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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Chandler AZ
  • Interests
    STD sex, pozzing parties, bisexual std swapping and bug sharing parties, BBC, BWC, poz/aids worship, having mum/dad use me for collecting and giving them poz strains, maybe a bro that inks me up whenever I get a new strain?
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Poz
  • Role
  • Background
    I like filthy sex and am addicted to cum of all kinds. I've been a gloryhole whore before, now looking to become a more seriously addicted std fucktoy that absorbs only dirty status loads in my free time!
  • Porn Experience
    Going to start a bug chaser OnlyFans!
  • Looking For
    Filthy std swapping sex partners of any gender. Men who bug my cunt. Holes I can infect with my cock. Someone to tattoo my ass with proùd std cumdump stamps. A man/woman to get serious with that wants me to be an std slut with and for them. An aids wasting wife I can marry, and our wedding ceremony is DURING an std gangbang of us both. Open to starting a dirty cum addicted family with those who desire true depravity

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    Kik- lookintofuq
  • Telegram User Name

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  1. I really want a toxic cock to take me out for a tattooing on my ass. It needs to be a paw print with "cumslut" inside of it! 

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