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Posts posted by genericuser

  1. I was at the PositivelyUK conference this weekend, and we noted that the only UK celebrities to have come out as HIV+ did so when their careers were going down the pan, or they were about to die. Our feeling was that a poz celebrity who was willing to get involved would be wonderful. Elton John has given an awful lot of money to help us, for which I'm very grateful, but he ain't one of us...

    Other thing I'd like to point out as someone with diabetes is that we are very open to infections and physical problems that make amputations necessary. Your remarks, dshanebb were really quite unnecessary, especially as metabolic diseases such as diabetes are becoming more and more part of life with HIV.

    My apologies, no offense was intended; simply my failed attempt to include a bit of sarcasm in an otherwise serious topic.

    However, in your complaint you actually raised the point that I was trying to communicate: Yes, people with diabetes ARE very OPEN about their condition and it is NOT viewed as taboo or whatnot.

    I included examples of medical conditions that are not only prevalent and serious but conditions that once had a stigma attached to them but today do not--- each of those conditions have multiple well known public figures/celebrity-advocates who themselves have the medical issue serving as a spokesperson/advocate.

    Why not HIV? It's a comparable to the others I mentioned but lacks a true understanding by the public.

  2. Ive often wondered if George Michael was poz because of all his highly publicised antics and recent illness. Maybe he isnt but i wonder: if he did come out as poz, would that be a good thing or bad thing for poz visability? I only say this because to some extent George became a public laughing stock and I'm not sure if he does turn out to be poz, it would be much of a help. :-/

    I think that there are definitely connotations associated with a George Michael revelation that would add unneeded annoyances to his life if he is HIV+ and were to reveal it publicly. Wasn't there a backlash against Lougainis for a pre-revelation incident where he hit his head on the board and it was bloody which after his revelation caused people to accuse him of potentially exposing others?

    When I started this thread, it wasn't intended to speculate and gossip-- it was the impression I got from NPH's gaunt appearance that made me realize that in 22 years no prominent celebrity, musician or athlete has revealed that they are HIV+. I fully support any HIV+ public figure's right to privacy and the burden that comes along with being called the "new face" of HIV by the media.

    At the same time public figures publicly announce their diagnosis with cancer, battles against hardcore addiction, Alzheimer's, we are forced to see Joaquin Phoenix's awful cleft palette and hear about celebrities treating their diabetes (like the mother on "What's Happening" whose diabetes led to them cutting off her legs); every one of those medical issues can be treated and can potentially be life-long or life-ending (well except Joaquin's dumb cleft palette) just like HIV. However HIV is thought of as taboo by so many and, in many ways, becomes more taboo as it fades from the spotlight after being the media's disease du jour.

    What makes it grow even more taboo in the minds of many is the lack of someone of generation Y or a millennial with the prominence of Magic Johnson coming forward publicly and further demystifying HIV to the public. When that person comes forward, hopefully instead of essentially being a spokesperson for big condom companies, they push hard for people to get tested because IMO if tons of people were driven to get tested in a given year then HIV rates in the USA would skyrocket and represent a more accurate account of the scope of HIV. The more accurate %'s would make HIV significantly less taboo in the minds of many and people would view it similarly to those other medical issues I mentioned earlier.

    Sorry for the long post; I guess it's annoying when all that is reported widely in the media about HIV are sensationalized crap about the porn industry which only reinforces misguided perceptions by the public.

  3. Let's review what we know right now:

    On 21 September at 9:51 AM Eastern Time Zone the first Tweet referencing Scott & RIP is posted:


    Scott's last Tweet was on 2:04 AM Eastern Time Zone on 21 September:


    * Note: Tweets are time-stamped in the Pacific Time Zone

    According to Gay Porn Blog:

    New York-based Sewperman (real name: Scott Brewster) studied film and design at Parsons School of Design before going on to perform for bareback studios including Dark Alley Media, Treasure Island and others. Sewperman, (@AmericanJockBoy on twitter), had recently teamed up with gay porn star Peto Coast (who he was also dating) to form their own gay porn production company.

    According to a friend close to Scott, the apparent cause of death was a heart attack, although we have no official confirmation of this or any further news at this time.

    The author of the Gay Porn Blog post posted this update in the comment section of the above article:

    Hey guys, I want to stop speculation on what caused his death, because no one knows and (hidden in a lot of these) are moral judgements. I’ll update as I get more information, but the truth is, he could have been hit by a car. If that were the case, how many of us would be speculating on his lifestyle, the wiseness of his life choices or the Problem with Porn Stars? Not many.

    For that reason, I’m going to limit discussion on this to actual memorials, unless there’s someone who can speak to Scott’s life with any degree of clarity.


    Scott's Twitter, Google+ and Tumblr continue to be updated with news, remembrances and other info.

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmericanJockBoy

    Google +: https://plus.google.com/116892403409422671829/posts

    Tumblr: http://allamericanjockboy.com/

    Instagram: http://instagram.com/sewperman

  4. It took till last week, just before I left for the HIV conference for the shopkeeper of our only shop in the village to ask "are you HIV+ then?"

    That shopkeeper must assume that everyone who wears a yellow Livestrong bracelet only has one testicle... every person who researches Sudden Infant Death Syndrome died as a child... every male researching breast cancer is post-op transgender. Sounds like the shopkeeper is a dunderhead of remarkable proportions.

    * Note the above should be read sarcastically-- it was written with the intention of making the reader chuckle while making a point


  5. I'm moving this thread to the What's It Like To Be Poz? section of the site.

    And just as a point of curiosity NPH and his boyfriend just bought a townhouse a few blocks from me...


    Thanks! I didn't know where it belonged (I knew where it didn't belong); I appreciate you putting it in the right place.

    And look at you and your fancy neighbors; have you stopped by to ask to borrow a cup of sugar or skipped over with a welcome to the neighborhood gift basket of muffins and jam? :-)

  6. I was at the PositivelyUK conference this weekend, and one of "demands/requests" was that someone positive with a high media profile stepped up to the mark. We had in our last government a guy who was not only gay but poz too - we didn't hear about that last bit till he was out of office! It would be nice if they came out before their careers nosedived... The one everybody in the UK looks to is Freddy Mercury: he didn't come out till the day before he died - and we did a massive job in collaborating with his "little secret": I was a regular at many of his favourite (well, the cheaper!) bars. Two of my boyfriends shared the same doctor... It was his responsibility to come out and the sod didn't till nearly the last moment.

    Sorry, I could rant about HIV visibility for Wales! (That's if it were an Olympic sport and if we were allowed our own team instead of being subsumed into the UK team...)

    It's not just the UK; I saw a documentary recently which told the story of a famous actor who I'd never heard of called Rock Hudson who pretty much did the Freddy Mercury thing and waited until the last possible moment to reveal the cause of the dramatic change in his appearance. After seeing Behind the Candelabra (not a documentary) it seems Liberace lied about his condition not only until death but the denials continued for years. Also Mr Brady of the Brady Bunch died of AIDS but I don't know anything about his openness.

    That being said, I completely support anyone who chooses to keep their medical issues out of the public eye; it is certainly their right to do so. Being an advocate or the "face" of anything is a burden and it takes a special type of person who can balance all of the bullshit that comes along with a revelation.

    The one thing I find curious is that no one has HIV/AIDS identified as the cause of death anymore; while pneumonia may technically be the frequently listed cause of death, I think that it doesn't tell the entire story of both the individual or the virus. Loosely connected, I'd say the reasoning is similar to the lack of a major push for people of all sexual orientations to get tested-- because if that were to occur I'd wager that the HIV rates would skyrocket in first-world nations if the vast majority of people were tested and governments that have skewed the percentages to show improvement for decades do not want the reality revealed. IMO.

  7. Greg Louganis did more for shattering the image for gay men than Johnson did. He says little to nothing about its impact on the gay community,

    I completely disagree; maybe it is a generational difference-- I was not even double digits (hadn't hit the big 10) when Magic Johnson announced he is HIV+. Magic continued to play in the NBA (after a brief absence) following his diagnosis and has consistently been an A-list public figure who the world sees regularly. Magic shattered the stereotype that the world had grown accustom to (think Tom Hanks in Philadelphia) and altered the perception of the virus to the public. While Louganis may have done that for people in your generation @SouthCal323, I would argue that the scope of his impact was much more limited simply because Greg is not as prominent as Magic and he hasn't been as public of an advocate to the mainstream as Magic. I honestly had forgotten Louganis is HIV+ and actually Googled it after seeing your post.

    I think we can all agree that apparently since Magic's revelation in 1991; in the last 22 years apparently one can achieve immunity from HIV with a career as a Hollywood star, major music act or professional athlete... must be something in the really expensive water they all drink. ;-)

  8. Honest, I think it is unlikely that NPH has the bug. But it is interesting that seemingly no celeb's have come out POZ. Maybe they've all been on PrEP for years?

    I tend to think that it has less to do with PrEP and more to do with not wanting to be labeled; which is a double-edged sword considering the empathy for anyone in the spotlight who values their medical privacy and on the other hand considering all the positive elements that Magic's advocacy has brought to HIV. Remember: It is Magic who shattered the general public's perception that HIV is a death sentence.

  9. On 7 November 1991 Magic Johnson announced to the world that he is HIV positive.

    In the 22 years since Magic's announcement a total of 0 celebrities in the spotlight have revealed they are HIV+, or perhaps in 22 years HIV has been cured in music, movies, television and sports (I'm sure that is it)...

    I bring this up because watching the Emmy awards tonight I saw a celebrity I've watched for ages and for the first time I thought that his face had an emaciated appearance that is often discussed here and I wonder if he, me and Magic have something in common...

    Here's a pic from tonight's Emmy's:


  10. Not trying to be mean or anything' date=' but actually knowing "fucktard" and having interaction with him has kept me from watching any scene that he's in, he's always seemed like a bit of a mess, if he is actually in rehab I'm glad he's getting help.[/quote']

    I think he is incredibly sexy. Since you know him, I'm curious: Do you think that rehab text and miss mess acting was part of the storyline or a unfortunate reality that emerged during filming which could be salvaged by incorporating it into the film? Or to put it simpler: Was it a work or a shoot?

  11. These responses are my impression of the posters who make excuses for "Jackson" no matter what... Enjoy!

    if ur that stupid to get bareback and let it happen all the way to the end and the guy fucking u has a poz sign on his body ur either a d.d.a doubledump ass or u did it to get bug up and then make some money on it on .. there no way u can't open ur mouth and ask hay ur poz ..? if he lied then that differnt but he did not even asking...

    He may have thought that Ethan's tattoo was a symbol of his love for the hardcore punk/rapcore band Biohazard...

    Or perhaps he thought that when not doing porn Ethan works as a nuclear scientist and the tattoo is a representation of his dedication to his career...

    I fucked Jackson a few years ago raw... Told him I was POZ. He said he wanted my GIFT (he was a chaser).

    Maybe he thought that by POZ you meant you had a positive/glass half full outlook on life and since I assume you fucked him around Christmas, perhaps he saw one of your presents/gifts that he wanted...

    Anyone Know Jacksons real name?

    Yes, his real name is Barack Hussein Obama.

    I've worked for TIM, and I was fully informed when I was negative whether my scene partner's status was different than my own. For the record, I was a young man too (22 at the time) and I knew full well what I was getting into.

    Sure you interpreted status one way and "Jackson" thought status meant single or dating or partnered...

  12. I'm not trying to defend Jackson Taylor, but the kid is only 20 after all. Of course, I knew how to have sex at the age of 20, but I didn't personally know all the vocabulary associated with gay sex or the culture or what not. Also, if I needed a job, I would be willing to sign just about anything to make sure I got the job even if I disagreed with or didn't fully understand it.

    I guess what I am saying is, I do think it is possible that Taylor didn't know what he was getting into and I do think it is possible that TIM took advantage of his nativity. Is it illegal? No, cause Taylor was technically an adult. But just cause he is technically an adult, doesn't mean he was an adult mentally and understood everything he was getting involved with.

    With your "logic" I think that you would be great at filing charges against and prosecuting HIV+ men who had unprotected sex with an HIV- man even though the poz guy was open and honest to the neg guy about his status.

    Stop trying to be Jackson Taylor's "white knight" when anyone who has not had a lobotomy can clearly decipher the difference between lying and ignorance.

    It is the mentality of people like you that fuel this coddling society that favors victimization over personal responsibility.

  13. Of course Jackson is now denying that the BBRT profile is his: my.barebackrt.com/MrJacksonIfYourNasty … Not mine. This is what I'm talking about

    What do you think his end game is? I mean, what has brought about his decision to engage in a seemingly endless string of lies about his past-- the things he is claiming are incredibly easy to disprove and even the Fleshbot articles highlight his inconsistencies. I thought that perhaps Jackson reemerged due to the alleged lawsuit that TIM has filed against him; if it is then he's doing himself more harm than good because his online statements will be the foundation that TIM's lawyers use to establish that he is a "known liar". So I doubt that his reappearance online has anything to do with the lawsuit. I'm stumped; any thoughts?

  14. Thought of this thread when I saw that Shane has a new bb scene for Raw Fuck Club-- http://www.rawfuckclub.com/vod/RFC/watch.php?video=R292#.UhkQBRacg20

    I follow him on Twitter (@shanefrostXXX.com) and he had this exchange yesterday--

    @raven94306-- @ShaneFrostXXX r u poz?

    ‏@ShaneFrostXXX-- @raven94306 - No, I'm not

    He has no need to answer that question honestly for the whole Twitter world to see. The only people who need to know the answer to that question are his sex partners.

  15. You don't think that Jackson may have assumed that Ethan was a big fan of the rapcore/hardcore punk band Biohazard (one of the earliest bands to fuse hardcore punk and heavy metal with elements of hip hop) and responded "YES!" because Jackson enjoys nothing more than listening to rapcore when getting fucked?

    If that's the case, I bet Jackson feels like a silly goose right about now...

  16. I'm certain he'll claim that it's not him, that's its an imposter, and soon the profile will be gone.

    Funny, I remember a twitter war with he and Spencer Reed, where Jackson defended his INFORMED

    decision to perform in bareback porn. And if you work with 3 condom studios, and 1 BB studio,

    and your BB work overshadows all of your condom scenes... maybe that's a sign that more people are

    jerking to BB porn.

    Exactly Mindtrip. He'll claim he was hacked or that he's Carlos Danger LOL

  17. @RawTop any thoughts on my suggestion that you utilize the brand awareness/brand power of Breeding Zone and call the site Breeding Zone Connect or BZ Connect (if you think that Breeding Zone limits your potential audience)?

    IMO brand awareness of BreedingZone / RawTop is key to leverage when launching such a medium, especially at a time when folks are becoming less trusting about divulging their private information. Given your clear track record of being a responsible, user-oriented forum in which users can feel "safe" about discussing most private subjects, I would argue it is critically important to build upon your already established brand reputation when launching such a venture.

  18. I'd call it Breeding Zone Connect. Since the Breeding Zone is now an established brand/name people are familiar with, I would use the "brand" to your advantage. Utilizing the Breeding Zone brand would allow potential users to know that it is a "brand" they can trust which would not only encourage them to join the site, but also speed up the buzz about the site as users are more likely to recommend a brand they are comfortable with to their friends/fuck buddies.

    So I suggest: Breeding Zone Connect

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