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Posts posted by tighthole64

  1. Chapter 19: Let's get the party started part 1.

    The party officially started at noon, as my friend dad had indicated he wanted me to come over at 9.  When i arrived he and his dad were naked setting up the bar and tables for food.  My friend came over and gave me a deep kiss, and so did his dad.  His dad then asked aren't you a bit overdressed? He suggested we belly up to the bar and make a toast.  Dad poured us a tall glass of whisky straight up and started the toast by saying "Here's to my new stepson!"

    We downed our drinks quickly, and his dad said as i told you, it was to let me know about the party, and how special it was for him, and as i would see for me also.  He said as you know your father and I sometimes have a drink at the bar, and quite frankly he's a homophobic bastard.  He complains that your mom won't put out, yet he has you there, just like my son is here for me.  I knew you always came over to swim, but I suggested to my son that he take it a bit further by starting slow with just skinny dipping, and see how it goes.  He told me everything that happened every night, and then we had sex.  We were both surprised on how well you progressed. In fact I always told my son the next steps to take, and if he felt you were comfortable even a bit further.

    He continued by saying I know this entire thing has been a shock to you. First discovering my son is gay, and secondly that we had a relationship. And most importantly that i seemed to accept something conidered to be [banned word].  He continued by saying that he knew that my dad and i would never have such a relationship, but he hoped that we would. With that he said time for another toast.  He collected our glasses and filled them with his piss.  Cheers he said and we all drank.
    Dad continued by saying that he invited me early to prepare me for the party.  He said although his son told me of your progression, he had to be certain of it.  On your knees and suck my cock son! I quickly obliged.  As i was sucking him his son was by his side and they were deeply kissing.  Judging by his moans of pleasure he was enjoying it.  He started to say his son told me I've done great on learning to deep throat a cock.  Before he finished though he grabbed my head and forced it down to the base.  As his cock was longer and fatter than his sons, there was a gag reflex.  After he let me come up for air, he said that's alright boy, it took my son a long time to learn and throat me.  He then said to suck his son, and he didn't expect  a gag reflex.  His son did exactly as his dad grabbing me by the head and forcing my head to the base.  And there was no gag reflex. His son filled my mouth with a huge load and we shared a group kiss.  His next words were that I've never seeded you before, but I will before the party starts.  After I breed you, your ass will be plugged with a plug bigger than you've had in your ass before.  He said before I do though, I want to show you are secret sex dungeon. Although my son and I do have sex pool side, this is our special place.  It's cleverly hidden in the basement and obviously my wife doesn't even know.  Before we take you there, I want to explain something to you.  You may think that father/son relationships are rare. And to some extent, they are, but there will be at least 4 other couples at this party.   Some of the sons are just holes.  Some are versatile. You may get used by either a dad or son, or both.

    He then asked if I wanted to see the dungeon to which I eagerly answered yes. He warned me that there were things in their that I'd have no idea what they were, and to ask questions.  We had another whisky, and headed to the basement.  The dungeon was a rather large room, hidden behind shelves that simply swung away to reveal a door, which in itself was very well hidden.  As he opened the door, it was completely black, lit only by subtle red lighting and candles placed throughout the room.

    The first thing that caught my eye was a giant wooden X with restraints on each corner of it.  His dad explained it was a Saint Andrew's Cross, and that Toms father loves flogging and beating his sons ass with not only a flogger, but his belt.  Now I know why his son took out his aggression on me.  His dad instructed me to go to the cross and be restrained. He said not to worry about beating now, but expect it later. Once restrained, his father stepped away and grabbed something... a fucking feather duster, which he dusted me with all over including my cock and balls. He laughed and said remember expect the unexpected. He explained that the party would not be just about pain, but pleasure. 

    After I was freed we walked around and a few things were obvious such as fuck tables.  Some not so obvious though for instance I saw a device that he told me was a speculum.  He stated that several dads loved using them on their sons.  He explained that as some sons there were just holes, the dads would insert the speculum in the bottoms ass, open it up and the party goers jack off and shoot their loads into the open hole. 
    Next up were 4 slings.  His dad explained that the 2 side by side were the most popular as dads and sons that knew others there would get fuckt side by side, with the dads alternating sons.  His dad instructed me to get into one of the slings, and I was restrained.   A blindfold was placed over my eyes, and I was told that both my friend and his dad were going to breed me.  His dad explained that in normal circumstances his son would breed first, but as a welcome to the family, he would be putting the first and last loads in this time.  

    His dad ate my ass, and then put a small amount of lube on my hole and his cock.  He warned that this would be the first and last time I'd see lube for the party.  The remainder of the night the only lube would be natural.  His dad started somewhat gently.  But then became pretty aggressive. Luckily he didn't have the stamina of his son, and belive it was only 15 minutes of fucking.  As soon as he filled my guts, his son jumped right in, pounding me pretty aggressively for at least 30 minutes.  Once he unloaded deep in me, the blindfold was removed.  His dad ate some of the load and gave me a deep kiss.  His dad then retrieved a giant metal butt plug and said it was now mine.  He was proud to show me that it was engraved with the date and said, my new son is reborn." With that the plug was slammed deep into my ass.

    There were still plenty of things to explore in the dungeon, and my friends dad said he had to go to prepare for the guests to arrive, but his son would remain to answer any guesthouse I might have.  As we walked around I first saw what my friend said was a fuck machine.  He said most dads never used it, but being I was a newbie, they might.  There were various types of fuck bench.  Some looked like a simple padded saw horse, where others has a bench with arms and legs.  There was a huge collection of dildos and paddles.  The paddles ranged from simple wooden paddles, some with holes in them, some without.  My friend took pride in showing me one that had his name on it.  As he explained that his dad is sentimental and caring, and that was the first paddle used on him.  There was also several granite paddles.  My friend said they could be used as is or from the freezer or even heated up.  He said he was going to use his paddle on my ass, and hoped I got to experience both the heated and cooled paddles. 

    My friend said we had better get upstairs to meet the guests.   He explained that for about the first hour we would simply be pool boys, serving drinks, bringing towels etc to the guest.  He said I'd likely be fondled, but there was to be no sex outside.  He explained that the entire house was considered a play area, but most would stay in the dungeon.   Some may want to go upstairs for a drink, and I may be invited to join them with or without their sons.  He said there would be 1 maybe two new couples, and typically at their first party, they tend to be more private and go upstairs. By their second orgy they have a feel for the group dynamics and stay in the dungeon.

    Before we headed upstairs he asked if I had any more questions.   I looked at him and asked" can I do this?"  He said he had faith in me.  Not once did I tell him to stop, even when he knew I was in pain.  He said that I likely haven't experienced all before that I would at the party, but I had a great grasp on it.  He said he never told me before that a sacred rule was "stop means stop" and if anyone broke that rule, they would be removed from the group permanently. He added  that although his father would be playing, much of the time he would be filming.  He explained that these videos would NEVER be shared, with the exception to those in a particular scene.  He explained that his dad called them insurance.  That if anyone ever told about the group and he found out, the video would be shared with the dads spouse.  

    With that we both put on a red bow tie, and a red jock. He explained that although the guests would be naked, they had access to their clothes and wallets, and would often tip. With that we proudly walked upstairs.

    Next Chapter: The Gathering of Men and Boys.

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  2. Chapter 18:  Prelude to the party

    Afterwards we decided that my ass had had enough for the day.  The party was coming up tomorrow, and we should end it for the day, and just grab a drink at the pool bar.  As we were drinking my friends dad showed up.  He smiled and asked if the party started a day early.  Tom just giggled and said no, but he's well prepared for the party.  We figured his ass needed some rest, even though we both wanted to breed him again.  My friends dad suggested that his son and Tom go cool off in the pool as he wanted to talk to me alone.

    The boys headed off to the pool, and dad slipped his pants off and sat behind the bar.  He asked if I was ready for another drink, and of course I was.  It was one of his favorites, a tall glass of piss followed by a shot of whisky.  He then asked if I had any questions about tomorrow.   I first asked how many would be there, and he said 4-6 couples.  He said that 2 of the couples were new to the party scene, and wasn't sure If both would show.  He indicated that he thought one, and older gentleman and his grandson would, but the other was somewhat closeted as he was a pastor at a church, and his son was a parishioner there.  Holy fuck, no pun intended, that was kinda hot I thought!

    I then asked what I could expect.  He said to expect the unexpected.  Every time I watch Big Brother now, I kinda get hard thinking about that day.  He said I would be just fine, and that although the party started at noon, he expected me to be there at 9 and he would show me the hidden dungeon area, and let me ask questions about anything I saw there that I wasn't familiar with.  With that he gave me a deep kiss, and suggested I go home and get some rest.  As I was leaving, my friend was in the pool getting fucked by Tom!

    Next up Chapter 19: Let's Get the Party Started. Part 1.

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  3. Chapter 17: Double your pleasure.

    We headed straight to the bedroom, bringing a large pool towel to put down on the bed.  The two of them debated on who would be the first to enter my hole.  Ultimately it was decided that it would be Tom.  It was a relief to me as both cocks were so thick I wanted him to open me up first.  My friend was eager  to get his cock inside me though.

    Tom as expected showed no mercy on entering me while my friend buried his cock down my throat.  He slyly asked if I was ready for my second cock.  Tom just looked at him and said he wanted to pump my ass a bit longer.  After about 5 minutes of pounding, Tom looked at my friend and said it's time to join the party!

    Im not going to lie, once my friend got his cock in, it hurt like hell.   My only saving grace was that Tom was first in, and that person is usually more passive.  Now my friend was a good fuck, but not nearly as aggressive as Tom.  It wasn't long before my friend started thrusting on my ass.  Tom was egging him on to start fucking, but my friend reminded him that I'd never taken 2 large cocks before, and wanted my ass to get used to it.

    Once again, my friends stamina had hom fucking me for close to 30 minutes before unloading in me.  Once he did, Tom said it was his turn to breed me.  I cleaned my friends bloody cock off, and then he entered my ass.  Tom was quick to add his cock, and in about 10 minutes unleashed his load deep in me.  As they pulled out, I could feel the bloody cum seeping out of my ass and over my bull balls.

    With that, we simply fell in a pile exhausted on the bed.  To my surprise, Tom started to passionately kiss me.  This was a side of hom I'd never seen before.  After unlocking lips he looked at me and said you look surprised, to which I said totally.  He said his dad taught him to be an aggressive fuck, but he enjoyed romantic moments like this, just not in front of his dad.  He continued by saying that was the best part of rooming with my friend in college as it's hard to have rough aggressive sex in a dorm.

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  4. Chapter 16: the mystery man

    After being beat, I heard the mystery man speak again, once again offering me the yellow bottom saying id need it I recognized the voice, but just couldn't place it.  Before I could even contemplate it, his gigantic cock filled my ass.  It felt about the sane size as my friends, but this was definitely a muscle stud.  He pounds me with an intensity one could only imagine.  In addition thought was someone younger, as for 30 minutes or so the intense pounding continued.  I could feel his sweat dripping on my back. Then it hit me.  This was Tom my friends college roommate!

    After he unloaded in me with a loud grunt, I was of course cleaning his cock.  Once again tasting a bit of blood.  Just then I heard the door open and close.  My friend said glad you came Tom!  Then my friend noticed I was still blindfolded. Tom didn't mind though as he said it was time to take the blindfold off so I could see my marked back and ass, and what my hole looked like. The restraints were removed, and I was led to the mirror to see the damage that had been done.

    Tom said he needed a break and suggested we go to the pool for a drink, which we did.  While having our drinks, Tom apologized to my friend for having to leave early, but his dad called demanding his ass.  He said you know I can't refuse.  He said he gave me a feeling to what would happen if I was to refuse, referring to the beatings I'd received earlier.

    Tom confided that as much as he liked to get fuckt, his dad had been encouraging him to use the gift between his legs more often.  My friend said the same.  He then looked at me and said sadly this one is just a hole.  Look at that pathetic locked cock.  Toms suggested we have one more drink, and head back to the bedroom, which we did.

    Once there Tom asked my friend if he thought I could handle both of their cocks in me at the same time.  My friend grabbed the dildo he had used on me, holding it next to his still flaccid cock and said he had these in him earlier, and his ass was torn up and bleeding.  Tom stood face to face to my friend, placing his cock on the opposite side of the dildo my friend was holding next to his cock.  They both had an evil grin and said we better get a towel for bed, as my ass was going to be quite bloody when they finished with me.

    Gonna try and break this part up.  I only have planned 1 more chapter before the going away chapters kick in.  That chapter is going to be a little slow, so figured our DP session would make it much better.  

    Sorry If I've gone overboard on the friend part, but it's a part of the larger father son story.


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  5. Sorry about that!

    My friend took me to the bed having me sit on the adge and suck his cock. After he locked my pathetic cock in a cage.  This one was a bit different though as it had a small shaft thatvernt up my piss slit. There was no mercy.  He grabbed the back on my head and shoved his cock down my throat for what seemed like 5 minutes.  Once he let go he aggressively face fucked me for probably 10 minutes.  Next thing I knew he told me to get on all fours.  He placed a blindfold over my eyes and shoved his cock up my ass balls to the wall. No rimming.  No lube.  No poppets. No teasing my ass. Just a good hard dry fuck!

    The next thing I knew he pulled out of me and said not to move.  I heard him fumbling in his trick bag, and when he returned he shoved a giant dildo up my ass.  After aggressively fucking me with it he asked if I was ready for his cock.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think he meant with the dildo in it at the same time!  It hurt like hell, and brought tears to my eyes. I then saw a side of him I've never seen before.  He had been verbal before, but not overly degrading.  He started off by calling me a novice cunt.  He continued by saying real men don't cry just because they have 2 cocks in them.  He continued by saying if I thought that was painful, just wait for the party, that is if my dad and I even decide to invite your sorry ass. It was a WTF moment for me as earlier he said I surpassed his and his dad's expectations. 

    He finally dumped his load up my ass, and said you know what to do next.  This time was a little different though as the was some blood on his cock.  I was kinda freaked out, but in reality not really surprised. He said I was useless, but deserved a break and said let's go to the pool have a drink and a smoke.  As soon as we got to the pool he said he had to take a piss.  Of course I knew what to do.  We smoked a few cigs and downed a couple strong drinks before he said he was going to fuck me in the pool.  He got into the pool and once wet, up on the slide and telling me you know what to do faggot!

    It wasn't long before he was hard and into the pool where he once again shoved his cock in balls to the wall, fucking with extreme intensity.  The sensation was quite different being in the pool. After that we grabbed another drink and smoke, and headed back to the bedroom for more wild fucking.  He dropped two more loads in me before blindfolding me and restraining me to the bed.  He said he needed a rest, but not to worry someone else was coming over to treat me like the piece of shit I was.  He said if I was lucky, I'd get 15 minutes of rest.  Before leaving though, he threw a yellow bottle close to my face saying im going to need those. Sadly with my arms restrained I couldn't grab them.

    I was exhausted and even a 15 minute break would have been nice.  I'm guessing it was about 10 minutes though when I heard the door open and close.  The next thing i felt was leather strips being slapped across my back, something I've never experienced before. It hurt like hell, and as i was later allowed to see, left red marks across my back. Once the flogging stopped, I sensed that the guy was undressing.  He then came up and offered me the yellow bottle, holding my nostril shut and simply saying you're gonna need these. The next thing i felt was the cold feel of leather beating my ass. He was right.  Although the flogging was painful, this was almost unbearable.   After he finished, I got a nice hard slap on my ass cheeks, but then just a light rubbing of his hands over my ass cheeks. It felt so good compared to the beating I just received. 

    Who was this mystery person?  Find out in the next chapter. The Mystery Man.


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  6. Chapter 15: The second Night 

    We decided to hang around the pool bar, and continue to have a few more cocktails and of course cock!  We were both used as each others urinals.  The alcohol hit us both pretty hard.  He looked at me and asked what questions I had for him.  My mind was spinning with questions.  Where would I begin?

    I began with a biggie.  How long have you and your dad had this special relationship?  He wouldn't exactly say, but said it was a family "tradition " that started with his dad and his grandfather.  As he was explaining, he was playing with his cock, as was I asked if he planned on continuing the tradition when he got married.  He said he really didn't have interest in pussy, however he has had girls over skinny dipping and said they were intimidated by his cock, or simply didn't know how to suck a cock.  He said you never know though.  After all his father was married and his cock was even larger and more intimidating.   

    He went to pour us another drink, and came back with his cock in the cup, stiring it.  He pulled his cock out and said have a sip.  He shoved his cock deep in my throat and started to take a piss. When he finish he said nice job urinal you didn't spill a drop. I said no and neither did I save any to swap with you. H e continued by asking if I had more questions.  I decided to ask him a doozy!  I asked him if he and his dad had planned this all out leading up to the back to school party.   He just smirked and said what do you think?  I said sure, but why?

    He explained that his dad and mine would sometimes hang out at a bar, and my dad asked him if he ever caught his son jacking, or apparently looking at him naked in the shower.  His dad simply said boys will be boys and at least they aren't knocking up girls like he did.  As for his son seeing him naked he said sure.  It's just natural curiosity.  He said his dad felt my dad was homophobic and his dad felt I needed a father figure in his life that would teach him there was nothing wrong with M2M sex.

    I asked how I was doing so far and he said better than he and his dad expected.  He continued by saying  his dad always asked how it was going. He said there were a few things I needed to learn though.  He suggested we head to the bedroom to begin.  He led me to the shower and said he needed to reach me to properly clean out.  He said there were to ways, one that was more conventional, but the other could happen. He told me to bend over stuck his semi hard cock up my ass and began to piss.  I thought the feeling of cum up my ass was wonderful but this took it to the next level.  He pulled out, and told me to squeeze the remaining piss front my ass. He then left the shower and I slipped over to the toilet, or should I say bidet brought out what he explained was a shower shot.  As her was attaching it, he said to be sure i used the bidet function.   He continued to connect the shower shot, and then stuck it up my ass.

    He said now it's time to get to the bed, and expect to get fucked longer, faster and harder, and not to expect any rest.  He said that a friend would be joining us so that he could get some rest though.

    ************************************************Sorry something came up at work so I need to pause here and get into work.

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  7. Chapter 14: The first night.

    After having some dinner, he suggested we take a dip, have a drink and a smoke.  Sure why not.  We headed to the pool bar and while I was in the pool he made the drinks.  He called over and said there was some lemonade as a mixer, and wanted to know if we should try it.  Of course, our normal drink was his dad's straight whisky on the rocks.  His dad always had high dollar whisky, and it was as powerful as hell.  He had me come to the bar for a toast.  He said on the count of three we would click glasses and chug our drink.  The drink looked a little strange, but then again I'd never seen whisky and lemonade mixed before.  On the count of 3 we clicked and chugged. It was one of the worst tasting drinks I've had.  Good thing that it was a small drink and we chugged it!

    He smiled and giggled and said congratulations you tasted your first piss!  Yep another WTF moment.  I was about to gag and he said it's an acquired taste.  He then told me to let him know when I had to take a piss.  Well I did.  There was no outside restroom.  We would simply go to the outside area of the bar to relieve ourselves.   He followed me and once there said let me be your urinal. Now I had to piss like a racehorse, but suddenly my bladder became shy.  He begged me for my piss.  All of a sudden my bladder let loose, and I flooded his mouth with my piss.

    We headed back to the bar and said it was much better from the tap than mixed with whisky.  He then asked if ineanted another shot, but this time only mixer.  Remembering that he said his dad liked watersports and thinking that would happen at the party, i said sure.  Sounds like I need to practice.   He filled our glasses with his piss, and surprisingly he was right, it tasted better without whisky!

    He suggested we head back to his parents bedroom for "desert." Once there I asked him what else was in the bag. He first pulled out a pair of nipple clips on a chain.  He put them on himself and then asked if i wanted to try them.  Sure I'd give it a try even though my nipples weren't as large as his.  Strangely enough although painful, it was pleasurable.  He then pulled out several dildos of all different shapes colors and sizes.  Some even vibrated. 

    The next thing he pulled out was a set of beads on a string that a top would shove up his ass and pull out as ready to come to Intensify his load.  He asked if I wanted to try them as he sucked my cock.  Why not?  My loads were usually pretty intense, and wondered if it would make one more intense?  He inserted the balls up my ass and started sucking my cock.  He knew I usually didn't last long and to tell me JUST before I was going to blow my load.  He explained timing was crucial! Sure enough my usually large load was even larger! We of course kissed and shared my generous load.

    The next thing out of the bag was what he called a chastity device or a cock cage.  He said it was for bottoms like me as our cocks were basically useless.  He are just holes for a top to fill.  With that he put it on my cock and locked it in place.  He reminded me that I was still able to piss through it, and  he was my urinal for the remainder of the night.  He also reminded me that I was his urinal also.

    The rest of the night was a flurry of activity. I lost track of the number of times he seeded me and the number of dildoes he took to my ass.  We were each others urinals several times through the night. We finally fell asleep with his cock plugging my ass.  I was still locked in the cage, which became painful with my morning wood.  He promised to unlock me, but I'd have to breed him.  Anything to get out of it!  After I dumped a load in, he immediately re caged me saying I was much better at being just a hole.

    That afternoon we mostly just hung naked at the pool.  As we were in the pool the gate opened and the most beautiful blond Haired muscle stud came in.  My friend said hey Tom, and introduced him as his college roommate.   My friend said why not join us, we're naked.  He suggested we have a drink first and we agreed.  We headed to the bar as his friend got naked. His chest was chiseled, and he had a 6 pack. His ass looked like 2 slabs of concrete.  Tom got behind the bar pulling out 3 short glasses and said nothing like some warm lemonade on a warm day. My friend giggled and said i had some lemonade for the first time and suggested he find bigger glasses.  Tom filled them quite easily, but said he still had more left.  My friend dropped to his knees, and said you know where the urinal is!  He had quite the stream left, but my friend took it all without spilling a drop. I was like wow and he said it takes practice.   We toasted each other and chugged our lemonade.

    Tom suggested we follow it with a whisky chaser to which we all agreed to. Tom filled up the tall glasses with straight whisky and no rocks.  We chugged them and lit up a smoke.  This time they weren't my friends dads but a pack Tom brought over.  Shortly after finishing two cigs my friend told me he had to pee, and I was his urinal.  Somehow it tasted better from the tap than it did when premixed with whisky.  I got off my knees and my friend kissed me. Just as Tom suggested we head to the pool his phone rang.  Although we couldn't hear the conversation we did hear him say yes Sir several times.  He hung up and said it was his dad and he was horny and had to go.

    After he left, I asked my friend if Tom was just a hole.  He said yes for his dad, but he was vers.  It was just hard to imaging a muscled stud like him simply being a hole to his dad.  He said that both of their dads were in a similar situation and they were simply their for their dads pleasure, whatever it might be.

    Enough for one day!  My cock is getting raw from stroking! Next up Chapter 15: The final Night.

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  8. Chapter 13: The weekend is here.  My friend invited me over for a small send-off party for his parents.  Of course his mom had enough food for one of her usual social parties.   The 4 of us were sitting at the pool bar, and his dad offered us a beer.  His wife gave him the stink eye and said honey you shouldn't do that.  His dad just smiled and said it's just beer, and we weren't drinking hard liquor. His mom said she knew we were both good boys, and agreed with her husband. She was soooo naive!  Little did she know that we were drinking hard liquor, her son fucking me and her husband fucking their son!  

    She told her husband that they had better get on the road.  She said she understood that we were also having a little get away with a weekend overnight.   Apparently my mom mentioned it to her asking if it would be alright.  We couldn't wait for them to leave.  As soon as they did, we poured a swift drink, smoked a cigarette and got in the pool naked.  The pool ended up being mostly romantic with some deep kissing, fondling and conversation.   He asked if I was ready for the weekend, and I simply said was my cock hard when you grabbed it?  Yours definitely was!  With that I jumped out of the pool and assumed the position on the lounge chair.  He said no, he was going to fuck me on his parents bed! I simply said lead the way.  He said let's grab another drink and cig first.  

    We both gulped our drinks and smoked our cigs in record time and then he asked if I was ready to get fuckt.  What a STUPID question!  I had never been in his parents bedroom before and it was huge.  There was a full size sofa in it and a huge poster bed. It was attached to a huge master bath with a huge walk in shower.  He said he wanted to fuck me on the sofa first, as he had yet another surprise for the bed.  I was curious as to what it was but just needed fuckt!  He threw the pillows from the sofa and said no pillows tonight, as we were inside and no one could hear us, and he wanted to hear me as he fucked me.

    This time started off pretty normal.  There was really no need to suck hos cock, as he already had a raging hard on.  He started eating my ass and this time had a large bottle of lube.  He threw the yellow bottle by my face and said get ready.  He started as usual by just sticking the head of his cock in and making me beg for it all.  He instructed me to keep hitting the bottle, which im glad I did. When least expected he trust in balls to the wall as I yelled out in pain.  This time there was no teasing my cherry, he broke it on the first thrust.  There was an aggressive side to him I've not experienced before. He was just like his dad aggressively fucking him while I was listening. 

    There was no getting use to his cock this time.  He would trust in balls to the wall pull completely out and thrust in again. It went on for what seemed like forever, until he slowed down and I felt his cock pulsing past my cherry.  It always felt amazing but past the second hole it was absolutely amazing!  He told me he was going to plant his seed deep, and if i was a woman, I'd be pregnant. Needless to say the feel of his hot cum felt amazing deep in me. I collapsed on the sofa, and he stayed inside me still hard as a rock.  He got off of me and went to a bag and pulled out what I learned was a butt plug.  He shoved it up my ass and said he wouldn't need lube the next time he fucked me in the bed.  

    We were both exhausted and he suggested me take a nap.  We deep kissed some, and he then got behind me, spooning me with his cock touching my plugged ass.  We both fell asleep like that.  I'm not really sure how long we slept, but I awoke as I felt him pulling the plug out, and his cock sliding in.  I just laid there and fell back to sleep.  At some point he pulled me onto my stomach and had me spread eagle on the bed.  The next thing I knew he got out of bed.  I figured he just had to take a piss.  Boy was I wrong!  Apparently he had a few other things in the bag, including restraints!  

    Before I knew it, he had restrained my arms to the poster bed, and then my feet.  I was totally vulnerable to whatever he wanted. He asked if I was OK with it, and I said why not.  He then slipped a blindold over my eyes and I thought WTF.  I then heard the bedroom door open and close and said WTF?  He gave his simple kinda evil laugh and said, oh I forgot to tell you I invited a friend over!  The friend didn't speak much, but he asked my friend if I was prelubed?  He said of course.  Judging by his voice I guessed middle aged.  His friend then asked if i was a loud fuck, and he said you've seen  my cock before, what do you think?  The next thing I knew there was what I learned to be a ball gag placed in my mouth.  My friend assured him that his friend was a lilltle shoter and not nearly as thick, and I'd enjoy him. 

    Although I couldn't see him I could hear them and he told my friend to suck his cock, and get him rock hard so he could fuck me good. It didn't take much sucking, and his friend quickly penetrated me.  He was right the length was not quite as long and definitely not as thick.  My ass was still sore from my first breeding, a word I'd never heard him use before.  His friend started to aggressively fuck me and started moaning.  His cock didn't pulse like my friends did, but with one final grunt I felt his warm seed flooding me.  When he pulled out, their combined seed dripped over my balls.

    The restraints and ball gag were removed and I was rolled over and told not to touch the blindfold.  My friends friend said clean my cock you dirty faggot.  As I did, my friend wrapped his lips around my cock and gave me the most amazing blow job.  His friend got dressed and said to my friend that he heard his dad was throwing a back to college party.   My friend said yes, but the details hadn't been worked out quite yet.  His friend said don't forget to invite me and my son. With that he left.  My friend and I simply spooned on the bed, but instead of the plug, his cock plugged my hole. We both fell asleep like that until early evening when we woke up.  He suggested we shower and eat some of the food that his mom left.  

    We got in the shower, and he started to piss.  Not on the floor, but on me.  Again I'm thinking WTF?  He said I guess you have never done watersports before?  Hell id never even heard of it before.  He said well by now the cats out of the bag about the back to college party, but then added his dad loves watersports.  He said the night was young, and hed teach me more.

    next up the first night.    


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  9. Chapter 12: the whole Italian Sausage (Slight name change)

    I did as instructed and properly learned how to use poppers.  The next several night went for a swim, but for the most part we just had oral and popperbated.   It was a Wednesday I believe, and my friend said his parents were going on a weekend getaway and we would have the house to ourselves.  He told me to keep poppering up and work my hole to prepare for his Italian sausage.

    We went to the pool bar, lit up a sig and poured a swift drink.  He was behind the bar and I was in front of it.  I asked what I should do to train my hole for the weekend, and he smiled and said glad you asked!  He pulled out a dildo from behind the bar.  I was like WTF?  It was about the same length, but not nearly as thick.

    He then asked if I'd been training my hole.  I indicated that I had been and could almost get three fingers in it as long as my middle finger was on top of the 2 fingers on both sides of it.  He smiled and said that was great, as it created some girth. He then coyly said to me, prove it!  We poured another drink and headed to the lounge chair.  

    Once there he told me I knew the position to assume.  As i got on all 4s I asked if I was getting his cock, or the dildo.  He just laughed and said guess you'll find out soon enough!  With that he started eating my ass.  Not only was his cock long, but so was his tongue!  I don't think he actually got his tongue in the first time he rimmed me,  as I was so blown away by it, but he definitely did this time.  

    He spit on my hole and then 1, 2 and three fingers in.   He said he was surprised on how much I had loosened up.  Of course that was because of practice, and the poppers! I told him I needed his cock in me, and he said not tonight.  He wanted to see how deep I could take the dildo, reminding me I'd only had about half of his cock in me.  He opened up one of those small sample pouches of lube, and said oh cherry flavor, how fitting.  I said what do you mean?  You've already taken my cherry.  He said that tonight would be a totally different experience because of the length.  He explained that there is a second inner hole that's the true cherry.

    Now there wasn't much lube, and the toy was big.  He put a majority of lube on the head of dildo.  I'd say the head was as thick as his, but the shaft definitely wasn't. He eased the head in and got about half way in.  About the same length of his cock before he gently started thrusting in and out.  Each thrust going in a little deeper.  Then he hit my "cherry" and we both knew it.  He offered the yellow bottle to my nose, and said to get the pillow ready, as I would need it!  He warned me that it was going to hurt like hell, but there really wasn't to way to gently pop that cherry, and he would be pushing the toy in to the base.

    He gave me a count of 3, and then shoved it all the way in.  Fortunately I had my mouth on the pillow on the count of 1.  The pain was unbearable. I fell from my all fours to flat on my stomach.  He left the toy in without thrusting so I could be accustomed to it.  After a while he asked if it was OK if he started thrusting it in and out. He explained at first the thrusts would still be beyond my cherry, but would shortly be going in and out of it, explaining that it wouldn't be as painful this time. 

    He was correct in that it hurt, but not nearly as much.  After a few inner thrusts, he took the toy completely out of my hole, and thrusted it in to the base.  After a while my friend thought I'd had enough for the night, and then he added his parents were probably upstairs fucking and his dad would be down shortly to be serviced.  I asked if I could stay, and he said not tonight.  We both put our trunks on and sure enough, not much longer his dad came outside in his silk boxers.  His glistening cock head was peaking out from the leg. He said hello, and I just said I'm about ready to leave.  He said why don't you stay for a drink, I know you boys have had a few before!  I thanked him but said it was getting late, and I had to get home.

    Little did they know, I didn't go home but hid behind the fence within earshot.  His dad asked him how the night went!  Wait WTF his dad knew what we were doing?  His dad asked if he thought I'd be ready for a back to college party we'd never forget, and he said definitely.   He then thanked his dad for planning to take a weekend vacation with his wife so that he could prepared me for the college send off. His dad told him he knew the proper way to thank him and to drop his pants as he was getting fuckt.  Although I couldn't see what was going on, I could tell.  He told his son to clean that pussy juice and cum from his cock.

    His dad was verbal, and said you know I love fucking ass, and mom will only take me in her pussy.  He said I know dad, but that's what I'm here for.  With that he told him to assume the position.  As his dad thrust deep in him, he let out a yelp.  His dad just laughed and said do you need a pillow like your pussy friend?  I was kinda pissed, yet turned on as my cock was growing.   I pulled down my trunks and listened as his dad fucked him.  He was very verbal which turned me on immensely.  I shot a huge load and used the garden hose to rinse off any cum I may have missed!

    Next up: The weekend is here!  Again sorry for the frequent daily posts.  I was supposed to be working today, but my schedule changed and I'm off.  I'm contemplating posting the next chapter which is getting me hard AF just thinking about.  As it is a weekend story, may break into 2 parts.

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  10. Chapter 11: Afterglow.

    He simply laid on top of me for several minutes, but then got off, doing something I'd never heard of... rimming me!  Oh my Gawd, I was in heaven!  To that point I've only seen straight porn, with guys eating pussy.  It was always before fucking them though, not after filling their pussy with their manseed..

    He worked his tongue like magic, well at least to me.   He had some slight stubble on face that enhanced the experience. Now I wasn't hard when getting fuckt, but I quickly rose to the occasion.   Like i said I tend to come quickly, and told him i was close.  He rolled me over, and instead of sucking my cock, he wrapped his lips around my balls.  Now my cock isn't that big, but I do have bull balls, and shoot huge loads.   It wasn't long before I shot a huge load on his face.  Just like i love having done to me, I pushed it in his mouth with my cock.  He just looked at me and asked if I'm was going to kiss him.  I bent down and first started licking the small amount of cum still left on his face before kissing him.  To my surprise he still had quite a bit of cum that he didn't swallow.   We kissed and shared my cum, and with his unusual laugh he simply said there was more than enough to share!

    He got up and went to the bar again, pouring us drinks and smokes and grabbing something else I wasn't sure of.  We fired up our ciggys, and started sipping the whisky.  This time straight up on the rocks, as we ran out of mixers.  It was a rather odd time. I figured we would talk about what had happened, but instead he started the conversation around his parents.  He said we were "adulting" by having a smoke and drink after sex. He continued by saying that even though his parents bedroom was downstairs and his was upstairs, he could hear them fucking as both were very vocal.  I just laughed and said maybe they need more pillows on the bed!

    The whisky was kicking in, and i asked him if he jacked while listening to them.  He said of course, but when they finished, his dad would go to the pool bar grab a drink and a smoke.  Hence his "adulting" comment.  Surprisingly he continued by saying that he would then follow his dad out, and service him.  He said that his mom, even at her age still liked to get fuckt, but rarely sucked cock, and according to his dad, she couldn't handle his cock very well.  I was just like WOW. He continued by saying it was odd tasting both pussy juice and cum, but he'd never eaten or fucked a girl's pussy.  Same here.

    This was enough to hear, so I broke the ice and asked what else he grabbed from the bar.  He said he thought I'd never ask.  He pulled a small bottle of poppers from the side of the lounger.  A bright yellow bottle that said RUSH on it.  I said, wait you had poppers tonight?  He said yes, but knew I had never done them before, and wanted to know how much of his cock I could take without them.  He opened the new bottle, and told me how to use them.  Wow that first hit blew me away!  It was getting late, and he gave me the bottle saying to practice with them in moderation.  He also said to bring them next time I came for a swim!

    OK I've shot a few loads already, and need a nap!  Next Chaper, in a day or so...The Whole Enchilada. 

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  11. Chapter 10B Losing my virginity

    He continued to let me suck his amazing cock, letting me go at my own pace, not forcing my head down.  I did go fully down a few times, and it at least serned like the gag reflex was getting less and less.

    Unlike me who tends to cum quickly, he had amazing stamina. Both in taking his time to cum, and for tye most part, staying hard and going for a second round.  Not only was length an issue, but so was his girth.  I can't recall a time when my jaw wasn't sore.  One thing about him is that he became somewhat vocal, and you could feel his cock pulsing with cum when he was close.  Unlike any other person I've been with, he would pulse for a long time before unloading though.

    As I felt his pulsing, I took my mouth off of his cock, and simply said feed me.  He just looked at me and asked if i was ready to take his cock up my ass!  I was, bur as far as I knew he didn't have any lube or poppers, and I told him that.  He just looked at me and said cum is the best lube, and he promised not to go balls to the wall until he had poppers.  With that, I got on all fours with my ass up willing and waiting.  

    He got behind me and aggressively stroked his cock.  He then asked if I was ready for his load on my ass, to which i said hell yes.  He said he was excited for the day when he asked me if i wanted his load up my ass.  He then said it wouldn't be that night, unless I wanted it to be.

    He unleashed a huge load on my eager hole, and rubbed his massive head on it.  He assured me he'd take it easy.  Now I trusted him, but had a flashback to him grabbing my head and forcing his entire cock in my mouth, so I wasn't really sure.  He started with one, then 2 fingers up my hole, working his cum up it.  Maybe he was just trying to ease my nervousness, but said I didn't feel quite as tight as the first time.  He giggled and said good boy as I told him I'd been practicing!

    He gently slipped his massive mushroom head in my hole.  Im not gonna lie, it was painful, but yet pleasurable.  He kept his head in without movement for what seemed like ages.  He then reached over to the other lounge chair, taking his cock out briefly and grabbed a small pillow.  He suggested that I bite on it if it became too painful.   What a great idea!  He knew what he was talking about.  He then slipped his head in again.  Even though justb few minutes after he pulled it out, it didn't seem to hurt as bad.

    He told me to grab the pillow and put it in my mouth.  By now, my body was quivering.   Not sure if it was fear or excitement though.  He slowly started to push his cock up my ass repeatedly saying good boy, you're doing well.  Now he had a pretty big head, but a much thicker shaft.  At first I didn't bite the pillow, well much, before I started, I asked how deep his cock was and he said maybe 1/4 in. He then asked if i wanted more, adding that if too much, just say stop and he would.

    He got about 1/2 way in, pausing some before starting to thrust.  As my mouth started to come off the pillow, he began to be a little more aggressive, but not overly.  It wasn't long before he would take his cock entirely out of my ass, and put it back in.  After a few times of doing this he got verbal and said next time I pull out, it's not going back In until you beg for it.  Once he pulled out i told him i wanted his cock back in me. He said not good enough boy, tell me you NEED it in you, to which i did.  I don't think he ever went deeper than before which I was greatful for.  

    After a few minutes of thrusting, he pulled out again, and i told him I needed it on me.  He asked if i wanted it balls to the wall, to which I said not tonight.  Not without poppers. He agreed. After what seemed like ages, I could feel his cock starting to throb.  He turned my head and gave me a big kiss asking if I wanted my first load up my ass.  I said no.....I NEED it up my ass! That's all it took for him.  Before I knew it, my guts were filled with his seed.  As I said, he had stamina, and I quickly fell flat on the lounger.  He stayed in my ass still completely hard.  He bent over and deeply kissed me several times asking if I enjoyed it.  Fuck yes I did!

    Next chapter:Afterglow

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  12. Chapter 10 Losing my viginity

    We skinny dipped.a few more times, and he didn't mention about wanting to fuck me.  Did he loose interest, did he think I had no interest?  Was he just waiting to get poppers before he asked again?  At first, I was hesitant, but after feeling his fingers up my ass, I realized that although a little painful, it was also pleasurable.   After all it was the first time that I came hands free, and probably one of the biggest loads I've shot.

    The late night swim started as usual.  Naked in the pool with the light off.  We were more frisky than usual that night.  We felt each other up a few times, and kissed a few times.  During one kiss, he stuck a finger up my ass. I was already semi hard, but rose to full attention then. He pulled his mouth away from mine and said I see you enjoy that.  He continued by saying just don't shoot a load in the pool. I just grabbed his head, and pulled him into a deep kiss.

    He then suggested we not let my rock hard cock go-to waste, and said to get up on the sliding board.  I preferred sucking his cock, but wasn't going to refuse.  He was a great cocksucker now that I look back at it.  Back then I had nothing to compare it to, but in the following years, I had plenty of lips around my cock.

    I got up on the sliding board, and he immediately took my cock to the base. Not that it was difficult as I was average size at best.  He knew that I loved to have the focus of his lips and tongue on the head of my cock, but when he went to the base, he stayed there for quite some time, working the shaft with his tongue.  What an amazing feeling.  He then came up, worked my now leaking cock head.  This pushed me over the edge, and I filled his mouth with my seed.  He slid me off the slide, and gave me a big kiss swapping my cum with me.  After that he just said I think we both could use a ciggy.  We went to the bar area, found a pack, and rather than just sitting near the bar, he went over to  a lounge chair.

    Although the pool area was dark, it was a full moon that night, and he just layed back, smoking a cigarette and playing with his cock. He then suggested we grab a drink.  Grabbing a drink was a sign of one of two things.either the night was about to end, or we would have some much more serious fun. It was the later this time.  We quickly drank our first whisky and 7, and he suggested we have another.  It was great that his parents both loved to drink, and throw parties and not keep track of their booze!

    As we started on the second drink, he asked me how I liked the blow job he had given me, and the kiss after.  I explained that the blow job was amazing, and that I loved tasting my own cum.  I explained that when I jacked solo, I always tasted my own as cum shouldn't be wasted!  He was getting hard and said it was time for some deep throating lessons.  I was down on his cock like white on rice.  He just layed back, fired up another cig and puffed away.  By now I was getting pretty good at throating him.  I had never got quite to the base, but close.  He was good about letting me go at my own pace.  This time he had finished his cig though, and grabbed my head and forced me to his base.  As I started gagging, he let loose and just looked at me and said you are getting close.  It won't be long before you take it all without gagging.

    A slight break here as I just shot my wad writing this. To be continued in 10B!

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  13. Chapter 9: Whats to Cum?

    My friend and I picked up our pace playing, as we knew summer was slipping away, and we would both be headed to separate colleges soon.  I can't help but imagine what it would have been like dorming together though.

    After one of our members sessions, he suggested something new, showering together.  We got out of the pool, and of course poured a few stiff drinks before he suggested it.  We headed to the basement shower and jumped in and started lathering each other up, and shared a few kisses.  Maybe it was just the new experience,  but the kisses seemed longer and deeper.

    He started lathering up my back, when I felt his growing cock against my ass.  Ad he was massaging my back, I could feel his enormous cock growing.  The next thing I knew, he was rubbing it over my tight virgin hole.  He turned my head towards me giving me the longest deepest kiss ever. Then he simply whispered in my ear" have you ever been fuckt before?

    Now the most I ever had up my ass before was a finger, maybe 2 while jacking, and i told him that.  He immediately put a bit of soap on his finger, and worked it into my hole.  Now his fingers were like his cock, and the first to go in was his middle finger.  Before I knew it a second slipped in.  I was in pure heaven.  Don't know if it was the alcohol or just the amazing feeling of his fingers up my ass slowly fucking it.  

    It wasn't long before I shot my load, and he took his fingers out, turned me around and shot his load all over my face then pushed it in my mouth with his cock.  To this day, that's my favorite way to get fed.  We toweled off and decided to go back out and pour another drink, and see if we could find any of his dad's ciggys, which we did.

    As we sat there, he told me I had a tight hole.  I said thanks I guess?  He then asked if I'd like to feel his cock in my ass.  I just said I don't know it's huge, then asked him to told the two fingers in me next to his flacid cock.  Now he did grow a bit when hard, but even flaccid hos cock was much bigger than the two fingers.  He again asked if I wanted him inside me.  He said he would use plenty of lube, and hopefully get some poppers.  Both were things I wasn't familiar with, but I didn't say that.  He must have saw a confused look on my face when he mentioned poppers as he explained that they would loosen me up for his cock.  Not exactly sure he could get poppers, I said I definitely would love to at least try if he could get poppers.

    The alcohol started kicking in, and I asked him how he knew about poppers.  He had an odd giggle, and said "by now I guess you know my dad and I have a special relationship, and you've seen his cock and it's bigger than mime." I just left it at that.

    Next Chapter: Loosing my virginity.

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  14. Chapter 8:  Heart to Heart.

    The following day was a holiday, and his father was off, and the family was throwing a pool party, and my friend invited me.  Felt kinda awkward about going after what happened the night before.  No it wasn't THAT kinda pool party, or would it be?  Turns out it was mostly adults, and a few our age.  My friend was kinda the "pool boy" serving up drinks to the guests.  Being somewhat chubby I was the only one there not in a speedo.  Older guys in speeds is generally a turn off, but damn there were some nice packages.

    I couldn't take it much longer, and told my friend we needed to talk about last night.  He said let's fix a drink and go to his bedroom, and I agreed.  I made the drinks, and they were super strong!  We got to his room, and he shut and locked the door.  After a few awkward moments, I just said we had to talk about last night.  He said, OK.  I just didn't know where to start.  

    I started by saying that I enjoyed our many times in the pool.  I always considered it youthful exploration, and he laughed and asked if I really enjoyed it.  What a tough question!  Deep down I did though.  I just said it was all so new though.  We continued with a discussion about not really knowing what gay was, and living in a small town.  He agreed, but stated that his father taught him gay sex wasn't a bad thing.  The challenge was keeping it quiet.  

    He continued by saying he kinda set me up by initially inviting me over to skinny dip.  He wanted to see how I would react, and took things slowly, but deliberately.  I asked but why, and he said he and his father had played for some time, but he wanted someone closer to his age.  He explained that 2 guys at the party also had father son relationships, but the sons seemed more interested in their dads than him.  He indicated that the boys were apparently intimidated by his cock.  At that point, he pulled down his trunks and asked if it intimidated me.

    Of course it didn't and I immediately went down on him.  Even as a novice, I apparently was a great cocksucker!  After I finished him off, he once again gave me a big kiss.  This time it felt so right though.  He asked if I liked that, and I said yes.  He explained that he was like his father, and enjoyed being suckt.  It was great to have someone suck him for a change.  He then asked if I wanted to suck his father's cock when he was sober.  I said I'd try, and he said you'll need more practice on throating.  Are you up for that.  Of course I was!

    There were so many other questions, but he suggested we get back to the party, and I agreed.  We snuck some ciggys away from party and had a smoke before returning and mixing another drink for us.  His dad came by and said he was wondering where we were.   He smelt the ciggy smoke, looked at us and grinned saying , " no punishment tonight, but it's still coming."

    Not sure of the next chapter title yet.  My creative juices are drained and I PROMISE a few more days before.  Feel free to like and comment.  Comments can be in thread or through DM!

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  15. Chapter 7: Punishment 

    My friends dad got out of the pool and said come with me.  We were behind him as he walked up the pool steps.  For a relatively fit guy, he had a somewhat flabby ass, but even from back you could see his huge Italian sausage.  

    He took a seat between the two of us and lit up a cigarette.  After a few puffs, he asked if we wanted one also, and we accepted.  He lit a ciggy for both of us, and sat there with his legs apart watching us puff, and occasionally touch his cock.

    He told his son to make him a drink.  His son knew he loved whisky on the rocks.  His son quickly poured him a drink and brought it to him.  Dad quickly responded, "now serve me."  I was somewhat shocked when his son dropped to his knees and started servicing his cock!  It wasn't long before his dad looked at me and said, "what are you waiting for?  Get on your knees, there's enough cock for both of you!"

    The first time I sucked my friend was awkward, but this was mind blowing.  We each focused on a side of his cock.  My friend looked up at me several times, and just smiled at me.  At this point it was obvious that he was no stranger to his dad's cock. 

    His dad was already obviously buzzed, and that last drink didn't help.  He never really got hard, although you could tell he was enjoying it.  His dad told me to suck on his bull ball and his son to throat him. My friend took him all the way with ease!  I'll have to admit, I was like his dad, and never really got hard.  Yes it was hot as fuck, but freaky at the same time. My friend got hard as a rock though and was dripping quite a bit of precum.  His dad told me to finish his son off.  He just sat there playing with his cock and watching.   He told me his son needed to teach me how to throat a cock before he fed me.  My friend fed me a huge load, then something totally unexpected happened.  He grabbed the back of my head and gave me a big deep kiss.  It felt so wrong, yet so right!

    Sorry for the quickness of chapters, but once the creative juices flow, it's hard to stop. Next chapter: Heart to Heart.  Not a really juicy one but needs to be said.

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  16. Chapter 6: Caught in the pool

    Our sessions in the pool continued uninterrupted for some time.  We were more careful about smoking his dad's ciggys, and luckily his dad never caught onto us drinking his booze. 

    My friends dad was an older, pretty good looking Italian guy.  Tall, darker skinned and as would find out, an Italian Stallion.  He was married to an older lady, who liked to dress and act like she was 20. She was naive though. One night he came over to my house with friends, and we sat outside drinking a few beers.  His mom ran into mine the next day and my mom told her. She was shocked that happened.  I can only imagine what she would think knowing her son has sex with other guys.

    I mention his mom, as although his parents loved throwing cocktail parties at home, his dad would often go out and drink at night Not really sure if was just drinking, or had a side piece.  My dad always said Tony would screw a snake if you'd hold it for him!  I somehow had the feeling he had a reputation with the ladies.

    Things went normal for quite some time, until one night when my friend was laying back on the pool slide as I was servicing him. We both loved being on the slide getting serviced as the water trickled down. Then one night, his father came home, stumbling a bit.  We didn't think he saw us and my friend slipped into the pool.  We were hoping his dad didn't see us, and go to bed.

    Strangely enough, he didn't go to bed, but rather to the pool bar where he lit up a cig and poured a drink. We were freaking out, but his dad didn't say a thing. After a drink ot 2, his dad stripped and got into the pool.

    I will never forget his words when he discovered us naked "Well what do we have here?" His son simply said having a dip.  His dad didn't say anything and just swam around a bit, before getting on a raft.  I didn't really realize how hung his dad was when getting into the pool as we both were freaking out.  Once on the raft though, it was clear who my friend inherited his cock from!

    Strangely enough, well at the time anyway, my friend didn't seem phased by seeing his dad naked on the raft.  I couldn't help but keep admiring his massive meat between his legs though.  His dad rolled, or fell off the raft, and looked at both of us and said, "You know what your actions bring....punishment"  in my mind we were getting a "heady Hurty."  It was a bit more than that though.

    Next chapter is The Punishment. 

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  17. Chapter 5:  Short but Sweet

    Not a long chapter, or full of sex, but paints a picture of things to cum!

    We both ended up regular suck buddies.  Tried my best to throat him, but until this day, not a good throater.   Fortunately he liked the way I focused on head and shaft, going down as far as I could, and not forcing it on me.

    One night his father came home unexpectedly and found us smoking his cigs!  Fortunately he didn't catch us doing more.  He said punishment was due.  I started to leave, and he said I was guilty too and deserving of punishment.   He grabbed both of our heads, and hit them together.   Not excessively hard though.  After wd made a joke about "heady hurty " over it.  Little did I know at the time, but this would evolve into more in the future!  It begins in the next chapter!

    Not to be a tease, but going to take a day or 2 to continue. Hope I haven't posted too quickly!

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  18. 2 hours ago, Ldnpozhunter said:

    So not long now. 

    sounds like not much bb action at island house and will need to wait for Fort Lauderdale. Or others got tips?

    Plenty of BB action at IH.  It's just busier and MORE expensive during peak periods!  Sadly KW has become more family oriented.   If your sole purpose is sex, Lauderdale probably better for you.  KW is still good for sex, and some relaxation though!

  19. Chapter 4: Clean up!

    Once again please note this story is a wirk of fiction


    We both jumped into the pool to rinse the now dried cum off of both our bodies. The water was warm and inviting, and the cool pool light was off.  We swam around some, and then my friend came over and grabbed my cock.  He then said he noticed how I was focused on his cock while he stroked in basement, and asked if I wanted to touch his.  Of course I did.

    We fondled each other a bit in the pool, but he quickly said let's grab a drink, to which I agreed.  We both got out of pool without towels.  My cock was deflated, but he still had a bit of a chub. We headed to the bar by the pool poured a drink and found a pack of his dad's Paul Maul cigarettes and although we rarely smoked, lit some up. I was worried his dad might notice, but as he pointed out there were several open packs around, and his dad wouldn't notice.

    At first we just sat around and talked about what happened.   We both started getting hard during convo.  We both stated that neither had done anything like this with a friend before, but it was hot.

    Before I knew it, I moved closer to him and started jacking his cock.  He didn't say a word, just sat back and enjoyed.  He started to prepare cum, and to my surprise, he scooped up some of his cum and tasted it.  A few minutes later, he asked me if I wanted a taste.  I had tasted my own cum before, but not some one else's.

    His cum was nice and thick and delicious.   I was in heaven and he knew it.  Offering me another taste shortly after.  He then said he wanted to cum in my mouth.  He let me lick the tip of his head, but never stuck his cock in my mouth.  That was fine by me.  He quickly flooded my mouth with his seed.  I was so excited I shot my load and he ended up licking it up.  What a night!  Things would only get better though in the days to cum!

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  20. On 9/16/2022 at 2:45 PM, tighthole64 said:

    So this is EDITED!  Although FICTION, I had a poor choice of phrasing.  Here is the edited first chapter.


    You may have seen that I recently asked about anyone having a son swap with their father.  Although I have never done that, I did have a fiend who had a relationship with father.  Deep down I desired it to be like this!



  21. PLEASE NOTE!  This is  work of fiction!  The initial post MAY be edited or moved to a different section in the future!


    For the longest time, there was no physical contact between my friend and I.  One night his parents were gone, and he invited me over early.  Instead of going to the pool, he said let's go down to the basement and jack.  He said he had found some of his dad's porn, and although his parents were gone, there was a secluded place in his basement that he wanted to try out in case we both enjoyed our session.

    We got to the basement, and he had several porn mags of his dad's. His dad also kept his liquor in the basement and suggested we poured a drink, and we did.  The first magazine we looked at was Penthouse.  First just browsing pictures. Although we were both in swim trunks, neither of us appeared to be getting hard.  That's until he started reading the forum stories!

    He started reading, and his cock was growing.  He handed the magazine to me and said finish the story, while I finish myself.  It didn't take long until he shot a massive load!  He then asked me to hand him the magazine, and he'd read and I could finish myself. Now back in the day, I could shoot some pretty big loads, but I'm willing to bet, this was my most powerful ever, going way over my head!

    After that he suggested we go to the pool, and "clean off." Things only got better from here! Gotta wait until next chapter to find out though!  Sorry!

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  22. Part 2. Our First Dip

    Now about my friend.  One night as we were skinny dipping, he turned off the awesome pool light and suggested we skinny dip.  Sure why not?

    He got out of pool to turn off light, and dropped trunks before getting into pool. Not that all Italians are hung, but he was an Italian Stallion.  I later discovered he inherited it from his dad. Now that I look back, he wasn't as innocent or naive as I thought.   There was enough light outside of pool to see his amazing cock, and apparently i was staring, as he asked what i was looking at.  He then started moving at hips, making his cock swing. And as I later found out, he knew what gay was.

    He wasn't as hung as the HS jock, and had no idea of what beer can thick meant.  Now that i do, that was definitely him!   He got in pool, and honestly never got close to each other.  Deep down though, I'm wanted to wrap my hands around his cock.  I didn't care if it was a gay thing and "wrong." My cock was average at best.  I would often jack off in bathroom and it was obvious what I was doing.  My dad would chastise me for it, while my mom would just say, "he's a boy. Don't tell me you didn't do the same when at his age!" Now I saw my dad shower before, and had no desire to play with him, especially after being chastised by him.  Now that I look back, things between him and mom weren't great.  Perhaps something would have happened between us like it did between my friend and his dad.  Likely just wishful thinking though.

    Next up, chapter 3: First contact.  Sorry to post first 2 back to back, but as said first kinda boring.

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  23. The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters or plot to real persons or events is coincidental.

    I've never had sex with my father. But I did have fun with my best friends dad.  I'll try and break it up some, and this first part is mostly background, but it's how it all started.

    My friend and I were neighbors in a small Midwest town of 600 people.  People there would know what happened to you before you knew what happened to you. My friend and neighbor had a huge pool with a fence around it, and would invite me over to swim all the time.  It all started off pretty innocently.  We did it throughout high school.  Then one day he suggested that we skinny dip. Back then I don't think either of us knew what gay was.  Being in a small conservative town, just thought it was wrong.

    We would often swim after school, but the first time we skinny dipped was at night.  His pool had a light which changed colors, and was actually kinda cool.  As young nerds we would yell shark when it turned red!  Lol. As I said, it all started innocently.  Chalk it up to childhood curiosity.   Sure we saw others in showers at hs gym, but he was a year younger than me, so never in gym class together.

    Again as I said, back then gay was just something we just thought was wrong.  I must admit though, there was a HS jock in my class with a HUGE cock that I couldn't help but admire.  Honestly think others did also.  Not sure why, but he tried to hide it from others going in and out of shower.  Probably as he noticed guys staring at it, and also thought gay was bad.  After all, he had a reputation for banging quite a few cheerleaders.

    Like I said, a slow start, but gets much better! Like and comment.


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