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Everything posted by BottomBoyJames

  1. I was eventually coerced into becoming a urinal by my Dom/Master that he'd empty his bladder into, then plug up with a tight fitting toy.
  2. 0kSDeOK....so alarmingly, I might not know how to close a deal anymore. 

    I'm literally sitting in front of my work to use the wifi before driving home,  as opposed to letting a cute 27 (boy toyish) coworkers etc familiar with how nasty I can be. 🐷🐷🦄🦄. One,  I almost never hookup with coworkers. Two, this guy is from a different generation than what I'm comfortable with I guess.  Simply explained: He's totally fuckable.  I mean, a late twenty something year old Top, at least from what I could blatently deduce buy the way he caressed himself while talking to me in his back yard, after we closed down the bar we both work at. Call it "Trigger Shy" I guess, as eager as I am to have somebody use me how I need/want... I'm completely uninterested in having a cock sure, overly eager work mate out me to the rest of the staff/small town I exist in. I know this might sound like an unreasonable requirement on my part, but I've always preferred to keep things discreet in my immediate , day to day life. I don't know why really.... maybe it comes down to me getting turned out while having a serious girlfriend when I was barely 19,  then even more so later,  when I was married? Like, I enjoy the secrecy of being someone's bottom playmate.... and maybe, it's part of my sexual kink? Either way, my coworker friend definitely wanted to please him in one way or another, and I wanted to his cock inside of my mouth and ass too.......maybe next time? 


    40'S 8

  3. Oh fuck, how I love it... it at least used to, since it's been a while. I had a play mate that was a friend of my former Master/Dom Top that would stop by at random and join in our sessions. I always remember having to get used to his oversized jewelry(apadravya with a P.A. ring attached) when I'd give him head or get fucked by him. He loved to try and work his dick into my throat with mixed success at best. Mostly, I'd just heave and gag, ultimately making a thick mess of mucus and saliva... & when things got a bit more rough, sometimes a little blood too. My Master always liked the discomfort that his friend's piercing would cause when he'd initially start in on my ass too. I'd eventually relax and give in to his merciless jewelry being worked in and out of me.....ahhh, good times.
  4. What's a guy gotta do these days to meet a fun guy for some hot, sweaty play? I've been doing my for in the online hookup world, as well as revising old cruising haunts to little,  if no success. All I need is someone that likes watching videos, maybe parties or doesn't, and likes a a submissive bottom to use for their pleasure. Things didn't used to be so difficult.....




  5. Of course, the number one is doggy. I used to hook up with this guy in random motels who liked to strap his belt around my thighs, then bend me in half, tucking the belt behind my head. I felt so exposed, it was super hot. That guy sure taught me a few things!
  6. I constantly crave getting piss filled while playing. Started when my old "Daddy" emptied himself out inside of me, plugged me, and continued on with using me. Eventually, he'd fuck it out of me, or make me expell myself with some help from different toys...sometimes he'd just add more warm liquid to my guts before plugging my hole right back up.
  7. Tonight I find myself surrounded by a group of people, feeling anxious, and fantasizing.  Earlier, a friend got me really high before teasing me a little, then dropping me off at home. So now, I'm here discretely craving some use and abuse...

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