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Posts posted by tighthole64


    The time change fucked me up, and as these chapters are related, giving you a double dose!

    Chapter 8:  Partners Confession

    After turning it over to my partner, he said we probably need a drink for this.  No mixers this time, just straight high end bourbon!  My partner planted a deep kiss on me, and said he hoped this didn't end our relationship.  My partner started by saying that he was the one that asked the waiter to poz him.  The waiter chimed in by saying he had thought about pozzing someone, but vowed that it would not be like the way his father pozzed him.  It would be by mutal consent, and that it took my partner longer to commit to it than it did for me to commit.  When he did commit, they both flushed their meds, and within a month he had converted.

    My partner told me that he hoped I wasn't angry, and I said no just suprised.  My partner said it was somewhat mentioned before, but after I converted, he wanted to know if the waiter could join in on fucking me while I was going through the flu.  Honestly when the waiter told us about his father breeding him during his flu, it was a turn on to me.  I thought I'd just tease it a bit, and said we'll cross that bridge when we get to it! I looked at my partner and said lets start on the path to that bridge tonight! The waiter and the two of us embraced and deeply kissed.  He said we were obviously excited, but said no sex between the 3 of us tonight, but we were free to celebrate and fuck all night. He said just in case, he left a little something for us in the guest room. When we got to the room, my partner asked me a tough question, If I truly wanted to be poz.  I told him that given my new found piggyness, it was bound to happen, and if it did, I wanted him to be the one to poz me.  He explained that If I decided I didn't really want to become poz, I could always go on Prep.  He explained that it wouldn't prevent other STIs though  He said he knew a doctor that could get  get me Prep if I wanted that instead, and that if I did become poz, the Doctor could also prescribe anti virals like he was currently taking.  He continued by saying that he was willing to take a meds break to gift me if that was my choice, but it would take several weeks to become toxic again. I said I'd like that, and he pulled out a bottle of pills, and flushed them down the toilet. 

    We got into bed to make love, but our curiosity got the best of us, and we opened the nightstand draw to find not only a pipe, and some rocks, but a cruel condom.   My partner said the condom would come in handy in a few weeks!

    As I later learned there was a reason that the waiter said there would be no sex with him tonight.  As i said my partner was calculating, and so was the waiter who gifted him.  As i later learned, they had both gone off their meds a week earlier. My path to becoming poz started that night. Although it was only for a week, the waiter wanted to be sure it was my partner that gifted me.  There wasn't much of a chance that after only a week off meds that my partner could gift me, but my if it did happen, he could deny and blame it on being stealthed. 

    My partner and I fucked all night, and refrained from using the waiters gifts of the cruel condom and Tina.  The next morning my head was spinning in deep thoughts.  First of all I agreed to let my partner poz me.  Even though I knew it's what I needed, I actually agreed to it.  The biggest thought though was that it was amazing that I found two guys whose situation was similar to mine.  I wondered what it would be like if I the waiter had found me before my partner had?  The hardest part was deciding if I had feelings for the waiter? In my mind, I did, but would that have been different if I hadn't met my partner before?

    My partner and I decided that the day would just be a chill day.  I think he realized that I had something on my mind, and just suggested we hang at the pool, drink and party some, which we did.  We got to the pool first, and the waiter joined us as we were lighting up the pipe.  He joined us, and after a hit or two, he said he had  one more regret.  He said that it was that he became addicted to drugs, and not just Tina.  He had tried them all.  He continued by saying that his biggest regret in regards to that was that he introduced us to Tina.  He said that it was hard not to in that it was such a part of his journey.  He said that he'd been seeing the doctor who was an addiction specialist, and was on the road to at least a partial recovery.  He said that although the doctor was an addiction specialist, he would still occasionally party with the doctor, not really knowing if the doctor was simply testing him.

    Next up: Prepping for the Bug

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  2. Chapter 7: Waiters Confessions.

    We arrived at the waiters apartment at 9, surprised he was already home.  This time he answered the door completely naked.  He suggested we get naked, and meet him at the pool for drinks.  Of course we agreed!  As he served the drinks, I asked if Tina would be joining us.  He said likely later, but wanted the three of us to talk first.  I reluctantly agreed.  He began by saying that he was a very close friend of my partner, and that my partner had told him about my recent relationship with my new dad.  He continued by saying that he also had a special relationship with his dad, but it was nothing like mine was. He explained that it was his dad that pozzed him. Although I already knew this, I acted as though i was in total shock.  He explained that he had no idea that his father was poz, and he stealthed him. Once he converted, his father shamed him for being a cum dump, and that he deserved what he got.  He continued by saying that when he was going through the fuck flu, his dad insisted on dropping a minimum of 2 loads in him daily, regardless of how bad he felt. He said he was aware of my partners and my conversations on becoming poz, and that he hoped I was open to the possibility of him helping my partnrer breed me once i had the flu and that if i was OK with it he too would go off of his meds and help me with my flu.

    By this time, all of us were starting to get hard.  He continued  by saying that at first he regretted what his father had done to him, but later realized it wasn't a horrible thing.  He said that i should be happy that i found a partner  that was still a pig, but treated me with respect unlike his father did. I asked the waiter if he had any regrets.  He said not really, as it had made him the pig he was.  He said I guess my father was right, I was a cum dump, although he didn't feel like he took more loads than other guys.  He said his only regret was how his father treated him, and that after his dad converted him, he didn't have much interest in him besides sharing him with his other toxic friends. He also regretted finding out that it was his dad that converted him in one of their group sessions when his dad was bragging about it. This was so odd to me as my new dad insisted we be tested and negative.  Unlike the waiters dad, apparently mine wax not interested in pozzing.

    I then asked what the positive side was to it, and he said there were many.  He said that he wasn't chasing, but knew there was a possibility he would become poz, and when he did, a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders.  He said that the best part of it was that after conversion he began to top guys.  He said it was odd that he really didnt top, especially with his huge cock, but just preferred the feeling of raw cock and cum up his ass.  I could relate to that!He said that at the time, he did go on meds.  Then one day, someone approached him and asked if he would poz them, and he went off his meds to do so.
    The waiter said there was much more, and turned it over to my partner.

    Next Chapter.  Partners Confession

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  3. Chapter 6: Meth Monster?

    When we woke the next morning, i said lets watch the video again, This time without lighting up the pipe.  We layed naked on the bed, kissing and playing with each others cocks.   Although we had watched it the night before, we were both pretty high in the clouds then.

    The video started with me in the sling, and the waiter being both a verbal and physical tease.  He was rubbing his huge cock on my hole asking if I was ready for the sting of the scorpion.  After all, he said he was undetectable and Tina made me say Yes Sir.  He then just slipped the head of his cock in asking if i wanted to be one of his many sons.  Again I said Yes Sir.  He said it was my last chance to say no, that one breeding typically gave him a new son. I just said breed me Sir!  With that, he shoved his cock in me to the base, and fuckt me harder than I'd ever been fuckt! As he was about to cum he simply said welcome to the Brotherhood!  While he was fucking me, my partner offered me a brown bottle, and began jacking. Once the waiter blew his nut in me, he told my partner to fuck me, pushing his toxic load deep in me.  He told me I was to jack off and shoot my last negative load, which i did.  I did have Tina dick, but still was able to shoot my load over my head!

    After the video ended, my partner said it was a good idea to suggest watching it again.  He continued by saying that he was proud of me for taking what I thought might have been a toxic load that night.   He concluded by saying that he was sorry that he made me wait a month to see it, but he had his reasons.  After another amazing breeding session, we both fell back asleep.  I woke first around 5pm, and aroused him from his sleep saying we missed checkout.  He laughed and said the motel charged by the hour! He said it was a good thing the motel didn't have a true maid service and that the maid didn't find us breeding.  I laughed and said I hope she wears gloves cleaning the room, especially the cum soaked sheets!

    As it was a weekend, and we didn't have classes, we stayed until around 6.  My partner reminded me that we had both been excited about trying Tina, but that we had to be careful that we didnt become addicted to it, to which i agreed.  He said that he felt the waiter had an addiction, and although he had given us some for free, it could well be to lure us in until he started selling it to us.  It was something I'd never thought about. I agreed that Chem sex was fun with others, but agreed it should be in moderation, and never when it was the two of us breeding.  He smiled and agreed.

    After our conversation we then returned to the waiters restaurant, once again asking for his section.  When he came to the table, he said no champagne for you 2, just strong black coffee!  He said to enjoy our dinner, and that he was off early if we wanted to join him at his place later.  Of course we agreed! We'd meet him at his place at 9! Well of course we did!

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  4. Chapter 5: The Sting of the Scorpion

    The night was pretty much a blur for me, but my partner filmed it, and I'm happy that he did. i didn't even recall him filming it until a few days later when he asked me what I thought about my sling time.  After he told me he filmed it, I said let's invite my old roomie and watch it together. He said he was saving it for our 1 month anniversary!  He reminded me that we had agreed to play with undetectable guys, but in the video he said i was visibly excited when the waitedr said things like, are you ready for my toxic load, and your body is mine now.  I asked, did that really happen?  He said I'd find out on our anniversary.

    On the night of our 1 month anniversary we went back to the restaurant where the waiter worked, and requested his section. He promptly greeted us with a bottle of champaign and asked how i was feeling.  I said horny as fuck, as my partner hadn't let me watch the video yet. I also worried that he had lied to me, and that he was actually toxic and he was asking if I had any signs of the fuk flu. I then asked if he wanted to watch with us later, and he said he had other plans, but had a gift to give us before we left. 

    As we were about to leave, he gave us a small box and said not to open it until we got home.  He then paused and said oh wait, you two aren't going back to the dorm tonight.  I got a room for you too.  He added it was a seedy hotel, but we could simply have the room to ourselves, or invite others over for fun.

    We both thanked him and headed to the hotel.  Seedy wasn't the word for it!  Somehow that excited me though. It was like me blowing my partner in the restroom at the lake. We got to the room, and immediately pulled the comforter from the bed, hoping that at least the sheets were cleaner.  Thankfully they were.   We stripped and got on the bed to open our gift.   A beautiful glass pipe, and a generous supply of Tina! My partner quickly loaded the pipe and suggested we smoke some before the video, which we did. Normally I would be afraid of getting charged for smoking even cigarettes in a room, but was sure smoking was allowed here without a " smokers cleaning fee!"

    We were smart enough to stop by the liquor store for some booze, mixers, ice and fortunately cups, as the no tell motel didn't have ice or cups!  We poured a strong drink and fired up the pipe before the video.  I wanted a second hit, but my partner said let's watch the video first. Reluctantly I agreed.  He loaded the video on his lap top, we embraced and kissed, and then he turned on the video.  What I saw shocked me, yet turned me on.

    After watching the video, my partner said he had yet another Confession.  I immediately got up and headed for the liquor, pouring two cups for each of us.  He just sipped his, but I chugged mine as though it was a shot, and said confess away.  He told me that it was the waiter that was the one that pozzed him.  He continued by saying, don't worry, the waiter was truly undetectable unlike he seemed in the video. He continued by saying it was the waiter who not only planted his poz  seed up his ass, but also the idea of him pozzing someone.  He said the planets must have aligned when he met me.

    I then asked him the obvious question.  If you are certain that he was the one that pozzed you, why aren't you partners.  He explained that the waiter was a fuck and go type of guy, not a relationship guy.  He said that his pozzing session was quite similar to mine.  Very verbal.  He said the only difference was he didn't ask the waiters status at the time. He said that he figures the waiter had infected others also. He laughed saying who could resist that 11 inch cock of his!  I agreed, and laughed just saying good thing I found him first!

    My partner continued by saying don't feel angry about the waiter pozzing him.  He continued by saying that what he was about to tell me, should be only between the two of us.  He said that it was the waiters father that pozzed his son.  He said that his father was an old school leather daddy, equipped like his son, and he figured that his dad was full blown, despite his body being in amazing shape.  He continued by saying that once the waiter became poz, his father simply told him he deserved it being the cum dump he was. In essence, his father stealthed him, but DNA tracing found out that they had the same strain. We took another hit from the pipe, and fucked like rabbits. Tinac didnt serm to affect my partner much except for making him much more sexual and care free.

    We were both horny as fuck, and started checking the gay aps to invite others over for fun.  There was an endless supply to choose from.  The effects from Tina started to effect my partner, so he only bottomed the rest of the night.  We tried to coordinate tricks so it would only be a 3 way, and not an orgy.  Somehow we fucked up and two guys, both total tops showed up at the same time.  It was getting late, and our last tricks for the night, and it was fantastic.

    My partner and I were about to get fuckt by the first guy when the second arrived.  He knocked at the door as my partner was sucking him.  I looked through the peep hole, and out of all the tricks we invited, he was the one I desired the most, so I invited him in.  My partner and I got on the bed, asses up saying breed us studs!  They wasted no time!  We were side by side getting fucked, and the tops took turns on each of our asses.  Rotating every 5-10 minutes.  After several rotations, the one u wanted the most filled my ass, and the second guy filled my partner just minutes after.  They both ate our flooded  asses and swapped their cum with the one they didn't seed.  Was hot knowing we both took their seed, either by ass or mouth.

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  5. Chapter 4: The Waiter

    We had some time to kill before going to the waiters home, and decided to take a stroll around the lake.  We walked hand in hand, and when we passed a restroom my partner said he needed to release his load, so we headed to a stall, and I finished him off in my mouth. It was a nice change of pace for us.  There's just something about the thrill of public sex, even if only a blowjob.

    After that we found a bench and just talked.  He asked me what my thoughts were on trying Tina.  I said i was highly curious, but we'd have to be careful in not becoming addicted to it.  He laughed and said it's too expensive to get addicted to it. He said that it was something that he thought i should experience at least once though, and Iblow job.

    He was somewhat surprised that I told him I had a response to him pozzing me. He looked me in the eyes and  i reminded him that I told him i was both scared, yet excited when I thought I had the fuk flu. I told him that if I did become poz, I definitely wanted him to be the one to do it though. I suggested that we just focus on guys that identify as undetectable first.  He agreed, but reminded me that guys often lie. He continued by saying that he would continue to make love to me, but to let him know when i made my final decision on him pozzing me, and there was no rush to decide. With that, we took a quick ride to the waiters home.

    We arrived at the waiters home, and was surprised that it was a beautiful home in a nice neighborhood.   Most waiters just get by, but apparently he was doing quite well.  He was wearing simply a jock strap, and his hair was wet after just taken a shower.  He suggested we head to the pool, get more comfortable and have a drink.  We got to the pool, immediately stripped and jumped in the pool. He poured our drinks, and invited us to the bar, still in his jock.  He offered a toast, and then asked if we partied.  He then pulled a glass pipe from behind the bar.  My partner just looked at each other, and told him we were just discussing that. He smiled and said oh that must have been your dinner conversation.  I just said a part of it. He said was OK if we didn't, and asked if he could.  We said perhaps later, as we wanted to play some in the pool, and that we were both novices to Tina and wanted to wait until after out of pool.  He said that was a good idea.

    The waiter suggested we all get in the pool, and stood up taking his jock off.  To our surprise, and delight he had both a scorpion and biohazard tat near his cock.  At first we missed it marveling at the meat between his legs.  He was packing a good 11+ thick uncut cock.  He looked at us and said it was now on the menu, and served with a special sauce.  We all got in the pool, and started playing.  He stuck his cock up both our asses and enjoyed it.  My partner also shoved his cock up the waiters ass.

    The waiter suggested we get the party started, and we headed back to the bar, where he took out the glass pipe, he took a deep hit, and after exhaling, he looked at us and said not to worry, it did give him mild Tina Dick.  He added that he might not get fully hard, but had enough to satisfy our asses.  He handed the pipe to my partner, and he took a deep hit.  The waiter looked at hom, and said nice hit for a novice, but take it easy.  My partner looked at me and asked if i was ready to try.  The waiter suggested he take a hit, and shotgun it in my mouth.  He explained that was how he first did it.  I agreed that would be the best way.  The waiter took a smaller hit and put his lips to mine, slowly sharing the smoke.  Like my partner, when I released it, I began coughing, but my body felt like it never had before.  My partner took another hit and passed the pipe to me.  I took a pretty good sized hit this time.  The effects hit immediately and I told the waiter I wanted his cock.  My inhibitions were running wild, and i asked the waiter if he was undetectable or toxic.   I explained that it was not normal for me to ask, but I had never been with a guy who was poz marked.  In my mind, I was pretty sure that he was toxic, which would mean despite the Tina, he wouldn't be breeding me tonight. To my amazement he said he was undetectable. He suggested we head to the bedroom.   Once there we saw a huge king size bed, and a portable sling in the corner.  He asked which I preferred and said definitely the sling! I got in immediately and noticed there was a mirror above it.  Something I hadn't encountered before.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    Since you mention it, I picked up sort of a "regular" on that round sofa.  I won't say the name, but he's always there, wears a white bandana on his head, has 3 or 4 Cocks tattooed on each butt-cheek, and a really nice guy too.  Before covid, he used to stop over, knock on the door and ask if he could suck me off, so he could go to work with the taste of my Sperm in his mouth.  And - if I'm not mistaken - every single time he decided he wanted up his Hole instead - I don't think I've ever Bred his throat !!

    Even better going to work with a load up his ass!  Hopefully he cleaned your cock after to at least get a bit of taste of cum in mouth!

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  7. 3 minutes ago, hntnhole said:

    Yep .... and like you, I've only partaken of the cubicles a few times.  One of them (in the corridor leading to the showers/locker area) has a sling in it with no door, actually just a cubicle-sized alcove.  It's always more fun when there are other guys participating.  Group Breeding is always hottttt . 

    And I've found more guys there likely to nut in you.  Other fuck joints I've been to typically get lots of cock up ass, but not as many loads as I did at Slammers! The round fuck sofa was a bit different though.  More guys just edging in ass, but everyone was well hung or thick!

  8. Chapter3: My Response

    After thinking about what he had asked me, I had kinda made up my mind.  He suggested that we go out for a nice romantic dinner.  In his mind, I think he thought I would at least say yes to the partner question.  We sat side by side in a nice quiet booth near the back of the restaurant.   Although it was a romantic dinner, I still fondled his cock a few times.  He was semi hard, just thinking about me possibly agreeing to be his partner.  Our HOT waiter brought us our wine, and took our order.  As he walked away, my roomie said look at that ass on him.  I just said I wish he didn't have an apron covering his package.  We had a sip of wine and he eagerly asked what I thought about becoming partners.  I started out with a bit of a tease and said that we were very compatible, and asked why he wanted a relationship.  He said he'd been a pig for some time, and still wanted to be, but have a "Partner in Crime" to be by his side, and consistently  inside. He said that if I said no, he would understand that.  I asked why he thought that.  He said that he knew I had just discovered my inner pig, and that when he first did, all he wanted was sex.  Relationships never crossed his mind.  I said that I had thought about it before with my new dad and brother, but that wasn't feasible.   He just said, so what's your decision.  I said I'd love to give it a try.  He planted a deep kiss on me just as the waiter delivered our appetizers.  The waiter just smiled and said you two are a happy couple.  I just giggled and said we now were.  He said congratulations.

    The waiter had set off our gaydars, so I thought I'd have some fun when ordering.   I told him I loved my meat thick, and juicy saying we both liked it raw. He said I hope you mean you men, and not your steaks.   He grabbed his cock through his apron, and said he wasn't on the menu, but he got off at 11 and perhaps we could come over for desert.  We said that would be great. 

    While we were waiting for our food, my new partner dropped yet another bombshell.  He said he didnt want or expect an immediate response, but was going to ask now.  Before asking, he motioned the waiter over and ordered two shots for us.  My partner said i think we are both gonna need these. We downed our shots, and he asked what I thought about him going off meds, and pozzing me?  My jaw just kind of dropped, and I motioned the waiter over for another round of shots.  While he went to get them, my partner said, let's face it, as gay men there is only one way to get pregnant.  Much like a fetus would grow in a woman, HIV would grow in me, and I had the ability to control it.  He made a very valid point.

    The waiter brought our second round of shots, and said we must be having one hell of a conversation.  We both nodded in agreement. He later brought us our steaks, along with 2 glasses of champagne to celebrate.   When he brought our check, he also gave us his name, phone number and address. What a great way to celebrate our first night as partners!

    Next Chapter: The waiter.

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  9. 9 hours ago, Nkdnudist said:

    More to cum please 

    Plenty more to cum!  It's a challenge keeping the story full of sex, but setting up a continuing story!  Most of the chapters are already written, just pacing the postings.  I've been working on an AMAZING Christmas story line which will somewhat tie it all together!

  10. 21 hours ago, MuscledHorse said:

    Holy fuck this event 


    21 hours ago, MuscledHorse said:

    All in all I scored 82 partners that fisted or fucked my ass (six of them I actually topped as they were loose enough to take my fat penis).


    Is that your record?  Was suprised to hear you topped!  Always thought you were just a hole.  I'm sure there were a few well used holes there like yours to breed!

  11. Chapter 2: True Confessions

    After downing our drinks, he told me there were 2 things that I should know about him.  He started out by saying that he had recently tried Tina for the first time, and was amazed as how it enhanced his sexual experiences, particularly as a bottom.  I explained that I've heard that it was great for bottoms, but that tops would often get Tina dick.  He looked at me laughing and saying that Tina was the reason he wanted me to become a top. He continued by saying don't be offended, but although he felt I had become a good top, I was lacking in equipment.  He continued by saying that with Tina, that didn't really matter, and that he often smoked before we had our topping lessons!  I truly had no idea.  Usually when I fucked him, he didn't get hard, but then again, neither did I when getting fuckt.

    I told him that I had never done Tina, but was curious, but never knew anyone that I trusted to do it with.  He said that I did now.  He said he didn't have any now, but once he did, he would let me try it if I wanted. I said I'd like that.

    Onto Confession 2.  He again suggested we have another drink before it.  All I could think is WTF could it be?  After downing our drinks,  he asked me what I thought about becoming positive.   He was surprised when I told him, I had thought about it, and that I too had a Confession to make.  I told him as he knew, I was relatively new to the BB scene, but I've done some research on it, including becoming poz.  I explained that before returning to college, I thought that I may have had the fuck flu and was tested for the first time.  I was scared as fuck, yet still excited about it for some reason.  I didn't think that my new dad or brother were poz but I'd been fucked at their orgies, and who knows.  I was naive, and never asked, but then again even if asking, guys lie.

    He then asked me what I would say if he told me he was positive, but on meds and considered undetectable.   I explained that unlike many guys, I understood the U=Undetectable. I then asked him if he had the intention of ever becoming full blown, and he said absolutely not.  He said that we were of similar ages, and likely both saw what a horrible death it was.  He continued by saying that someone close to him lost their life from it.

    With that, he crawled in bed spooning me.  Although his cock was hard, he didn't enter me.  The night was rough on me.  So much going through my mind. I sensed that he was  actually crying after telling me about loosing someone close to him. I was tossing and turning, and it wasn't long before he retreated to his own bed.  I was actually quite happy about that.

    The next morning, well actually early afternoon, he had got back in bed with me. I felt blessed his hard cock pressing against my ass and said fuck me.  He said he wanted to, but suggested we go to brunch first and then back to the room to make love for desert.  I agreed.

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  12. ***Writers Note***

    This is a continuation of a story previously written in a non backroom area. I'll begin here with a brief "overview" of it.

    Although my first year of college was pretty mundane, simply jacking off to straight porn with my roomie, my summer break changed all of that.  Thanks to my best friend, and his dad, I became the cum dump slut that I was meant to be.  I hated having to go back to school after the summer as my friend and his dad had so much fun over the summer.  From my friend slowly seducing me, and leading me into a gay lifestyle, to having sex with him and his dad, as well as other men and boys. As much as I hated going back, I took it as a challenge to myself to have fun.

    And fun i had!  My second year of college was the most amazing time of my life!  My old roomie and I had fun, but this time it was more than jacking to straight porn.  Just as my friend introduced me to the gay lifestyle, I would do the same for him!

    My new roomie was a hung top, with an insatiable need to breed.  He convinced me to join a fuckternity, and even convinced me to have sex with a FTM Jock pussy.  He was teaching me to become versatile and would even introduce me to things I've never  experienced before.  There was no lack of sex between us and others. Not a day went by where one of our cocks wasn't in the others ass, or on those slower days in our mouths.

    Then a strange thing happened about midway through the semester. My roomie was becoming a bit more romantic.  Instead of just fucking daily, we made love.  Lots more kissing and cuddling. It was a far cry from the pig sex that I'd been having, but yet I'll have to admit that I kind of enjoyed it 

    One night after making love to me, he started passionately kissing me.  When he broke away, he looked me deeply in my eyes, and said he had a serious question for me.  I said go ahead. Although we had already had a few drinks, he suggested we have another.  After downing them he asked if I thought we could become partners? I really didn't know what to say at first.

    After thinking about it, I asked why he thought that was a good idea.  We already had our share of mutual fuck buds.  And he said true, and there was no tension between us there.  He said as a couple, he figured it would be the same.  He said that he didn't need an immediate answer, but wanted me to think about it, and be fully open to the idea.  I agreed that this would be best.  He continued by saying that although we knew alot about each other, there were some things he wanted me to know about him that I didn't know.  He said they would be eye opening, and that perhaps we should have yet another drink. I just thought, oh shit!

    Next up. Chapter 2: True Confessions 

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  13. 13 hours ago, Dad4son said:

    I love to drink piss. I love to drink it from my top, and if I decide to top a bottom, I like to drink by bottoms piss I don’t like to waste drop. I like it when the taste is mild and I liked it when the taste is strong, and sometimes even has a scent to it.  The problem lately is finding guys who like to give me their piss.

    The problem lately is finding guys who like to give me their 

    We definitely need to meet!  I'll gladly feed you my piss, and let you breed me.  I'd also LOVE to have a guy piss up my ass!

  14. On 10/18/2022 at 2:57 AM, Redrt66 said:

    Maybe this should be continued on the CHEM FICTION section for a larger audience & exposure? The writing, plot development and overall depravity deserves it!  

    I can't wait for your future other stories!

    I've recently written 2 stories outside of the backroom, but going to continue in the backroom!  It's NOT about the audience and exposure for me, just worth the excitement about backroom posting.  It's going to be in the Chem sex section.  I've written quite a few chapters already. Granted they all aren't sex filled, but I enjoy creative writing and building a deprived story!  Feel free to DM me if you want updates on my publishing of story!


    Chapter 11: Becoming a top. 

    Sure enough that next morning my roomie mounted my ass. My roomie said it was time for me to learn to be a better top, and I agreed. I had seeded him before, and he said I wasn't bad, I just needed more practice. After he seeded me, he straddled my cock and rode it. By doing so he could control the pace, and hopefully keep me from cumming so quickly. It seemed to have been working. In addition, he would edge me several times a day, teaching me to better control my load. This went on daily for two weeks. For the next week or so, he made me fuck him once, sometimes twice daily. The week was ticking away, and I asked him when we were going to have the orgy with the jocks and the lady boy. He said one of the jocks was sick, and it would be delayed a week or so, but added that it would give me and the lady boy more time for lessions.

    One day I came home to find him on his bed, fucking his hole with his own cock in ass and a dildo. Just the thought of being able to stick your own cock in your own ass got me hard. He just looked at me and said now it's your turn to replace the dildo he had in his ass. He pulled the dildo from his ass, and my cock replaced it. What an amazing feeling it was feeling my cock rub against his while in his ass. He said just take it slow and try not to cum too quickly. That was easier said than done. I lasted longer than before my edging lessons, but not as long as I had hoped for. The feeling of his ass grasping our cocks was way too much. After I pulled out, he said that he had a friend that he wanted me to meet. He warned me that my ass would be challenged by him, but felt I was ready for him.

    The next day, we went to his friends house. His friend said he heard i was up for a challenge. I replied yes Sir. He said good boy, adding that when he got done with my ass, I'd probably be calling him other names. The three of us went to his bedroom, where a sling had been set up. He told me to get in it, and once I did, he blindfolded me. I was a tad worried at not seeing his cock first based on what my roomie had said about him. I immediately felt something kinda of slimy and cold on my hole. He started opening me up with one, two, three fingers and then 4. My roomie put the brown bottle to my nose, and said I was going to need it. Before I knew it his friend had all 5 fingers in me, slowly working my hole. I begged for another hit, and after I finished it, his friend said good boy, I'm in almost to the wrist! Holy shit, I was getting fisted for the first time! Surprisingly it wasn't as bad as I had expected.

    When he was into his wrist, he started moving his fingers inside me. He found my prostrate and began massaging it. Although still blindfolded, I was guessing my load shot off like a huge fountain. After I came, he started pumping my ass with his hand slowly. It wasn't the same thing as I knew my final reward wouldn't be a load, but was something I would enjoy now and then. One of the fucktetrnity brothers had a gaping hole, on the verge of prolapse, and I just thought that was disgusting. Why would a top want to stick his hot dog into Yankee Stadium? He pulled his fist out before I came again and took the blindfold off. The first thing I noticed was that my roomie was filming it. He smiled and said you're gonna love watching this! He then put down the camera and said it was time to be rewarded. He shoved his cock in me balls to the wall and started fucking me harder than he had. After about 15 minutes, I felt his cock pulsing in me, and knew he was about to fill my ass with his seed.

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  16. Chapter 10: Socials

    Between my old and new roomies, my new fuckternity buddies and other guys I've met on campus, my ass was taking a beating. My once tight hole was now loose and  accustomed to taking large cocks.  My roomie and I would usually fuck everyday, but I at times begin to turn him away. That wasn't a problem though as my old roomie would gladly take my place.

    The fuckternity was amazing.  Someone there was always looking for fun. I'd often stop by the house on my way home from class just to suck some cock.  And the socials, OMG.  They were not like your typical fraternity socials where a fraternity would invite a sorority over for a party.  They were mostly socials thar those who didn't make the cut were invited to before, but didn't make the cut.  The vast majority of those who didn't make it came back. The reasons they hadn't made the cut had been noted, and the brothers worked on that to help them pledge again next year.  As long as they attended most of the parties, and progressed, they were a shoe in for Brotherhood next year, although they would still have to go through the rush process again.  The brothers seemed to latch on to certain guys, and although there was fun in the basement, they would privately tutor them in their rooms.  In fact my roomie and I had our eye on one, and would invite him to our room.  I wasn't sure that he'd make the cut as he was a lady boy.  When he showed up at rush, he was wearing black lacy panties.  I suspect the only reason it was accepted is that he did have a huge uncut cock.

    My roomie and I discussed it, and said he would be a challenge, but he thought he would be fun to play with, and an ass for me to practice on.  I agreed.  At the socials, the lady boy didn't show up in panties, but rather sexy underwear.  I suspect that someone had tipped him off to not wear girly panties.  At the first social, my roomie and I paid close attention to him.  A couple of guys fucked him, and he was quite verbal.  My roomie approached him and invited him back to our dorm room.  Not known to me at the time, my roomie told him to go home and slip some silky panties on first though.

    Shortly after the lady boy showed up at our door.  He immediately stripped exposing his huge cock and crotchless lacy panties.  My roomie and I immediately stripped, and my roomie locked lips with him.  The lady boy seemed to enjoy it, but pulled away and said breed me.  My roomie told him to turn around and show him his ass.  The lady boy did and said breed my pussy.  My roomie buried his face in his ass which sent him over the edge.  I made the decision to put a ball gag in his mouth, as he was so vocal.  My roomie also suggested we blindfold him. As I was getting the blindfold, I heard the sound of ripping panties.  My roomie took both hands putting them in the crotchless panties and ripped them off him.  He instructed him to bend over the desk, and then motioned for me to fuck him.  Although the panties didn't do anything for me, seeing them torn off got me hard and leaking.  I shoved my cock deeply in him, and started thrusting away.  Even with my pathetic cock in him, I was glad the ball gag was in as he was moaning like a bitch in heat.  I lasted longer than I ever had before!  I would have lasted longer, but he shot a hands free load as I was fucking him.  That sent me over the edge.  I pulled out, removed the ball gag, and said clean my cock and  floor you fucking sissy.  He cleaned my cock first, and then got on his knees to lick his cum from the floor.  As he was bent over, my roomie put the ball gag in and mounted him, giving him the most intense fuck I'd even seen him give.

    After he unloaded in him, I ate his cum filled hole, and swapped it with him. We all got on the bed, with the lady boy between us.  He was exhausted and we mostly made out.  He was starting to get hard again, and my roomie got down and started sucking his cock.  I thought I came quickly, but he didn't last 5 minutes! After finishing him off, we got together on the bed, grabbed a swift drink, made out and started talking.  My roomie asked him what he thought.  He said he had never been fucked as hard as that before.  My roomie then asked what he thought about me breeding him.  He said my cock was more like he was used to, but he was happy that I at least opened him up some before. My roomie said that he reminded him of me, and told him it was ashame that he didn't top with the gift he had between his legs.  He said he's tried before, but we had seen how quickly he came.  My roomie explained that I was the same way, and he's helped me in becoming a top, and could help him also.  He said he'd like that. We both smiled.  In the back of my mind, I knew that my ass would be one of the first lessons! With that my roomie suggested that he had some friends he wanted us both to meet, and that he would arrange a group at their house later in the week.  We had another drink, and sent the lady boy on his way. I then asked my roomie about his friends, and he said they were jocks and I'd love them.  By now we were drunk and exhausted, and simply crashed.  I knew I'd wake up to my roomies cock on me in the morning though.

    Next up Chapter 11: Becoming a top.

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  17. 2 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    It's seldom expressed in words - more in grunts, groans of pleasure - guttural, involuntary sounds of pure Lust.  It doesn't hurt that others can hear it too ...

    Sometimes if I'm lying on the Hole's back, rutting and about to Breed, I'll whisper in his ear "now it's time to make you one of my boys ...", and that almost always elicits the right reply.  

    Love the way you sometimes say it!  Sure it's hot hearing a top saying things like you want my poz load, or something similar.  

    Do you say that before you nut in them or after?  To me, would think better after unloading in them.  Would also be nice to exchange a deep kiss after saying that 

  18. It seems like most of the fun there happens during the day.  At night most are out at the bars fucking.  Day passes  are also available and guys not staying there seem to be plenty knowing they will likely find a host that has a sling in his room. You might be able to find someone coming home alone after the bars though that is still horny and wanting to fuck though.

  19. Chapter 9: Celebrate Good Times 


    I hurried off to the sports bar, and promptly ordered a pitcher of beer, 20 garlic parm wings and some fried pickles. It wasn't long before my roomie arrived and sat down next to me. He said congratulations and said he was glad I ordered some food for him too! I looked at him and said who the fuck said any of this was for you, slightly pausing and adding Sir. He just laughed. He ordered some food and drink, and while waiting, I asked him WTF he didn't tell me he was in the fuckternity. He said privacy was a major factor for them. He said the only guys that didn't make the cut tonight, were recommended, but not highly, and it was felt they needed more testing. He indicated that they would be invited to parties during the year, and further tested, and they were each told that.


    It wasn't long before my old roomie and our his fuckternity brother arrived. We sat together and called the waitress over to order shots. My roomie said he hoped we all had to piss, and after doing the shot, piss in the glass and make a toast. Once we filled the glass simply say it's time for a toast, and we would drink. My old roomie was first to say it, and after we toasted, he put his glass under the table and filled it again! He eagerly finished it just as the waitress was delivering our food. He then told her to bring on another round!


    We started eating our food, with me and my roomie having a head start. He said it was safe to discuss the night, as everyone close to us was now a part of the fuckternity! There really wasn't alot to talk about, and my roomie said the party would continue through the night back at the house! He said he and I were the first to the restaurant, and we'd be the first back to the basement for some sling fucking! We hurried back to the house, and he showed me around the dungeon. It was remarkably similar to my dad's dungeon, with the addition of a raised curb and drain against the fuck wall. I'd have to suggest that to my dad. After a brief tour I got in the sling, and started getting fuckt. Before my roomie finished, 2 other couples arrived. The first got in the sling next to us as the next 2 eagerly awaited. They gave up, and just went to one of the fuck benches. My roomie finished inside me and said let's head back to the room and if I wanted we'd continue where we left off if I was up to it. I agreed and we headed back to the dorm. I was exhausted, but he still wanted to fuck. We somehow got in the small bed, and he buried his cock in my ass but I simply fell asleep.


    While in bed we heard a knock at the door. My roomie slipped out of my ass to answer and it was my old roomie. I overheard him saying that after all that happened tonight he was still horny and wanted to know if he'd breed him. My roomie said I was too tired to get fuckt, but he still wanted to breed. The old roomie stripped immediately and got on my roomies bed. After a few minutes, I started some fake snoring. They laughed and my roomie said I was out and would never know! My roomie unloaded his nut, and they went out for a smoke. I immediately rolled over and stroked my rock hard cock, with my load hitting my face. As I was cleaning up, I heard my roomie fumbling with the lock. I rolled over onto my side, and once he got into the room, he got into the bed with me again. This time he didn't penetrate me as he was spent. By the time we woke up though, he was pounding my ass!

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  20. The prep time is worth the reward!  Sadly so many guys want right now, and get pissed when you say your ass isn't properly prepared.  I only fucked dirty one time, and NEVER will again.  I had a HOT Latin stud who always wanted right now.  One night  I gave in and let him take my ass.  I was grossed out smelling shit as he fucked me, but he kept pumping away until filling me.  The only good part of it was he stopped asking for right now, and we made plans a day or 2 in advance. 

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