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Posts posted by Pozguyinchi

  1. My first ltr was with a dom top that used to share me. It started with three ways but evolved to me getting sent over to his buds house for him or a group to use me. This was the man I converted for so it felt natural to serve him this way. Since then I have had a few whore me out but usually stuck around to watch. 

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  2. On 1/20/2024 at 10:55 PM, topblkmale said:


    Breeding means receiving male sperm DNA that's different from your own.

    In my case breeding means accepting this strong ancestral Sub-Saharan African DNA.


    I like your term for it topblkmale. I agree anything where the bottom is vaginally filled with a man’s seman is being bred. You can breed me anytime you want also.

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  3. On 6/30/2023 at 6:16 AM, Pozguyinchi said:

    I knew early on that not only do I like men but I wanted a man inside me. Not sure how it worked at first but I figured it out real quick. Lol

    I feel that you can have it both ways. For me, I have no desire to top. I never have. Before I knew what sex was I wanted a boy to lay on me. To feel him on me was all I wanted. I didn’t know anything about it. When I had sex with a man(my step dad) for the first time I knew it was right. It didn’t feel wrong at all. I started craving the feeling. Like a drug almost. I loved the way cum feels inside me. I know now as I have gotten much older(lol) that there are others that are like me. 

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  4. I had sex with my step father from the age of 13 to 18. Because he was my step and not my bio father it was technically not incest. However I agree that it should never be normalized. It was consensual with me but most are not. Sex with two adult members of the family is not illegal and we should stay out of their bedrooms . 

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  5. I just had another one last week. He was a trucker and we played in a video booth at a book store he had a belly so I thought he may not be very hung. He was totally packing with at least a 9”. It was even better that he knew how to use it. He left me gaping and filled.  He said he didn’t want to cum in me so I can only guess it was because he was poz? 

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  6. On 8/5/2023 at 6:05 AM, Pozguyinchi said:

    I was around 22? I was in a relationship with my gifter and love of my life. He started getting into some dark stuff. He would share me at first…then he would whore me out. After a while I was getting bred daily by random men. Eventually I discovered he was using me to get drugs. I had been used by hundreds of men by then. 

    I will note he is now clean and we have a great relationship. We no longer date but he will always own my pussy. 

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  7. On 5/1/2020 at 12:29 PM, viking8x6 said:

    ...somehow posted that before I was done. Premature ejaculation?

    Continuing in no particular order...


    ...and dang it, I am absolutely positive there are a few I missed! I even remember where they are and important features... just not screen names. I am sure I would recognize them in a bathhouse dark room immediately. Oh wait, no, that's wishful thinking.

    Thanks for the honorable mention! 

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  8. 20 hours ago, Sharp-edge said:

    Sometimes I believe sexuality can interfere with medical practice and different sexual orientations could mean different "clinical" knowledge. What I mean. 

    1) The first time I saw female genitalia was during gynecology in my life (porn won't count). I "had to" touch them to see if there was bleeding (some liquid after labor actually). It was unpleasant. Well, when you see a patient it's not a matter of what you want but of what it must be done so I'm learning to get over this. But a woman knows the female genitalia, a str8 guy does to, a gay guy does not (usually).

    2) When I had to put urinal catheters. It was easy with men. I know how to grab a dick (joking) and I know how sensitive it can be from personal experience as an owner of a dick. So I know which things hurt and which don't. In women however I just know there is a pee hole somewhere, I've seen the location from anatomy books etc but I've never made out with a woman so the only real contact that I've had with "a pussy" was only during medicine. Not from my sexual life. But str8 guys and str8 women have experience with both.

    3) There were 2 dudes yesterday that came with rectal bleeding (they said they saw blood but we didn't). One of them in particular felt that he was lying. When talking about blood from the anus, especially in a young man I will think hemorrhoids or anal sex (or toy). He was insisting about a food poisoning theory that did not make sense. I tried to make it more private and nobody to hear us (because there are several pairs of ears willing to hear in the ER I'm afraid. During the rectum exam with my finger (it also feels very weird do something that you do during sex but for a medical purpose) I was pretty sure I found lube there. We discussed a bit. He eventually told me that he was having cam sex and he was using a dildo and saw blood. I think that it helped that I was gay. It's not that straight people are bad at this. But I think a gay guy may more suitable to make the patient feel comfortable and guide him.

    4) I am not sure how sex drive works from after a certain age. Based on the physiology of female system, it should decline greatly. I don't know any women beyond menopause that I could ask that question, but I hope this is not true because it would be so sad. I also have the curiosity of whether very old men can get aroused. Especially those that are in elderly house I suppose they never ejaculate. It makes me sad. I feel that some people (who live long enough and who have dementia or related pathologies) end up forgetting what they enjoy, forgetting who they are, they beloved ones. They actually stop from being the person their loved ones thought them to be. Now that I think about it, this does not have to do with the title of my topic, but still it makes me sad. Maybe the fear that gays actually don't have kids to look after them and many end up alone is the reason I'm touched by this. Anyway. 


    A final remark. We are told that (at least in my country) it is illegal for a guy to examine a female patient without the presence of another woman. I think this is sexism. I do not like to be viewed as a potential sex assaulter. And if law regards me as a potential one, along with all the male colleagues, why isn't the law the same for women examining a man? I also find totally ridiculous that I should need the presence of another female when I examine a female. I've never hit on a woman in my life but several women have hit on me.


    These were some thoughts I'd like to share.

    I have a gay Dr and it does make things very easy. From the explaining of HPV to STI diagnosis and treatment gay men have a whole host of “issues” that can come up that straight men do not. I don’t take my Dr’s comments as criticism where I have from straight Dr’s. He has also related to me that he is in a dom sub relationship and as a sub what I should look for with a dom in regards to body mods. He never told he he was the dom in the relationship but I figured it out. Lol. I am also HIV positive and there is also not that under lying perception that he is judging me. 

  9. I love anonymous sex but have never really gotten into glory holes. I am a short guy and it seems like my hole never really lines up with the hole right. I am usually standing on my tip toes or taking off my shoes and standing on them to make it work. I have had guys say..just come over to my booth and I will finish. I have not found a gh that is made for us short bottoms. Lol

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  10. I agree. I am HIV positive and maintain my undetectable status through continuous self care. I am also up front with my status. I have had many instances where when pressed (usually after the fact), have been told they were sti positive. I have always waited the recommended course for my treatment. I make sure I don’t pass it on because most of my loads are anonymous and I would not even know where to find them to tell them o had something. I have said this before… a bottom is sometimes a trash can to throw anything into. 

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