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Everything posted by pervfantasy24

  1. Interesting comments, and how interesting that you come from such a background, I really believe it gives you extra perspective/an enhanced philosophical capacity for a lot of things. About Crossley: She doesn't just say stealthing is driven by cultural processes in 'the gay men's community' --notice 'the', as if there were only one-- but rather that barebacking (which in her definition at least at some point was equal to 'UAI' / unprotected anal intercourse) is. Just like you, I don't agree with such a one-sided perspective - I'm sure processes related to barebacking have their origin in many different processes not all of which are 'cultural'. In a 2004 article she claims her goal is to explain 'the gay man's psyche', which in itself is very ambitious and questionable in the very least. Gay men have not just one 'psyche' or one culture. In part, though, she would probably agree with you (when you say "the compulsion to wear condoms is (often) compelled by . . . narratives internalized by gay culture from straight", I think she would fully agree (without the word that I omitted); many theoreticians see 'UAI' as 'reactance' or kind of reactionary resistance to decades of prevention campaign messages, which are aimed at kind of prototype of 'the healthy/normal, non-pathological gay man'). But such explanations don't cover the whole phenomenon in its richness, they only provide speculative clues to what might be one of the causes for it.. Complex phenomena are rarely explained by a single 'fact' and I very much agree with you on the view that sexuality is to a large degree driven from the 'inside'. Very fascinating to hear about this theological perspective on fantasy ( "In fundamentalist Christian culture it is purported that Jesus taught (paraphrasing): 'if you think it in your heart, it is the same as having done it.' " ). I know of a few other religions where this view is commonly heard... Makes sense that it should be popular in mainstream culture, accompanied by the appropriate dosis of guilt or a tendency to hide/push away any unacceptable elements of one's fantasy. An additional source of this (almost) equation between fantasy and reality might be research in health and forensic science on things like 'fantasy rehearsal' and the relationship of fantasy to action (but that would not be regarding 'healthy' ways of fantasizing, without a criminal background, like the traffic situation you mentioned.. Unless someone keeps repeating such murderous thoughts compulsively all the time, or stops maintaining their own conscious distinction between fantasy and reality).
  2. Have fun Maybe I should correct myself though, sorry if being pedantic. In this book Dean can be said to confront the fantasies behind 'condom resistance' (not his words) more generally (of which stealthing is a part, see eg. this article about 'condom resistance' for a clear illustration of stealthing / non-consensual breeding among heterosexual young men with their female partners: Davis et al. 2014, ' A Qualitative Examination of Men’s Condom Use Attitudes and Resistance:‘‘It’s Just Part of the Game’’ ', Arch Sex Behav (2014) 43:631–643, DOI: 10.1007/s10508-013-0150-9). Dean does this on a very general level (as mentioned before, cultural or rather (post-)subcultural), not getting into all the specific uses connected to desires for breeding or pozzing. It would be more correct for me to say that he confronts 'the fantasies behind forms of condom resistance such as stealthing', though he does not consider non-consensual forms specifically (in his words, "the principle of benign sexual variation applies only to consensual sex" in the preface, and his remark + footnote on p. 113 about snuff vs. BB porn). So even though stealthing involves nuances/specifics (eg. sadistic tendencies) which fall outside the scope of his book, stealthing can be traced back to the same general mechanisms that Dean describes, especially if you consider it all a manifestation of 'condom resistance' as often done in health/social sciences..
  3. Apparently I "cannot add any more reactions today", but I agree with youon Dean's book. And good that you have some nice memories with it, HardOne;) BTW Tim Dean doesn't condone stealthing but he's not afraid to confront it without prejudice or value judgments, and doesn't remain on a superficial level. His explanations about barebacking make much more sense to me than other authors I have read, even if they center on cultural processes and less on individual differences. I would definitely recommend the book to anyone interested in bareback, much more than the standard stuff people read about it at universities, such as Crossley, Halperin or Race with their distant and superficial approach.
  4. I can't answer that for you, but it seems pointless to try and put yourself in someone's shoes who is so radically different from you (you seem like a very kind soul), say, Dahmer, for example, and then to contrive a causal explanation for their behavior based on that 'empathic positioning'. Or to speculate about what a sadistic sex offender's 'real needs' might be. It also seems unlikely that we could have 'healed' Dahmer if only we had understood things from his point of view, as you seemed to be hinting at. If i remember correctly, he was diagnosed with psychopathy - not a curable condition. Maybe you don't like to see the darker places that exist in the world. But I think two more points about stealthing are worth pointing out: On the one hand, it is a fringe behavior within what might be called 'mainstream' barebacking subculture that has the risky potential, because of its extreme nature, to lead to the entire barebacking community to being stigmatized and pathologized. If you like to see an example of this maybe check out the work of the arguably homophobic (though unintentionally) health researcher Michele Crossley, whose work reads like bareback is a nasty cancer to be eliminated ('healed') from an otherwise healthy body of gay males. For her, much like you seem to believe, the men engaging in these behaviors do so because they are compelled to by pathological narratives in gay culture (and not because of any psychological or biological causes), a very popular view in the social sciences. I disagree with it ; biological (genetic) and personality factors are just as important in sexuality as cultural ones. On the other hand tho, people who engage in this fringe behavior might come to places as this one for inspiration, confirmation or whatever. Some might have stealthing fantasies and wonder if it's normal. The discussion above seems to suggest that extreme sadistic fantasies are exclusive to psychopaths or serial killers. This is an exaggeration. According to many psychiatrists, normal people have violent unconscious fantasies and as long as they don't occur in obsessive or psychotic ways they don't mean you're sick if you have them. Hurting someone in your fantasy is not quite the same as doing it in real life. Declaring otherwise can have nasty effects. Poz gay men are stigmatized within the gay community and poz barebackers are stigmatized even within the poz gay community. Now, poz gay men who are stealthers are stigmatized even within the barebacking 'mainstream'. The effect of putting anything that has to do with stealthing into the Jeffrey Dahmer category should be obvious to the reader by now. Someone with stealth fantasies could flip several ways in such a scenario, such as reject, hide, deny those fantasies, or accept the stigmatized / spoiled identity offered to him. Both seem to have bad consequences.
  5. This is quite often the case with eg. sadistic sex offenders, is it not?
  6. Do fetishes or desires exist that have illegal and immoral implications unless carried out under circumstances that ensure that legality/morality is preserved during the sexual act? I believe they do, take for example people who feel the need to have sex with animals or minors. Wanting to have non-consensual raw intercourse with someone who expects safe sex is just another version of desire. Do these desires go away after condemning or criminalizing the practices related to them? Maybe not. If you have them, you can repress them and stick to what's legally and morally right. Or not. Your choice, until you get caught, then you're fucked.. Or you might poke around at it until you find some acceptable version, some watered down role play maybe. After all, once you convince yourself that that's what fulfills your desire (and people have been shown to be capable of doing this), you might no longer need the excessive details which would result in breaking laws or moral precepts. That's an interesting question. Some people might not have any other place to talk about these issues. But if you don't, it might be worthwhile finding one. Because not all users on this website are barebackers. A percentage of profiles lurking around here have very different interests regarding whatever we might have to say about this topic. This is a public place in many senses, and an interesting one to many kinds of people.
  7. breeding-for-satan666.bdsmlr.com
  8. breeding-for-satan666.bdsmlr.com
  9. This amateur vid with broken rubber is also hot https://barebackbastards.com/28567/perving-the-condom-to-stealth-up-safeboy/
  10. If I were you I'd have Frank and Rick over (and maybe that twink).. But I'd be careful about inviting Jake to your party.. ?
  11. Follow up Part II A. The twink in the bushes The empty road ahead seemed endless while Rick is driving back from Jake’s place. Still high on tina, he is feeling as though this night isn’t over yet. Thoughts of violent rape scenes and images from the movies he had seen at Jake’s place raze and flash through his mind. He knows it now: This was definitely the hottest and craziest thing he has ever done. “It was fucked up and sick”, he thinks, while noticing the boner in his pants throbbing. He decides to pull over at the known cruising area by the motorway bypassing the city, a parking spot with a little path leading back to a busy area. He has been there before, usually on his way back home from clubbing or bathhouse visits in the city, and there was always something good going on there. Guys sniffing poppers and pulling their cocks out and fucking each other, why wait another second? Usually he sits in the car for a while, watching people get in and out of their cars, but this time he gets out and walks straight into the bush. Four cars are on the parking lot and a tall guy dressed in leather who is standing at the entrance to the bushes starts following him. Rick walks the path through the bushes, illuminated by the moonlight, and sees several guys, vaguely, his eyes still having to adopt to the dark. For a moment he feels the cold air and wonders what he’s doing there if he could probably have some good sex at home, but then he looks at the shadows intertwined with each other and hears moaning. Two guys are fucking there. He can’t see who they are but he is instantly turned on. He wants to join them and turn the bottom into a cum whore, inject another load deep in his guts. Shit, he remembers, they might not even be fucking raw. He walks on and sees a very young looking guy in sports clothes staring at him firmly. When he looks into his eyes, the boy looks down. He must be in his late teens or early twenties at most. Strange, he thinks: usually he is not really into the whole shy twink thing but now he is hot as hell for it. He probes his feelings and reaction to the boy's physique. Does he really get turned on by this shy young boy who looks really unexperienced? What is the logic behind this, after all a boy like that who most likely has a bunch of inhibitions just can't give the same as a guy who is on the same wavelength as oneself.. Right? But the only conclusion he can come to is that he is intuitively drawn to the young boy like a magnet. He passes him close by and turns around briefly, looking at the twink's body. His tool is throbbing in his pants and there is nothing he wants more than to enter this twink quite forcefully and mercilessly. He imagines the twink getting fucked for the first time without consent, listening to his moaning and expressions of pain, holding him down and grabbing him by the neck, forcing him into giving up resisting. He would like to rape him all-round. But how about those alarm bells, alerting him to the ethical unrealness of this image, to the fact of hurting someone intentionally against their will, something he tended to be averse to? He was listening hard, but the alarm bells he had been able to perceive so clearly before at Jake's place are... Gone. It's all quiet. And in the background rings his burning desire to invade the twink's hole and fuck him.. Poz him with his unmedicated fuck juice. "Poz him", he thinks, and contemplates the ring of these words. Although he has heard them lots of times he has never really been into that sort of thing. The words he just pronounced, quietly to himself, sounded to him like a sweet drug, pure pleasure, unlimited enjoyment which formerly had been forbidden. This is so hot, can he really program himself to let it all out, all the forbidden stuff he has maybe been blocking from coming to full blooming.. Is that what is going on here? Is he taking control and putting himself in charge of his enjoyment, in a perverted way (how hot the words 'perverted' ring in his ears), bypassing all moral limitations? He wonders how this is possible. Suddenly his only thought is *Yesss!*, and he turns around toward the twink, intuitively touching his own pants, fumbling around his erect cock while looking into the twink's eyes. The twink quickly turns his eyes down for a second, then returning his gaze to meet Rick's eyes. As Rick feels the twink's gaze and looks at his face he feels his cock throbbing. Man, what injection did this guy Jake give him? It has been hard like a rock all this time. The twink stares at his package and briefly, almost cautiously, raises his eyebrows, and Rick looks back at him grinning. He pulls his pants down and strokes his cock. The twink immediately comes closer and looks up to Rick, who answers with a smile. He bows over to him and says, in his sexiest voice, "Feel like going into the bushes?" The twink nods. He pulls up his pants and they walk further down the path along the stream until they come to a dark spot in the bushes. Walking further down, there is a little wooden table and Rick stops there. He leans back against the table and smiles at the twink, who looks undecided. He pulls down his pants again and starts rubbing it. The twink seems to loosen up, breathes heavily while whispering "yeah", while unbuttoning his jeans. He gets it out and starts jerking off frenetically while staring at Rick's hand moving up and down his shaft. He comes closer, drawn to it as if wanting to smell it. "You wanna suck my balls?" Rick says. The twink nods and gets down on his knees. He starts licking Rick's balls. "He's actually good at this", Rick thinks while the twink moves his tongue up slowly to his gland and then quite quickly (as if unable to resist any longer) takes Rick's hard cock into his mouth. Rick moves the twink head back and forth and the twink is visibly excited, beating his own flesh harder and harder. Rick starts moving faster and skullfucking him with a bit more force. The twink protests, most likely involuntarily, because after a brief gag he pulls Rick by the ass and takes his cock deep throat. "Yeah", Rick moans and feels kinky at the boy, he wants him entirely. He wants to defile him, every inch of his youthful body, he yearns for contaminating him inside out with his viral biohazard sperm. Thinking these thoughts reinforces a cycle of crude agression and violence he feels inside and he feels it growing until he is ready to unleash it on the boy. He moans with please and says "Do you wanna get fucked?" The twink stops doing what he's doing and turns his head upwards, looking doubtful. He looks at Rick scrutinizingly and hesitates. He gets up and says "yeah man, but it has got to be with a condom", as if he is anticipating what Rick has coming for him. "Have you got one?" Rick asks, and the twink nods. Surprisingly, Rick is not disappointed in the slightest. He intuitively knows what to do, he remembers a video he saw recently of a guy punching a condom with a bunch of pins. "It can't be that hard to wreck a rubber", he thinks. He remembers the times he fucked with condoms before, and on some occasions the condom actually broke. This was harder with certain types of condoms, and he is hoping the twink will produce a suitable one. The twink gets out the condom and some lube which he passes to Rick, then hesitates as Rick opens the lube, taking back the condom. It's obvious the twink wants to put it on himself. The twink puts the condom on Rick's shaft and turns around, grabbing his own cock and starting to masturbate again. Rick lubes up and touches the boy's ass with his finger. His hole is tight. "That's hot", he whispers to the twink, and pushes his cock against the twink's hole, teasing him, while the twink moves his ass back and forth, seemingly trying to put it over Rick's gland. But Rick wants to taste his ass first, he moves down on his knees and starts licking the twink's crack. "Yeahhh", he hears the twink moaning. "Fuck yeah", he says, while touching his own cock and remembering he has a condom to split. He inserts his tongue deep up the twink's tight hole and twists it around. The twink moans. "This fuck is going to be so damn hot", Rick thinks. The twink is busy now, jerking off hard and moaningly drifting off into his own world, seemingly using his ass musculature to take in Rick's intention to get it in there. Rick pulls on the condom with one hand. He twitches and turns it with the other while using his fingernail. The condom breaks. Rick feels triumph and relief. Everything is ready now. He gets up and checks the condom. His big red gland and part of his foreskin is sticking out of the condom. He briefly bows down to reinsert his tongue in there, saying "fuck yeahhhh" and then puts his gland into the boy using his fist. The twink moans and jerks harder. As Rick goes deeper he briefly protests vocally, but Rick keeps moving in a steady rhythm, slowly, not quite giving it full power yet. He opens the bottle of poppers he got from Jake and passes it to the twink, who sniffs if greedily. He then takes four big whiffs himself. As he fucks the twink harder and harder he feels like everything around him dissolves, and there is only him and the boy's hole. He grabs him by the shoulder, calling out "fuck yeah, this is so hot", and the twink moans "yeahhhhh". He feels the heat in his lower body, his balls, his intestines. Suddenly he feels it's Jake fucking the boy. He would do it differently somehow, he thinks. Harder, more ruthless, colder. Cruel.. Callous. He imagines Jake being poz. How would Jake poz that little fucker? He stops and breaths out heavily. This is so damn hot, he thinks. He passes the poppers on to the boy again, who says "yesssss" and sniffs at least six times. He takes some himself and relaxes. Now he will shoot him up with poz cum. He thrusts in deep. He looses track of everything for a brief moment. Is this him fucking or is it Jake? He thrusts in with force and moves in and out rhythmically, he feels his balls tingling and ready to cum. "Do you want me to cum in the condom?" He asks. "Yeah", the twink moans, visibly immersed in enjoyment. "Here it comes", Rick says. "Here it fucking comes", he repeats. He is going to poz the little fucker, shoot his dirty load. His thoughts fade and he feels his cum bursting into the twinks hole. He doesn't make a sound and keeps moving. Now his cum load is inside. He increases the speed of his rhythmic thrusts and bangs the twink's ass like a hammer, churning that load. "Yeahhh...", he calls out. The twink says "I'm gonna cum" and rubs it until he cums, spraying it over the grass. Rick can hear it falling and hammers it in deep. "Phew" he sighs while pulling it out of the twink, who quickly turns around and checks if the condom is still on. Damn, Rick thinks, and quickly puts his hand over the gland. The twink seems content with feeling the condom's presence on the base and says "Damn, that was hot". Rick asserts and they walk back. "Can I have your number?" He asks him. "I just lost my phone", Rick answers. "But we'll see each other around." The twink doesn't insist and they say goodbye. Rick starts the car and drives home. Part II B. Jake Jake sits in his living room and sips his drink. He watches the body laying next to him. How he loves male bodies, there's probably no other person in the world who loves them quite as intensely as he does. He wants male flesh almost like a meth addict needs meth. He would probably give up everything else for it if he ever had to choose. The body twitches. Well, time to get to work, Jake thinks. He gets up, puts the straight porn movie back on, and cleans the towels away. He then walks to the kitchen and pours another beer in a glass for Frank. Let's add some drops, he thinks, and takes out a different vial, dripping in a couple of drops. He returns to the living room. Frank is sitting on the bed. "Damn, that hurts", Frank says. "What the hell happened?" Jake stares at him and says: "You don't remember? You had too much. You went totally crazy, man. You even put in a dildo, and you shat on my sheets." Frank looks confused and turns deep scarlet red. "Fuck", he says. "I'm sorry man, I can usually take quite a bit." Jake grins and says "yeah.. that I know. Here, I got you one more beer." - "Thanks", Frank says and accepts the beer. He starts sipping it slowly. "So.." Jake begins. "What did you think about the guy that was here?" Frank frowns, obviously making great efforts to remember everything. "That faggot? At least he had a good hole." Frank's cock started getting hard. He sipped more beer. They watch the porn movie, silently, for a while, drinking. Then suddenly Frank's face freezes. He looks at Jake. Jake can see he is all pale, which is surprising. "What's wrong?" he says. Frank says "what the hell did that guy do to me?" Jake looks into Frank's eyes. His pupils are dilated. Maybe it's time. "Not much", he says. "He just fucked you with his HIV positive dick for a little while.. I filmed it, in case you want to watch?" Frank gazed at Jake in disbelief for at least three seconds. Enraged, he shouts "you sick motherfucker, you're fucking dead!" and tries to punch Jake in the face. Jake grabs him by the wrist. "Now, now", he hushes. "Just relax for a second. We don't want your heart going crazy on us." Frank looks faint and tired. "Bwwwhat.." he slurs. "Just relax now. Relax.." Jake says firmly. He lets go of Frank's wrist. Frank attempts to get up but stumbles. "Careful, careful" Jake admonishes and catches Frank in his arms. Frank is limp. He slaps him on the cheeks. No reaction. He measures his pulse. Good, he thinks. Now we can finish what we started. To be continued..
  12. Last Saturday, after an evening out with friends, I felt horny as hell. I decided to go online, but Saturday nights are always a bit of a bore in my town. I remembered all the hot times during my weekend trips to bigger cities - Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, Madrid - and wished I had flown out, but this time I had to work early on Monday. I'm 24 and just got my first serious job after finishing university, so the wild days seemed kind of over anyway. I settled for some porn and music at home, smoked some weed and logged in on a gay dating app - usually there's not much going on in my area anyway, but you never know. After checking some guys' profile I came to the conclusion that it was just the same old boring profiles. I almost felt like sending a message to one guy I always suck off, since I know he's always looking for a quicky, very reliable and hot. Then I suddenly remembered a chat page where i sometimes log in and where things get a little more exciting sometimes. People from nearby towns into bareback, BDSM, PNP who are willing to travel etc. So I log in to this very basic, text-based chat and pour myself a drink. Not much is going on there either - most guys are far away and nobody reacted to my opening line yet. Then suddenly a guy with the mysterious nickname DarkNetFucker666 logs in without any info other than that he lives in a nearby town. I get some associations with a couple of porn movies I got from a friend the year before, with Satanist plots, neonazis, strangling and a whole lot of other extreme things. Is this a guy who is into that sort of thing? I always wondered what kind of people would watch such extreme stuff. Besides, he might be some older guy and I'm definitely not into that. A bit doubtful, I decide to send him a message and we start a chat. He says he is 30 and has 'dark fantasies', and I tell him I'm into barebacking and poz since two years ago. I send him a facepic and ask him if he wants to meet. He gives me a place and time, and by this time I'm feeling curious as hell, and intuitively agree to meeting him at a petrol station around 30 miles from where I live for 'and outdoor date and we can see about continuing somewhere else'. When I get there I look for the van he described. He's parked in a bushy area by the petrol station and I park the car next to his. I send him a message saying I'm there and he answers asking me to take a walk with him in the bushes. Reluctantly I agree - even though I feel really excited and horny as hell, it does seem like a very scary and potentially dangerous scenario - I definitely don't feel all that safe. Luckily the weed I smoked helps a bit, and I determinedly walk into the bush past his car. I see him getting out. The moonlight reflects from his face and he actually looks pretty hot. He walks over to me and asks me if I feel like 'playing around a bit before we take it further'. I guess he wants to try me out before taking me 'somewhere else', to his home or wherever. So we lower our pants and I stand closer to him. He looks like he's not very used to this - he doesn't attempt to approach me or touch me. He has a huge uncut boner and I ask if he wants me to suck him, and I get on my knees. I smell his balls and it really turns me on, I lick them all over and suck his big cock. I start jerking off and he reaches down to feel my cock and balls with a firm grip. He suddenly stops and says "Shall we go to my place?" I nodd. He sounds foreign and I ask him where he is from. "Germany", he says. We get into our cars and I follow him. When we get to his place, which is really in the middle of nowhere in a very forested area, I notice he has a really great looking house. This guy must have done really well for himself. There's a big fence around the property and a huge pool. We go in and he asks if I want to do some drugs. It has been at least four years since I had taken anything other than weed - at university I had tried some things, like coke, ecstasy and speed - and I'm suddenly overwhelmed by obsessive thoughts about not being able to get to work on Monday. He is obviously noticing that I'm worried and tells me not to, saying we won't take too much. I agree to smoke some meth with him, it can't be that bad. While he prepares the stuff I get a better look at him in the kitchen light. There is something eminently hot about him. He has a good body and his face looks smooth and young. His eyes are dark and his gaze is somehow cold, there is not really much warmth in his appearance and his demeanor is very masculine and serious, but his eyes and occasional smile when we talk about sex add a sexual overtone to the situation. I ask him what he does and he tells me he's a psychiatrist, which strikes me as odd since he doesn't make a very empathic impression. He introduces himself as Jake. We sit down in the living room and smoke some. He puts on some trancy music and wants to know more about 'the bareback thing'. I tell him about bareback dating sites, about bug chasing and gift giving and about some of my experiences at bareback parties and in fetish club darkrooms. He asked if I'm on meds, I tell him that I haven't been needing medication yet. He smiles. "We could fuck someone bareback," he says. The drug feels good and I notice it starting to kick in even more because I kind of feel more disinhibited. "And how do you want to find someone?" I ask. -"I can get some guys that come here sometimes", he says. "Sometimes I invite guys in and give them some money, I often call them and we fuck a bottom together". -"That sounds good", I say. He shows me a pic of a big, dark skinned guy who looks very handsome, I scroll on and his tablet reveals some dick pics. "This one looks hot", I said. He asks me what kind of type I really fantasize about fucking. -"Maybe one of those white power kids, like a young skinhead or something." He shows me another pic of a young blonde guy who is not a skinhead as such but very handsome and muscular, with neonazi-type outfit and boots. He has this really grim, bad look on his face. "This is a very violent one who is very much into this neonazi stuff", he says. "He is a sadist and just wants to fuck on coke, he was also in trouble with the police for sexual assault." This really makes me hot and I ask him what he wants to do. "We let him fuck you on coke and give him some drinks and maybe some drugs, then we can see if we can maybe fuck him." -"But I thought you said he doesn't want to get fucked." -"We'll see", he says with an evil grin on his face. I get some alarm bells - this guy really seems very perverted, I'm getting worried about things going too far. But he seems really controlled and calm, and I suppose he knows what he's doing. So I agree. He calls the guy and agrees on meeting. He's drunk but he's driving over anyway. "We have half an hour", he says. So I have a shower while Jake prepares whatever he has got to prepare. In the shower I feel kind of nervous about what is about to happen, but I feel a odd tingling in my lower body. I clean up thoroughly and go back to the living room while the white power guy is ringing the doorbell. Jake goes to open the door and brings the guy in. "This is Frank." We shake hands and I look at Frank, he looks really nasty with a superior look in his eyes full of despise. But he looks damn hot. He hardly looks at me and talks more to Jake, whom he obviously has some kind of bond with. He brags about how he burned down the car of a family who lives in his neighbourhood, foreigners. This guy is really an asshole, I think. Still, I feel an amazing and almost surreal attraction to him. "So what are you waiting for, get your clothes off", Jake, who is obviously taking the lead, snarls at me. I undress quickly and we sit down on the couch. Jake puts on a porn with a girl surrounded by a group of men, and says he will pour some drinks and prepare the coke. I go for a piss, and while I walk past the kitchen, Jake whistles at me. I approach and he whispers "these two lines on the right are for us. When I offer don't take the ones on the left." -"Why, what have you put in those?" I ask, worried. -"Just something more for him to relax, he usually prefers to fuck girls". When I return to the couch Jake already has his hard cock in his hands and Frank is touching his crotch, staring engagedly at the Czech porn movie, where the men are cumming one by one into the girl's holes. Jake tells me to bring around the plate with the coke and sniffs a line. He then passes it to me and I sniff the other line on the right, then give it to Frank. He sniffs one of the lines on the left. "Let's get down to action. What are you waiting for?" Jake says. I kneel down in front of Frank. I put my nose into his crotch and take in the smell. I unzip him and get his hard throbbing tool out and start licking it. Ending the foreplay, he grabs my ears and puts my mouth over his cock, snarling "no teeth". He fucks my mouth for a while and then grabs me and puts me on the couch in front of it facing Jake, who is seemingly enjoying the situation masturbating and smiling. He lubes up and pushes me flat on the stomach, then rams his piece in raw, I'm in pain and cry out but he doesn't show any consideration. Staring at the porn movie he goes on and gets in the flow in a regular and relentless rhythm. Jake passes him poppers and he sniffs. He slaps me hard and rams on. Seemingly, Jake is afraid that Frank is getting too close to cumming and he gets up. "Now it's my turn", he says. Jake's cock is even bigger than Frank's and I feel him going in. He does it hard like Frank but differently, he is less distant and comes closer, grabbing me by the shoulders and thrusting it in hard. "Sit on all fours", he says. I obey and Frank sits down on his knees before me and pushes his cock into my mouth. I feel ecstatic, the pain has passed and I feel their big cocks ravaging my holes, I just ride on the wave, unable to think of anything else. After a while Jake exchanges again with Frank and they both take a hit of the poppers. I feel Frank thrusting in harder and harder, and the sounds he makes indicate he is in his own world right now. Jake doesn't stop him, and Frank fucks until he comes. "Yeah, take it, bitch", he yells. Jake screams "yeahhhh" and masturbates in front of my mouth. Frank has just finished and breathes heavily. He asks for a beer, and Jake sends me to get him one. I walk into the kitchen but don't find the beer, and I call out to Jake. He comes in and grabs a beer without saying a word. He takes a little vial out of a drawer and quickly drips in a large number of drops while keeping his eye on the door. I'm a bit confused but I understand and walk back into the living room and try talking to Frank. His answers are short and it seems like he is extremely averse to talking with me. Luckily, Jake comes back into the room and gives Frank his beer. "Now let's just relax for a while", Jake says. After a while, Frank dozes off and Jake says "Now let's get to the real action." At this point I'm horny as fuck but I still get alarm bells and say "Will he be alright?" Jake says: "Off course he will. Maybe let's have a smoke first." We smoked some more meth and I notice I'm not getting a hard on. I tell Jake and he tells me to follow him to the bedroom. He takes out a little syringe and says: "I'm going to inject you, just stand still." He grabs my penis and rubs it with a bit of alcohol and I close my eyes. I feel a short sting and react shocked, but after a few moments I feel all relaxed again. "What is it?" I ask him. -"Just something to get you up and running again so we can complete the program." I feel this sounds odd, since I don't know what "the program" is supposed to be, but Jake seems all too confident and in a way I think that's hot. We walk back into the living room and Frank looks like he has passed out on the couch. "Is he sleeping?" I ask. -"Sit down on your knees before him and suck his cock." I sit down and pull his boxer short down. I lick his balls and take his limp cock into my mouth. Before long, it's hard as rock and Frank moans. Jake passes me the poppers and I sniff. "Now lick his ass." I go down and lick his hole. Jake gets up and rubs his cock against Frank's face. Frank moves his head but doesn't otherwise react. He says: "Help me here". We carry Frank onto a mattress. Jake switches off the lights and puts on a different porn. He cuts some more of the coke and gives me some. He puts on music at a very loud volume. From my eye winkle I see the porn. It shows a man dressed in a devil's mask with horns. He is dragging a young blonde boy dressed in sports clothes over a field in some forest with a rope. I look at the screen and see how he throws down the boy on the field, undoes his jeans and starts raping him. This looks like really hardcore, probably illegal stuff and I glance at over at Jake who seems to be enjoying watching me watching the movie and gives me another one of his evil grins, but I don't think about it and look at Frank. Jake is touching his balls and ass and he twitches, moaning. I get excited and go over to Frank. I feel my limits dropping to zero and my boner throbbing, I just want to fuck the shit out of this arrogant little neonazi fucker. It seems as though Jake senses this, masturbating hard and moaning "yeahhh", staring at me with a fixed gaze like Frank did before with the porn. He says "come on, fuck him". I get on top of Frank and lube him, fingering his tight hole. I enter it with a thrust. This is amazing, I want more. I thrust in several times and then grab him by his lower back, thrust in deep. Jake comes closer to me and I touch his hard, throbbing cock while pounding Frank's hole. I feel like I could go on like this for hours. Jake whispers in my ear "rape him". I keep fucking until Jake claims his turn. I watch Jake fucking him and matching the thrusts in the porn movie. He whispers "I'm gonna seed his ass and then you can do the same." He cums into Frank. Even though I feel very horny I still feel worried. Frank hasn't consented to this so this is actually really rape. Jake notices and tells me to follow him into the bedroom where we watch some porn. These are also very violent porns, it's a jail setting in the shower where several inmates rape a guy with a nazi tattoo. He asks me whether I want something to relax and he brings me a glass half full with coca cola. He says "this is going to relax you even more". I drink it and we watch porn for a little while. He asks if it's okay to set up a camera in the living room so he can film it, and I agree. We return to where Frank is. He looks like he is sleeping and Jake touches his crotch again. Frank moans and makes hip movements as if he is fucking the mattress. I feel like fucking and seeding him. I get on top and I grab him by the hips, thrusting my cock in. Jake passes me the poppers and I start fucking him. Jake changes the music and I think of nothing else but putting my seed into his tight hole. "Put your poz seed into him, poz him up", Jake whispered with a mean smile. He masturbates on Frank and I thrust into him, I really feel like I could do this for hours. I sniff some more poppers and fuck him hard until I feel like I'm going to come. "I'm cumming", I tell Jake. "Yeah, poz his little nazi hole", Jake says. I shoot all my cum into him. We sit down on the couch. "This is really hot", I said. "It's a pity we haven't used him as a condom for me to fuck you." I wondered what that meant. We sat silent for a while. "What do you mean, use him as a condom?" I asked Jake. "You'll see next time", he said. To be continued
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