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Everything posted by aidswanted

  1. Fick die toxics loads ohne Limit rein 

  2. Hey pig.  Love to play with other toxic lovers. I am not on meds , my boyfriend to. 

    1. Subbtmaus


      Nice, no meds here... no boy friend but lots of random hookups all raw :-)

  3. Hey pig. We are a German slamcouple.  I am looking for aids breeding. We are without medical.  Let me fill in the aidstrains  and other toxic.  

  4. Hey pig. We are a German slamcouple.  I am looking for aids breeding. We are without medical.  Let me fill in the aidstrains  and other toxic.  

  5. German slamcouple is looking for fun. Slam without medical. Let's be perv and change the strains 




  6. German slamcouple is looking for fun. Slam without medical. Let's be perv and change the strains 




  7. Fuck me soon as possible.  Slam and perv here.  I am crazy for aids strains 

  8. Hey aidsbrother.  Let's play pervert 

  9. Hey aidsbrother.  Let's play pervert 

  10. Hope you are a breeding pig.  Please fuck me hard and perv.  U  are looking for aids strains like me? 

  11. Aids and other toxic are the greatest 


    U are hot 

     Slam and perv here.  

  12. Want u to help me.  Want to be whoore to all the breeding pigs. Look at me and Slam me to a whoore. I have to slam and fuck all I get in your lhole

  13. Hot pig 

    1. funkmeup


      Thanks fellow AIDS lover!

  14. Aidswanted soon as possible . Slam and perv

    I'm host and hole for all the time still have aids 


  15. Slamaddicted and really enjoy it.  Looking for aids breeding.  I am host  and hole for all. ...have to slam and let use me for our chems.  Pozz without medical and crazy for infected with aids.  I am a stealth pozzer and perv 

  16. Toxicpig is looking for aids strains 

    1. Pozfetish


      We need to meet.  Share all our infections.

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