Gold is valuable because, aside from its lustre, it is harder to obtain and less plentiful than eggs. A viable ivory-billed woodpecker egg, however, would, to some people, be worth more than its weight in gold. Go figure.
How, then, do we calculate the value of a cumdump slut? This is a bottom of remarkable promiscuity, with little or no discretion over whose cock he will take into his warm and waiting hole, who goes out of his way to frequent locales where he can be readily identified and used by any who pass by, and who actively and lewdly advertises himself as a mere vulgar sexual receptacle. This is a person whom we here on this site accept among our ranks as a matter of course, but for whom the general populace would display revulsion and scorn. (This description is becoming more painful the more I resemble it.) If one were to casually scan over the posts on this forum, one would have to conclude that such libertine cumdump sluts are legion, lurking in numbers in every nook and cranny of the globe, simple for any Top to find at any time.
Even if we aren’t actually spaced every three meters apart, it’s clear there are quite a few of us. And when you find us, we’re easy. Sooo easy. So, going by the previous economic principle, our relative value as sexual targets should be relatively low.
For some, perhaps it is. For some, we may constitute a class of untouchables that they wouldn’t fuck under any circumstances. Sometimes, as I’m lying ass-up on a hotel bed waiting for the next anonymous stranger to insert his penis into my body and fill me with his reproductive fluids before leaving without a word, I wonder about the type of men who actually respond to my ads - who actually go out and fuck strangers. Somehow, there is a demand for those of us who slut, even though our value ought to be low.
I understand that some Tops enjoy the no-strings freedom that comes with an anonymous fuck, and because they are virile Men, prefer getting off by fucking to masturbating. I also understand that the natural submissive tendency that draws most cumdumps to their sluttery likewise draws certain types of Dominant males like moths to a flame. But in both these cases, desire could be satisfied without resorting to using the sluttiest of us.
I have never heard of a place where “Everybody’s fucked him” is a compliment. On the contrary, it comes across like an expiration date. I’ve certainly found that my usage at the bathhouse I frequent has tapered off markedly from the time I was “fresh meat” there. Therefore I have to conclude that some value is placed on ass based on how readily available it is. I do have a number of repeat visitors (always an honor) who have apparently enjoyed me enough before to come back, but clearly not all of them. For some, the value diminishes. Is it because they realize I’m nothing but a used cunt? But then, what about those Tops who talk about how much they enjoy fucking a sloppy, loose hole that’s been reamed by several cocks already? I’ve had so many Tops hold off coming to fuck me until I have another load already in me.
And then, flip the scene around - take the pretty, buff, self-conscious and obviously posing dude at the bathhouse who’s waiting for just the perfect one to hook up with - hard-to-get, attractive, few in number, ought to be highly valued. Yet so often I see such guys spoken of in scorn by Tops expressing how little they’re interested in fucking them.
What would happen if that attractive, buff, guy was also a cumdump slut who “everybody has fucked”? In a case of two negatives somehow making a positive, I’m guessing there would be a line for his ass.
Clearly, I’m finding Slut Economics even more baffling than the regular kind...
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