would”. I replied. He smiled and said, “Come on back I show you my home on wheels.” We were able to step back into what was the lap of luxury. He had a full 96” sleeper unit with a bed, a small toilet/shower room, and a mini-kitchenette. I was impressed to say the least. He gave me the quick tour and then pointed the built-in TV hanging overhead. “Want to watch a porn movie?” he asked. I smiled at the cowboy stud and said yes. He hit play and to my surprise, a Raging Stallion flick with Dred Scott, Francois Sagat and some other dudes came on. Damn! This guy had good taste. We just stood there for a minute or two as the movie started through the opening credits and star vignets. Setting the mood, we just sort of started playing with each other as we stood there and started kissing as our hands roved each other’s cocks over our pants. As our passion play took depth he reached over and pulled the cab curtain shut and started undoing my pants. To my surprise, he dug into my meat and started getting his hands all over it. As I struggled to kiss and keep up, he knelt to the floor and started mouthing my cock. I was not expecting him to take this direction, but it was welcome. He started licking and sucking my meat passionately and intensely so much that I fell back on the bed. He was into it and knew what he was doing. He pulled my shoes off, then my pants the rest of the way off as he remained focused on my fuck stick, going back and forth from sucking on my balls to licking my shaft. I wasn't expecting this. He stood up and hastily pulled off his wife beater, throwing it too the floor. He then unbuttoned his 501’s and let his meat spring into the air. I leaned forward and took his sweaty ripe cock into my mouth and reciprocated as he moaned and thrust it at my face. He briefly pulled away and finished shucking his boots and got his pants off. We snugged together on his small bed, kissing roughly in his mess of musky smelling blankets. I could smell his body odor in the linens as our arms wrapped around each other, our bodies rubbing back and forth in a clumsy heated way. Getting wet at the tips, he whispered in my ear and said, “Wanna fuck me this time?” I didn’t need an invitation from this butch stud. I was a good bottom man, but I can top too. I couldn't wait to fuck this cbutch trucker for all he was worth, make him squeal and grunt. “You got some lube?” I asked. He reached in the corner of the bed mattress and pulled a tube of slick stuff out from under a pillow and handed it to me. Laying on his back, he pulled his legs up over his chest, showing me his hairy fuck hole. I squirted some lube on my hands and slicked up my cock. I squirted some more on my hands and finger fucked his stinky tight little pucker. Smelling his ripe body odor in air I probed his warm velvety hole for a minute or two, massaging him slick and soft. His head rocked back and his jaw dropped open. His square whiskery face looked so hot as he let out a quiet moan of pleasure. “Yeah, fuck my hole bud”. I pushed in between his legs and began sliding my 7” meat into the man. Not getting much resistance, I slid in all the way and pulled back, slid in slowly again. He rolled his head around and shut his eyes some while moaning softly, “Ohh fuck, yeah. Come on, fuck me”. Bracing myself, I got to thrusting on him pretty good. It was so hot watching his beautiful face crooning and cooing as I slammed him. I never lasted long on top so I was savoring it. Arching his back, he wrapped his legs around my ass and pulled me in tighter. “Oh, fuck me! Yeah, harder”. His hole squeezed tight around my sliding dick, feeling warm and heavenly. Looking into me with an expression of lust he reached up and pulled me to him face to face as I fucked him. He looked me in the eye and grunted in my face, his fast shallow breaths mixing with mine. We kissed wet and sloppy as I increased my rhythm, getting ready to cum. “Yeah, yeah, gonna blow!” I warned. He tightened his grip around my ass with his thick hairy calves, pulling me in tighter. Sinking into him like a bean bag chair I repeatedly squirted the butch trucker stud's fuck chute with my boy juice. I then fell on his chest and we laid there and kissed for a while as my dick shrunk and eventually slid from his sloppy shit hole. After that I proceeded to suck his massive hairy cock till he fed me with his warm seed. We spent the next half hour laying together in the sleeper watching what was left of the Raging Stallion flick, passively cuddling and kissing. We were in a strange trance of comfortable silence together. Sharing a passion that was above just sucking and fucking, something that was quiet, tender and vulnerable. We finally got dressed and went into the restaurant to have dinner. We talked a lot about ourselves and got a good friendship started. He was married as it turned out, but in the middle of getting a divorce. Being on the road all the time had taken its toll. Moreover he had taking a liking to sex with men in the past year or so on the road. He was 37, technically old enough to be my father but much younger than his age in looks. While there was a great divide, we found common ground. We hit the truck and he took me down this time, hammering my hole with his massive meat once more. As we laid together naked in his idling bed he said, “I’ll be back next week. Can I call you?”, I kissed him and said, “You better”. More...
  4. LOL LOL ROFL LOL LOL! That made my day. Thanks for that !
  5. This TRUE, especially if you plan to get sexual or lifestyle explicit ink. The world can change, your way of making a living might need to change. You dont want to be applying for a job as a bank teller with a leatherman getting violently buttfucked by a Sarah Palin beast figure on your forearm. Though that sounds kind of sexy. I've seen guys get tats on their face. While that looks kind of cool, they better hope they have an income and job locked in for life.
  6. Click here to see Gruntraq's original blog post... An erotic tale continued From JB Truck Service 5 A few days after I had my raunchy lunch time hookup with trucker Chet I was well into my day of running back and forth from the parts counter, jerking my meat, and trying to scam my next sexcapade. I had gone over to James and Ted’s place a couple of times after work for some hot three-way play, but something about the sneaky and sporadic sex in and around the shop was just a much bigger turn-on. My 18-year old body was responding to all this sexual energy by wanting more. It was all I thought about morning, noon and night. Sex. Sex. Sex. About mid-afternoon James handed me a part number on a piece of paper for a big O-ring seal. “Go fetch this and take to it Jonny in the oil bay. He needs it now”. Jonny was a grease monkey, a rough older guy that looked in his late 40’s or early 50’s. He looked haggard and rough like he had done a lot of drugs and drinking in his life, someone who could still kick your ass despite his age. Jonny didn’t talk much and when he wasn’t in the basement pit changing oil under the trucks, he was out behind the shop chain smoking. He had some long faded tats that you could see creeping out from his blue overalls of spider webs and whatnot - that stuff from the ‘70s. His face was pockmarked and rough and he always had a couple days of dark stubble with a big overgrown untrimmed mustache that screamed Charles Manson. James had told me he did time some time in prison back in the day and pretty much kept to himself. “Just leave him alone, he does not play well with others”, I had been told. So I found the O-ring seal and went out to the shop to take it down to him. We had a large basement pit area under the oil bay. There was a narrow steel stairway in the back corner of the shop down to the pit where Jonny worked. There was only a small opening in the roof under the area where the truck’s engine was, a work area where the oil was drained and sent into storage barrels off to the side. The basement space was pretty good sized however as there were rows and aisles of steel racks upon which various filters, gaskets and other relevant parts were stored. It was a dark dank place that smelled of used oil and had been off my daily cleaning rounds - forever shrouded in mystery. I stepped down the steep ladder stairs and made my way through the dark labyrinth of steel shelving of the pit to where Jonny was. The basement well smelled strong of used oil and petroleum and had a heaviness in the air. I had to be careful not to bump my head on the low hanging steel beams that supported the concrete floor overhead. When I got to Jonny, I handed him the plastic package that contained the O-ring saying, “James said you needed this“. He looked at me and the part with a disinterested sneer, grabbing it from me with his black grubby hands. Tossing it to the steel table to his side grabbed a can of Copenhagen from his pocket and cracked it open. The sour and pungent odor of the chewing tobacco filled the air as he pinched a healthy wad and placed it in his mouth. Handing it toward me he said, “You chew?”. I just nodded negative, “No. Thanks though”. He just sneered at me again and gave me a look like some worthless little pussy boy as he adjusted the tobacco in his lower lip with his tongue. As I started to turn and leave he said, “I heard you’re a good cocksucker”. A jilt of threat and embarrassment fell across me for a split second. “Boy this gets around the shop“, I thought to myself. Before I responded he grabbed his dick through his blue overalls and squeezed it. “You want to suck mine rookie? Or are you too good for an old fucker like me?” I was on the spot and just stood there in a brief freeze. I was actually scared to tell him no. His body language and his facial expression intimidated me. I didn't know how to get out of this. “Come on, we can do it right down here real quick. Wont take too long”. I looked down at his greasy hands grappling at his package and felt mine grow a tinge. “Sure”, I responded. He then said, “Come on over here then.” He passed by me and motioned for me to follow him down a narrow aisle between two steel racks into a dark recess of the storage basement where nobody could see or hear us. “This is good, if anyone comes down here we can hear them coming ”, he said and tucked his chew in his lower lip again with his tongue. “This is my little private place”. He then grabbed a roll of paper towels from the shelf next to him and used it to wipe the black oil and dirt from his hands. Tossing the blackened paper towel into a small waste basket he said, “The other guys like to jack off upstairs in the restroom", he said watching me for a response. "I hang out down here. Nobody every fucks with me down here.” He spit some Copenhagen on the floor and rubbed his cock some more. “Your little buddy Ted likes to come down here and suck my dick too. Let’s see who is the best cocksucker rookie.” Pulling down the zipper than ran from his neck to his crotch, he slowly exposed the thick grey and black tuft of hair that covered his heavily tattooed chest. Skulls, demons, chains, barbed wire and webs covered almost every square inch of his upper body. As he unzipped all the way down, he slipped the overalls off his broad shoulders and let them fall to the floor around his knees. Dressed commando, his semi-hard sweaty cock sprung out of captivity and swung low and heavy like a tree branch in the wind. His arms covered from wrist to chest with tats reached down, his hands grasped his meat and jacked it a couple of times as it inflated with blood. I knelt to the cold concrete floor and assumed the position in front of this rough old fucker and began to mouth his growing meat. His cock was about 6-7“ in size and covered with spindly dark and grey hairs. Having handled it a lot with greasy hands, he tasted of sweat, piss and motor oil as I began to run my tongue around his mushroom tip and lunge onto his shaft. “That’s it rookie, suck my cock. Suck my cock!” he grunted as his rough blackened hands clasped my skull and guided himself deeper into my mouth. As I worked him for a few minutes I began tasting the sweet sticky ooze of pre-cum in my mouth. Turning me on and increasing my desire I started sucking him faster and more aggressively. “Oh, yeah rookie.Come on and suck that cock!” he grunted as he started pumping my face with his hips. He then grabbed a bottle of poppers from the shelf and inhaled as I worked his stinky meat. “Ooohh, yeah rookie you are a good cocksucker!”, he moaned. He then offered me a quick hit of the magic bottle. Stopping and inhaling the evil stuff for the first time I almost fell on my ass. My head got all warm and I swam in the rush. "Get back on my cock rookie", he said. After a couple of minutes, he pulled his cock from my mouth and started jacking it off. Taking another hit of poppers, he grabbed my jaw with one hand and jacked his cock with the other, aiming it at my gaping mouth. “Oh, yeah rookie I’m gonna cum on your face!”, he grunted with a sneer. “Here I come!”. In an instant he began shooting his hot boiling cream into my mouth and across my face. Four pumps of sweet warm rope later I took his sloppy wet dick into my mouth and sucked the last drops of seed from his wide piss slit. He then pulled out again and wiped my face with the tip of his meat, slowly herding the stray jizz from my face and chin back into my mouth. “Yeah, come on rookie you gonna lick up all Jonny’s load and swallow it up.” As his cock shrunk I continued to suck him dry and lick up the last bits of his juice he put in my mouth. “Good job rookie. You can come down here and see me whenver you want.” I stood up and wiped my mouth with my forearm and mustered, “That’s cool”. He put his sloppy dick back into his blue overalls and zipped them up. Putting a cigarette in his mouth he said, “Next time I’d like to fuck that tight little ass of yours rookie. You up for that?” Feeling much better about the guy now that I had swallowed his seed. I just smiled and said, “Sure. Anytime.” Funny how that works huh? He let out a sneering laugh and said, “Good! Well you better get back upstairs before they think you’re off sucking cock somewhere rookie. I gotta go have a smoke”. I made my way back out of the dark back recesses of the basement with my mouth tasting like dick and headed for the employee restroom. I had to blow a load off so fucking bad!. To Be Continued More...
  7. I have a couple small ones. I think whatever you get should be something that has meaning to you and you know what it means. Once you get past that hurdle then where it goes, how big and ornate is secondary. As to what tats on different men look like, that's tough to me. Sometimes full wraps look good on some dudes, not on others. Little detail stuff like stars or a biohazard logo in the right place can be sexy. Tribal designs are always hot, but kinda getting out of style (IMO) And that has to be considered too. You see a lot of guys who get all kinds of ink that looks exactly like everyone elses, picked it off the wall at the tat studio. If you like it that's cool but it is YOUR body. Be original. Ultimately your body type can change, you never know. But your tats usually cant. In my lifetime I have been 175 to 250 and back to 180 and up to 210 and back down to 175. You never know. Luckily I got small spot tats that dont depend on my body size to make them work or not. If you can find a really good artist who has done some work you liked, sometimes their advice on this specific area is good too.
  8. Glad I am getting some real answers. Talked to my buds who have them too and they said pretty much the same thing. Fun to have and play with....but sometimes in the way....which is why they remove when they fuck. What I really want to wear is a PA Wand which uses the same holes as a PA. There are a couple places that custom make them. I want to get a nice thick one that fills up and stretches my piss hole, like 8-10mm in diameter. I sound pretty regularly with that and larger and love the feeling of thick metal in my dick. WoOf!
  9. Click here to see Gruntraq's original blog post... An erotic story continued from JB Truck Service 4 As it turned out, the employee restroom at JB Truck Service wasn't the only place good for the occasional pig down on man seed. There was the occasional clean up in the customer’s toilet room. Truckers are some of the horniest animals there are. These men spend their days cooped up in their trucks, sometimes spending days, weeks and even months away from home. Whether gay straight these guys get so fucking worked up sexually sometimes they don’t care who or what gets them off, so long as they get off. Add that to the fact that most of these guys are modern day cowboys in form, masculine, tough, sexy, and gruff. FUCK DUDE you have supercharged tension. About mid-morning a case of paper towels came in for our bathroom dispensers. We'd ran out and had to stock the rooms with a few rolls of brawny the last few days. After unpacking it I took some bundles to the customer restroom to store under the sink. As I strolled through the customer lounge I caught eyes with a trucker who had come in this morning and has his truck in the shop. He was mid to late 30’s and was reading one of the Penthouse mags as Fox News blared on the TV. He was medium brown haired with a tightly whiskery face of rough scruff, slim but well stacked in the arms. He had a red baseball cap on, a flannel button up shirt hanging open over a white wife beater, faded 501’s and black leather work boots. He was relaxed and somewhat entranced as I we caught eyes. He had been focused on the Penthouse and seemed to be in the zone. I smiled at him as I passed and he gave a nod back. I packed the cabinet in the restroom and refilled the empty paper towel dispenser and came back out. He was still buried in the Penthouse mag looking at pussy but looked up at me smiled briefly. I motioned the magazine, gave him a laugh and said, “I just stocked up the bathroom with fresh paper towels if that helps”. He got a shit eating grin on his face and laughed. “Thanks bud”. Because we had windows everywhere I was able to keep my eye on him from the parts counter. James elbowed me and said, “Hot one huh?” I agreed indeed. Shortly thereafter I saw the guy getting up and heading for the restroom with the magazine in hand. About 5 minutes after he came back out and sat down again, watching the news. I waited for a few minutes and finally decided to go helicopter in there again and see if I could check him out some more, check the restroom. I grabbed the mop and bucket and rolled it by him. He had picked up another fuck mag and was deep into it as I passed. He saw me and smiled again. “You’re not doing that just cause of me are ya?” he said kiddingly. “I don’t know, do I need to?” He just smiled and went back to his mag. I went into the restroom and looked around for any sign the hot trucker blew his wad. Not immediately finding any evidence, I gave the floor a quick mop. Then I decided to check the waste basket and there it was. A tan paper towel wadded up in the bottom of the otherwise empty trash can. Upon further inspection I saw part of it was soggy and wet, the contents soaking through and making parts of it dark in color. I pulled the sticky wet ball of paper from the trash and opened it up to find a heaping helping of thick, sticky white. I smelled it first and it gave off a hint of brute male odor. Unwrapping it more into a bowl shape I buried my tongue into the fresh warm juice and lapped every bit of it up. There was so much of it. As I licked and slurped the paper towel clean my own cock was tenting my pants. It was so hot. He tasted so good. When it was spent and devoid of any remnants of seed I tossed it back. Washing my hands I quickly finished up existed the restroom to get back to work. As I passed by my trucker he looked up again and said, “All cleaned up?”. I smiled and almost giggled while trying to scan the stud up and down. “All cleaned up”, I replied. “See I didn’t make a mess at all”, he said wryly back. “You were better than most”, I said.He laughed and said, “Some guys!”. A little while later at lunchtime, I got elected to run and get lunch for everyone. After getting the list I stopped in on my trucker stud to see if he wanted anything from Sal's Greasy Burger. When I told him I was making a food run he got friendly. “Do you mind if I ride along bud?” he asked. “I am bored stiff sitting here”. Right on, this was going well. “Sure, come on”, I replied and he stood up and stretched his body and yawned. Pulling his cap off he ran his hands through his short brown hair and then put it back on. We walked out to the parking lot and got into the dirty old Ford Econoline and headed out of the parking lot. He looked around the van and scoped out the dark rear recesses behind us and said cryptically, “So this old bucket of bolts still runs huh”? Nodding I said, “Only because it is owned by a truck repair shop”. As we drove he asked, “So you know where I can get laid around here today?” Not bashful at all he continued, “I been on the road for a week and I need to get some fuck. There any crack whores around here?" Laughing I said, "Yeah but you don't want that dirty shit". He just shook his head and replied, "Man I don’t care at this point. I'll git with anything that moves.” Getting brave I said, “You care if it’s a man or woman?” He looked at me with his wheels turning for a second or two before shyly replying, “No”. “I’d be glad to help you out”. I offered. He got excited and said, “Fuck yea! Sure! When?” My heart was aflutter and my adrenaline pumped as I realized I was getting lucky again. “Right here”, I said as I pulled off onto a side street between a warehouse and a storage yard and parked next to the curb. Shutting off the van, I stepped between the seats and to the back of the van. “Come on”, I said, “come on back “. He excitedly unbuckled his seatbelt and hastily ripped his 501’s open as he made his way back to where I had knelt on the carpet. He pulled his pants and underwear down to his knees and knelt on the carpet. “Right on. You don’t know how cool this is”, he said. I got down to where I could see and smell his trucker dick and got into his zone. He was well hung and hairy as can be. He jacked his cock a couple of times and it sprang to attention immediately to a healthy 8” in length. I had already tasted his cum and knew I wanted more. Now it was time to savor in the taste of his ripe trucker meat, sweat, grunge and piss. Hmmm, here goes. He raised his hands to the tin roof of the van and braced himself as he thrusted his groin forward toward my face. The raw brute smell of this stud who probably hadn’t showered in days hit me like a steamroller. I started by wrapping my hand around his thickly haired shaft and ran my tongue around on his head a few times. “Oh yeah that’s it” he moaned as I slithered my tongue roughly on his piss slit and suckled on the loose skin just below the front of his head. He gyrated in pleasure as I spit on his cock and slurped my wet mouth over it like a popsicle. Soon I took his long shaft into my mouth and buried my face in his stinky bush, his hairy balls dangling on my chin. “Ahhh, fuck man that feels so good”, he muttered. James and Ted had taught me how to deep throat over the weekend, mind over mattering and forcing a cock into the back of my throat. A couple of days of tonsil tickling practice had enabled me to take this mother trucker all the way in. He was pleased. “Oh yeah, suck my cock”, he groaned as his hips moved back and forth at my face. I worked him until his cock had lost much of its salty brute flavor. I knew he had just cum an hour or so earlier, so he was not ready to blow just yet. I pulled off and jacked him off for a few seconds and offered, “You want to fuck me?” He got a look of hunger and said, “Fuck yea.” Smiling at him I crawled over to the glove box and grabbed the lube as he pulled his boots and jeans off. Getting back to the dark sex chamber that was the back of the van I handed him the lube and proceeded to pull of my shoes and pants. “Lay on your back,” he said as he lubed up his hairy 8" shaft. I grabbed a folded furniture pad from the corner and laid it under me as I laid on my back. He was moving in on my ass with businesslike speed. Grabbing by legs and placing them against the front of his shoulders he saddled up to my nest and began probing my newly stretched hole his greasy rough finders. They felt like sandpaper rubbing my pucker and gruffly poking in and out. “You ready?” he asked. “Im ready”, I replied and leaned my head back onto the dirty carpet. He grunted and groaned as he sunk his 8” tool into my fuck hole. Deft and without romance, he buried himself deep and started fucking me like a bitch straight away. It was a shock at first but did not deter me from letting him dig in hard and fast. I had come to crave it, hunger for it, and want it. Pleasure spiked with pain was the mantra. I let out a couple of deep grunts and gritted my teeth as his first rough thrusts pushed me over the edge of the roller coaster. Within a few seconds I was cooing. “Oh yeah man, show me what a trucker stud can do. Come on fuck me like you mean it!”, I encouraged. Ted and James had introduced me to the spice of dirty talk when getting and giving, that it really added to the experience. Encouraging your top, challenging him made him feel more involved, more like you want him. It worked. He began racing like a horse, showing me how powerful he could be, putting more of his hard hairy cock into me, faster and harder to the point I could feel the van rocking back and forth, the transmission clicking back and forth against the park pin. He was silent with his eyes closed, bucking and sweating. “Come on, tear it up! Harder! Come on!” I grunted. He was fucking me rough and sloppy, popping out and dead-panning on my taint occasionally. It hurt but I kept on message, taking it like a man. “Come, on yeah! Harder!” I begged the raging trucker stud. I felt his sweat rolling off him and flying through the air like rain in the wind. “Oh yeah, man come on”, I howled as my asshole was getting reamed and man stink filled the van. “Uhhhhhhhh!”, he grunted. “Uhhhhhhhh! Yeah!” I squeezed his cock with my ass ring with what strength I had left as I said, “Fuckin cum in me stud! Blow it in me hard fucker!” I ordered with a scowl. He grabbed my sweaty calves with his rough hands and jack hammered me a couple deep hard times and flooded my hole with slippery warm seed. He kept going for another minute, slowing down and catching his breath as we cooled down together. “Oh man, that felt so good”, he said as if he had just won the lottery. I laid there looking at the hairy trucker and jacked off a few quick times and blew my load across my chest. “Man I sure needed that”, he said as he fell back on his ass against the metal van wall. “You been working there long?” he asked. “No just started a couple weeks ago”, I said. He wiped his thick brow and said, “Fuck man I am going to have to break my truck more often around here. You are a miracle to behold”. I just smiled and said, “Thanks for the compliment. But you don’t have to break your truck. I’ll give you my cell number. I would'nt mind checking out the inside of your truck once in a while.” His eyes went wide and he said, “Right on bro. By the way my name is Chet” Within a minute or two we were dressed back up and heading toward Greasy Burger. My little lunch run had already been nearly 20 minutes and the hungry men were waiting back at the shop. To Be Continued More...
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  10. I got my hole torn open hard and rough without a condom. He came in me and I even bled some.
  11. Click here to see Gruntraq's original blog post... An erotic story continued from JB Truck Service Part 3 I had found a new set of fuck buds in James and Ted be sure. They lived the dream together and invited me over for what started out as a night of three-way fuck and suck. Being their 18-year old pup, they showed me a few new wicked tricks and punched my hole out a bit. I did some punching myself too. By weekend’s end we were tight and I hand a standing invitation to hang out at their place anytime I wanted. They let me in on the fact there were a couple of other guys at the shop that liked getting in on with dudes and a couple of them were straight married guys who were happy to get a blowjob too. The next couple of weeks at work were like walking on clouds. I suddenly found cum spatter in the employee bathroom needed to be cleaned up several times a day now. It seems like every time I went in there, some horny fucker had jizzed all over the place. I just had to lick it up like a dog. Ted and James were making a healthy game of it, assuring that my job was never done - whispering in my ear periodically saying they were off to make another deposit in the “sperm bank“. I even left some of my thick white cum dripping on the wall or sink and came back to find it had disappeared. There were a couple of the other guys who were spanking in the “sperm bank“ as well, I just hadn‘t nailed down who they were yet. The restroom was taking on a new smell. This one day Ted had been working hard nose to the grindstone on a Peterbuilt all morning. Finally tilting the hood back down he climbed up into the rig and fired it up. Filling the shop with a cloud of acrid black diesel smoke, the truck came to a steady idle before the Italian stud slowly backed it out of the bay. He saw me watching him and after he had the truck out in the parking lot he motioned me over. When I approached the door of the diesel rig he shouted over the din of the engine, "I'm taking it for a test drive! Wanna come along?" After I made my way around and climbed up into the cab he slowly maneuvered out onto the street. The truck was a nice newer model with leather chairs, nicely trimmed dash. I looked around behind me to see a double sleeper with an unmade bed. It was a pile of rumpled sheets and blankets, the middle stained yellow with sweat. Spotting a black plastic trash bag overflowing with dirty clothes sitting on the floor I got up from the captain's chair and stepped back to check it out. As Ted motored down the street my filthy instincts got the better of me, pilfering through the anonymous trucker's laundry bag looking for something dirty. Wasn't long I found a pair of his soiled white underwear and put it up to my nose. Finding the ripe spot I sniffed deeply, the pungent odor of sweat and piss flowed through my nose and causing my dick to stir. I sat back on the trucker's bed with his musky whites pressed to my face and rubbed my tightening package. Getting harder and hotter, I unbuttoned my Levis, peeled them down a little and began pulling on my cock. Ted turned around and watched a few times as he drove before he pulled safely to the roadside and pulled the parking brake on the dash, making a loud "Psssh" sound. "You twisted little fucker you!" he teased as he twirled around from the driver's chair and stepped back into the sleeper cab. "Smell it", I said handing the stained dirty underwear to him. The Italian stud took a deep whiff of them as I laid back in the trucker's filthy bed sheets pumping my rock hard cock. As the diesel rig idled and vibrated Ted pulled the zipper of his blue mechanic's coveralls from his neck all the way down to his groin. As it peeled open, the dark hair of his exposed chest popped out like a field of wheat. Getting it all the way open he pulled his fat uncut cock from the sweaty confines of the overalls and swung it in my face. I grabbed his thickening cock and began tugging it while he took a deep whiff of the trucker's ripe briefs. Like a drug taking effect, his dick stiffened with each inhale of the man's brute odor. Finally I went down on the Italian's own sweaty meat, taking in his strong salty flavor. He guided my skull down onto him with his grease stained hand while he pressed the trucker's underwear hard to his nose with the other. Ted's dick tasted so good as I tongued his folds of foreskin and bobbed on his fat knob. Now laying on my side in the trucker's dirty pile of blankets I was jacking my cock while I slurped and sucked on Ted's hairy cock. Our bodies now getting a moist tack in the summer heat inside the cab of the truck, we were getting our balls to a boil quick. The Italian grabbed his wet meat from my mouth and stood back from me. Squeezing his greasy mechanic's hand around it, he then began jacking off violently. His hand a blur and making a loud slapping beating sound he began grunting and moaning, "Uhh yeah. Fuck yeah. Oh fuck". Suddenly a thick tall column of white erupted from his 7.5" tool and hit the low padded ceiling and wall. Then a second long rope squirt shot out and flew through the air before splattering on the wall and floor of the sleeper cab. As his load became a dribbling river of seed from the head of his tap I leaned back over and took his sloppy tool in my mouth and began eating up his remaining flow of sweet warm seed. The tangy salty prize danced on my tongue as I continued to pump my own nut. Ted pulled his dick from my mouth and told me to stand up. We kissed and shared his cum in our mouths for a moment while his rough greasy hands tugged my cock in the shadows as traffic rolled by next to the idling Peterbuilt. "You ready yet?" he asked. "Almost, " I replied. "Blow it on his bed", he said with a instigative laugh. We both burst out laughing in silly twistedness. I turned around and began jacking my cock hard and furious toward the trucker's dirty rumbled pile of bedding while Ted pushed his spent meet between my cheeks and wrapped his hairy arms around me. Nuzzlng and kissing my neck from behind while gently twisting my tits he whispered in my ear, "Cum on his sheets bro! Go on, blow in his sheets. He'l be sleeping on your cum tonight and won't even know it". That was all it took to get me off. I blasted a splash of creamy white onto the man's sweat stained sheets, and then another long spray until puddles of my pup cum made dark wet circles in the material. It was so hot. The Italian turned me around and knelt to the floor diving into my cock with his mouth, lapping up the remaining flows of my cum. All the while, both of us were giggling like criminals. He quickly cleaned me up then stood up. Ted then grabbed the trucker's soiled underwear that started it all and used it to wipe up his cum off the ceiling, wall and floor. Making a scene of it, he then wiped his Italian dick off with them the man's brief and then handed them to me telling to wipe my dick off with them too. He packed his uncut snake back in his blue coveralls and zipped them up before heading back to the driver's chair. Releasing the parking brake, he put the truck in gear and we began rolling again. I pulled up my jeans and buttoned them up and stuffed the trucker's cum filled underwear back into his bag of dirty laundry. Taking a quick look around, I folded his blanket over the puddles of cum now in the middle of his sheets and giggled again. That was wicked sick. When we arrived back at the shop from the test drive Ted parked the rig out in the gravel lot next to our building and shut it down. When we got back in the shop this big daddy bear trucker with cowboy boots says to Ted in a deep southern drawl, "Got her runnin good now?" Ted just smiled and said, "Yep, purring like a kitten." To Be Continued More...
  12. Click here to see Gruntraq's original blog post... An erotic story continued from JB Truck Service 2 At 18 years old, having just been caught in the act of licking up spent cum from the bathroom wall at work and subsequently having my bosses dick fucking my mouth, I was spun like a top. As I drove away my mind was reeling and worrying about the consequences. There was still coarse blond hairs from James’ cock in my mouth as was the taste of his bitter salty man seed. Was I excited or scared to death? Somewhere in between I think. On the way home I stopped and got an ice cold drink to wash it down and called my old fuck-buddy Robert to tell him all about my day. He and I had spent most our high school years butt-fucking and sucking each others cocks whenever we could. I couldn't wait to tell what had happened. He had moved off to Texas to live with his dad and start college already and our only outlet had been talking dirty on the phone. After a tell all and a hearty hoorah I pulled into the driveway at my parents house where I lived. The next day I got to work a little early hoping to talk to my boss James before everyone else got there. I was excited about what we had done yesterday but wanted reassurance things would still be cool at work. When I got there, only a couple of mechanics were in the shop and James was in his office doing stuff. He lit up when I entered and said, “Morning Cowboy. You’re here a little early aren’t ya?” Acknowledging, I sat down in front of him and said, “Yeah I just wanted to talk about what happened yesterday and make sure everything was cool”. James smiled and then gave me a perplexed look. Not caring about the fact the door was open he said, “Why wouldn’t we be cool? We’re pals. And you really got me off. Aint nothing wrong with that”. I looked around behind me to see if anyone had overheard him and then back. “Well, I just wasn’t sure cuz we were at work and all”, I replied. “Look, you do a good job and you aint gonna get in trouble with me for being a cocksucker. Not in this lifetime!” he said with a wry smile. He continued. “In fact I wouldn't mind us doing it again. I mean, you don’t have to do it you know. But some of us here like to fool around once in a while with each other during the day. It really helps make the job more interesting some times.” Shocked again, I digested what he said and replied. “You and the other guys?” James just smiled and winked as he said, “Man you are gonna realize real soon that you aren’t alone in what gets you off. Now go get to work and we can talk later”. We opened the shop and soon the truckers were in and out with their rigs, hanging out in the lounge, customers coming for parts, and the crew of mechanics were hard at work. The sound of impact wrenches and diesel engines filled the background as my mind was all over the men making the noise. I saw Ted coming and going about his business as well as a few others I had come to like checking out. There were some damn good looking men working in the shop. Tat my mind was so sexually charged at work was a crime. Fuck. I hit the restrooms a couple of times through the day looking to get lucky but nothing came out of it - pardon the pun. James and I handled customers pretty heavy so we didn’t have a lot of down time to chat and BS. We exchanged looks and shit eating grins occasionally and he began grabbing his crotch under the parts counter and giving me snide winks. It was getting to be fun and erotic, something I could get used to. Ted finally stopped in by the parts counter and we did a friendly fist pop. He and James did the same. He asked James about some parts he needed for the rig he was working on and I got pulled away to help a customer. When I came back they were finishing up their conversation. James dove into some parts catalogs and Ted announced, “Well I gotta go empty the piss from my dick”. While he said it he gave me a dirty smile and a wink while doing the masturbating hand gesture, and then walked off down the hall to the employee restroom. While he was in there James called me over and said, “Hey I need you to go over to Valley Caterpillar with Ted and help him get some parts he needs. I want you to go along so Ted can introduce you to the guys over there and so you know where the place is.” I was instantly anxious about taking off with Ted out of the shop for a while. As I paced briefly awating Ted to finish up in the restroom James motioned me over again and whispered quietly, “I need you guys to get out of here and get right back, so don't take all day”. By then Ted made his way up to the front and we headed out the door. Ted was a bounding stud. Not huge and stocky, he was almost petite but had a dark Italian complexion and a greaser persona. He tossed me the keys to the old Econoline van we used for parts deliveries as he loaded up the old parts he needed to replace. The van was old and shitty, rusty and looking like the one you see down by the river with a meth lab in it. It was pretty much empty in the beck except a dark and dirty old shag rug that looked like something from the 1970’s. We had a newer Ranger pickup, but for whatever reason he wanted to take the van. We started the thing up and headed down the road. Ted gave me directions as I had never been to where we were headed. “So you got a girlfreind?” Ted asked. “Me?”, I replied. “No, I don’t right now. I’m headed to college in September so what’s the point I guess”. Lame answer. I knew it and so did he. Ted just gave me a cryptic look and nodded as we drove down the boulevard of hookers, crack heads and warehouses. “How bout you? You got a girlfriend?” I asked him. “Fuck no. I don’t like women. They bitch too much and they don’t like to swallow”, he responded with authority. “Really?”, I replied. “So what are you gay?” I asked. “Gay as a seven dollar bill!”, he said proudly. I didn’t respond right away and he interrupted my silence, “Turn right here, this is the place”. When I pulled into the parking space Ted sitting in the passenger seat turned to me with a shit-eating grin and challenged, “What about you bro? I hear you like licking up cum off the bathroom wall sucking hairy cocks.” Put on the spot and embarrassed I said, “Guilty as charged”. Ted smiled, “Right on bro. You‘ll get along with us well.” Then he hopped out of the van, grabbed his parts from the back and we went into the shop to take care of business. We were in and out in no time at all and were on the road back to work. Ted was more jubilant on the way back and I was all fucking twisted and horny now. He finally piped up and taunted me, “So James caught you licking my juice off the bathroom wall huh?” I didn’t know how to answer but he laughed continued. “Shit dude if you want my cum that bad you can have it from the tap any time bro.” Excited at his invitation I replied, “Really? When and where you just say the word.” Ted looked at me as I drove and started rubbing his package. “How bout we pull over now?” he said and gave me a dirty sexy look. “Alright”. Ted looked ahead and said, “Here, pull down this street here”. I turned right and he then told me to pull into a parking lot next to a non-descript warehouse building. “Just park here, nobody will bother us”. I stopped the van and shut it off. Ted unbuckled his seat belt and said, “Come on, back here”. We both hurriedly stepped back between the two bucket seats to the dark recesses of the windowless van. We knelt on the carpeted floor and began peeling our pants off and pulling them down. Ted was all over me as we knelt together fondling my cock and planting his tongue in my mouth. We began kissing and rubbing each other as our hardening cocks rubbed together. Ted was hot to trot and more romantic than any guy I had been with. “You got a pretty good body for just being 16”, Ted said as he slovenly licked at my neck and jacked on my cock. “I’m 18”, I replied. “I know, just jacking with ya”. We kissed and jacked each other for another moment before Ted laid back and kicked his pants off. Leaning back and spreading his legs I got a good look at his man stick for the first time. He was thick and uncut. Wow. I had never seen an uncut cock before and was mesmerized. He pulled his foreskin back, exposing the thick mushroom head. I was in heaven as I dove down to taste his Italian meat for the first time and run my tongue around in his foreskin. I had read about sucking an uncut cock and was feverishly wanting at it. I took as much of his thick tool into my mouth as I could and started licking and tonguing it. He tasted to dirty and sweet, a mixture of brute odor, diesel fuel and grease. My own cock was throbbing at the point of pain just from my excitement. I soon found that his girthy cock would not fit all that well into my mouth and had to suck on the side of it and lick. But he was enjoying it well. “Man I like this new job”, I thought to myself. After a couple minutes of moaning and gyrating his hips to my dedicated service he said in a begging tone, “This is cool but I’d sure like to I fuck.” I was a bit scared as his cock was bigger in thickness than I had ever had. But I could not say no. Ted was so fucking hot and I wanted him to fuck me raw. He said, “I’ll take it easy on you. I got some lube in the glove box”. Thinking how strange it was that the van had lube in the glove box I said, “Cool, just take it easy man - you are HUGE”. Ted crawled over to the cab area and came back with a tube of slick stuff which he immediately began slathering his meat with. I winced at the beer can thickness of his cock as he oiled it up. “Don’t worry bro, you’ll want it all the time after this.” He told me to get on all fours and began fingering my tight hole with his lubed fingers. “Oh man you got a nice tight ass bro, I can’t wait to split you open like a virgin bitch”. He was laying it on with a laugh but I knew he meant it. “Here goes”, he announced as he slowly started pushing his Italian sausage into my tater hole. In an instant a sharp tearing pain shot through me like a lightning bolt as his cock stretched me open. I shuddered at the shock and gasped, then let out a shrill, “Uuuhh Yeeeeahhuuuuuoooooww. Owwww! Oh FUCK! Ohhhhh FUUUCCK! OW!” My breaths sped up and my body tensed up like a rock, fighting against his intrusion. He paused briefly while I emitted drama with the head of his cock parked just inside my burning clenching ass-ring. “Ohhhh FUCK! That hurts, FUCK!” I yelped. Sweat suddenly erupted from my body like a microburst rain shower. “You done crying like a little girl yet?” he asked as he grasped my hips and kept my body from exploding away from him. “Ooh, Ohh, Ohh, I cant take it!”, I replied. He softly said, “Yes you can! You’re gonna take it. But you just got to relax.” He then pushed into me some more, slowly but surely. My asshole felt like it had been torn down the chute. I swore I was bleeding all over the place. I gritted my teeth as he kept pushing hard against my fight, winning inch by inch. I got my wits about me and sucked it up and started grunting it out as he began sliding his thick uncut meat in and out of my burning hole. I shut my eyes, in for the ride and cant stop it now. He was taking my 18-year old ass for a good hard fuck and there was no going back. He huffed and puffed as he began to build up a good steady rhythm of thrusting in and out of my hole. “Slap, slap, slap” I could hear as the initial piercing pain of his sex began to turn to more of a dull aching friction. The smell of butt sex filled the van as sweat was pouring off me and dripping into the dirty carpet on the floor. “Uh yeah, you’re doing better now bro”, he grunted as he was pounding his hips into mine. “Squeeze my dick with your ass!” I tried clenching my muscle around his hammering meat but the pain stopped me. After what seemed like five minutes of sweating and getting pounded violently I finally started getting into it. The pain and imposition of his fuck began to take on a more craven feel desire for more of it, harder, and more intense. My body started pushing back toward him as his deep plants hit my senses in a way that I wanted badly to get more intense. “Umm yea”, I let out. “Yeah, fuck me man that feels so good”. I braced myself against the van’s wall and held my body tight against his slamming bitch fuck. “Come on, harder….harder” "Squeeze my dick!", he ordered again in his panting breaths. I finally got the strength to clench my hole into his fuck, amplifying his violent fuck. "Uhh yeah, that's it bro!", he grunted. He then bent down over my back wrapping his arms around my chest in a tight bear hug and really started digging into me like captured prey. We must of looked like a couple of dogs going at it on Animal Planet. He hunkered down and jack hammered my hole with the regimented strokes of a machine. I never got fucked like this, so hard, so thoroughly deep and with the passion. As my asshole got numb to the pounding his sweat dripped all over my back as his goatee scraped against my neck. He kissed the back of my head a few times and bit my earlobe. “You are so precious”, he whispered in my ear. “You are doing better now”. He was making hard love, not just fucking. Out of nowhere I felt myself coming to orgasm. Before I could react my balls exploded and shot a load of my juice all over the carpet below me. Oh fuck! I tried to grab my cock before I spurted. He was still at it, drilling me like a block of wood when he grunted a few times. “Oh yea fuck bro!”, he panted. In an instant I felt my hole loosen up and become fluid. He pumped my nest a couple of times more as I felt a stream of his juice running down the inside of my leg. Then he fell onto my back and kissed the back of my neck some more as he slowly sailed in and out of my dock. “Bro you are precious.”, he whispered. We laid there for a minute before he patted me on the back of the head and said, “We need to get back to work before James wonders what happened to us.“ He then pulled his wet slimy cock from my hole pulled his pants back on. I followed suit and in an instant after the red hot animal fuck session, we were on the road with my hole feeling permanently stretched wide open and wet. Ted was buoyant and in a glow. “You gonna be OK there bro?” he asked. In a stupor and wishing I had brought some smokes with me replied, “Yeah I’m good. I wasn’t expecting that today. My asshole is fucked up now”. He laughed, “You'll be alright. You'll want me to fuck you again before the end of the day!” Realizing he was right I just nodded as we turned back into the parking lot at JB Truck Service. We walked back into the parts shop, my ass wet and sloppy with Ted’s heaving helping of warm man seed. My raw hole was in that state of raw numb burn that I couldn’t tell if I was clamping it shut enough to keep all his stuff from leaking out. Ted and I must have looked guilty of something. James looked up from the counter at us and stopped solid, paused for a moment and gave us a funny smirk. Ted had a look like a cat that had just got the canary and I was a mess. My hair was all fucked up, clothes were all rumpled, my shirt not tucked in all that straight and I looked like I had just ran a mile. Looking at this watch and then back up at us quizzically James asked, “You guys get what you needed?” Ted just game James a look and they teleported some kind of message without speaking . James then nodded, “Ahh huh, I got it.” Looking at me and smiling and then back at Ted he just said. “Bad kids! Get back to work before I write you up!” Ted and James exchanged a quick fist pop like a couple of football players who had just scored. Feeling awkward I excused myself to head for the bathroom and clean up. The rest of the afternoon I tried to keep busy so that James didn’t raz me about Ted and me playing around in the van. When closing time came I began my rounds cleaning up, closing up and restocking. James was in his office doing his thing and Ted was still finishing up the truck. I finally went over to Ted and asked about the truck he was under the hood of. “Yeah, this fuckin pump has been a bitch. I got two injector lines that wont seal up, they keep leaking”, he complained. Covered with grease and smelling of diesel fuel he wiped his sweaty brow. “The fucking guy is here to pick it up and I am just trying to get it finished up”. I hung out with him for a short bit, handing him tools and watching him work. After getting the power of his fuck drilled into me earlier I had a magnetic attraction to him now, hoping he wasn’t put off by it. But he seemed to enjoy the company. “So you live at home with your parents?” he asked. Like admitting to a disease I replied affirmative. “You like to drink beer?” he asked. Unlike admitting to a disease I replied, “Fuck yea!” He smiled and then invited, “You want to come over to our place tonight and party. We don’t have to work tomorrow and you stay over if you cant drive home. “ Excited, I immediately accepted. He gave me a dirty smile and added, “I wont tell cuz you’re under 21 and I wouldn‘t mind riding that cock of yours”. He then went back to wrenching on the truck. Butterflies filled my stomach as I got excited about getting some more quality time with Ted though my hole was really sore. I loitered and watched as he finished up with the truck and lowered the hood. He got into the truck and fired up the diesel rig and let it run. The owner of the truck came out to the shop and smiled that he was good to go. Shortly thereafter the guy and his truck were on their way. I helped Ted clean up his work area and we closed up the shop. As we strode together into James's office, he looked up from his desk and smiled at the two of us standing there like Mut and Jeff. “Georges truck is done. He’s gone,” Ted said. James rubbed his blonde goatee and said, “Took you long enough. You ready to hit the road now”. “Fuck yeah”, Ted said. “Cowboy here is coming over to party with us tonight.” James leaned back in his chair and got a glazed look and smiled. “Cool,” he said giving me a devious stare. Ted laughed and said to him, “You gotta take it easy on him though cuz his ass sore”. I stopped and stared at both of them with a deer in headlights look. Ted looked at me like he had forgotten something. “You didn't know that James and I live together?” To Be Continued More...
  13. I have been toying with getting a PA for a long time and wanted to get thoughts from guys who have them on a few things. Yeah there is a lot of information on the net about what to expect and what to do, not to do. But I sitll have not found a lot of honest advice from guys who HAVE ONE. Fucking With A PA? Is is good or bad? I have a couple buddies who have PA's but always remove when they fuck. They say it is easier to fuck without them. Anyone else feel that way? What's It Like For The Bottom? I bottom simetimes but never got fucked with a PA. The aforementioned buddies always remove. So does it hurt? Feel good? Thoughts? After You Get It Done How long after you get the piercing before you can get into sex again. One guy told me you had to wait months before you get oral but could fuck soon after. Didn't make a lot of sense. Anyone know how long? Sensations Almost everyone I have talked to who has one says they love the feel. I do a lot of sounding so I get the idea of that. But still, what do you have to say about it?
  14. It seems that *statistically* most gay guys introduction to sex is on the receiving end whether they end up top, bottom or versatile down the road. Just a non-scientific observation.
  15. Click here to see Gruntraq's original blog post... And erotic story continued from JB Truck Service 1 Later that afternoon after the shop closed I started to do my cleaning rounds, heading for the employee men’s room first. I was excited to see once again someone had recently blew a load of jizz all over the poster I had licked clean just an hour or so before. My heart fluttered as I knelt down and began running my tongue up and down the wall, lapping up the man seed. It was still somewhat fresh and tasted different this time than the more saltier and thicker goo I had slurped up before. I wondered briefly if it was someone else besides Ted. I wasted no time in getting to every last bit of the man slime left behind by a spanking stud. Again I finished up by lounging back on the toilet and jacking off. I then finished up the clean job on the restroom, emptying the wastebasket and refilling the toilet paper dispenser. After that I spent another half hour finishing up the rest of my close up duties. It was now almost six-o-clock and everyone left for the day. James was counting out the register and going through all the day’s receipts when I came into the back office to tell him I was all done. He looked up and smiled when I strode into the small musty office. It was not much different from the bathrooms except that instead of a toilet there was a desk and a couple of old chairs with duct tape holding them in one piece. The walls were plastered with various notices, posters and Harley Davidson posters. “Hey there cowboy, you all done for the day?”, James asked. “Yep, everything's clean, the garage is locked up, and everything is refilled for tomorrow”. He rubbed his chiseled blond goatee with his fingers and said, well let’s take a short walk and have a look. We took a brief tour of the shop and he sort of went down my checklist of my areas of responsibility as we walked. “You have done really well so far”, he reassured. “I just thought we would do a spot check on everything to double check to see how you are doing on your close up stuff”. He picked on a couple things in the shop where I had forgotten to empty a couple of the mechanic’s trash cans. Then we got to the employee bathroom. He entered the small shit hole first and I squeezed in behind him. He looked around and acted a little funny at first and then closed the door behind us. I got kind of nervous for a second and then he pointed to the poster of Jenna Jameson. “Looks like you missed something doesn’t it?” I looked down at the poster to see a couple streams of fresh cum splattered all over her once again. “Holy shit!” I thought. “I just cleaned that up”. James let out a jibbing laugh and game me a dirty smile and said, “I guess you better clean it up before you leave then huh?” My face got white as I gave him a deer in headlights look. “Well go on, clean it up”. Not getting it at first I reached to grab some paper towels from the dispenser but James grabbed my arm and stopped me. “No, get on your knees and clean it up the way you did before.” I was caught. He sensed my fear and smiled at me. “It’s ok. Show me how you do it.” Standing there facing him but looking down in embarrassment he reached out and wrapped his hands around my thighs and ass. “It’s ok bro”, James said softly. My heart pounded as I nervously looked up at him. “Go on, clean it up before it’s gone to the floor”. He then put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down onto my knees before the poster. “Go on, lick it up”. Like a dog, I began licking up the fresh warm cum that had recently been squirted on the wall slowly at first. Behind me I could hear James unbuckling his belt and unsnapping his jeans. “Ummm, yeah you like that don’t you”, he said. Realizing things were gonna be okay I continued licking up the man spunk from the poster and got finished as soon as I could. As I got done licking up the goo, I turned around to see James jacking his cock right at my eye level. “You want a fresh load?” He invited. “There’s nobody here and I wont tell anyone”. A wave of nerves and excitement shot through by sweating body. “Yeah”, I answered cautiously. He responded by grasping my head with his rough skinned hand and pulling my face toward his sweaty ripe tool. He had a 7.5” cut shaft that was thickly tufted with blond hair. He had such a thick bush, it was hard to see his nuts. He was gripping it hard in his hand and slapped my on the face with it a couple of times. “Go on, suck on it”, he invited. So I went for it, starting my going down on his dirty tool. He tasted so ripe with salty piss sweat that I balked at first. But I took him in as confidently as I could. Stretching my jaws open to the point of hurting, I deep throated his meat for a few minutes as he pumped himself into my face. He held my skull tightly with his thick hands and thrusted aggressively at the back of my throat at times. I was not a novice at cock sucking but I still hadn’t learned all the tricks yet. “Yeah, that feels good ”, he murmured. “Yeah I think I’m gonna like having you around here boy.” He continued guiding my head as he face fucked me with his stinky tool. His thick blonde bush engulfed my face each time he planted in me, his shaft hairs getting stuck between my teeth. My mouth muscles began getting fatigued as he kept me working his meat. But soon he started humping to a different rhythm and getting more excited. Then he pulled his cock from my mouth and started jacking off hard and fast while holding my head in his other hand. “Oh yeah!” he groaned as he squirted his hot sticky lava into my face a couple two or three times. I struggled to catch his jizz in my mouth as he jack hammered his shaft. “Oh fuck yeah!” he muttered as I began sucking and slurping his tool again and cleaning up his warm salty load. He relaxed and leaned back on the sink as I mouthed his softening cock tenderly licking and sucking. “Oh that's so hot”, he moaned as he ran his rough hand through my hair. “You can do that anytime you want boy.” I finally stood up and washed the sweat from by brow. James just stood there and smiled with a shit eating grin as he packed himself back into his 501’s. “You promise you wont tell anyone right?” I nervously asked. He just laughed and smiled at me and ran his had through my hair again. “You got nothing to be worried about around here boy”. I relaxed and stood there kind of quiet before I asked, “How did you know I would suck your cock?” James laughed and replied. “Well after you cleaned up after Ted and then me so fast today I had a pretty good clue”. He then opened the door and we exited the restroom. As we walked back up to the office I asked him, “How did you know about Ted cumming all over the wall?” James just smiled at me and said, “Well that wasn’t exactly left there for you”. He just stood there and gave me a dirty smile and a wink while the wheels in my head processed what he meant. About the time it registered he said, “Come on, you better get going I’ll get the door for you.” He unlocked and opened the shop door to let me out for the night saying, “See you in the morning son”. More...
  16. Just a cute little shot from the other night. Fed it to my FB soon after.
  17. Life is too short to get bent over being possessive of cum loads. Be happy another dude wants your hole enough to put his mouth to it and clean it out. One of the ultimate shows of affection IMHO.
  18. Welcum boy.
  19. Kewl. Good attire for a PTA meeting.
  20. Gave multiple and got multiple with my FB all last night and this AM.
  21. I'm negative. But someday I likely wont be and I'm ready for that eventuality. You play you pay. And after coming of age in the 80's and living in fear for so long, one day I made the decision not to. I usually dont ask and have only been with one guy I knew was POZ, and I just loaded his ass and that was it. The only guy I've worn a condom for in almost ten years is my brother because he asked me to. And for him, I will.
  22. Click here to see Gruntraq's original blog post... An erotic work of fiction.... The summer after I graduated high school I went to work at JB Truck Service. It was a small greasy repair shop and parts store for diesel rigs on the west side of town. The place was in a shitty section of the industrial district that only truckers, hookers and crack dealers hung out. My dad had a trucking company and I had always been handy helping him with his trucks, so he talked the owner into giving me a job. They set me up working the parts counter and being an all around go-for slave. It was kind of cool because I was able to hang out with a bunch of roughneck guys all day who did nothing but talk about fucking, sex, fucking, and more sex. And they treated me like one of the guys which was really cool having barely become an adult. The shop was plastered with dirty ragged centerfold pictures, and porno mags were stacked in the customer lounge - a place where a constant stream truckers hung out daily waiting for their trucks to be fixed. They are another whole story for another day. The bathrooms were filthy mess I got the job of cleaning each night. It didn't take me long to realize that the truckers and my fellow employees regularly used them as a spank room. Why? The Hustler and Penthouse magazines always seemed to migrate into there. Covered with greasy hand prints, they smelled like sex, sweat and cigarette smoke. We kept the customer restroom pretty nice, but the employees restroom was the worst. They were filthy pigs. Our employee restroom was about 5x8 with one old toilet and a sink hanging loosely off the wall, its bowl stained black with grease and oil. Above it hung a cracked mirror whose reflective coating was rotting from behind. The walls were unfinished sheet-rock covered be several old posters of naked women, some defaced with graffiti, and dicks drawn on them with squirts pointed toward their pussies or teeth biting down on their tits. The posters were an obvious substitute for paint and covered years of dirtiness and scum well. There were dispensers of powered de-greasing hand cleanser clinging to the wall and a continuous rolling towel machine with a light blue cloth roll in it. It was the usual men’s room stuff. The place stunk like piss and oil and was filthy from years of greasy hands. The bare concrete floor was black with workshop patina. My nightly cleanup of this restroom found plenty of evidence that this was the favored spank room for the guys I worked with. I often spotted drips and drabs of cum on the floor, the toilet seat, or the walls when I cleaned up at night. Me being the low man on the totem pole, got to clean up their messes. By the time I was 18, I had become acutely turned on by men and was plenty experienced in the forays of man to man sex. I had been with a few of my buddies in high school as well as a couple of older men. I was not openly gay, but had the taste.To point, it had actually become a turn on I looked forward to be stuck with cleaning up the leftover man scum in the filthy hole of a bathroom from day to day. It only took a week of this before I got daring and curious enough to taste some of the fresh cum left behind in the bathroom. I was drawn to it like a magnet. Hardly a day went by that there was not a few drops on the floor in front of the toilet or nearby. It was almost as if it was some kind of game these guys played. Most of the time it was dried or almost dry when I would find it, but a few times there would be a few fresh drops on the floor or on the sink that were still wet and warm. I would taste it, lick it up and drop a load of my own in the process. Imagining who’s warm seed I was tasting consumed me. We had about 15 guys working at the shop. Some of them were studs that were drop dead fucking sweet, others were not so much. I figured I was probably licking up the loads of the old fat guy with snot all over his overall sleeves. Hear no evil see no evil. My parts counter pal was James. He was my primary buddy and boss at work. He is 35, tatted up and is a pure a biker dude. Right off the poster, he rides a Harley Davidson Fat Boy into work every day and wears pretty much nothing but Harley Davidson T-Shirts, Levis and black Caterpillar boots. It is like his uniform. When I first started working with him he was intimidating. But the more I got to know him he turned out to be cooler than I ever imagined. He showed me the ropes and helped me get to know the routine at the shop. But most importantly he treated me like his best pal, even though I was about half his age. He acted a lot younger than 35 and was always talking about partying. We just clicked as if we were the same age. Within the first week we had become fast friends fueled by his constant horseplay, jokes, and crude comments about some of the stupid customers. By the time that sense of familiarity and casual atmosphere of our relationship came about I really began to realize how fucking hot the guy was. He stands about 5’11, weighs in at about 180-190 lbs. His arms are beefy and toned, as he has a pronounced V-shaped upper torso. He bulges in his T-shirts tightly at the top, and it dances loosely across his flat stomach. His face is chiseled and square with a sharp-lined blonde mustache and goatee, and butchy short blond hair. He looks just like the lead singer of Metallica. Hot huh? Got of topic, so back to the cum in the bathrooms. I had taken to keeping an eye on who was coming and going to the employee toilet in hopes of finding out who was making me so fucking horny. After a week or so I had come to notice some patterns. One guy went in there to toke up. It always smelled like pot in there after he left it. There were a couple guys who made pretty regular visits during the day. It was not long before I narrowed in one of the mechanics. Ted was not only one of the best looking guys in the shop, but he hit the can almost hourly for 5 minutes at a time. He was jacking off or he had some kind of bowel disorder. Ted was handsome dark haired and in his late 20’s. He had an average build and a dark thick goatee, shaved head and olive colored skin. He was obviously of Italian or some European dissent. Damn. I had already gotten to know him pretty well as he was always in a chipper mood joking around with me and James up front at the parts counter. He and James seemed to be good buds and they were always shooting the shit. I was excited and turned on at the prospect that Ted might be one of the messy pigs I was cleaning up after. I started keeping tabs on his restroom visits. When I sneak away, I would hit the restroom as soon as he left to see if he had left anything behind. With customers at the counter I often didn’t get there until one or two other guys had used it. So it was hard to nail down. After a day or two of this I scored when I hit the room immediately after Ted had left. I picked up on the slight smell of ripe cock in the room as I surveyed the toilet seat, sink, and floor for the slightest hint of white wetness. Coming up empty I was just about to give up when I saw it. On the old faded poster of Jenna Jameson in front of the toilet was a trio of thick ropes of creamy white juice running slowly down the face of the glossy print. It looked like he stood there completely unloaded his balls on the wall and walked away. My heart sped as I touched it with my finger and then to my tongue to see if it was in fact what I had hoped. When I tasted him, I dropped to my knees and licked it up as fast as I could, savoring the full flavor of Ted’s fresh man seed. It was still warm! I lapped it like dog while I unzipped my pants and began to handle my growing tool. There was so much of the ooze it took me a minute or two to lick the poster clean. Noticing a small bit puddled on the dirty floor, I bent down and licked it up as well. Imagining his hot cock in my mouth, I sat back on the toilet and unleashed my swelling 7” meat. Rolling the remnants of his salty cum around on my tongue, I squeezed a fresh load off myself in the glow. I licked my hands and fingers clean. As I made my way back to the parts counter I looked at Ted working under the tilted cab of a Peterbuilt through the shop windows, his taste sill dancing around in my mouth. Oh man was I high on life. To Be Continued.... More...
  23. Click here to see Gruntraq's original blog post... By the time your read this you will likely be well away from here. As I write this short note you are on your way over to my house for our send off party. I'm sure some of this will be told to you tonight but I wanted to put some of my thoughts to you in writing because in the haze of Jose Cuervo some things lose their importance. Bottom line is that I have had a very special time with you in the last couple months. While you say the pleasure is all yours, you will understand down the road when you get to be my age what having a hot young stud like you around who is hungry to learn, share and grow does for a man's psyche. Your being around here has made me feel younger and needed - at least for a while. Who would have thunk us just getting introduced at a company party would lead to our escapades, our sharing, and ultimately our friendship. Watching you go though the last month getting real with yourself and having the guts to put it out to your family truly amazed me. There are so many men, myself included who didn't or don't have that clarity of self at 24. Yeah it didn't go as planned with you mom. She'll come around. But your dad blew your mind with his love! And to that now you have a whole new opportunity ahead of you that I really believe is gonna be awesome. And I think you know that or you wouldn't have chose to take it. Watching you jump off the cliff into a new life in NJ comes with some sadness but at the same time so much excitement for you that I can't put to words. I'm sure tonight we'll talk about that. So let me put a few important things down here to take with you........... FiLoLi It's the creedo of a once wealthy man William Bourn who had a huge mansion south of San Francisco. "Fight for a just cause; Love your fellow man; Live a good life." Whatever you do out there follow those simple words and you can never go wrong. You are in control. You can choose that. Put meaning behind who you are and be willing to fall on your sword. Be as Lynrd Skynrd sings, a "simple man....something you love and understand". Yeah more of that redneck music shit again, but you know what I mean. Don't take shit you don't need. Don't suffer fools. Don't be with people that aren't your friends. Find people to love and surround yourself with them. It ain't as hard as it sounds and you seem pretty good at it already. Most of all and this makes me choke up, know you always got a Papi out in Cali who LOVES YOU. Be safe and don't be a stranger. More...
  24. That pretty much sums it up for me.
  25. Took one in the hole from my FB today at lunch. Nooners rock.
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