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Everything posted by Takegiveswap

  1. Always clean my cum up no matter where it lands.
  2. Eastern N.Y. on the VERMONT border. Pawlett, Manchester, Granville Let's hook up
  3. Really beautiful. !!!
  4. Traveling through out Vermont foe the next week or so. Any Vermonter's ? Any recommendations for must see's ? Input greatly appreciated.
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  5. Alot of great responses here. [Bestiality deleted] And yes, I enjoyed it alot
  6. You should, garage parties are anything goes. The trails most weekend nights are packed with horny men
  7. Alot of breeding going on last weekend. Hoping for the same this weekend.
  8. Happy you broke your record. Go for more next time. My personal best is 8 .
  9. Always looking to take and give loads, Sawmill Campground, Dade City.
  10. Great profile  !!!

  11. HAIL S a t a n, can't wait to be full blown!
  12. I agree with Arizona, keep the strain strong. No meds !
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