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Everything posted by DeepBBeatz

  1. The beaded metal sound (#1) is my fave. (The beads make the sound!)
  2. New Westminster here
  3. where abouts are you dalslambtm?
  4. Love sounding big time. New Westminster here
  5. looks like we have something in common, a sub-dermal incision. isn't it amazing when a tongue is lapping at it?

  6. if playing in the bedroom, I like to be naked, except for a pair of socks. for more of a play space /outdoors as close to naked as possible!
  7. I'm so happy his eyebrows grew back....and that I'm following a thread from 2012
  8. So I was introduced to sounding years ago (2004-06?) as someone who I was playing with noticed, what I will say for lack of me being mere hours old, a sub-dermal incision through the underside of the glans (you'll see in pics) which I'm guessing happened when I was circumcised (hence foggy memory of 4 hours alive!) We discovered that he could slide the larger end of his sounds into his cock (they had a different gauge on either end) and the other end into mine. So I will say this delightful phallusly deft South African had upgraded his PA to 000 I believe (oh the memories of his cock with both his current PA and the size down interlocked and up my butt with his 8+" thrusting....excuse me, I've strayed from the topic.) so his urethra had been stretched, but mine, was a virgin up until then with sounding. Flash forward to 2018 and I'm zooming and notice someone sliding something long and white and bendy into his urethra. I messaged and found out it was a silicone sound and it vibrates. OMG! where have I been hiding for the last 10 years? (Whole other story...) So what does one do when they discover something new they want now, or two days from now? You guessed it: Am@$#*N! 2 days later 2 silicone sounds with vibrators of 10 different patterns. Died and gone to heaven! over the next coming months various other silicone plugs and "catheter" like items showed up, until my metal articulated urethral sound for e-stim arrived. First look I was intimidated, but when I finally let all 12+" slide allllllthewayin....my first orgasm from sounding came from this sound, however I haven't juiced it up. I guess my question that I'll pose for discussion is two parts: Tell us about your memorable sounding experience(s) and if you have juiced your sound up with a tens unit pass along some tips /tricks etc...? and if any doctor other than the one who circumcised me (Sydney, 7th day adventist hospital, December of '77 apparently you were shirtless or the buttons on your shirt were open real low according to my mom) does it look like was a sub-dermal slice done mechanically during the circumcision? Cause that exposed area, the cove of shivers, slide your Tongue there while sucking Francois (my cock was named, not by me however) eyes will roll so far into the back of my head...
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