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Posts posted by genericuser

  1. hot%20sammy.jpg






    Does anyone know what happened to Sammy Case? I loved his videos back in the day and stumbled on some photos of him earlier and unsuccessfully tried to find newer vids of him.

    Internet rumors about him were that he had to leave porn due to "health reasons". Other rumors were that he moved to somewhere upstate in NY and lives with some guy who took him in and works as a waiter.

    Anyone know what the real deal is?

  2. Good point and I agree with you on both posts. My problem with the bugchasers and associated websites is the exponential amount of misinformation. And it seems as though very few are willing to speak up and get the facts correct. I suppose it's easier to poz a misinformed bottom though.

    Sure but it is the misinformed bottom who is more likely to go after a guy (or just choose one bb hookup it didn't end well with) and use the law to go after the infected guy because it is obviously the already infected guy who deserves to have his life changed and labeled as a spreader of HIV because the newly infected guy plays the ignorant card + the law card. It doesn't matter if the already infected guy is not responsible for infecting him because once an arrest is made and the arrest is reported by the media, your name and photo become always linked via Google as a guy who intentionally spreads HIV.

    I mention this because I recently read the story of a hot guy in Minnesota (I think) who had the above scenario happen to him and while the charges were dropped if you Google his name you would never know...

  3. Some guys think that "undetectable" means "I don't look like I have AIDS".

    I fuck this guy and he says, yes, I am undetect.

    Since when?

    Well, since the beginning.

    What do you mean?

    Can you tell by looking me I am poz? No. So yes, I am undetectable.

    Mega facepalm

    Exactly HungLatinDom.

    People who play the ignorance card shouldn't be able to take a cock in their hole; right? ;-)

  4. Oh.. an lastly of course you have the people who just flat out lie, either cuz they're scared or are sociopaths, but like to think those are few and far, but you just have to peruse some of the other topics in this forum to know they're out there.

    I think that you are GREATLY underestimating the number of people who lie, fabricate or mask their status; not so much on this forum but definitely on hookup sites and apps (both bareback focused and mainstream sites/apps). I would NOT go so far as to label these people as sociopaths (I'm sure some are) and I would argue that the reasons for being dishonest cover the spectrum of justifications to themselves for their own dishonesty.

    While I am HIV+, I always laugh at the ignorance of people who believe that random hookups with someone who CLAIMS to be undetectable is low-risk. I guess these people must believe that "No one would lie on the Internet" because they're trusting someone to be honest who you don't know, whose medical history you are unaware of and who may or may not be currently on medication.

    Let's be honest, everyone knows that "Undetectable" is what countless guys who are HIV+ and everyone who is HIV- but barebacks WANTS to hear.

    - Many HIV+ guys are quite thorough in making sure that a potential sexual partner who is also HIV+ is undetectable because they find it important to avoid contracting another strain of HIV.

    - And guys who are HIV- have read a few of the many news reports on the various studies that show HIV virus is harder to spread if the virus is undetectable (note there are also studies that contradict this notion).

    Therefore it is just easier for many people to claim they are undetectable in order to have the largest possible number of potential sexual choices.

    By the way, NONE of the studies that have shown that it is difficult for an undetectable viral load from an HIV+ man to transmit the virus to a HIV- man; NONE of them take into account the inclusion of narcotics (chems, pnp, parTying) and the impact that such elements have on the immune systems of both the HIV+ and HIV- individuals.

    What I am trying to say is that if one is seeking bareback sex online they should either have the courage to be honest with themselves that they are essentially bugchasing (even if they don't have a poz fetish or consider the possibility of becoming HIV+; the more you bareback the more likely you are to be infected). If they cannot reach this realization, then like a child who can't swim and needs swimmies to stay afloat; put on your swimmies in the form of a condom going on your cock or the cock fucking your ass because if you're worried about contracting HIV you really shouldn't be barebacking because you're obviously not grown up enough to be honest with yourself to understand the risk vs the reward.

  5. I thought Trevor was the one with "emotional" issues which had been significant in hindering his personal and professional success throughout the years.

    What is interesting is how they both have been able to completely wipe themselves from all social media (using those names) and, I'm guessing, the big no porn and no Internet ultimatum came at an ideal time because if one types Jackson Taylor in the twitter search (or his old screen name) there is absolutely no chatter about him at all. Everything seems to end with an alleged arrest and then social media silence; no one even asking about them. Really bizarre.

    I don't know either of their status and refuse to speculate. To comment on the last paragraph of your post: people being deceptive about status seems to happen far too often on the web; but one's status is only the business of the individual, his or her sexual partners (whether safe or raw), his or her doctor and EMT's/first aid responders if an infected person is bleeding. That being said, would you be comfortable making medical/health disclosures when anyone who uses YouTube might stumble upon it?

  6. I would recommend obtaining an order of protection which should (I know you can in DC) allow you to indicate a list of others (family, employer, etc) that he is legally prohibited from contacting about you. An order of protection would not infringe on his employment, his right to vote and would not appear if a potential employer performed a criminal history check on him; it does allow you to have the higher ground if he does attempt to fulfill his threats of blackmail or extortion and any of the industry media he threatened to contact about you would view him as an unstable individual whose word should not be trusted and that would make any circumstantial or peripheral evidence he may have against you not believable.

    In addition to the order of protection I would suggest deleting any profiles that he can connect to you, do an Internet search of any of your screen names that he is aware of and do your best to delete anything that you might want to avoid being looked at by others, block his phone number and email address from being able to call or email you (most call blocking apps give the blocked caller the impression that your number has been disconnected) and also delete any of the profiles that he has used to communicate with you.

  7. Just to set the record straight...No definitive connection has been established between this case and the White Party. Nobody knows if he contracted it there or not. They also don't know yet if this is connected with the strain in New York.

    Wow, you must have worked for the cigarette companies in the 80's to throw that kind of spin out there...

    So let's not: a.) Jump the gun on where he got it, b.) let our guard down just because we didn't go to the White Party.

    I absolutely agree with b.) and was surprised that you included it. I think that the more awareness about both the incidents in NY and the likely exposure at the White Party leading to the death in LA is most critically important. A "patient zero" has not been established on either coast of the US to allow for further documentation of the spreading of this strain of meningitis.

    If you have friends that attended the White Party, take the time to check-in with them and see how they are doing; I know I have. While no one is trying to cause a panic, think of it as an opportunity to catch up with a friend.

  8. While I am HIV+, I always laugh at the ignorance of people who believe that random hookups with someone who CLAIMS to be undetectable is low-risk. I guess you must believe that "No one would lie on the Internet" because you're trusting someone to be honest who you don't know, whose medical history you are unaware of and who may or may not be currently on medication.

    Let's be honest, everyone knows that "Undetectable" is what countless guys who are HIV+ and everyone who is HIV- but barebacks WANTS to hear.

    - Many HIV+ guys are quite thorough in making sure that a potential sexual partner who is also HIV+ is undetectable because they find it important to avoid contracting another strain of HIV.

    - And guys who are HIV- have read a few of the many news reports on the various studies that show HIV virus is harder to spread if the virus is undetectable (note there are also studies that contradict this notion).

    Therefore it is just easier for many people to claim they are undetectable in order to have the largest possible number of potential sexual choices.

    By the way, NONE of the studies that have shown that it is difficult for an undetectable viral load from an HIV+ man to transmit the virus to a HIV- man; NONE of them take into account the inclusion of narcotics (chems, pnp, parTying) and the impact that such elements have on the immune systems of both the HIV+ and HIV- individuals.

    What I am trying to say is either have the courage to be honest with yourself that you are essentially bugchasing or put a condom on because if you're worried about contracting HIV you really shouldn't be barebacking.

    • Like 1
  9. This is something that ALL of us should be aware of and I'd encourage those who attended the White Party or have interacted with people who attended to take this VERY seriously as ignoring it could mean the difference between life and death.

    The Meningitis contracted by Brett Shaad at the White Party has led to his death (see article from WeHo Confidential below the LA Times article) as Shaad was removed from life support on the afternoon of 12 April 2013.

    The LA Times headline powerfully describes how serious contracting Meningitis can be:

    Meningitis scare: From 'fit as can be' to life support in one week


    A 31-year-old West Hollywood resident, who was described as being extremely fit only a week or so ago, is now in a coma and on life support after being diagnosed with "full-blown meningitis," city officials said.
    Duran said one of his concerns is that the man attended the annual White Party in Palm Springs over Easter Weekend, an event that attracts gay men from across the country.

    "What I'm worried about is the gay male community just had the White Party ... knowing that we've had lots of gay men in [from] New York ... we're very concerned because the White Party is known for being a weekend of fun, play, dance and sex," Duran said.

    "We don't want to be alarmist ... but at the same time, we'd rather be alarmist than sit back and be criticized" for not doing anything, he said, adding that the man had indeed participated in the White Party in some fashion.

    "I just saw him last week here in town, fit as can be, muscular," Duran said.

    Earlier this week, the county's top health officer said it was unclear if "this is an outbreak, single case, whatever," and said more tests needed to be done to identify the exact strain found.

    There are "apparently some similarities" to an especially deadly strain found in New York in recent years that has resulted in 22 cases, including seven fatalities since 2010, said Dr. Jonathan Fielding of the Department of Public Health.

    WeHo Confidential Reports that Brett Shaad has Died


    ♥♥♥ RIP Brett Shaad ♥♥♥

    The 1st victim of Meningitis in WeHo passed away today at 4:45pm after he was taken off of life support. Such a sad day in WeHo. He was truly beautiful.

    We miss him already.It is very hard to loose one of your own. Brett Shaad was part of our community here in West Hollywood. We saw him at events. We saw him daily at the gym. We stood together fighting for equality. For those of us who knew him or just stood beside him, or didn't even know of him at all.... We have lost someone of our community who's time came way to soon. Life can end at any moment. Before we snicker, before we fight, point fingers, act mean, form groups, exclude, shun, or anything but be there for one another- Let's remember that we are a community. Let us be there for each other. RIP Bret ♥

    I would encourage everyone to read the comment section of the WeHo Confidential story because you may gain some insight to his lifestyle.

    What Should You Do If You Went To the White Party or Have Had Sex with Someone Who Did:

    White Party attendees urged to get meningitis vaccine after West Hollywood lawyer dies


    Meningitis is inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord and the most common symptoms are headache, fever, neck stiffness, confusion, vomiting and an inability to tolerate light or loud noises.

    Meningitis is spread by close contact with nose and throat discharges from a person who is infected. Close contact includes living in the same household as an infected person or intimate activities, including kissing and sexual contact.

    The Meningitis vaccine will prevent invasive meningococcal disease from taking root but does not treat the disease if a person is already infected.

  10. yeh but I think that's applicable to the vast majority of gay men - I've lost count of the number of people who say "safe sex only" on profiles and the minute they've been offered the chance to fuck me bare have been up there VERY fast!!

    one guy I met online spent ages promoting safe sex in a chat room and even condemned someone for saying he liked to bareback and when I met the guy and we fucked he didn't even ask for a condom he just went straight for fucking me bare ...

    there is a huge amount of hypocrisy when it comes to safe sex in the gay community :grin:

    Saying "safe sex only" privately in a profile on a hookup site and making a big to-do in the media about how great you are because you never bareback are polar opposites. If he said it in a online hookup site, no problem; I mean we ALL have done the same thing...

  11. I think guys tend to be more honest about their status on bbrt,but not always...its a lot worse on A4A...there's a ton of poz guys in my area that claim to be poz...what I love is when I see a guy on a4a who's profile says safe sex only,and then later I see them on bbrt wahtin to bareback lol

    I disagree; I think a TON of guys throw around the word undetectable when much of the time it is not the case. I am not saying that everyone who claims undetectable is being deceptive, just a lot of them...

    People use undetectable because it allows them to play with other HIV+ guys who don't want to expose themselves to a different strain and there is enough questionable research showing that it is not really dangerous for a HIV- man to bareback with an HIV+ Undetectable man. So if you claim undetectable you open yourself up to the largest number of people you potentially can convince to hook-up.

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