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Posts posted by MuscledHorse

  1. Absolutely a deal breaker for me. I don't jump through all the hoops to be able to take PrEP for the fun of it. Further, I have to get super size condoms for my penis if I have to top and they still aren't that comfortable on my thick godrod. So no condom. Spill the semen the way Nature intended.

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  2. Having escorted in the past and still doing porn I will say that the answer to the posted question is neither. As posters have already pointed out, not all escorts are porn stars and vice versa. The reality is that first and foremost sex work is actual work; it's not a quickie hookup off Grinder the overwhelming majority of the time. Unlike street walkers being paid for a quickie, escorts are hired for companionship as much as sex, if not more so. That doesn't make us or the adult film performers ambassadors of gay culture any more than the heterosexual ones are ambassadors of straight culture.  What it does make all of us is ambassadors for human sexuality, which the Christian/Mormon influenced culture in America has created a very toxic relationship between natural human sexual drives and made up sexual morals that suppress and shame those natural drives.

    Much of my work was being a safe space for guys to explore themselves as sexual beings in an environment where they knew noting would leave the room. They could let their guard down and experience physical sexual pleasure in ways mainstream monogamy and marriage obsessed culture did not approve of.  Many of them wanted fantasies fulfilled, from wrestling to water sports, while many others, closeted or married, were very lonely and craved the kind of companionship and male bonding that today is described as "the boyfriend experience." In spite of being screwed by the political opportunist and horror of a human that is Kamla Harris (see SESTA-FOSTA), many of my friends and fellow film partners continue to try and provide these psychological necessary services. I enjoyed the work myself--and again it was work; you are focused on the other person's Pleasure and not your own--and it was gratifying to see the joy in another guy's eyes as he experienced for a moment what I experienced  all the time in my own life, because I wasn't hindered by guilt and shame soaked negative social attitudes towards promiscuity or enjoying sex purely as a Pleasure sport.

    The same may be said for my adult film work. I've lost count the number of times guys have come up to me at events, especially fisting ones and told me they have cum to my videos and would love a chance to play with me (and sometimes they want to film too). I am always happy to be able to say "yes" and see them go away happy and be able to tell (and show, if we filmed) others they got to fist (or get fisted by) a porn performer they regularly watch.  

    Out of all my experiences (and I should add I do have several college degrees and hold a professional job), I saw the need to address this very topic about human sexuality in the USA and created a seminar "The Power and Philosophy of Promiscuous Living." I have given at CLAW the last two years to very positive reviews--one guy even stopped me on the stairs of the host hotel and asked if he could have a private counseling session to help him manage the guilt and shame he still feel for enjoying that most basic of human drives, sex. I have been encouraged to turn the seminar into a book and am considering putting in the work to do that because experience has shown me that such a message is needed and necessary. So, no, escorts and porn stars aren't just prostitutes or ambassadors of gay culture; they are ambassadors and celebrants of human sex and sexuality. 

    Jared Erikson (JaredEriksonXXX on X), your friendly (and always horny) Apostle of Lust.

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  3. The thing that saves the poll on this topic is the fact it gives something resembling a definition of addiction, which is paramount when it comes to the topic of sex. Reason being that in the monogamy minded world of religious dogma, having sex for recreational purposes--i.e. not specifically to produce offspring--or having sex with multiple partners are regarded as signs of sex addiction. In reality, any undertaking crosses the line between a passion to an addiction when it negatively impacts the regular functioning of your life like the ability to hold a job and pay your bills. In spite of what the Bible wavers insist, you can be promiscuous, you can enjoy sex for sport and you can have it often and still function as a normal adult. So yes, sex addiction is real, but if we apply the standard of addiction we apply to other things like gambling, recreational drug use, or shopping on e-bay/Amazon, rather than the baseless religious definition of sex addiction, the incidence of it is very low. I do porn, am in group use settings at least four days a month (and as many as fifteen days in a month), popperbate daily and use my big toys most days. To a Bible waver I am a massive sex addict, in spite of the fact I still hold a professional high skill/degree job, I still hit the gym multiple days a week, I still clean the house and walk the dog. So to an scientific minded person I am a fully realized sexually active adult.

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  4. 19 hours ago, cumdumpbln said:

    Thinking those times I've been passed around always makes me cum, when I can't see who's in line but just feel one raw cock after another slide in and breed me. Or the few times I've really been treated like just a hole - walk into a guy's apartment, he doesn't try to be nice to me or make small talk, just pulls my underwear down, bends me over, breeds me and kicks me out. Just a cum hole and nothing more. Guaranteed to make me shoot.

    That gets me off too, but more than anything, watching porn of guys with holes even more sloppy and destroyed than my slack ass is. When an arm of a giant toy slides into them, I know the level of sexual ecstasy they are experiencing and how gaped they are after id comes out because I get used that way too and it's hot as fuck to see (and be) that sexual freak of Nature.

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  5. I love having and fat penis and a true bussy (super stretched out fist pig here). Both are capable of giving my body--sometime at the same time--different type of physical Pleasure sensations. TO masturbate my thick phallus and edge it until I spill seed, or see and feel a guy(s) shoving his penis and/or hands in and out of my giant rectum as the stimulation of sexual ecstasy overwhelms my senses is far better to me than having two holes. Sometimes I even put my penis into another guy if he's loose enough to take it and enjoy him the way so many males enjoy me. "straight" guys have no idea the Pleasures they are denying themselves.

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  6. 4 hours ago, ryanroman said:

    Sexual monogamy is a social construct and is not natural in nature, if for nothing less, biodiversity.  Men are genetically programmed to spread and share our DNA to propagate. Even if your sexually fluid, you still have that primal need based on biological evolution.  I have been in an open relationship for almost 8 years - since the first date.  I believe in polyamory as well as emotional monogamy, but sexual monogamy is a social construct the str8s can't get - there's a reason why the divorce rate is as high as it is. IMHO...

    That is very true. You can see that reflected in the content of half the country music catalog, most of Taylor Swift's musical output and one VERY angry song by Alanis Morrisette. 

  7. 14 hours ago, justsexnowatl said:

    I seriously don’t know…let’s make a playdate. A visitor is coming for fist fest, so I’m gonna check that out for a day pass. I assume you’ll be there 🙂

    I will be arriving on Wednesday morning and staying onsite. My hole is always hungry for play. do you have my cell?

  8. Train train train your hole. Topped Toys Mare Maker and Gape Keeper lines are great for this. As you get looser and looser, find a twink with small hands to double you the first few times. You will be over the moon the first time that second hand slides in and you realize your rectum is now so sloppy loose, 2 hands can fit in it.

  9. Fisting has a huge exchange of sexual energies. I am sloppy loose power bottom by nature but like my fellow bottom's I also top some. For me, the joy comes in seeing another bottom writhing in ecstasy and knowing just what he is feeling as I fill him and overwhelm his senses with rectal stimulation. Plus seeing other guys with super loose holes like me is always a turn on too.

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  10. On 4/10/2024 at 6:24 PM, justsexnowatl said:

      Been fisting for 30 years as top.  I have small "collapsible" hands and have been a few guys "first fist".  I don't usually seek out fist bottoms on purpose, but I think I am sometimes chosen by them since fisting is in my profile, I do not party (which is important for NON-party fist bottoms I'm sure), and general attraction.  I LOVE a sloppy sleazy wet hole, so if someone I'm into hits me up for that I am usually all in!  

    And just why haven't your hands been in my pig hole as long as we've known each other? 

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  11. absolutely ZERO regrets, I am proud to be a super loose fist and big toy pig. I love hearing guys who like to fuck a blown out ass tell me how ard it is to feel my rectum and it's like fucking an open window. When a guy puts his hand and penis in me and jerks off the high is even bigger. And in spite of how stretched out my anus, rectum and colon are, I am still stretch training to take still bigger and deeper like a good hungry human mare. Having guys gathered around in group use settings masturbating while watching a top keep me poppered up while his stretches and fills my super pliable rectum with freak show level size. Yeah, my ass is wrecked om size but I don't care. The sexual ecstasy and head rush of having a hole that rivals a mare's cunt is worth the sloppy ruin and few guys who are disgusted by a high use sex pig like me.

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  12. On 4/1/2024 at 11:51 AM, Poz50something said:

    Not that it matters, because the result is the same - most of the marriage laws that European social norms predate Christianity. They were instituted by Augustus Caesar. "To encourage population expansion, the leges Juliae offered inducements to marriage and imposed penalties upon the celibate. Augustus instituted the "Law of the three sons" which held those in high regard who produced three male[29] offspring. Marrying-age celibates and young widows who would not marry were prohibited from receiving inheritances and from attending public games.

    Lex Julia de maritandis ordinibus (18 BC): Requiring (likely) all citizens to marry. Also limiting marriage across social class boundaries. 

    Lex Julia de adulteriis coercendis (17 BC): This law punished adultery with banishment. The two guilty parties were sent to different islands ("dummodo in diversas insulas relegentur"), and part of their property was confiscated. Fathers were permitted to kill daughters and their partners in adultery.[30] Husbands could kill the partners under certain circumstances and were required to divorce adulterous wives.[30] Augustus himself was obliged to invoke the law against his own daughter, Julia (relegated to the island of Pandateria) and against her eldest daughter (Julia the Younger). Tacitus adds the reproach that Augustus was stricter for his own relatives than the law actually required (Annals III 24)." ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lex_Julia).

    Evidently, early Christian church leaders found these norms to perfect, and with Constantine, Church laws became social norms, There was absolutely no separation between religious dogma and public laws. 

    It should be noted though, the definition of adultery had far more latitude for the males as adultery only related to having sex with another man's wife. The adultery laws were really aimed at keeping women from having extra marital affairs. Married males could still have sex with willing partners, such as prostitutes or slaves and this did not fall under the definition of adultery, which Christianity and its celibacy and abstinence obsessed leaders would never approve. The laws created by Augustus as you mentioned in your post were passed increase a flagging population (and make more male soldiers, especially, hence the emphasis on male offspring), but by the time of Constantine, those laws had all been repealed or had fallen into disuse. The Romans were, even with Julius himself, much more relaxed when it came to having sex--as long as it wasn't another man's property, er, wife.

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  13. People forget that sexual monogamy in a relationship is a made up church construct that has no basis in reality. This was done by the church as a means of control, tying the idea of being sexually faithful to the holy sacrament of marriage. Without this concept, there is no "cheating" in a relationship because sex isn't a part of the conversation. WHat religion essentially created is a relationship based on Jealousy of the Other, and not Love as it claims. Scientific research has demonstrated mamaals are not sexually monogamous, even paired ones. My husband and I are open. Sex is sport to us. It's what horny males do because we're horny males. The fact is, who I have sex with has no bearing on how much I love my partner, BUT the churhc has marketed sex and love are synonymous for so long, people accept it without question. Because we don't do sexual monogamy, there is no cloud of jealousy having over the relationship. When one of us goes someplace there's no nagging "is he seeing someone else behind my back?", "did he have sex with a guy on hos way home?" to it. We have no jealousy and can talk about our hookups like we talk about anything else. Having the monogamy thing a non-issue, lets us focus on each other and our relationship and emotional commitment to each other. It's a far healthier state of mind to live in. Many gays want to copy the hetrosexual relationship structure created by the church because that's al they know.  However, there's a reason the divorce rate runs so high among the hetersexuals where "cheating" is involved: it's not normal and it's not natural. Further, the whole finding and loving "the one" thing the church and every rom-com known to man has pushed is mad eup as well. There's nothing that says you can't equally love more than one person and all have a relationship together. If my partner brought in another guy he really cared for and wanted to expand our relationship, I would welcome him with open arms (and legs00I'm a slut, what can I say?).  So, don't limit yourself by trying to adhere to a structure the heterosexuals have already demonstrated doesn't really work. THatn's not to say it can't work for some people, but they are a minority.  Hope this helps.

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  14. There are no good dating apps. Hookup apps, filled with ghosts and "generosity seekers", yes. But dating, not so much. Best way to meet guys is to get out in the community. Atlanta has a lot of great places still to socialize and meet and strong groups, including Atlanta Dominion (BDSM), League of Atlanta Pups (pups/furries), and Kink Down South. I met my husband, totally by chance, at Furry Weekend Atlanta (FWA).

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  15. No fisting doesn't ensure a prolapse but the constant heavy stretching and full fist rapid pull-out motion helps pull the tube of rectal muscle out and stretch the suspensory ligaments holding it in place. Once you have a basic prolapse, using an anal vacuum tube helps pull it out more and more as does continued trauma to the rectal muscles through frequent extreme stretching with big toys and plugs and frequent large size toy/plug penetration and fisting use.  I only have a starter prolapse and really like it. I'm eager to grow mine and feel what it's like to have a long one like the guys I see in films with rectums that fall out of their asses a good 12 inches or so. In the main, you don't lose full control of your ability to push the prolapse out or pull it back in.

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  16. No cleaning stations so you'll need to do that in advance. They do have two sets of rooms; one set in the main building which are, in the main your typical little bathhouse rooms. They have some additional rooms in the annex where the open play area is located and there are several larger rooms, like the Voyeur Room, which I rented once last year so they guys could watch me getting fisted by a guy who wanted to meet me there and put on a show. If you check out the Flex website, you can find all the details there, and I believe it also lists the costs.

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  17. On 1/19/2024 at 10:03 AM, Dirtymindedpig said:

    Are they so popular they sell out months in advance? Or do they just not do online reservations?


    I've tried multiple spreads in March and April, no luck.


    Once upon a time Cheshire Motor Inn was the place to go for cruising and hookups beyond the bathhouse and sex club. A drive was started in 2019 to begin cleaning it up, much of this driven by drug deals and homeless wandering the place.  Since that time, play has moved to the Red Roof Inn at North Druid Hills. If you check out the play party section of BBRT for Atlanta, you see listing after listing of horny bottom cumdumps at the RRI. 

  18. 5 hours ago, FelchingPisser said:

    I remember.  We fucked at a CLAW hotel party...

    we should do it gain. I will be at CLAW again this year an will also be the demo bottom for the Fisting class, teaching a Sounding basics class and giving my seminar on The Power and Philosophy of Promiscuous Living. The rest of the time. my legs will be spread (sling in my room) and poppers flowing as guys stuff my ass gash, fondle suck and milk my fat genitals and enjoy me like the piece of sexual livestock that i am,

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  19. On 8/11/2023 at 3:37 PM, Jose said:

    I’m just curious how you guys see yourselves and your penis. For me my dick controls my life haha not in a bad way but more in an extension of my primal being. I have never and will never wear a condom because I believe that shooting my seed in someone is such a primal and natural act. When I go on a hike I’ll stop in a clearing and jerk off, same for if I’m staying in a hotel. I need to leave a piece of me everywhere I go. In everyone I fuck. I would genuinely fuck anyone and anything, and I fucking love doing it. If the aliens came to earth tomorrow I’d probably want to shoot my load in their alien cunts haha. My seed is a little part of me that I feel needs to be shared with the world. Any other dudes feel the same? 

    I am a thick cocked power bottom that spills his seed everyday. My penis rus my like too, and so does my hungry ass. A misconception has grown up in part of the sex world that males who like taking penis are somehow less male or submissive, and this is a massive falsehood. I have an ass gash that you can park a bus in and am constantly spreading my legs for guys, but I am just as dominant as any top that every doused my ass or mouth with his DNA. I m constantly in cruise mode, constantly horny and always seeking out places I can bate or mate. Any male who lets his penis roam free the way Nature intended is in a much healthier headspace than any religious submissive who spends his life wracked with shame towards his penis and shame over his libido.

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