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Everything posted by RawSex28

  1. I'm down there often for family. Only an hour away, we can plan something - don't need much notice
  2. Damn. What's the best alternative now?
  3. Every now and then I like to whore out someone who is willing to completely give up their body to me. You'll spend a weekend being whored out in a city hotel and bathhouse taking loads from any and everyone with no say. You are only there to be useful and used by the guys who want to use your body how they want to use it. You'll take a lot of loads, but if some guy wants you to fuck them you better get hard and give them your load, etc. I've had pure bottoms top for the first time this way and it's always an incredible experience when one pushes past their limits. By the end of the weekend you get on the plane or train leaking cum and go back home. Prefer younger twinks but would consider anyone. Message me if you're interested or know someone who is.
  4. I do! I'm in DC frequently on weekends. Let me know what date you're hosting
  5. Will you be taking loads there soon?
  6. I'm down for Anon. Can be 1 on 1 or other tops can be there and we can take turns using your hole. Maybe DP? HMU
  7. Any update or info on this slut? Would love to use his hole
  8. This is a question I've had for a while as well, and I don't think there is any scientific evidence to show this correlation. I think it's a matter of bad luck, or, some individuals stopping PrEP may be less adherent than others and may not be properly protected in their final month, so the last "one" exposure turns into the last month of exposures.
  9. My only fear which I don't think is based in reality but I do worry that people may become positive on PrEP, but PrEP is surpressing the virus enough to give false negative results and then the second prep is stopped, you'd convert to pos. And I have seen a few posts that "my very first fuck after PrEP pozzed me" and maybe they have been pozzed for years but only show it when prep is stopped. That might be totally unscientific but it's only been a few years where we are supposed to feel safe while barebacking on PrEP, which goes against the 30+ years of what we used to know.
  10. You'll never have to go in person. They'll send you a kit to collect your own blood and urine samples and mail it in. They still measure for kidney function and all STIs.
  11. Update: all tests came back conclusively negative.
  12. I use Nurx, it's an app and online site. They're like telemedicine. I would highly recommend it to anyone. It's really accessible, judgement free, and they specialize in PrEP. They mail quarterly at home tests for you to do a full STI check, including throat and rectal swabs, and prescribe PrEP which is mailed to your door each month. You still need insurance and everything else, it's just like going to the doctor's except it's an online PrEP doctor.
  13. My 4th gen HIV test came back negative. I'm still waiting for my viral load tests to come back for ultimate conclusion, but I'm feeling pretty confident about this since it has been two weeks since my first sample was taken that ended up being indeterminate. Regarding the 53 conversions, I am using an Online service that is prevelant across the US, so they likely have thousands of patients and I assume most of those 53 were not taking PrEP as prescribed. Will update when I get the viral load test back
  14. Yes, I actually stopped PrEP a month after my last sex. My first indeterminate HIV result was taken 7 days post PrEP. Today it's 21 days post PrEP and just got my labs drawn to retest and also included RNA/PCR tests to provide a conclusive finding. My provider has said they've seen 53 seroconversions with people taking PrEP, but adherence wasn't known. Not every indeterminate is a positive. So maybe I'm like 50/50 chance. Will know more by end of week hopefully!
  15. Philly Area, for what it's worth the lab results don't actually tell me much. It's pretty ambiguous: Indeterminate: Repeat testing has yielded inconclusive results. This could be due to pretreatment by antibiotics or other medications, inadequate specimen collection, a slightly increased “false positive” signal, or the presence of infectious organism or antibody at a concentration below the detection capability of this assay. A result of “Indeterminate” does not imply a positive result or conclusive identification of any infectious organism or antibody. Molecular suggests consulting with your medical provider regarding further confirmatory testing for this organism. So, for all I know, the whole paper could have turned rainbow color due to lab error and that would fit into the above description. I don't actually know what or if anything triggered an actual indication of reactivity. I was on antibiotics a month before this blood test (So I presume it should have cleared) and only high risk encounter was topping back in June, so I'm hoping this is just contamination, lab error, or poor specimen collection (since it was an at home dried blood spot test) but none the less, it's always concerning not knowing. You take PrEP to minimize the worry, ya know? and it's back again.
  16. How common are indeterminate results while on PrEP? That was the result of my last blood test (mail in dried blood spot card) so I'm not exactly sure which tests were run (other than it being a 4th gen) or where the discrepancy occurred, but I have to go to a lab next week to retest with a blood draw. I'm not sure how concerned I should be? This brings back all the worry PrEP was meant to reduce.
  17. Welcome back to Philly. I'd love to connect with you. Hit me up on here or bbrt
  18. Definitely check out Club Philly, especially on Cumunion.
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