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Posts posted by pupHawaii

  1. Well here's something that's been getting a lot of traction on tumblr - but i don't know if it's real or not:

    For now i think it's a multi-plan approach for me - still going to stay on tumblr (puphawaii.tumblr.com) - I'll still have access to my stuff even if everyone else won't .. and some stuff (okay a very little amount) is more G/PG so that will still be seen by others.  I'm posting on Blogger/blogspot (puphawaii.blogspot.com).   

    I'm trying to export my tumblr stuff - that's been going for 24 hours now.  And I'm trying to do an import from tumblr to Wordpress - that's been going for 48 hours.  All the sites are being heavily taxed so I don't know that either the export or import will end up working.  Would have been nice if tumblr gave more than 2 weeks notice but .. it is what it is .. 

    At least there's still a solid foundation of fuckers and fuckees here .. ?


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  2. I'm okay with no videos .. or limited/limited-size videos .. would be good to have gifs though.  And I'm also up for a pay version that allows extra features - more picture posts?  I don't know.  The thing with tumblr is - it's free and it's private.  As much as people want to complain that things are changing (me included) their storage budget must be astronomical.  Most days I'm hitting the maximum of 250 posts.   So videos - no videos - I'm fine either way.  And I'm fine with a paid feature.

    The thing that sets tumblr off are they actually have become communities.  There's obviously a BB community, a trans community, there are tons of splinters of pictures (some are b&w only, some are PG, some are NSFW, some are action), there are action-specific communities.  You might not realize they exist - because they're not named as such - but there are very specific tumblrs that are followed by people who are into those very specific things.  

    And by having an instant chat feature the ability to reach out to someone online and be able to chat back-and-forth has really fostered some great friendships with guys around the world.   I think that's the part I'm going to miss most.

    Anyhow - however you structure it will be great and much appreciated.   As my back-up, I think I'm going to start loading some stuff on Blogger.  Blogger has a lot less features but they do allow NSFW content.  And blogs that I followed years ago are still there when I logged in yesterday.   

  3. I think it has to do with Apple - and Apple pulling the tumblr app off the App Store due to child porn.  

    All my posts have now been individually flagged - they're still there - but as of 12/17/18 my understanding is they'll all be marked "private" - and no one will be able to see them.  I don't think they are actually deleting posts.  Though they could delete tumblrs.

    I had an account on Blogger - and I just reactivated it.  Blogger is owned by Google - and for about 2 weeks in 2015 or 2016 they said they were going to ban NSFW posts - but they reversed the decision before it went into affect.  So for now I plan on going there.  The list of NSFW blogs I use to follow is still there - and some are still active.

    My advice would be to check out Blogger, Wordpost, Reddit (there's suppose to be a NSFW section there).

    My guess is that tumblr will lose so many users that they'll shut.  But WTF do I know .. ?



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  4. Might be a little off topic but .. 

    In the past week or so - a boatload of NSFW tumblr sites have disappeared - some of which have been around for ages (ages in tumblr-speak is over 5 years!).  And Apple pulled the tumblr app off the appstore.  There are a lot of rumors floating around that tumblr is shutting down - but if you do a little digging you can read between the lines that it isn't.  Tumblr uses automation to remove pictures  which violate it's TOS (terms of service) - copyrighted pictures, underage, etc.  Somehow Apple realized that tumblr wasn't doing a good job of removing offending pictures - and pulled the app.  Tumblr has been making up for lost time - removing offending pictures and videos - and as part of the sweep lots of tumblrs got removed. When a tumblr is removed - you can appeal to tumblr and I have seen instances where the tumblr has been reinstated.  For the most part tumblrs are removed by an automatic process - not by a person - and they're aware that the process makes mistakes.  

    Anyhow .. some of my favorites were lost in the past 7+ days .. I hope they appeal and come back .. 

  5. so .. do I keep posting?  I have been opening a new gallery - bulk uploading 10 pix - and then saving .. is everyone still getting more than 1 notification?  or 2 notifications (1 for the gallery and 1 for the picture?)  or 11 notifications (1 for the gallery and 1 each for the pictures?) .. i'd like to keep posting but i don't want to piss anyone off .. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, puphawaii said:

    see that's odd - because I post 10 pictures in 1 upload to a new gallery - and then I don't add any more pictures to that gallery .. so only 3 notifications should go out .. and i found out that if the file sizes are too big - no one can add comments/like/etc .. it kind of locks the gallery .. 

    hmm .. couldn't edit myself .. anyhow .. 30 pictures posted in 3 galleries .. 10 at a time .. should have been 3 notifications .. 

  7. http://puphawaii.tumblr.com


    YOUR "VISIBILITY" on tumblr!

    Do you have a NSFW tumblr?  When you do a search - can’t find what your looking for?   Are others finding your tumblr when they search?   Change your tumblr settings!
    1 - Click on “Edit Appearance”
    2 - Scroll towards the bottom - look for the “Visibility” section
    3 - UNCHECK the 3 items:  UNCHECK hide your tumblr, UNCHECK hide your tumblr from search results;  UNCHECK explicit

    THEN go to the” Account” section
    UNCHECK safe mode

    This will allow your tumblr to be seen.  And if more tumblrs do this it will allow you to find other tumblrs and find what you’re looking for when you do a tumblr search.

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  8. okay .. so i just did a test .. normally I add 1 picture at a time to a gallery .. and it seems like the more pictures I add to the gallery the more notifications that go out - not just 1 per picture but multiple notifications per picture .. so .. i just did a test and added 5 pix all at once .. 

    let me know what's happened with your notifications?   did you get 1?  more than 1?   notifications where others have lilked/commented don't count right now - just let me know how many notifications you get that says something like "puphawaii added an image(s) to gallery" .. 



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