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Everything posted by erk

  1. Another Southerner here!
  2. Mycoplasma genitalium and bloody proctitis as a result! A solid six weeks out of action
  3. We’ve been to a few of the NBO events when they’ve been in Vic. Definitely more condoms used with the women around, but not that much more considering the mrs had to have a termination after the first one of them😂 The pill isn’t perfect when you’re partying and considering I’m sniped! She went into the orgy with a condoms only rule, but Molly had its effects on her and I definitely wasn’t stopping anyone. I quite enjoy pointing out the pic of her riding a cock raw on their old yahoo groups page, I’d always show her that when she’d mention not remembering taking any loads😂 We were surprised by two women from the central coast that do a lot of cam work on only fans taking a lot of raw dick. I always find it interesting that people are all about safe sex on social media and swingers profiles, but in reality! Going through menopause has put a stop to the mrs getting along at the moment, I’m planning on getting to the Newcastle one later in the year when we’re over visiting friends. When we last got along we only ever played together, so I’ve never done the all guys part of the night, quite looking forward to it!
  4. I guess it depends on your definition of rape. I was orally raped as a ten year old, In Australia at least it would be considered rape. The same guy continued to blow loads down my throat for about four months before my family left the country town my dad was teaching in. From my experience and that of a few I've chatted to in support groups it's quite common in small communities. To some degree it put me on the path of really risky behavior in my teens. I've mentioned in another post that the private boys school I went to was very close to a number of well known beats and Adelaide's sauna. Walking home through the local parklands found surrounded by lots of guys very keen to get blown. Most were thirty or forty years older than me, I lost my virginity in the same park to one of them, the only surprise looking back is that I wasn't raped. Considering how many strangers cars I got into over a five year period and how many loads I took, God Knows how I survived. I was unfortunately raped by an older cousin when I was sixteen. He was that rough that it left me in hospital with anal tearing that required surgery. It was really fucked up and put me off sex with guys besides a few drunken beat blow jobs for the best part of twenty years. That's the bit I hate the most about the rape, it robbed me of an awesome sex life. It took that cousin committing suicide for me to get psych help and get to the stage of fucking guys again. I've been in a hetro marriage for the last twenty one years, my other half never knew about my past, but supported me the whole way through therapy. She's more than happy to let me go off and fuck around these days since she's not that interested herself at almost fifty. She'll happily join in on occasion, especially if we're holidaying at one of the nudist resorts in Mexico. You don't let someone go that's as dirty as you are and just as supportive! So, a happy ending if you want to look at it that way
  5. Oh yes, love a good dark room! As much as I like barebacking, I rarely do there, I like to know the guy seeding me. I love having a regular that I start fucking safe, then wear him down over a few meets… the moment he slides in raw the first time and realises I’m not going to stop him! Everyone has a different way of navigating their kink. The pub that’s now a fasta pasta was the green dragon, but shut when I was at school.
  6. When I was ten having a sleep over at a friends house his eighteen year old brother forced me down on his cock! It came completely out of no where when I was sleeping, blew in my mouth and threatened to tell everyone I knew. At that age you take threats like that seriously, so I stayed quiet. We played football for the same club and he continued to use the threat as blackmail. For the rest of that year before my family moved towns he blew load after load into my mouth on Saturday mornings when he had his only chance to get near me. Honestly at the time it scared the crap out of me, but I really got a taste for it. Fast forward three years and I'm going to a private all boys school on South Tce in Adelaide. Any of the locals would know that in the late 80's it was less than 200m from two of the main beats, a gay bar and the only sauna in town. Every day I'd walk home through what is essentially a large vacant dark park. Through the first part of the year I didn't really take in the guys wondering around during the early evenings, by the time winter hit and I had rugby training in the evening and was walking home in the dark it was a different story. One night I had a guy straight up ask me if I wanted to suck his cock as I walked past, at this stage in life I've worked out I'm bi and have gone through puberty. I still don't know how a had the nerve to say yes, I followed the guy into the bushes and took his load. That was the first of many, with many different guys. The number of times I climbed into the back of taxis and hire cars to blow someone over the next five years I couldn't count. Looking back on it pre internet, I'm guessing the word had got out that a cute little cock sucker was about. I only ever had one bad experience when a guy was very rough with me, which looking back is a huge surprise. At the start when guys asked if I wanted to fuck I'd always say no and never had an issue. I lost my virginity in the parklands during my second year at that school, a guy I'd regularly blown had me sit on him one evening with some poppers up my nose, fuck it hurt, but it was so good at the same time when they kicked in. Fourteen year old me had zero concept of condoms or anything safe, fuck knows how I ignorantly survived that time during the height of the Aids crisis in Australia, more dumb luck than anything at a guess! I spent my twenties in hetro relationships after finishing school, with only ever a few parkland walks when drunk on a Saturday night. My late thirties and forties have been very much about catching up on missed chances! Living life to the fullest again these days! Good fun looking back though
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